
Chapter 728 Come to KG

Just a moment ago, he was still holding the phone, full of hesitation and struggling to think about whether to make that courageous decision, but the phone suddenly rang to remind him the next second.

It came too suddenly.

Too coincidental.

That's why Lin Feng was also subconsciously shocked, even the phone fell onto the soft Simmons bed without a firm grip, and bounced lightly and nimbly for a couple of times before settling down.

The screen of the mobile phone was facing downwards, leaving only a dark back in Lin Feng's field of vision.

Looking at the mobile phone quietly lying beside him, the pupils of Lin Feng's eyes subconsciously narrowed slightly.

Maybe...everyone has felt that way at one time or another.

Just when you are struggling and thinking about certain things and certain people, when you hold your mobile phone in the middle of the night and hesitate to think about it, trying repeatedly to muster up the courage to send a message to the other party or make a call Telephone--


Your phone rang first by itself.

The melodious ringtone is like a prank from God, and it will scare you to death.

Then at that moment you will suddenly have a bright flash of lightning in your mind, as if you have a flash of inspiration, and your first reaction is whether the person who sent the message is the person you are thinking about.

It sounds very unrealistic.

But in many cases, where do people's subjective expectations come from so much reality?


You have indeed not been in touch for half a year.

It stands to reason that it is impossible for the other party who is far away across the ocean to come back by such a coincidence at this time, not to mention that there is still a time difference between Manchester, England, and the magic capital in China. I don't know what time it is there.

But all kinds of reasoning and logic can't stop the thought that a certain person can't stop from his mind at this moment——



Really...is that what he thinks?

Even if the thought just flashed through his mind for a moment, Lin Feng couldn't help but suddenly became a little hot, and his reason seemed to keep reminding him that the probability of such a thing happening was estimated to be even 0.1%. He didn't even arrive, but at this moment, there was only this recurring thought left in his mind:

What if it is true?

What if it was news from across the ocean?

She will say something.

How should he face it?

The first conversation after half a year, what should he say, and what attitude should he face?

For a moment, all the thoughts and problems in his mind popped up, which were complicated and chattering so much that his head seemed to be in a mess.

next moment.

Lin Feng suddenly became quiet again.

He took a deep breath, as if this was the only way to muster up his courage and courage. Then he subconsciously clenched his fists, released them, and slowly stretched out his hands to grab the phone.


hold in hand.

Then he slowly exhaled the turbid air, as if he was finally mentally prepared, it was as tragic as going to the execution ground, Lin Feng turned the front of the phone over at once, and the screen lit up on the LCD screen came into view quickly.

It was a WeChat text message that was pushed.

What is displayed at the top is the ID name of the message sender——

"Senior No. 1".


So all the original tense guesses and all the complicated psychological entanglements and fluctuations were eliminated with the announcement of the answer.

It turned out to be a message from Senior No. 1.

All of a sudden, Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

Because he is indeed far from ready to face the girl who was like a childhood sweetheart in the past, even though he has received enlightenment and teaching from Miss Xiaowu before, but the truth is something that you know, how to do it specifically But it would be something else entirely.

so far so good.

Sure enough, it's not really that coincidental.

Fortunately, it was the message from Senior No. 1.

Lin Feng couldn't help but patted his chest to rejoice like this, but besides rejoicing, a faint feeling of regret and loss flashed in his heart imperceptibly.


At that moment just now, he really expected that it would be Baozi who sent the message.

Heaving a sigh of relief again, Lin Feng shook his head to calm himself down, and turned his gaze to the phone screen again, wanting to see why Senior No. 1 suddenly came to him suddenly at such a late night.

Fingers swipe across the screen.

The WeChat friend chat window popped up, and the latest message from No. 1 came into Lin Feng's eyes clearly and unmistakably:

"Is there anything going on tomorrow?"


Lin Feng was slightly startled, and didn't understand the intention of Senior One's question, but he still quickly typed on the screen keyboard to reply the message:


The message has just been sent, and with another crisp and pleasant reminder of "ding", the other side has already replied quickly:

"OK, if it's okay, come to the KG club base at eight o'clock tomorrow morning."

There is a decisiveness in the words that cannot be explained.

There is no doubt about it.

Lin Feng stared blankly again, several question marks popped up subconsciously in his head, KG club base?

Although he was originally thinking about going to the KG team tomorrow when he was on the phone with Fatty tonight, and also let a few members of their old team gather together to catch up, but at this moment, why is the senior? Number one actually took the initiative to bring this up?

So Lin Feng couldn't help sending a message to raise his own questions, but this time the reply from the opposite number 1 was still very fast:

"Where are there so many problems?"

"Come here if I tell you to come, or can I cheat you?"

But then, No. 1 finally sent a few explanations:

"Tomorrow, your little sister Wu and I will go to the KG club base to help them train, and let him practice with Eleven."

"Anyway, you're fine, come along and be a training partner."

"It's just... let me see if your condition has deteriorated in the past few days."

This is completely understandable.

So in a nutshell, it’s as a sparring partner.

Suddenly, Lin Feng didn't have any more hesitation, and responded to the message very quickly and simply agreed:



next morning.

Nine o'clock sharp.

Lin Feng had already taken a taxi to the gate of the KG team club training base in the Zhabei District of Shanghai.

After checking out and getting off the car, facing the glare of the sun, he raised his head and looked at the extremely shiny and eye-catching club sign on the gate of the KG club, as well as the single-family villa building with a similar style to the Hayami club. Lin Feng squinted subconsciously Eye.


It's here.

Speaking of which, this is also the first time he has come to the KG team club base.

In the national server, compared to other LPL clubs, the KG team has its own unique position in the minds of all national server players.

Because they are "all Chinese class".

Regardless of Hayami, God-Hand of God, or teams such as Mingguang and Heiyao, each of them has more or less Korean foreign aid players, especially the dust-Dust team, which has two core C players in the main lineup. The players are former members of the Korean championship team.

There's no way--

After all, in today's professional e-sports circle in the world, South Korea is recognized as the strongest e-sports country. The teams and players from the Korean LCK professional league seem to be plated with a layer of gold, and have a weight that professional players in other competition areas cannot match. .

So in fact, since the first two seasons, there have been clubs in the LPL division of the national server that have introduced professional players from South Korea, and they have performed extremely well in the professional leagues of their own national server, which has attracted more domestic players. The team club was aroused with enthusiasm, and continued to increase efforts to recruit Korean players.


Only the KG team is different.

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The update is here, continue to be cheeky and ask for a wave of red envelopes ~ and then fight for the third update tomorrow.

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