
Chapter 792

It was supposed to be a team battle between the rivers and even the finale of the whole game, but when the blue and purple sides had heroes killed in battle but had not really entered the stage of fighting to the death, an unexpected turning point suddenly occurred.

Harvest took down the heads of the two heroes of the opponent's top laner ADC one after another, but the blue team seemed to have no intention of continuing to chase and press into the team. Following a marker signal, the dot lighted up, and suddenly the blue team was left with other The four of them turned around and moved towards the middle route quickly.

The KG players watching the match couldn't help being subconsciously stunned.

But soon, the old C and Yaogui of KG's first team both reacted immediately, with surprised expressions on their faces:


"This wave, direct transfer!"

The team manager at the top of the club was still a little dazed and didn't understand, but the KG team leader and head coach Tony couldn't help being slightly moved and applauded:


"This tactical idea is beautiful!"


For the blue team, even in the 4V3 situation just now, it is difficult for them to ensure that they will be able to win the team battle, and if they fire the dragon rashly, they will have to bear the great pain of being punished by the spider for grabbing the dragon. risk.

So in this case, the blue team directly and decisively chose to give up continuing the team battle, and even let go of the fire dragon, which was originally extremely important to them, but instead chose to approach from the middle. The most ideal and perfect strategy at every juncture.

First of all, at this time, the blue team's position is closer to the center than the opponent's purple team.

So they suddenly turned in this wave, and the remaining three heroes on the purple side were stuck and couldn't rush back and forth to defend the tower immediately, so the four heroes on the blue side cooperated with the small soldiers to advance and completely win the opponent. Middle road outer tower.

Then even the second tower can be flattened and demolished.

In this way, even if the second fire dragon is handed over to the opponent, it will not be so unacceptable. The economy of the two defensive towers and the suppression of the purple side's vision after the towers are dismantled are not only able to earn back their capital Even a little bit cheaper.

Sometimes, it is really impossible to fight head-on with pure brute force.

Taking advantage of tricks and outwitting them are the most indispensable and important means in the truly top-notch professional arena.

Looking at the backs of the heroes on the blue side who were moving towards the outer tower on the road not far from the opposite side, the number one in front of the computer screen on the purple side seemed not to be surprised at all, and even nodded slightly with a satisfied look in his eyes:

"That kid... really learned a lot."

Number five smiles:

"A qualified team captain needs such qualities. Xiaofeng's progress has become more and more exciting."

And No. 1 listened and nodded uncompromisingly:

"That's not enough."

"If you want to meet the required standards, you have to show something more."

As he spoke, he paused, moved and manipulated the mouse to point out the fire dragon mark in the fjord, and gave the command in a casual tone:

"They turned, so let's take the dragon first."


When the purple team captured the second fire dragon in Xiaolongfjord, the blue team also consumed half of the blood volume of the second tower in the middle of the purple team, and finally disappeared. The pawn line is Lin Feng's Clockwork Demon directly topping the tower and cooperating with his teammates to continue to forcibly demolish it. Before the opponent's purple army returned to the defense, they flattened the second tower in the middle of the purple side into ruins.

"A-turret-has-been-destroyed (a defensive tower was demolished)."

The female voice of the system sounds.

On the blue side, people like Li Shishi, Konjac, and Xiao Zou couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

The rhythm finally came back, although they didn't fight for the key fire dragon as they had expected,

But now Huolong gave up in exchange for two defensive outer towers in the opponent's middle lane. The result seems to be not worse than expected.

Only Lin Feng still looked a little dignified.

In this wave, of course, he made timely tactical adjustments and made a time difference so that the opposing purple army could not defend. It does look like they are taking advantage, but—

There are also things that don't show up on paper.

For example, in the wave of team battles just now, the heroes of the blue and purple legions had leftovers in the use of summoner skills.

On my own side, it can be said that except for a konjac ADC policewoman, the other four people are almost double-calling, while the opponent purple army only has Bingniao to avoid him. The heroes in every other position either had no cooldown in the last wave of flash or they were left in their hands and not handed over.

It is equivalent to saying that it is precisely because the team battle just did not really end, so if another team battle breaks out in the next time, the situation for their blue army will be even more difficult.

After all, even his own clockwork monster had already handed over flash and sprint in the team battle just now.

further on...

At least in the next three or four minutes, it will be very difficult for him to achieve the aggressive and proactive carry rhythm he just had.

And this period of time will inevitably become the time for the opponent's purple army to counterattack.


The game time is the 21st minute.

Both the blue and purple legions have taken a rest and re-attacked to return to their respective lines to continue to develop, and the situation on the scene seems to have become a little calmer again.

At this time, the big dragon has also been refreshed, but the two sides didn't put more attention on the big dragon besides letting their own assistants do a vision, because there is no need to worry too much about the opponent's strong opening of the big dragon during this time period. The speed of the fight is too slow, and once caught, one party will collapse in an instant. The risk is too high and no one will choose to try.

The big dragon didn't move, the little dragon didn't refresh, and a new round of laning development started again on the third route.

And the KG players who were watching the battle quickly were a little surprised to find that although the blue team seemed to have taken advantage of the previous wave of team battles, the laning that continued from this time period seemed to be still the same. It is the purple side playing against the blue side.

"The economy has actually recovered a lot."

The team leader of the KG club shook his head slightly, and said the truth in a deep voice:

"But now, it's the blue side who dare not open with the opponent easily."


Under the current situation, the blue team has already made up for a period of development, whether it is the top single-handed girl or the mid laner. The clockwork here is even ahead of the opponent's second tower in the middle lane. It should have an advantage in vision. , the development equipment of Daomei on the road is stronger than that of Kenan, but the problem is that neither of the blue team's top laners and mid laners has flashed or even has double summons at this time.

In this case, plus the jungler on the opposite side is the Spider Queen who hasn't died once so far.

Then you really have to gather 10,000 points of energy and work hard to take the most cautious precautions.

Yes, who would have thought--

When the game time has passed more than 20 minutes in halftime, the blue and purple sides have fought fiercely for so many large and small battles, but there is a purple team that is directly linked to everyone's heads and has a record data that is far ahead of the audience. Fighting wild spiders, even at this time, they haven't died even once.

Every shot seemed to deal an almost fatal blow to the opponent in an instant.

And every time the opponent's stormy offensive and fierce targeting must kill the game, they were all resolved and broken by understatement.

The team manager of the KG club couldn't help but rubbed his hands and lowered his voice to ask the team leader beside him:

"Hey, you said..."

"How much money does our club spend to poach coach No. 5 into the team?"

The corner of the KG team leader's mouth twitched slightly:

"How much?"

"If you spend half of our club's net worth, you may not be able to hire them."

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The update is sent, the two updates are done, get out and continue working overtime. . . . It was hot at night and the air conditioner was not working. .

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