
Chapter 712 Do you think you can do it?

For example, Coach Fu and Team Leader Sun of the Sushui Club could not have imagined that under the almost aggressive questioning of No. 3, Shi Hang would actually be able to give an example.

Because they subconsciously feel that there is no such example at all.

Leapfrog challenge.

And the target of the challenge is the Seven Kings and even the Four Emperors.

From a theoretical point of view or even from an empirical inference, there is almost no possibility of this happening.

You say that platinum challenges diamonds, and silver challenges platinum, and you may have a chance to win, but that is not called winning by strength, because the opponent you challenge by leapfrogging is not strong enough, and there are still all kinds of abilities. Weakness to be caught.

But the Four Emperors are different from the Seven Kings.

That is a group of people who really stand at the top of the world's professional e-sports pyramid.

At that level, there are almost no weaknesses and loopholes that can be caught by the individual, and the frontal confrontation depends entirely on the purest strength.

Of course you can say that you can call other teammates to help.

Does that family have no teammates?

Sorry, their teammates will only be stronger than your teammates. The Korean SSK team is the most typical and best example. Even F Han Shihao, the leader of the Four Emperors, still has a seven-king-level jungler in his mid laner Teammate Mafa's guardian.

That is currently the strongest midfield combination partner in the world.

To put it more practically, let's take specific examples directly. At least in the five or six S-series world finals, like a team with four emperors and seven kings, their strongest points can be Said almost never lost -

Unless you encounter an opponent with equal strength.

But if you want to say that you are defeated by a weaker team...


There are few such examples.

That's why just when Shi Hang said directly, "Someone has done it before" in a firm tone, the two bosses of the Hayami Club team were so anxious to stop the former from continuing such senseless pique and contradicting. .

Yes, they really felt that Shi Hang was just holding on to say such things for the sake of face.

But it didn't occur to them that they were wrong.

Shi Hang was actually able to give an example.


This example really matches all the conditions, standards and requirements perfectly.


"Tian Tian."

When Shi Hang spit out the name from his mouth, Team Leader Sun and Coach Fu couldn't help being stunned.

He was still scolding in a hurry just now, but now he stopped all of a sudden.

Tian Tian?

Such a name seems very common and even a bit rustic.

However, in the professional e-sports circle of the national server, there is no one who does not know this name, and this name has another nickname title that is more familiar and more recognizable——

"Round God".

The main ace player of the KG team.

The national service LPL division has been the number one and strongest top laner for almost four or five seasons since the establishment of the league.

Possesses the most delicate consciousness and thoughts, but also has a violent style of play that is so wild that it can almost make any opponent frightened.

More importantly, this one is also the only one other than Dawn Chenxing in the national server who can make countless players of the national server proud, and is truly recognized by the official and even the professional e-sports circle around the world. The strong man, after the end of the S5 season, was successfully selected as one of the [World Seven Kings].

But at this moment, when such a name was mentioned by Shi Hang, it made both Leader Sun and Coach Fu remember all the achievements and deeds about Tian Tian.


Also naturally.

All of a sudden, I was a little dazed and speechless.


This is really a living example!


Almost all national server players, including professional e-sports players, will clearly remember last year's S5 World Finals.

last year.

The national service also saw three LPL teams enter the S-League.

And the most memorable one is not the dust-Dust team with many powerful foreign players from South Korea, nor is it the God-Hand of God team that has always been recognized as the strongest in the national server.

The one that really brought great surprises and surprises to all the national server players at that time, and even excited the entire national server——

It is precisely the KG team known as the "All China Class".

The KG team with the first top laner "Yuan Shen" Tian Tian in the national server.

Everyone still clearly remembers that the KG team at that time was ranked in a death group due to unlucky draws from the beginning of the group stage. San's Phoenix's Legend team is like a heavy mountain pressing on the heads of all other teams in the same group.

At that time, the state and performance of the KG team were very unsatisfactory at the beginning.

Even the national server players have been disappointed and discouraged, and there are even various scoldings on the Internet.

But under the circumstances at that time...

Tian Tian stood up.

It was almost so miraculous that everyone couldn't believe and understand, but they were ecstatic to see that in the following group stage, Tian Tian led the KG team as a top laner in the following group stage, like the rise of a comet and the descending of a demon god, the most terrifying and boiling The imposing manner abruptly crushed and defeated the North American team almost like mowing grass and sent them back to a big wave.

follow closely……

In the last and most critical group match, KG faced the European Legend team.

Face the Four Emperors Phoenix.

At that time, even though the morale of the KG team had been re-invigorated, everyone still felt cold and did not dare to have any hope for the result of that game.


The opponent is the Four Emperors.

In the entire KG team, there is not even a strong player at the level of the Seven Kings. The most powerful finale ace Tian Tian, ​​​​although he is recognized as the number one top laner in the national server, but in terms of strength on paper, he is not as strong as Phoenix. Compared with the current Four Emperors, there is still an unknown distance.


That is the existence that really stood at the top of the pyramid.

Besides the Four Emperors themselves, who else can defeat the Four Emperors?

It almost sounds like hopeless logic.


Although this is true from a theoretical point of view, everyone still remembers the result of that game very clearly.

"KG won."

At the dinner table, looking straight at No. 1 and No. 3 without flickering or evading, Shi Hang said again in a deep voice:

"Oida defeated Phoenix."

That's all for now.

There is no need to continue to say a lot.

Because he has given such an example, it is enough to prove many things.

For example, such things as leapfrog challenges, even at the level of the Four Emperors and Seven Kings, still have the possibility of happening.

Another example——

Even if it is as strong as the Four Emperors, it is not invincible!

The corners of No. 3's mouth became more and more curved when he heard it, but at this moment, it seemed that he had lost a little bit of irony, and instead seemed a little happy and satisfied. But he looked at Shi Hang, squinted his eyes and asked again:

"So you think if Fatty can do it, so can you?"

Shi Hang shook his head:

"I have no idea."

An extremely frank and straightforward answer, then he paused, raised his head to reveal the burning flames of fighting spirit in his eyes:


"I want to try!"

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