
Chapter 836 Counterattack in the middle

Team God has two strongest points.

The first one, of course, is without a doubt Li Xiaochen Xing, who is the number one seventh king mid laner in the national server.

And the second...

It is the position of the bottom lane ADC where Huangxue Yege is.

In fact, Lin Feng and Huangxue Yege had fought against each other in a high-end passerby qualifying match a long time ago. At that time, someone was using Tangtang's ADC Delevingne who had played for half a round. The night hunter Wei En of Huangxue Yege, the two of them fought and laned at that time almost killed the entire bot lane, and all kinds of fighting operations and various Tianxiu were already comparable to the level of professional competitions at that time .

Now, with the current state of strength that someone has recovered, even in the ADC position, he is confident enough to hold down Huangxue Yege, and it may even be easier than when he is facing Dawn Chenxing now. Take it easy.


The problem is that he is not an ADC right now.

He is the mid laner.

Facing Lixiao Chenxing, who is ranked among the seven kings, and wants to suppress the opponent's mid laner of such a level, he has already tried his best to fight the lane, and it is impossible to separate his mind to do more things.

But in this way, it really gave Huangxue Yege room to play.

A wave of female police double kills in the bottom lane directly surpassed the number of blue team members on the field and led the purple team team. More importantly, after the female policemen grew up, they cooperated with teammates to assist Fan Mom, and faced Weilu in an advantageous situation. Skathresh's suppressive power will only be more vivid.

So from this time on, the purple side's bot lane has been completely uncomfortable.


Equally uncomfortable is getting on the road.

When the middle and bottom lanes are in full swing and extremely fierce, the top laners on both sides of the top lane seem to have become forgotten existences, so they can only honestly fight against each other to make up damage.

But in the case of 1V1, the Rambo players of God's second team on the purple side are already in an extremely passive and uncomfortable situation.

no way.

His personal control ability is not as good as the main top laner of the opposing team's first team, and Rambo hits Kenan with short hands and long hands.

And the worse news came when the game time came to 8 minutes and 25 seconds——

"An-ally-has-been- (a friendly hero was killed)!"

The kill announcement sounded by the female voice of the system.

Kainan Yueta opened up, forced to kill and took away Rambo's head.

As soon as such news sounded, many members of the God team watching the battle couldn't help exclaiming, but at the same time, the few people from the purple side on the field couldn't help but suddenly sank.


Originally, the disadvantage in the bottom lane has already made their situation of the purple army a threat, but it is not too anxious because the heroine, the policewoman, needs to have a three-piece suit after all to have enough damage output ability, but now...

Was single-killed on the road.

Let the opponent's top laner Kenan get the head, then it is really troublesome.

"The hero Kenan is really strong now—"

The coaching team of the God team gathered together to discuss and exchange:

"Get a single kill, and the advantage in the laning phase will snowball."

"And in the mid-term, there may be no need for Kenan to join the team. The blue team will directly play the 41-point belt, and the speed of Kenan's team demolition is also fast."

"Both the upper and lower lanes have the advantage of the blue side, and only the middle lane..."

Speaking of this, the coaches of the God team couldn't help but pause, their eyes subconsciously looked towards the middle of the game screen on the computer screen in front of them, their expressions seemed a little complicated and strange.

Originally, it was almost a lineup where the first team played the second team in the God club.

It is not surprising that the upper and lower blue sides are dominant.

The only thing that went wrong...

It's the middle lane that until now, the "temporary partner" mid laner Yasuo of the purple army on the opposite side has always had the upper hand.


"not enough."

Lin Feng's voice sounded in the voice channel of the purple team, calm and calm as if he was still not affected by the relatively harsh and passive situation on the scene at the moment, but his tone became a little more concise and short:


"Find an opportunity to help out."

"You don't need to worry about the top road and the middle road, just let it go first."

This kind of arrangement is indeed reasonable for the road, because it is relatively difficult for the excavator to cooperate with Rambo to catch a Kenan, and it allows Rambo to resist pressure in the laning phase and develop to the mid-term team battle. Relying on a big move can still exert its due effect.

The bottom lane is currently the target that most needs to be suppressed.

After all, the policewoman already has two heads.

Although there is still some time before the output three-piece suit is made, if the snowball on the bottom lane is rolled all the way by the policewoman on the opposite side with the fan mother, Verus on the purple side has no chance or space to develop. It is estimated that it will take 30 minutes before the equipment is barely possible to take shape, and by then it will be too late.

At the same time, the auxiliary Thresh is also a robot-like dominant hero, which means that the tailwind can bring rhythm in various ways, but the effect is also negligible when entering the headwind situation.

Li Shixi nodded calmly:


But then he hesitated a little, and reminded:

"You are in the middle...be careful."

Lin Feng let out a "hmm":

"rest assured."

"I have counted."


The game time came to the early 9th minute.

In the bottom lane of Summoner's Canyon, the jungle excavator of the purple team finally found the first time to roam and gank. Forcibly controlling and keeping people in prison to tie up the fan mother, thick dark purple vines quickly spread towards the policewoman.

At the same time, Thresh quickly followed up.

The E skill "Pendulum of Misfortune" sweeps out the deceleration to control the fan mother, and at the same time, an extremely treacherous Q skill "Death Judgment" scythe chain is aimed at the target policewoman who is swishing all over the place.

The extremely quick-responsive Huangxue Yege manipulated her Piltover policewoman to hand over her E skill "90 caliber hunting rope net" and flew back backwards like lightning.

Threat escaped Thresh's Q skill control in a thrilling manner.

But at this time, the jungle excavator controlled by Li Shiyi had already arrived.

Perfectly intercept the retreat of the opponent's blue side and the two bottom laners!

The timing of this wave of circling back was grasped, and even many members of the God team watching the battle couldn't help but their eyes lit up and they subconsciously cheered:


Immediately afterwards, the auxiliary fan mother on the blue side was taken away first by focusing fire, allowing Verus to finally get a kill, but the ADC female policewoman waited for the teleportation support from her top laner teammate Kenan, and finally dug Machine forced back.

But even so, this wave of bottom roads has already made a lot of money.

Verus got a head to supplement his development.

Kenan's teleportation to the bottom lane also gave the purple side's top laner Rambo a wave of valuable time to develop alone.

The female ADC policewoman who controlled her fled back to the safe zone without any risk. Huangxue Yege frowned subconsciously and took a deep look at the purple jungle excavator opposite:

"This Rexai..."

"It's okay to play."

On Zi Fang's side, Li Shiyi in front of the computer screen heaved a sigh of relief, and was about to finally smile, but the next moment, the system female voice killing announcement suddenly came from the middle, but it made him face The smile that was about to emerge suddenly froze——

"An-ally-has-been- (a friendly hero was killed)!"

middle road.

Yasuo is dead!

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