
Chapter 789 Jedi Strikes Back Widow!

The flames of war ignited in an instant.

The target of the purple army's fire also shifted instantly at this moment.

As if everything was under control, the purple jungler spider in front of it used its magical E skill spider web to forcibly control the blue jungler spider who was about to jump up and pounce on Kenan, breaking the blue All the first-hand plans of the color army, followed by the mid laner Ice Bird's Q skill, Ice Cube's Q connection flashed two displacements and rushed up to save the opponent, Daomei, who was stunned and unable to move.


It seems that at this moment, the KG players who watched the battle around were shocked to realize that perhaps all the calculations of the blue army had fallen into the control of the purple army from the very beginning.

Looking for short boards to seek entry opportunities?

Yes, my upper and lower lanes are indeed short boards, which are equivalent to my flaws.

But when I take the initiative to expose the flaw in front of you, it is no longer a flaw, but a bait to lure the enemy deeper.

So I successfully countered the jungle widow that you rushed up.

And the widow is still not my real target.

The widow was accused, and you were the one who jumped up to save her at the first time. The Q skill was followed by the flashing two-stage displacement face spider, followed by the E skill to stun and control people. It really bought the widow Evelyn a chance to escape and breathe. , but put your own fat on the chopping block.

Compared with a widow with ordinary development, you, a top single sword girl whose development is second only to the middle single Clockwork Demon...

This is my primary target to kill in this wave of team battles.

While the Q skill stuns and controls the target sword girl, the ice bird's ultimate move, the ice and snow storm vortex, has already enveloped the jungle widow not far away with the target sword girl at the center, and then connected with a cold shot of E skill The cone of wind and ice hit Irelia directly, and the sudden burst of damage forcibly cut off more than one-third of the blood bar on the head of a well-developed half-meat knife girl.


And in the next second, the purple wild spider, who got rid of the dizzy control of Daomei's E skill, has also raised his hand and shot a Q skill "Neurotoxin". In the next second, he switches to the spider form instantly and then uses a Q skill to bite lightning Irelia hit her face like that!

Bite down hard!

The blood bar on the top of Daomei's head suddenly plummeted again by a shocking amount!

Almost in the blink of an eye, the blood bar of Irelia, who is half-meat, has been reduced to almost empty slots. For the blue army, the most fleshy front row is the group of the opponent's purple army. It didn't even last a second or two under the fire, and the blood volume had already bottomed out to zero, completely untenable!

The faces of many KG players watching the match changed.

Among them, those who were emotionally inclined to support the blue team saw the problem at this time.

The lineup of the blue side is indeed regular.

Also more aggressive.

But if the front row hero on your side is not an assassin to take the initiative to attack the opponent's back row, if it is purely used as the front row, the current equipment development is not enough to withstand the storm-like focus fire damage on the opposite side.

Once Daomei died, the widow was also disabled.

On the blue side, Clockwork, the Policewoman, and Feng Nu are almost destined to become random fish on the cutting board of the purple side.

Then this wave of team battles...

It will also completely collapse the entire situation of the blue side!


Also seeing this, the expressions of Konjac and Xiao Zou on the side of the Blue Fang Legion suddenly changed.

If Dao Mei died, the problem might be even more serious than if the wild widow on their side died.

The front row is completely untenable.

Immediately, the rapid signal sound from the blue side warning to retreat and marking points exploded almost one after another. The ADC female policemen under the control of Konjac couldn't help but get angry and pressed forward directly to prepare for support. Xiao Zou's assistant, Fengnv, flashed desperately and rushed forward to put a shield with E skill on her sword girl, barely holding up a little life-saving HP.

But just when the policewoman was about to move forward to get closer to the support, and the wind girl was going to try her best to take a step forward to put [Weakness] on the opponent's wild spider...

"Ping" suddenly sounded.

An icy-blue jagged wall of ice suddenly protruded from the ground exuding a chilly air.

It directly blocked the support path of the heroes in the back row on the blue side.

"The battlefield is divided!!"

There was an exclamation from the crowd watching the battle.

And many KG players who supported the blue team were even more depressed, and it happened at such a terrible time, when the single ice bird's W skill in the purple team was cooled down and shot again, abruptly and instantly Divided the battlefield of the river in front of the fjord into two sections.

At one end, there are the tied wild widow and the dying top single sword girl on the blue side, and all the heroes of the purple army who are gathering fire sword girls.

On the other side, there are the wind girl, the policewoman and the clockwork demon who are ruthlessly blocked by the ice wall.

Perhaps the blocking time of the ice wall is only a short two or three seconds.

But for this wave of team battles.

For the purple side.

But it is enough to almost completely lock the ending!

Fengnv, who was just forced out of the flash by the ice bird's icy wall just now, is completely unable to cross this thick and hard cold wall at this time, and she is so anxious that she can't do anything about it. Even if the ADC policewoman has a [Flash] But it is impossible to flash directly past the ice wall because that is tantamount to dying in vain.

A look of despair flashed in Konjac's eyes:

It's over.

This wave of team battles being finalized in this way is equivalent to the fact that their blue team completely lost their only hope of coming back in the entire game.

Totally going to lose.

Tian Tian in front of the computer screen was also extremely pale at this moment, almost desperately moving and tapping the mouse and keyboard, trying to control his sword girl to fight back, but the opponent's control was continuous, and the ice bird's Q skill was dizzy Afterwards, Braum's passive skill was triggered by a spider's flat A on Irelia's body, and it could not be dynamic again.

He watched helplessly as the blood on the blood bar above his head was wiped clean by the ice and snow storm vortex swept by the ice bird's ultimate move.

The last trace of blood.

Not far away, the single Bingniao in the purple square stepped forward, and the ADC playmaker also moved and canceled the attack, then aimed the last bullet at Daomei, raised his gun and fired it out of the chamber.

Time seemed to freeze at this moment.

But it seemed to be broken by a sudden shout in the voice channel of the blue team:

"eleven. "

"Cut it up!"

The moment the voice fell, it could even be said that the moment the voice just started, a cold round magic ball pierced the air and flew towards the target on the chaotic battlefield of the river in front of the fjord. The blue side hits the top of the wild widow's head.

A shield value suddenly propped up on Widow Evelyn's blood bar.

The pupils in Li Shishi's eyes suddenly shrank severely.

Lin Feng's voice just rang in his ears, and his mind didn't even have time to process and receive the specific connotation of the message, but the operation in Li Shishi's hands had already subconsciously moved and tapped like lightning without thinking!

Turn around.

The R key on the keyboard was pressed heavily with a crisp and pleasant knocking sound!

In an instant, a big move "Painful Embrace" was shot!

Suddenly, dense stingers of hatred detonated and exploded in the center of the formation of several heroes on the purple side!

hold on...

Four people! !

At the same moment, all the KG players watching the game, including the club team leader manager and head coach Tony, were shocked and moved. This widow wants to fight back! ?

No, actually——


Old C couldn't hold back his excitement and ecstasy and shouted loudly:

"Grass! This position is fine!!"

"Control one piece!!"

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The update is here, the next chapter looks like it will be around 9:30 in the evening, get rid of the code words.

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