
Chapter 810

The team battle in front of the Xiaolong Fjord in the last wave of the river has been completely over, but the results of the team battle are still affecting the current situation and direction of this game.

On the side of the blue army, except for the second tower of the bottom lane, all the defensive outer towers of the three lanes have only high ground left in the upper and middle lanes. Not to mention the economic benefits that the defensive towers bring to the opponent's purple army, what is more important is One point is that at this time, the development space and field of vision of the blue army have been compressed to a point where there is no way to retreat.

Both are equally deadly.

In terms of development space, at this time, the upper half of the field and even the lower field of the blue side have fallen into the control of the opponent's purple side. Beyond the range of the second tower, otherwise it is very likely to be caught and killed by the opposite spider gank again.

But the more terrible thing is still the problem of the compressed field of vision.

Because at this time...

The game time has come close to the 31st minute.

And in this period of time, Xiaolong's ownership has actually become relatively irrelevant. The real core needs to make the blue and purple sides spend a lot of energy fighting for it is Dalong.

Originally on the blue side, they should have an advantage in controlling the big dragon's terrain vision, but now the blue side's four outer towers in the upper and middle lanes have all been destroyed, and they can't even control the wild area, which makes them The ability to control the terrain and vision of the Dalong area has been compressed to an almost meager level.

"It's a good thing that the pawn line has been taken out again. Otherwise, the purple side will take advantage of the pawn line and directly force the group with the dragon, and the blue side will definitely suffer."

A KG substitute player analyzed this way.

The old C next to him shook his head:

"Even now... the blue side can't get anywhere."

The ghost's eyes fell on the game screen on the computer screen in front of him, and he said in a deep voice:

"Look for yourself, the purple side has already built up its vision in Dalong."


Indeed, since it has already taken the initiative in terms of the number of defensive towers, the purple army led by No. 1 and No. 5 will naturally rely on this to continue to snowball the advantage.

At the beginning of the 31st minute of the game, the wild spider on the purple side has already approached the Dalong Fjord, the river, and opened the red jewelry to scan the wards while inserting the wards one by one. The true vision guards are placed in the fjord, Cleared the false eyes of the two blue corps, and completely made the opponent's blue corps lose control of the situation in the Dalong area.

At the same time, several other heroes of the purple army gathered in the middle, and slowly pushed the line towards the high ground in the blue middle.

They are really not in a hurry now.

As long as they rely on the pawn line to continuously put pressure on the opponent, as long as the opponent's blue army is restrained by the pawn line for a moment, they can find an opportunity to immediately turn to the river in the upper half of the field and directly attack the dragon.

In the current period of time, based on the development and equipment of several core C heroes of the purple army, it only takes 15 to 20 seconds to open a big dragon at the same time under the condition of concentrating fire. As long as there is a little negligence here, or the reaction speed is even half a beat slower, something will happen immediately.

And if the big dragon is taken by the purple side again...

Then this round, the result is truly finalized, and the blue side will have no hope of coming back.

"This big dragon, it's hard for the blue side to defend right now?"

A crowd of KG players watching the game discussed and exchanged in low voices:

"Your wild area in the first half has already been occupied by the opposing purple side. At this time, if the purple side chooses an ambush in the wild area, it can blow up your blue army in minutes."

"But you have to come out to defend, otherwise the big dragon will be taken away by the purple side all of a sudden, and you won't be able to react."

"The purple side is now considered to be playing steadily. Otherwise, there is no need to push the line and the dragon will directly force the group. In the position of the Dalong fjord, Kenan's ultimate move also has the ice bird's ultimate move and Ice walls are almost invincible, okay?


"I feel that the purple side can directly open the dragon, there is no need to delay at all, and it can push the ground directly after taking the big dragon in one wave."

However, while the KG players watching the battle were discussing and chatting, on the side of Summoner Canyon Middle Road, several heroes of the purple army had entered the blue lane after pushing a wave of soldiers to the high ground in the middle of the purple side. In the upper half wild area of ​​the color side.

The formation began to slowly gather in the direction of the Dalongfjord.

At the same time, the heroes of the blue army quickly cleared the wave of soldiers coming from the middle, and then decisively chose out of the high ground and rushed towards Dalongfjord without hesitation.

must pass.

If your reaction speed is slowed down by a beat, the possibility of taking the dragon in the face will increase by 10%.

Especially when there is a mid-lane ice bird on the opposite side, stuck in their position in the upper half of the jungle, a W skill ice wall can block them for three to four seconds, and it is very likely that they will Watching helplessly as the opponent's purple army took the dragon away.

"Be careful, be careful."

"Watch out for an ambush!"

Konjac and Xiao Zou, who were on the blue side, kept sending warning signals to their other teammates, and they were so cautious that they almost walked on eggshells.

The field of vision is now facing each other. If you are ambushed by a wave of ambushes in the wild, it will really be over.

But Lin Feng just looked calm:

"Don't get out of line with the formation, and don't stand too close together."


As he spoke, he suddenly paused, and added in a casual tone:

"The other side doesn't dare to form a group easily."


As if Lin Feng's analysis and judgment were actually proven, the heroes on the blue side carefully shifted their vision from the upper half of their wild area to the river, except for the occasional blush from the opposite purple hero. A few times of harassment or like scanning out of the trap* of the fortune teller, there was no real obstruction or danger.

From the perspective of the purple army on the other side, it can be seen that several heroes of the purple army retreated step by step as the opponent's blue army slowly pressed forward.


back down.

This made many KG players around watching the battle feel slightly surprised after they realized it, because in their view, the purple army has clearly occupied an absolute advantage, no matter in terms of vision or their own equipment. In terms of development, there is no reason to be afraid of opponents at all.

Just now in the wild area, it is completely possible to ambush and squat in the dead corner of a wave of terrain vision.

You don't have to wait for the Baron.

Just ambush and start a group.

But now such a step-by-step retreat has allowed the blue army on the opposite side to finally see all the way to the river Dalongfjord. If this is the case, it will become the blue and purple sides on the river. Standing in a stalemate is equivalent to giving the opponent a wave of free benefits for nothing on the purple side.

But the question is, why do you want to do this?

"And this wave of blue team has made the field of vision over. Daomei now has [Teleportation] and can push the line alone in the bottom lane."

"This is so..."

"Didn't you cheat yourself?"

Many KG players were at a loss at this time and could not understand the tactical choice of the purple army. This decision was similar to the nature of the blue army's decision to fire the water dragon rashly, and it was completely unreasonable.

The ghost also looked hesitant: "Maybe... is it seeking stability?"

Yes, it seems that it can only be explained by such a reason.

But why did the purple side suddenly choose to seek stability?

This became a problem again.

Perhaps the answer to the question is only clear to No. 1 and No. 5.

At this moment, on the side of the purple army on the field, No. 1 in front of the computer screen glanced at his ice bird's summoner skill bar again as if inadvertently, and subconsciously narrowed his eyes again.

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