
Chapter 786 Once successful

Anyone, as long as you are still a person, it is impossible to be flawless.

Lin Feng has always believed in this.

Even if he was as strong as himself in his most golden peak state back then, he led several other former partners and teammates in the S1 season, which was recognized as weak in the Asian division, abruptly overthrowing the top teams in Europe and America, facing the European and American teams that were in full swing. The number one king of France, Phoenix, was able to defeat him in five games, but he still lost to the old enemy Han Shihao in the final BO5 match.

Because at that moment, his mentality caused problems and loopholes in the operation.

A flaw was revealed.

That's why Han Shihao, who had been dormant and waiting patiently, caught him instantly and gave him a fatal blow.

Winning or losing was only a hair's breadth away at that time.

In fact, if his mentality can be stabilized for a little longer, perhaps it will be Han Shihao who shows his flaws, and he will be the one who finally wins the S1 season world championship trophy.

Back then, he and Han Shihao had almost stood at the top of the pyramid in the professional e-sports circle, and it could be said that they were only one step away from the altar.

But even the two of them back then were still not truly invincible, they were each other's greatest rivals.

And now, speaking of the moment——

Even if they are two legends in the e-sports circle who really sit firmly on the altar like No. 1 and No. 5, they are not true "gods" after all. He was not the No. 1 opponent, but he never doubted that Senior No. 1 really had no flaws to find.

Even Miss Xiao Wu's almost perfect and invincible aura is not really invulnerable.

All have prerequisites.

His eyes fixed on the ice bird and the spider not far away, the light in Lin Feng's eyes flickered and fluttered:


During the laning phase, he could hardly catch the slightest mistake of his predecessor No. 1 Bingbird.

Xiao Wu's jungle spider is also almost perfect in every wave of roaming, and the gank success rate has reached a 100% that anyone will be shocked by.

But that's just because the two seniors are in their own most comfortable rhythm, and in their own domain aura, they are indeed invincible.

This point can be achieved by him back then and the four emperors today.

But it's not unsolvable.

Not unbreakable.

If you want to find or force out the opponent's flaws, you need to find a way to force the opponent out of the opponent's comfort zone and rhythm field from other angles. You can be comfortable and calm in your own rhythm alone, but if you add Apart from other variable factors, even if it is as strong as the Four Emperors, it is impossible to truly control all the overall situation.

You have no flaws in yourself.

But the rest of your teammates may not be invulnerable.

And your teammates...

It will become your flaw.

Lin Feng's gaze has unconsciously turned to the top laners and ADC support heroes not far away from the purple side. The light in his eyes seems to have started his own thinking. At the same time, his voice is also blue. The voice channel in the party team suddenly sounded again:

"Eleven, Fatty."

"Think of a way... see if we can start with Kenan or Jhin."

Tian Tian and Li Shishi were slightly startled when they heard this, and then they suddenly came to their senses, and at the same time, a light shone slightly in their eyes:



"Bingniao's passive equals two lives, so it's not easy to kill."

"Spider is also able to forcibly leave the battlefield with the E skill coiled and hoisted. If the control is not enough, it will make her escape if she can't lose in a second."

Off the court, the team leader of the KG club watching the game from the back row was pondering and doing analysis:

"So the middle and wild of the purple side are not easy to kill."

"Not to mention that the controllers of the two heroes in the middle and wild are No. 1 and No. 5."

"So if the blue side really wants to look for opportunities, in addition to a key big move of the development bar,

The best entry point for widows and sword girls should be on the opposite side Kenan or the playmaker. "

The head coach Tony next to him nodded slightly:

"Two...any one is fine."

Kenan has a big move that plays an extremely important role in team battles.

And as an ADC, the playmaker Jhin already has enough damage output capability in this period of time.

Such two heroes, if the blue army can kill one of them in advance, it will be of great help to this wave of team battles.

The Clockwork Demon will still continue to sit in the midfield of the formation, pinching the key big move and waiting for the best time.

So next...

For the blue side, we have to look at the performance of the jungle widow and the top single-handed girl.


In front of the river fjord, the blue and purple armies faced each other for almost 40 to 50 seconds. The blue side's top laner girl and the purple side's top laner Kenan were both standing in the front row of their own formations. The jungler, no matter the spider or the widow, is looking for opportunities to shoot on the flanks.

At this moment, Li Shishi seemed particularly cautious.

He used the widow this time, so in terms of concealment, he was inherently superior to the opponent's purple side who played wild spiders.

The action position of the opponent spider is always under his nose.

And he himself controlled the widow Evelyn to keep a very careful safe distance, trying to prevent the opposite spider from detecting his position as much as possible.

Hiding in the dark, one of the biggest advantages is that you have the initiative to move first. You can force your attack anytime, anywhere unexpectedly, and catch the opponent by surprise.

But also don't rush.

Need to find the most suitable opportunity.

Guaranteed one hit kill.

Li Shishi's gaze swept across the formation of the purple army on the opposite side, paused for a while on the opposite ADC's life master, and then shook his head and moved away.

this is not OK.

The position of the ADC on the opposite side is too cautious, and there is the protection of the auxiliary Braum next to him. His widow will never lose in a second when he cuts up alone, and other teammates on his side cannot cooperate to keep up immediately.

Immediately, when his eyes swept over the purple ice bird in the front and middle row of the opposite formation, Li Shishi's eyes froze slightly.

At this moment, he had an extremely bold idea in his heart, he wanted to hit the plan on the ice crystal phoenix of senior No. 1, if he could directly grab the ice bird's first hand and complete the kill, it would be almost for their blue army. It is said that the best result of the big battle can even help them directly turn the tables and win a wave of team battles.

But such a thought was forcibly suppressed by Li Shiyi as soon as it arose.


Because it is simply not feasible.

It seems that the opponent's mid laner Ice Bird's position, movement and skill casting operations are not in a hurry, as if he is careless, but he has no doubt that if he really wants to shoot at Ice Bird, his own widow will definitely It was extremely ugly to die instantly.

So the most appropriate target...

It is still the top order on the opposite side.

Li Shishi's sight has been firmly locked on the purple top laner Kenan in the front row of the opposite formation. With his thoughts turning, he controls his widow Evelyn to quietly and slowly detour to avoid all possible insights. Vision, approaching the target Kenan a little bit closer.

At the same time, a marking signal was placed on the body of the violent heart.

Tian Tian understood.

The top single-knife girl who also controlled her moved forward obliquely for a step or two calmly, standing at an angle that was most suitable for making a sudden shot in the first place and cooperating with her jungle teammates to control and kill Kenan.

In this wave, Ueno and Ueno on the blue side did not choose to cut the back row.

Instead, reverse thinking chose to open the front row opposite.

Unexpectedly bold and innovative.

However once successful...

This wave of groups can directly break the deadlock and win smoothly!

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