
Chapter 854 Wait for something unexpected

The pawn line in the middle is actually no problem.

Basically, when there are only high ground defense towers left in the middle lane, ADC Verus and auxiliary Thresh, who are responsible for guarding the middle lane and eating the line, cannot easily get out of the tower under any circumstances. After the clearing is over, just wait and be beaten to death and not go out, unless the soldiers come in again and continue to deal with it.

So there will be no surprises in the middle.

As for the bottom lane, Rambo, who has [Teleport], is on the purple side to guard the second tower alone. Although even at this time period, Rambo's development is still suppressed by Kenan, and the head-to-head fight still does not take the slightest advantage. , but if you just guard the defensive tower to fight, Kenan can't easily kill the former directly by jumping over the tower.

The jungle heroes of both sides continued to walk through the jungle.

The blind monk's advantage lies in his flexibility. He has enough escape skills for several skills, so he doesn't worry about being caught to death easily.

For the same reason, the jungle excavator on the purple side has already supported a suit of meat at this moment, which is durable enough to fight and carry, and with [Flash] in hand, even if it meets the opposite mid laner, it will not be too difficult. As for being too frightened.

hit the road -

At this moment, the line of soldiers on the top road of Summoner's Canyon stayed at a position slightly close to the ruins of the outer tower on the top road of the purple side.

However, looking at the number of creeps on both sides standing in front of the ruins of the defense tower, Jishan can easily conclude that when a new wave of creeps comes out, the wave of creeps will still press towards the second tower on the purple side.

The mid laner Yasuo under the control of Lin Feng flew out directly from the exit of the wall between the high grounds in the upper middle lane.


Drilled into the wild area.

The resources in the second half of the wild area have been handed over to Li Shiyi's jungle excavator to try to clean them up. The wild monster resources in the first half of the wild area are not waiting for anyone. He was given a clean face by the opposite party.

So Yasuo, the swordsman under Lin Feng's control, quickly cleared a wave of F6 wild monsters.

Wait for a while in the F6 wild area.

Patiently wanting to see if there will be any hero in the opposite blue army who is slack and careless and just leads the pawn line here.


This time he was going to be disappointed.

Because they are also in charge of eating lanes in the middle lane, both the ADC policewoman and the support fan mother of the blue army's bottom lane are also extremely cautious, especially Huangxue Yege has suffered from someone several times before, and this time it is even more difficult. He was so vigilant that he didn't give his opponent any chance to take advantage of it. As soon as the line of soldiers pushed past the river mouth, he turned around without hesitation and retreated directly.

There was a bit of regret on Lin Feng's face, but there were not too many surprises.

after all……

Opposite is the main five-man lineup of Team God.

They are not ordinary kings that passers-by encounter casually, nor are they comparable to ordinary professional teams. The strongest point of Team God lies in their absolute calmness in the mid-to-late game. If Yasuo can catch a chance so easily , then this game will not be a passive stalemate like it is now.

So someone shook his head, and quickly put away his mind to control his Gale Swordsman, turned and left the F6 wild area.

On the road, after a new wave of small soldiers from both sides briefly contacted, the line of soldiers began to slowly advance towards the second tower of the purple square.

But there is still a while.

The sword master Yasuo under the control of Lin Feng quickly plundered to his own red buff wild area, and directly took the red buff wild monsters.

During this period of time, the red buff should have been given to ADC heroes.

However, someone put away the red at this moment without any hesitation.

Because at this time he needs red even more.

In other words, even if the red buff is in the hands of his ADC teammate Verus, in fact, it is still impossible to play its due effect during this time period, because if a team battle really starts, he has no doubts about the opponent's Regardless of whether it is a male sword or a blind man, the blue army will force Verus immediately.

do not forget--

The opponent is the main five-man lineup of the God team.

Therefore, the opponent knows very clearly who the first target is to solve in this kind of mid-to-late team battle, and with the breakthrough ability of the male sword and the blind monk, and the burst of damage from the two blue heroes in the middle and wild, Lin Feng even There is no doubt that even if Verus is operated by himself, it is impossible to escape safely in the face of the siege of the opposite middle field.

The chance of being second is more than 80%.

So this red buff is received by someone with peace of mind, but...

In this way, it is tantamount to continuing to put all the betting chips on Yasuo alone.

But there is no other way.

The arrow is on the string.

At this time, if he wavers even half of his belief in his decision-making, it will have a serious impact on the entire team and even the rest of the game. Now that he is on the gambling table, he can only forcibly fight his way to the end until the end. Only at the moment when you play Stud can you really know whether your choice decision is correct.

But before that, the first thing he has to solve right now is the problem on the road.


When Yasuo, the swordsman under Lin Feng's control, came to the second defensive tower on the road, not far away, behind the line of soldiers advancing from the blue side, the figure of the single male sword Tailong appeared on the opposite side.

Lin Feng narrowed his eyes subconsciously.

Not surprisingly.

The only one on the opposite side who can come to the road at this moment is the male sword Talon of Dawn Star, because even if the opponent's equally well-developed top laner Kenan or the jungler blind monk is in a one-on-one solo situation with himself Yasuo It can only be a word of "death".

Only male swords.

"The male knife is against Yasuo, now... it should be almost evenly matched?"

The God players watching the battle whispered to each other:

"If you fight to explode, you can definitely kill Yasuo in seconds with the male sword set [Ignite] now."

"But in the case of soldiers, Yasuo is simply invincible."

"Brother Xing must have been guarded against this. You see, the pawn line pushed up, and the male sword stood very far behind and didn't give Yasuo a chance at all."

"1V1, um...it's hard to say."

It's really hard to say.

The Gale Sword Master who controlled himself quickly cleared a wave of troops under the tower. Lin Feng's eyes fell on the Shan Nan Dao in the distance, and the light in his eyes flickered.

At the same time, on the blue side of the field, sitting in front of the computer screen on the middle seat, Li Xiaochenxing looked dignified, and looked at Yasuo under the opposite tower with an icy coldness in his eyes.

Both of them are very clear that the only one who can hold each other down during this period of time is themselves.

And both sides have a set of damage to kill the opponent.

At this time, when it is impossible for teammates to swim over to help for the time being, what needs to be seen is purely the comprehensive ability and operation level of the mid laners of both sides. If they can really kill the opponent solo, then for the blue team Yan Nan Dao can directly flatten the opponent's second tower on the road alone. For the purple side, Yasuo can also successfully lead a wave of soldiers out and even quickly turn to the river Dalongfjord to make a round of vision layout.

But both sides are playing the mouse again.


Both Lin Feng and Li Xiaochenxing were able to judge the opponent's strength very clearly at this time.

Single killing a Seven Kings (Four Emperors)?

This kind of thing is almost impossible to happen when the players on both sides have already taken precautions.


"Something unexpected."

Standing in the back row of the spectators, No. 1 repeated his opinion and remarks in a leisurely tone, and then his eyes fell on the top road:


"It's coming soon."

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The update is here, the next chapter is around 9:30, and I'm working overtime this weekend.

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