
Chapter 735

While the blue and purple team members were already sitting in front of their respective computer screens and starting to prepare for the match, No. 1, No. 5, and the managers and coaches of the KG club had also stood aside and prepared to watch the match.

The use of the ban rights of the two legions fell into the eyes, so that No. 1 couldn't help but smile:

"I've been underestimated..."

The three ban rights of the blue team were all just randomly used in the top lane support and ADC positions, and just ignored the mid laner and jungler.

It may have been unintentional.


It just made it clear that he didn't take the opponent's mid laner and jungler to heart.

Number five next to him pursed his lips and smiled slightly:


"But... it's a wrong shot, right?"

The content of the conversation between the two of them will definitely be confusing to the ears of others. What does it mean to "strike the right way"?

But at the moment in the training room of the KG club, only No. 1 and No. 5 clearly understand the truth of the reason, because although the choice of the ban rights of the main players of the blue team KG team may be just out of respect for Zi The contempt of the middle and junglers in the team did not even think about banning the mid-single and jungle heroes.


In fact, if the ban right is really used in the mid laner or jungle position, it is a real waste.

"Xiaofeng's hero pool is very deep."

Number five's eyes fell on someone who was sitting in front of the computer screen on the purple team's side at the moment, and he gave a comment with a chuckle.

No. 1 nodded noncommittally:

"Boy Eleven, the pool of heroes back then wasn't too shallow."

Two comments.

One is "very deep" and the other is "not shallow", and they are said from such a pair of the most legendary partners and even lovers in the professional e-sports circle of the previous generation. Comparable.

So the meaning is already very clear——

Even if Li Shiyi, who has not yet recovered his strength, is aside, when it comes to someone's mid lane hero pool, it is really almost all heroes. Facing such a terrifying opponent, even if you take three bans It's all used on mid-lane heroes, but it's still not enough.

It is simply impossible to have the slightest disturbing effect on someone.

"Speaking of..."

As if remembering something, No. 5 turned his head slightly to look at his fiancé: "From what I heard from No. 4 and the others, it seems that next season...may increase the number of bans?"

No. 1 nodded casually: "Oh, it should be, maybe it will increase to 10 ban positions."

What was revealed in an understatement was an absolute secret that almost no one in the current circle knew, and it was even super heavy news that was enough to cause a sensation in the entire world of professional e-sports circles for others to hear.

However, in the mouths of such a pair of the most legendary lovers in the e-sports circle, it is just a casual talk.

As if he was a little interested in this topic, No. 1 raised his eyebrows slightly, showing a smile that was not a smile:

"If there are really 10 ban positions, it would be a bit interesting."

"Target...it can be done very well."

Also as if guessing No. 1's thoughts, No. 5 covered his mouth and chuckled:


"If ten bans ban ten full mid laners—"

"Even Xiaofeng must have a headache for a while, right?"


Ten ban positions.

What would it be like if all of them were used to target one position and ten heroes were banned?

Generally speaking, it is estimated that an ordinary League of Legends player is really good at two or three heroes in his main position. Even professional players have much higher requirements in terms of hero pools, but one or two, Proficient in four or five, plus those who can't hold the scene with their hands, it is estimated that there are about ten in total.

If this is banned all at once...

without any exaggeration,

Looking at the entire professional e-sports circle in the world, it is estimated that more than 90% of the professional players will be dumbfounded on the spot.

Unless your hero pool is really deep enough.

Deep to bottomless.

But there are too few such people, even in the professional e-sports circle, it is almost impossible to find a few people.

At this moment, the KG players who were about to start the first team match naturally couldn't know that there was just such a perverted genius sitting next to them.

The KG players of the purple team were alternately selecting heroes with the opposing blue team, and at the same time gave Lin Feng and Li Shishi a worried order:


"Choose the hero that you think you are best at."

"If you are laning, don't waste your time in the early stage. Even if you can't guarantee the last knife for the wretched development, try to ensure that the level falls."

"What are you going to play as a jungler? Don't make too many showy operations, let's get a team-contributing jungler, centaur or pig girl? Zach can do it too!"

That is really called earnestness.

He almost wanted to help worry about the affairs of his two "partners" buddies.


This League of Legends is a five-player game. If the two positions in the middle and wild collapse, the other two lanes will be useless. Since the lineup of the No. 1 senior is allocated in this way, they can only accept their fate, but if they can, they will lose... After all, they don't want to lose too embarrassingly or uglyly.

At the beginning, when he heard the words of several KG players beside him, Lin Feng, who had thick nerves, hadn't reacted yet, but soon he also realized that it was probably the first time he and Eleven had come to the KG club, He didn't have time to show his strength, which made the temporary teammates next to him a little underestimated.

So someone immediately patted his chest:

"Don't worry."

"I'm very stable in the middle!"

Of course, there is no water in this statement. With someone's current strength, even if he is facing a mid laner at the level of the world's seven kings, unless the opponent cooperates with a jungler and grabs the middle lane, he is basically as stable as Mount Tai and there is not much pressure.

But the problem is that no one will believe this at the moment——

The KG players of the purple team looked at each other, feeling even more lost in their hearts about their own mid laner partner.

after all.

Generally speaking so loudly...

On the contrary, the strength is not reliable.


The battle heroes of the blue and purple legions also quickly alternately selected and confirmed one after another.

The lineup for the first match will also be announced soon.

blue party.

Top laner Jess, mid laner Ancient Wuling, jungler Excavator, ADC Big Mouth and support Morgana.

purple party.

The top single sword girl, the mid laner nine-tailed demon fox, the jungle widow, the ADC Han Bing and the support Thresh.

Seeing such a blue and purple lineup, the other KG players who were watching the game couldn't help but start commotion:

"The blue team... is using a poke lineup."

"If it grows up, Jess Gazeras will increase his mouth in the mid-term team battle, and it will be impossible to consume poke ability?"

"But this lineup is not very strong in the early stage."

Analysis and evaluation are extremely objective.

Basically, the blue team is a mid- to late-game lineup, with a very clear idea and a tight system for team battles

As for the fact that this lineup's early laning ability is not strong, the surrounding KG players are not worried at all, because they know the strength of the teammates of their own second team on the opposite purple team, and their laning ability is not that good against blue. The team poses too serious a threat early on.

As long as the early tempo passes, the mid-term will definitely enter the control of the blue side.

As for the remaining two buddies of the purple team who were training partners, they were naturally not considered in the calculations of these KG players.

Probably only Tian Tian couldn't help but widen his eyes at this moment.

His eyes glanced back and forth on the avatar icons of the blue team's mid laner Xeras, the purple side's mid laner Fox, and the jungle widow.


Tian Tianxia gasped subconsciously, and subconsciously murmured in a voice that only he could hear:

"This middle road—"

"It's over."

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The update will be sent, roll around and ask for another wave of red envelopes, and try to get the third update tomorrow depending on the situation!

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