
Chapter 156 Let you troll others. Let you troll others.

The fact is that Lin Feng has no intention of paying attention to the purple jungle prince next to him.

You hit yours.

I hit mine.

What harmony!

But for a few members of the Purple Army, this situation was simply overwhelming. Seeing that their top highland tower was about to be forcibly pulled out by the top laner on the opposite side, they finally managed to get the best of them for the first time. The two auxiliaries Ron Thresh who rushed back also rushed over from the spring.

Lin Feng took a look and found that several people across from him seemed to be coming back, and he couldn't help but feel a little regretful:

"It's still close."

At the same time as he finished speaking, he had already controlled his top laner to hit the defense tower with the last Q skill "Soul-Draining Blow".

Boom! ! ! ——

The thick death scepter hit the broken defense tower heavily, finally taking away the last health of the outer tower on the purple square, and the highland tower was reduced to ruins with a roar.

Su Xue next to her was stunned:

"Isn't it demolished? What's so close?"

Lin Feng replied matter-of-factly: "We could almost demolish the tower and then kill one of their princes - it would be inconvenient now."

Lin Feng said that he still felt a little regretful.

Su Xue: "...Your appetite is too big, right?"

But in fact, this is the terrifying thing about the hero Kotou. After Nasus, the desert god of death, develops, he has to do some damage, and his equipment is extremely weak. Even if he carries the output of two or three enemy heroes, he can still do it. Just do one or two and it's as simple as eating and drinking.

But now that all the people on the other side are back, Lin Feng can't really continue to engage in 1V3 or 1V4 head-on——

After all, Vayne's W skill's real damage on the opposite side is quite painful. Coupled with the various controls of Prince and Thresh, it's easy to get yourself into a trap if you're not careful.

But there’s no need to worry.

"Come over later and do it again!"

Controlling his top laner, he retreated from the opposite top lane in a swaggering manner.

Lin Feng announced enthusiastically again.

After the highland tower on the road was destroyed, the purple army's situation became even more passive and embarrassing.

Because from now on, they have to be more careful about the top laner on the blue side. If they let Nasus continue to lead the lane in the top lane, their top lane will be destroyed directly.

But relying on just one Riven really can't prevent the dog head.

What to do?

the answer is……

There is no way.

"The dog head is completely invincible now! It's useless for anyone to defend!"

Lao Huang, who had already seen the trick, was extremely excited: "In this case, the opponent will definitely be confused! One person can't defend it, and two people can't defeat it. Now the opponent can only retreat to the high ground, and no one in the outer tower can be defended. !”

Instant Noodles also smiled:

"That's right, let that Vayne be arrogant again? No matter how well developed he is now, there's still nothing he can do to defeat him!"

This sentence is correct.

At this moment, Zeal, who is the purple ADC Vayne, looked extremely ugly. While he was gritting his teeth in hatred for his useless top laner Riven, he was racking his brains to think about how to deal with this situation.

It seems that they can only retreat to the high ground.

Otherwise, if the opposing dog head suddenly teleports around and kills them on the top lane, their side will immediately collapse——

"An-ally-has-been-(A friendly hero was killed)."

Suddenly, the system's female voice sounded the kill prompt.

Zeal was caught off guard and was stunned for a moment. When he switched the camera view to the top lane, he was shocked to find that his top laner Riven... was killed by a dog head again! !

And what's even more terrible is that at this moment Zeal saw a magnificent beam of teleportation light suddenly rising into the sky from the body of the single dog head on the blue square.

The dog head teleported around the back!

Zeal woke up in a flash and felt goosebumps all over his body, his scalp was numb, and the danger alarm bell was ringing crazily in his head:

"Back off, back off!"

“The dog’s head is wrapped around its back!!”

But it was already too late to react like this.

In the middle area of ​​the river mouth in the middle road, several heroes from the blue side had quickly pressed in. The assisting Nami summoned a roaring wave of waves with a big move to sweep over, and just a few steps from the purple side's army. Behind the hero, the blue top laner has activated his ultimate move and sprinted like a demon, striding towards the front to outflank him!

(I killed Riven alone on the road, and now, I even still have her ultimate move!!)

Such desperate thoughts flashed through Zeal's mind.

My top laner Riwen...

What a waste! ! ?

