
Chapter 807 The Last Half Step

Seoul, Korea.

SSK team club training base.

For millions of League of Legends players in South Korea, the SSK team is almost a real myth in their minds, and the training base of the SSK team club is almost a sacred place in the minds of all Korean players who aspire to become professional players. exist.

Here, even the players of the second team are almost as strong as other top Korean teams in their current LCK league, not to mention the main players of the first team.

Ray in the ADC position can be regarded as the most aggressive and aggressive top-level player in the entire Korean server and even the world's professional e-sports circle. He is even the strongest player who is most qualified to be included in the list of the world's seven kings as an ADC.

Cube in the support position, the number one Thresh in the world, is also almost the top support player of Autumn, who ranks second only to the Four Emperors.

Wolf, who is in the upper unit, has played countless times against the world's top seven-level top laners like Tian Tian and Seven, and has always maintained a stable frontal 50-50 split. He is second only to Tian Tian and has the strength to aspire to the Seven Kings.

And Mafa in the jungle position.

One of the world's two wild kings, tied with Nian Shisan, the captain of the Taiwan Assassin's Team.

Such a group of main players is enough to support the current status and prestige of the SSK team, but this team still has a truly irreplaceable soul core.

That's their mid laner.

The world's number one mid laner.

The head of the Four Emperors.

For the Korean professional e-sports circle, they have inherited the name of "F" and the most glorious succession of the throne in the history of Korean e-sports. They are the kings of the new generation of Korean e-sports.

Han Shihao.


In the training room of the SSK club training base, the lights are still bright, but there is only one person in the spacious space at this moment.

Today is a rest day, and the other members of the club team choose to rest in the dormitory or apply for leave to go home at this time, which can be regarded as the last relaxation before the upcoming S6 World Finals.

In fact, as the world's number one team that has won the most S-League championship trophies in the e-sports circle, the SSK team does have such a relaxed capital. It just looks relaxed and casual, but in fact their team training intensity But it is still comparable to the top and most stringent specifications.

Han Shihao is the only one in the training room today.

The screen on the computer screen displayed the results of a qualifying match for the Hanbok passerby king group that just ended. Although it was a solo queue, there was no suspense that it was a victory.

This is already his sixth game winning streak since he started this morning.

Since 7 o'clock in the morning, he has been sitting in front of this computer screen in the training room. During this period, he hardly got up, and all his energy and mind were devoted to the passerby ranking in each game.

Such hard work is impressive enough.

Not to mention that as the world's No. 1 mid laner or even the No. 1 player in the world, he should have enjoyed the most lucrative treatment provided by various clubs, and even if he was on vacation for a few days, no one would raise any questions.

But he never did.

Not just one month, two months, or even more than one season or two seasons, almost from the day he entered the professional e-sports circle, he has been living a bland life like an ascetic, except for training every day. The game, and nothing else.

Once a Korean e-sports media interviewed Han Shihao. The beautiful hostess curiously asked about the interests and hobbies of the core ace mid-laner captain of the SSK team, and the leader of the four kings gave an answer without hesitation— —

Hit LOL.

When the beautiful hostess persisted in asking if their world’s number one mid laner had any other hobbies besides League of Legends, Han Shihao finally thought about it a bit, and finally gave a new answer that he occasionally played some small games .

And those so-called "small games" are actually another training method that is extremely complicated and extremely difficult to purely test hand speed and reaction speed.

As for the purpose of training——

It is still to improve one's own strength.

Some people may not be able to help raising their own doubts, because ordinary professional e-sports players want to improve their strength, but now Han Shihao is already recognized as the strongest person in the world's professional e-sports circle, and he is already standing No one can surpass the top of the pyramid, and you still work hard every day to train and improve, what is the purpose?

Perhaps only a very small number of people, or only Han Shihao himself can answer this question.

World number one.



In the training room of the SSK club training base, Han Shihao looked indifferent and calm in front of the computer screen, but when his eyes fell on the computer screen in front of him, the cold and plain light in his eyes flickered and jumped slightly.

On the computer screen, he just moved and manipulated the mouse to click on a video file.

This is a recorded video of a passerby ranking game in the Hanbok king group.

One of them has five people.

It is the ID name he is very familiar with, and it is also the biggest opponent of their SSK team in the Korean LCK field——

The five main core members of the Fate team.

On the other side, there are only a few unfamiliar IDs, three of them are passerby masters in their Hanbok passerby king group, but there are two other relatively unfamiliar ID names.

One is CN, DancingShoe.

The other is CN, Hook2.

Looking at these two ID names, Han Shihao's originally calm and even indifferent expression seemed to have slightly changed at this moment:

(The strongest...?)

Thinking calmly in his heart, the young man who was the head of the four emperors subconsciously clenched the mouse slightly, and a fierce fighting spirit suddenly surged in his eyes.


The Hanbok passerby king group has the same rules as the Chinese passerby ranking game. Basically, the opponents assigned to the group will also be the same group. When the lineup matches the opponent, the system will also make flexible adjustments accordingly.

For example, the recorded video opened on the computer screen in front of Han Shihao at this moment is an example.

On one side are the main five members of the Fate team.

On the other side, it is a combination of three-person platoon and two-person platoon.

It was originally such a passer-by ranking match, and when one of them saw that one of them was the five-man main lineup of the Fate team, there was almost no need to think about the outcome.

But unluckily...

At the end of this video, the main five-man lineup of the Fate team lost.

Lose without temper.

Completely crushed and defeated.

If it is leaked, such a video will definitely cause an earthquake-like sensation in the entire Korean server and even in the world of professional e-sports circles, and it will be a shame for the Fate team club. We must strictly guard against any leaks. possible.

It is extremely rare for those few previous generations in Europe to be able to obtain this news.

As for Han Shihao, even the SSK team he played for could not have easily obtained this video from the Fate team club.

Therefore, it is not ordinary people who came forward to get this video material——

It was Lee Do-jae, the previous generation's king of the Korean professional e-sports circle, the myth of the previous generation inherited by "F".

Only with such a status can the Fate team be willing to put down their face and take the initiative to offer the video with both hands.

When handing over this video and video material to Han Shihao, as a senior, Lee Dao-jae just said this in a flat tone:

"Don't think you've reached the top."

"From the highest realm—"

"You're still half a step away."

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The update is sent, the two updates are done, get out and continue to work overtime. . . .

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