
Chapter 764 An Even Shocking Arrangement

Hearing No. 1's arrangement, and knowing that his club's most underdog ace "Yuan Shen" will finally play in the training match, the other KG players around couldn't help being excited after being surprised.

Depend on!

It's been a long time!

Not to mention anything else, even if the other four main players of their first team lost in the hands of the two "partners" in two consecutive training matches, as long as "Yuan Shen" comes out next...

Make up the most perfect lineup of their KG team club.

Even if the mid-laner sparring brother on the opposite side is really too strong, and may really be close to the level of the Four Emperors, their KG main five-man lineup still has an absolute chance of winning!

After all, you, a training partner, are only "possibly close to the strength of the Four Emperors", but our KG Yuanshen...

But it is already the real national server and even the world's top order.

It is truly ranked among the seven kings!

Even when Lin Feng and Li Shishi heard the arrangement of No. 1 and looked at Tian Tian who came out of the crowd, their expressions became a little more serious. It is clear, especially from the end of last year's S5 season to the current S6 season, he has been paying attention to the LPL game when he was in the Alpine Club, and he has witnessed the changes of his former jungle partner and teammate with his own eyes. getting stronger and stronger--

Step by step, start climbing towards the top of the world's professional e-sports pyramid!

Lin Feng touched his nose subconsciously, his eyes flashed with excited fighting spirit:


"If Fatty also goes to the opposite side...it will be really interesting."

Even if he is as confident as he is, it is not easy to be slack and underestimate Tian Tian. If his lineup is just his mid laner plus Shi Yi, a jungler who is far from his peak state, Plus the second team and substitute players of the other three KG clubs, and then we have to face KG's main five-man lineup...

Such a match would really be unpredictable.

It is also destined to be extremely intense and more exciting.

However, just when everyone had already made such psychological preparations, the next sentence was leisurely said from No. 1's mouth:

"The next game—"

"Fatty, go to Xiaofeng and Eleven."


If you want to say that the first arrangement made by No. 1 during the first training match was enough to make everyone shocked and incomprehensible.

So at this moment...

The words he added in an understatement again were even more like a bomb exploding directly in everyone's ears, causing everyone's eardrums to buzz and their brains to go blank.

Even Lin Feng and Li Shishi were stunned for a moment:


Suddenly he came back to his senses, and without waiting for the other KG players to react, Lin Feng was the first to protest:

"Wait, wait a minute!"


"It's inappropriate for a fat man to come to us!?"

Although there are so many people present, only Lin Feng dares to directly oppose No. 1's arrangement in such a bold manner, but in fact, these words also express the feelings of everyone else, just watching the other KG players listen You can know the same thoughts in their hearts just by nodding their heads.

It may be embarrassing to say it directly, but the facts of the previous two games have proved that even if it was just a lineup match like just now, none of the four main players of KG's first team is Lin Feng and Li Shiyi, the perfect middle-field partner. opponent, and if...

Let Tian Tian, ​​a seventh-level top laner, also go to Lin Feng's side, what about the team lineup on the other side?

Wouldn't he have to be completely bloodbathed?

However, for someone's direct protest behavior, No. 1 simply chose to ignore it for the time being, and then turned to look at the main KG players on the purple team just now.

He continued to order casually:

"Ghost, let's go first."

"Little C goes too."

"Konjac and Xiao Zou, also go to Fatty's team, and change to the next two."

The order after order was arranged in this way, the tone was still understatement as if it was dealing with an ordinary and trivial matter, but all the KG players around heard it opened their eyes wider and wider, and finally their faces were full of bewilderment Forced look.

Yaogui subconsciously pointed at himself, with a dull expression on his face:

"I... I'll go down?"

The old C next to him was also dumbfounded: "Are Konjac and A Zou go to the opposite side?"

Such an arrangement quickly made the reorganized team lineups on both sides very clear again——

One team consists of top laner Tian Tian, ​​mid laner Lin Feng, jungler Li Shiyi, ADC Konjac and support Xiao Zou.

Two so-called "sparring partners", plus three main players and even core ace players of KG's first team.

And the other team...

After being randomly adjusted by No. 1, there were only three KG substitutes in the top lane, ADC and support positions, and the mid laner and jungle positions were vacant.


"Can you still fight?"

A KG substitute on the sidelines murmured almost like a dream.

Even the team leader and head coach Tony of the KG Club looked at each other, and each subconsciously swallowed a mouthful of saliva, but still felt that their throats were a bit rough and dry:

Indeed, according to the current lineup distribution, it seems that the five-man team here is so gorgeous that it is outrageous. Even this five-man combination may be worse than KG's original five-man lineup. Be stronger.

But the team on the other side, although they are still short of the mid laner and jungler, but in this situation, facing the opposite lineup, no matter if they put any of the remaining players in those two positions, it is impossible to have a half-point chance of winning Bar?

What's more, even the main mid laner and jungler of their KG first team have been replaced.


Where can there be other candidates here?

Whoever went up, wouldn't they all end up being tortured to death?

It is also very clear about this point. At this time, Lin Feng looked at No. 1 with a puzzled expression on his face:

"Senior, what are you doing?"

"Our current lineup is almost enough to play against SSK, and the rest are not just playing against others?"

The tone is full of righteous confidence.

But it is true that the middle-field combination of him and Li Shiyi alone was already able to exert extremely powerful effects. Now with the addition of Tian Tian, ​​​​the same old partner and teammate, the power and effect will be doubled again. The next bottom laner, Konjac and Xiao Zou, are also the main ADC support players of KG's first team, at least at the World Series level.

Not to mention other things about this lineup, it is not too easy to go to the S6 World Finals and at least qualify for the first round of the group stage. It is also very stable if you beat the top eight and advance to the top four as long as you are not too unlucky.

Number one raised his eyebrows slightly:

"So confident?"

"You can hit anyone casually?"

There is a bit of interest in the tone of play.

Lin Feng read something that seemed to be dangerous and something was wrong from the tone of No. 1, and his hair stood on end slightly, giving him an ominous premonition, but his head was running rapidly and he tried hard to think, but he couldn't figure out what was wrong, so he could only bite the bullet and continue. nod:


As if waiting for someone's words, No. 1 suddenly laughed:

"Okay, confident enough."

The next moment, he turned his head to look at his beautiful fiancée beside him, met the latter's smiling gaze as if he had seen through his heart, and also smiled:

"Xiao Wu."

"This round... shall we play with these boys?"

Number five smiled sweetly:

"Well, that would be disrespectful."

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