
Chapter 839 Not Developed Enough

This wave of purple defensive outer towers in the bottom lane is about to be broken, and the jungle excavator under the control of Li Shiyi swam over one step ahead of time to ambush in the triangular grass in the wild area behind his tower, while assisting Thresh to backhand In the hook Q, the fan mother on the opposite side was pulled into the tower, and a lantern directly brought the former's excavator up.


This wave should be a perfect decoy tactic for the purple army.

3 against 2 under the tower, kill the fan mother first and then deal with the policewoman, theoretically there is no risk of any mistakes or accidents.

But just at the moment when the flames of war broke out, Lin Feng on the central route flashed a hasty signal warning to retreat:


This cry of warning came extremely suddenly.

It also made the two ADC support team members of the God team on Zifang's bot lane subconsciously stunned, and the support Thresh was even more inertial with a second-stage Q protruding face in front of Fan Mom and connected with the E skill "Pendulum of Doom" at the same time The big move also opened.

ADC Verus also took a step forward subconsciously, and his Q skill charged up and shot through the fan mother's body in an instant.

After all, it is the first cooperation.

God's two bot lane second team members have already admired Lin Feng's strength, but they still lack enough trust and tacit understanding.

Only Li Shiyi's eyelids twitched suddenly when he received someone's warning signal to retreat. Before he even went to see the small map to confirm the situation with his own eyes, the jungle excavator under his control had already decisively turned around and prepared retreat.

Another second -

The truth is revealed.

From the grass not far from the tower, two figures flew out like lightning!

Blind Monk Li Qing!

Top order Kenan!

The blind man's Q skill "Tian Yinbo" hits the target Thresh with his hands, and the second stage Q rushes forward to catch up in an instant, and the next moment he touches his eyes, the W skill assists and moves behind Verus, and the big move "Raptors Swing Tail" Sweep it out!

One library! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

The crispy body of Arrow of Punishment was suddenly kicked into the air and hit his support teammate Thresh, and the two of them stacked together.

On the other hand, Kenan, the top laner on the blue side, has already transformed into a ball of bright electric balls and enters the arena quickly, and directly opens up!

Ten Thousand Thunder Heaven Prisoners!

The raging lightning energy storm engulfed the two purple bottom lane heroes. Almost instantly, the terrifying damage value seemed to float from the heads of Thresh and Verus like tons, and the blood bar plummeted all the way to the bottom. to zero.

"An-ally-has-been- (a friendly hero was killed)!"


Two consecutive system female voice kill announcements sounded almost in no particular order.

The two purple bottom lane heroes turned into cold corpses and collapsed to the ground.

Everything happened almost in the blink of an eye.

It's over in the blink of an eye.

No one expected that the situation would be reversed so suddenly, with the mantis catching the cicada and the oriole behind, the original 3V2 suddenly became 4v3, and the blue side was not just a blind monk Li Qing ambush to counterattack. Squatting, even Kenan, who was on the top lane, didn't know when he found his way out.

The surrounding God players burst into applause and applause:

"Damn it 666666!!"

"Go down the tower and take it!!"

"Damn it, this wave of tricks is so deep!!"

"The rhythm is here! Big rhythm!!"

And the coaches of Team God's coaching staff couldn't help but nodded with satisfaction: Not bad, this is the level of strength that their main lineup of God's first team should have. The support speed is perfect and the cooperation is perfect. After this wave The situation of this game should be considered to be completely settled.

This wave of the purple side's bot lane outer tower is also destined to be bulldozed and demolished.

Only Li Shiyi's jungle excavator reacted quickly enough to evacuate early and escaped the catastrophe, but seeing the four heroes from the blue side on the opposite side press up with a line of troops, he was powerless to stop him.


Li Shiyi's heavy voice sounded on the team's voice channel, just like his guilt expression at the moment.

This wave really shouldn't be.

The main reason is that he, the jungler, ambushed and squatted behind to give confidence to the two teammates in the bottom lane, but he did not expect that the opponent was more prepared than their side, and a wave of direct counterattacks made them unable to fight back. No.

Lin Feng shook his head slightly, his eyes swept across the small map, and the light in his eyes became slightly deeper:


"Steady, there are still others to fight."


The number of heads of the blue and purple sides on the scene has become 9 to 4.

As the game time slowly enters the mid-term stage, the strength of the five-man main lineup of the God team has finally begun to be displayed slowly.

The blue team began to largely occupy the active rhythm and advantage on the field.

head count.

number of towers.

Both are firmly ahead of the opponent's purple army.

Top laner, ADC, jungler, and the jungler are all three positions, and even support is counted. Their own development is stronger than that of their opponents, especially the equipment of top laner and ADC is almost more than half of the opponent's equipment.

Only in the middle.

For the main players of the God team of the blue team on the field, the opposing mid laner Yasuo is like a nail firmly nailed to their advantageous rhythm layout, which cannot be ignored or easily removed.

Yasuo's 3/2/0 kill record data.

At the 14-minute stage of the game, the number of make-ups has reached a full 150.

"Don't be careless."

On the blue side, Li Xiaochenxing, who is the middle single male sword Tailong, looked solemn and dignified, and said in a deep voice:

"Don't give Yasuo a chance."

"Take this Yasuo...as the Four Emperors to defend!"

One sentence, but the weight in it was enough to make the other main God players on the blue side couldn't help shaking their hearts.

And it turns out—

Li Xiaochenxing's words were not watered down in the slightest.


"You-have-been-(You have been killed)!"

The game time is 14 minutes and 50 seconds.

hit the road.

The blue top laner Kenan turned into a cold corpse and collapsed to the ground. In front of the computer screen, the main top laner of God's first team stared dumbfounded at the black and white TV game screen in front of him, and couldn't believe his eyes.

Not far away, Yasuo, the opponent's purple square mid laner, was leaving without haste.

He has been cautious enough in this wave.

Even choosing to give up a wave of soldiers directly, retreating all the way to the back of his top defensive outer tower, and continuing to retreat, he has already pulled the opponent's top laner Rambo a long way away.

But the opposite mid laner, Yasuo, chased the enemy deep and forcibly went around a wave of big rears. From the big toad wild monsters in the upper half of their blue side, they went through the wall and blocked the way. The 1V1 solo hardly talked about it. Reasonably put his Kenan solo.

It really doesn't make sense.

There is no tactical coordination at all.


Yasuo is the only one who is forcing the rhythm!

Even the spectators of the surrounding God team and even the coaching staff were stunned:

"Is that okay too?"

"Yasuo...is he on top!?"

"Is it lucky?"

"Aren't you afraid of being caught after going so deep?"

But no matter what kind of slander and criticism it is, it has no convincing power in the face of reality, because the facts are so firmly in front of them.

Lin Feng in front of the computer screen remained calm, but the flames in his eyes were faintly burning and beating:



The development is not enough, and it needs to continue.

***************************************************** *******************************

The update is delivered, it's done at midnight, I'm tired, I'm going to sleep, good night, my friends.

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