
Chapter 833: The Fierce Battle in the Middle Road Exploded Suddenly

The game starts.

The junglers of both blue and purple sides use regular buffs.

At 1 minute and 45 seconds, the mid-lane heroes on both sides have already arrived at their own lane first, officially entering the laning stage.

The surrounding members of the God team watching the battle talked a lot:

"Hey, do you think Yasuo will collapse in a few minutes?"

"I think it's about five minutes."

"Five minutes is a bit short, isn't it? But it must have exploded in ten minutes."

"Choose Yasuo to come out and face Brother Xing's male sword. Even Eddie or Dull Heart wouldn't dare to do this kind of thing!"

At the same time, No. 1 and No. 5, who were watching the battle in the back row, also had an extremely concise conversation:

"How many minutes do you think?"

No. 1, who was asked this question by his beautiful fiancée, pondered for a while, and then his gaze fell on the screen in front of the computer screen. Looking at the same [Flash] and [Ignite] in the skill bar of the single hero Summoner of the blue and purple sides, the corner of his mouth bring up:

"About four and a half minutes, almost."


The lineup for this game, whether on the road or off the road, will undoubtedly be the blue team's advantage in terms of strength.

After all, it’s a situation where the main team of the first team is playing against the players of the second team, especially in the bottom lane. The ADC strength of Huangxue Yege is even the top level in the entire LPL division of the national server. Normally, the normal intra-team confrontation and the ADC of the second team In the laning contest, the pressure can always be stabilized within 10 minutes.

The only variable should have been the two positions in the middle and wild.

But almost no one thinks that the mid laner and jungler of the purple team can bring any surprises.

Especially the middle lane.

It's just that although other people think so, Li Xiaochenxing, who is the single male swordsman in the blue team, still maintains a calm state of mind, and never underestimates any opponent. This is something he has never done since he entered the professional gaming circle. Changed habits.


When he saw someone for the first time, he had an inexplicable feeling——

It was as if, this seemingly young and face-to-face sparring brother, under the sunny smiling face, was hiding a terrifying strength that was impossible to see through.

And this point, almost from the moment the game time was 1 minute and 50 seconds, when Nandao and Yasuo went online in the middle lane, he felt it directly.

A little over 2 minutes.

On the blue side, Li Qing, a blind monk controlled by the main jungler of God's team, had just cleared his first red buff wild monster. asked in the voice:

"Ah Xing, how are you doing?"

Naturally, it was impossible for him to feel the slightest bit of worry about his mid-laner teammates. There was no way a face-to-face brat on the opposite side could be the opponent of the No. 1 mid laner in their national server.

However, such a casual inquiry did not wait for the expected answer.

At this moment, Li Xiao Chen Xing's expression in front of the computer screen became slightly serious, his eyes fixed on the seemingly harmless swordsman Yasuo who was not far away, and he remained silent, but the mouse in his hand had subconsciously Hold tight—

It's just the simplest first wave of contact.

However, some clues can already be vaguely seen from the details of positioning, leveling A, and making up the knife.


It was not as expected by other God players watching the battle.

And it might be a tough fight.


The game time came to the third minute.

It's only been a little over a minute since the blue and purple armies entered the laning stage, but the trend of the online situation seems to have gradually become clearer.

On the road, Kenan, the blue side's top laner, began to suppress the purple side Rambo's last knife and HP.

At the same time, in the bottom lane, the female policeman under the control of Huangxue Yege cooperates with teammates to assist Fan Mom, and has even directly crossed the pawn line and started to suppress the purple side's ADC Verus and auxiliary Thresh. among.

The situation of the upper and lower lanes is basically expected, and there is no suspense that the second team will play this rhythm.

As for the middle lane, there should have been no surprises in the eyes of the God players who were watching the battle. It was almost time for Dawn Chenxing to kill Yasuo solo.

However, when everyone's eyes are focused on the middle route...

The picture they saw was enough to make everyone open their mouths in astonishment.

This is--

balance of power.

The blood volume of the single hero male sword and Yasuo in the blue and purple sides is almost the same, but it is clear that after at least one or two waves of confrontation, the blood volume of the blood bars above the heads of both sides is only half a pipe left, and at the same time After swallowing the blood bottle, they slowly recovered, while continuing to wander around their respective lines as if looking for the next opportunity to make a move.

The male knife... didn't take advantage of it at all!

Even in terms of the number of last hits, some God players who have been careful and keen have noticed, and couldn't help but let out a low exclamation.

Calculated according to the number of theoretical make-ups, at this time, the male sword missed two strikes after two waves of pawns.

And Yasuo...

Not a single blow was missed!

Even if the number of minions that have been pushed to the line in the new wave is counted, it seems that after this wave of minions is over, the men's sword will continue to open up a gap in making up the knife!

It doesn't look like much, even if you missed three or four knives, it's actually not a big difference.

But for the God team spectators who already had their own expectations in their hearts, this was completely beyond expectations——

After two or three waves of pawn lines, Yasuo, the purple side's mid laner, has a slight advantage in the mid lane?

In turn, it overwhelmed their Star King's last knife! ?

You must know that under normal circumstances, if it is just an ordinary passer-by king and Dawn Chenxing in line, and you are also a melee AD hero facing the latter with a strong hero like Tai Long, you may have been spelled to death by this time. The blood pressure is too high to make up the knife and dare not go out of the tower!

"This guy... really has two brushes?"

The mouths of several members of the God team were already so surprised that they couldn't close their mouths.

On the field, Li Xiaochenxing's face in front of the computer screen on the blue side became more and more solemn, and even a little cold sweat was slowly oozing from the forehead.

At the same time, on the purple side, Lin Feng, who was sitting in the single seat in the middle, still narrowed his eyes slightly, as if he glanced at the small map inadvertently.

Then raise your eyebrows slightly.


coming soon.


The game time is the fourth minute.

The situation on the scene still seemed to be calm on the surface, and no head-to-head battle broke out.

At this time, the junglers of the blue and purple legions have almost finished a round of wild monsters, and are about to start preparing for the first wave of roaming ganks.

On the top and bottom lanes, it is still the leading rhythm of the God team on the blue side with several main players of the first team occupying an advantage.

As for the middle lane——

The line of troops seemed to have been pushed towards the blue defense tower in waves without anyone noticing.

Many members of the God team simply glanced at the middle lane and then looked away. This wave of Yasuo's pawns is pressing fiercely, but their Star King's male swords are under the tower and there is no pressure to make up swords. And you Yasuo dare to continue In this way, the blind man on their blue side can have a chance to go around and outflank the gank.

So most of the eyes just stayed in the middle lane for a while, then quickly turned to the bottom lane, and looked forward to the ADC policewoman under the control of their blue team, Huangxue Yege, to take the lead in cooperating with Fan Mom to hit a head. The pressure on the next road has become more and more fierce.


The accident happened suddenly at the moment when everyone's eyes shifted.

There was a burst of crisp and pleasant mouse and keyboard knocking sounds that almost exploded in a line!

On the mid laner seats of the blue and purple sides, it seemed that the mid laners on both sides exploded their hand speed at the same time, even before everyone had time to react, they could feel the suddenness just by listening to the rapid and sharp knocking sound of the operation. The fierce murderous aura that set off!

next second.

The knocking sound suddenly stopped.

As if a song ended abruptly.

Only the kill announcement of the female voice of the system suddenly came from the middle of Summoner's Canyon:

"First Blood (first blood)!——"

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