
Chapter 801

Still in the 26th minute of the game time.

In the wild area, the river Xiaolongfjord, the third dragon in the whole game was refreshed again.

this time……

It's a water dragon.

Just seeing a water dragon that refreshed, many KG players watching the battle subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief. This is all for the blue team on the field.

It's okay, it's just a water dragon.

Because of this period of time, if the blue and purple armies want to fight head-on, it is still difficult for the blue army to be the opponent of the purple army. If this refresh is a fire dragon or an earth dragon, then the blue army will have to A war, and a war is very likely to be dangerous or even collapsed.

But if it's just this water dragon, even if the blue side chooses to let go, it won't have much impact.

"Let it go."

A KG substitute player watching the game couldn't help but say:

"Let the opponent take the water dragon. It would be good for the blue side to seize the time and bring a line of troops to supplement the development."

Many other KG players around subconsciously nodded in agreement.

But the next moment...

Contrary to everyone's expectations, when several heroes on the purple side's legion had already rushed towards Xiaolongfjord, the blue side, the jungle widow, the auxiliary wind girl, the ADC policewoman, and even the middle Shan Fatiao and Shang Shandaomei also started to move towards Xiaolongfjord.

All of a sudden, almost everyone couldn't help but widen their eyes and show a look of astonishment:

what's the situation! ?

This water dragon... the blue team wants to grab it too! ?

"No, it's not necessary!?"

Old C stared straight at the eyes: "This water dragon, what's the use of snatching it?"

Of course, it doesn’t mean that the water dragon is meaningless, but your blue army has to bear a huge risk. There is no advantage in fighting the opposite purple team head-on during this time period. You still have to give in.

The ghost also frowned subconsciously, as if trying to figure out the blue side's intentions:

"Can't help but want to fight?"

"It seems to be right."

"If the development is delayed, the ice bird on the purple side will not be fat if it continues like this. Clockwork's Central Asian hourglass has already been made, and the female policeman has also had several large-scale outputs. It is basically formed. Not at all..."

But even though he analyzed the truth in this way, Yaogui's own tone was also full of uncertainty.


Regardless of the reasoning, this wave of team battles is still inappropriate for the blue army.

Even the top laner ADC of the purple side and the three KG substitutes couldn't help but be slightly surprised. They didn't expect this water dragon, which should be in their purple side's pocket, and the opponent blue The army of the color side actually dared to covet it——

Isn't this courting death?

Only the faces of No. 1 and No. 5 remained calm and calm, as if they were not affected in the slightest.

The light in No. 5's eyes flashed, and he smiled slightly:

"Xiaofeng and the others... seem to be planning something else."

The corner of No. 1's mouth curled up:


"Let's have a look."

"If you don't come up with something interesting, they'll be completely useless this time around."


The game time is 26 minutes and 40 seconds.

Originally, it was the water dragon that only the spider alone could take down on the purple side. However, due to the approach of the opponent blue army, several other heroes of the purple army also quickly gathered, not far away. The Blue Fang Legion launched a confrontation and stalemate again.

It was still the same situation as the previous wave of team battles. The heroes on both sides set their sights in front of the narrow river, carefully and cautiously kept their distance, and looked for opportunities while testing each other.

However, even though this is said, the stalemate in front of this wave of Xiaolong Fjord is still somewhat different from the scene of the last Xiaolong.

For the blue team...

Some distinctions that are rather unfavorable.

"First, this wave of sword girls didn't teleport, so they can only fight with them, but the purple side's top laner Kenan is pinching teleportation in their hands, and now they can continue to single-handedly lead the pawn line to put pressure on the top lane. "

"So the blue army can't afford it."

On the side of the KG players watching the game off the field, Yaogui solemnly opened his mouth to analyze and judge:

"Secondly, it is difficult for this blue team to find similar opportunities as before."


In the previous wave of small dragon team battles, although the widow caught an opportunity to force open at the beginning, she was immediately controlled by the opponent's wild spider and was almost caught in a second. The strong burst and the two big moves perfectly cooperate to create an explosive effect, otherwise the blue team would have declared a rhythm collapse during the last wave of team battles.

But this wave...

For one thing, the jungler spider on the purple side has already proved with his amazing anticipation ability and operating hand speed that the widow's stealth and stealth effect seems to be almost non-existent in front of her. .

Second, at this time, no matter the spider, the ice bird, or even the bottom laner ADC, the equipment level and damage output ability have reached a new level. If the previous situation occurs again, the blue jungler Widow If you control it, there will be no lack of damage, and it will definitely end in an instant. Tian Tian's top single-handed girl's hand speed operation is useless no matter how fast the support is.

So the combination of the first and second points like this proves one more thing——

"This wave shouldn't come to grab the dragon."

Old C frowned and repeated his ideas again, which shows how dissatisfied and opposed he is to the decision made by the Blue Army.

Kenan on the opposite side puts pressure on the line. Your blue side can't delay time here in the river, but it's not realistic at all to find an opportunity to force the team to start a team quickly, and it's easy to be wiped out by the opponent's counterattack.

No matter how you look at it, this wave of frontal preparations for team battles is all a trick.

"The blue side..."

"What are you planning?"

The team leader of the KG club also frowned subconsciously. With his professional experience and vision, he couldn't guess the truth for a while.


Even though there were constant voices of discussion and even objection from the surrounding spectators, Lin Feng, who was sitting in front of the computer screen wearing a game sound-proof headset, still had a calm expression on his face.

At this time, the Clockwork Demon under his control was standing in the middle and front row of his army formation.

It seems casual and even frivolous.

But in fact, his gaze was always fixed on the purple ice bird in the middle of the purple square not far away, and his mind was running rapidly all the time to calculate the distance between himself and the ice bird.

What needs to be guarded against the most is the W skill ice wall of Senior No. 1 mid laner Ice Bird.

Of course, this wave of his clockwork demons also had dual summons in hand, but they must not be easily forced out by an ice wall of the ice bird.


A certain person's eyelids are slightly lowered, and the light in his eyes is flickering in a place that others cannot see:

Even this wave of team battles.

His clockwork double summons must be preserved as much as possible.

Time passed by little by little, and the game time came to 26 minutes and 55 seconds. The situation in front of the river and fjord seemed to be still in a stalemate, but on the small map, the top laner Kenan of the purple side had already A person comfortably brought a large wave of soldiers towards the direction of the second tower on the blue square top road.

The surrounding KG players who noticed this couldn't help but commotion.

Even on the blue side of the field, Konjac and Xiao Zou became a little uneasy, and Xiao Zou couldn't hold back his voice:

"Can't wait?"

"If we drag it on, we will lose the second tower on the road!"

Anxiety could not be concealed in his tone.

If another upper tower is taken away by Kenan, the vision of the upper and middle lanes of their blue army will be suppressed to the vicinity of the high ground. In this way, the upper half of the wild area is equivalent to a complete loss. Next, if they face each other If you open the baron, your own blue side will fall into an absolute passive situation.


Can't wait for anyone.

***************************************************** *****************************

The update is sent, the two changes are done, and I will go to work again tomorrow, sad.

:. :

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