In fact, after the purple side's top lane high ground single-handedly killed the opponent's top laner Riwen, Lin Feng could easily destroy the opponent's top lane summoning crystal, thus steadily breaking all the way.

But because this is recording video material.

Therefore, it is not enough to play too well.

Be exciting enough.

Want to waste.

Lin Feng is most proficient in "wave".

After activating the teleport and going around directly, the moment he landed, he activated his ultimate move "Death Comes". He controlled his top laner to rush towards the opponent's purple army while Lin Feng was still shouting with high fighting spirit:

"Oh oh oh five kills five kills!!"

"Open it, open it!!"

On the blue team's side, the other four heroes, including Instant Noodle's ADC Cannon, also reacted very quickly. They immediately caught up with the rhythm of their top laner and rushed in to start the team without hesitation.

The formation of the four heroes of the Purple Army, who were surrounded by front and rear, was suddenly in chaos. At this time, Lin Feng's Desert Death God had already rushed in front of the target Vayne.

As the purple side ADC Vayne, Zeal reacted very quickly and activated the ultimate move "Ultimate Moment", and then used the Q skill to quickly move backwards and retreat, but Lin Feng immediately inserted a real eye.

Followed by another W skill "Wither".

Zeal's eyelids twitched and twitched, he raised his crossbow with his backhand and used the E skill to repel the desert god of death that was about to rush in front of him, and continued to escape desperately into the distance.

But he couldn't escape at all. If he had enough money to make an extra mercury belt, he might have a chance, but the reality didn't give him that much time to develop.

Relying on the acceleration effect of sprinting, Lin Feng rushed up again and had no intention of caring about others. He wholeheartedly planned to deal with Vayne first——

"You just trolled someone, you just trolled someone..."

The vindictive classmate Lin Feng muttered while controlling his dog's head to directly hit Vayne's head with a Q skill "Soul-Draining Blow".

Boom! ! !

The blood bar on Vayne's head plummeted by half in an instant! !

After chasing and leveling A twice, the level 5 Q skill plus the CD reduction of talent and equipment quickly cooled down, and another "Soul-sucking Blow" hit him.

Boom! ! !

This Q hit was like hitting Zeal hard in the heart, causing him to spurt blood, and also smashed the game screen on the computer screen in front of him into a black and white TV.

Two Q shots, directly harvest and take away!


Lin Feng was surprised:

"Oh, it's actually connected."

I just hit the road and killed Riven solo, and then quickly teleported to the middle to start a team fight. The two kills before and after were actually judged as a double kill by the system.

Then... the double kill is here, can the pentakill be far behind?


Another hit of "Soul-Draining Blow" hit hard. Coupled with the output of his own ADC cannon and mid laner Xerath, the purple side mid laner Yasuo became the third line under the death scepter of the dog-headed Nasus. Revenant.

The system's female voice's kill prompt echoed throughout the Summoner's Rift, her tone getting louder and louder.

And the killing hasn't stopped yet.

At this moment, the God of Death in the desert has truly transformed into a terrifying and heart-stopping God of Death. His tall figure seems to exude an oppressive aura of endless terror, and the Death Scepter in his hand can easily sweep across and crush everything with a swing.

(Life and death are endless reincarnations.)

(We gave birth——)

(They die!)

The scepter of the God of Death that was raised high came down again with a terrifying momentum, and it was so powerful!

Purple side's auxiliary Thresh falls down!


The system's female voice's kill announcement suddenly rose to an impassioned tone that sounded like an exclamation of praise to an epic poem.

Then with the figure of the last purple jungle prince who fell, all the excitement and high pitches seemed to come to an abrupt end in an instant, and it was like a moment of pause before the finale of a glorious movement stacked up to the top——

The last note was struck suddenly with the heaviest and solemn momentum:



Magnificent and solemn.

It seems to have shocking power.

Pentakill! ! !


Lao Huang couldn't help but slapped the table hard, feeling extremely happy!

In an instant, Zeal and Ron's faces in front of the computer screen at the Hydralisks training base in Seoul, South Korea, became extremely embarrassed and ugly.

This wave of five kills by the dog head was like a slap directly on their faces without mercy.

Snapped! ! ! ——

It was crisp, loud, and painful.

This was accompanied by Lin Feng's cheerful laughter:

"Oh hahaha, Sister Xue, you see what I said, my dog ​​head is really strong!"

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