
Chapter 700: The Returner

It seems that it is doomed that all the turbulent events will be connected in series.

There is no such thing as an intermission.

It also didn't give the audience in the room at this moment a chance to slow down and prepare mentally again.

Because at the same time that No. 3 said the last sentence in a flat tone, at the moment the voice fell, there was a sound from downstairs, and the direction of the sound could be vaguely discerned as the downstairs of the Hayami club. door direction.

The expressions on the faces of the members of the Hayami team who heard the movement downstairs couldn't help but change slightly.

At this moment……

Who will be back again?

And when such an idea just emerged from his mind, with the sound of the door being opened from the downstairs, there was a faint voice of conversation, although it could not be heard clearly enough, But also faintly discernible.

All of a sudden, the expressions of the Hayami team members changed again:

In this conversation...

They vaguely seemed to hear the voices of their club's current team leader and head coach.

Team Sun and Coach Fu are back!

As early as not long ago, these Hayami players in the club knew that the team leader and head coach of their club seemed to have gone out. It seemed that something was wrong, but the details were not clear, but now the two big men of their club happened to be in Come back at this time——

At this point in time, it was a bit fatal.

His eyes subconsciously swept towards the field, recalling the gunpowder-scented scene just now, the eyes of the Hayami players twitched:

If the time can be slowed down a little bit, maybe this turmoil can be calmed down a bit.

But now...

It was really no coincidence that Team Sun and Coach Fu came back at this most critical moment.


It's just to add more firewood to this turmoil, to completely detonate the contradiction.


Hearing the movement from downstairs as well, No. 3 raised his eyebrows slightly, his eyes fell on Chen Ze, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly:

"Very good, what a coincidence."

"In this case, there is no need to delay any longer, let's go downstairs."

"Don't you want to explain?"

"I'll give you an explanation."

After speaking, he turned his head to look at Lin Feng and the others, and said in a casual tone: "Let's go, go downstairs to pick up people."

pick up?

This sentence made Shi Hang, Li Shishi and Lin Feng stunned for a while, but then Lin Feng realized what was the fastest, and his eyes lit up:


So a few people took the lead in passing through the members of the Hayami team, and walked straight down the stairs towards the downstairs.

Chen Ze's complexion was a little cloudy and uncertain, and he felt a little uneasy in his heart, but he was not allowed to think about it when the situation came to an end, so it didn't matter if he gritted his teeth and said ruthless, anyway, the reason is on his side , So he also let out an angry snort, followed No. 3, Lin Feng and the others and walked downstairs quickly.

As for the members of the Hayami team...

They looked at each other in blank dismay.

Then they all tacitly followed without hesitation, and filed down the stairs.

All the excitement has been seen here, and there is only one finale, which of course cannot be missed.


When walking down the stairs, the people outside the gate on the first floor seemed to have already walked in.

Therefore, the voice of the conversation gradually became more real from the original indistinct.

more and more clearly audible.

It seems that it is not only Team Leader Sun and Coach Fu from the Hayami team who came back.

There are others.

The content of the conversation was also heard by the people downstairs.

"Hey, I really have to work hard recently."

"Yes, yes, you have only been here for a few days, and the state of our Hayami team members has obviously been adjusted to the optimal situation, and the progress has also been obvious. I, as the head coach, feel a little ashamed. "

"It's still early tonight, why don't we go have a meal together later? I'll be the host!"

Those were the voices of Team Leader Sun and Coach Fu.

The tone is full of enthusiasm.

There is even a bit of extremely rare flattery.

The members of the Hayami team who were about to go downstairs couldn't help being stunned, with a look of surprise on their faces. You must know that in the club, Team Sun and Coach Fu are each in charge of team affairs, but they both agree on the same thing Yes, even if you come across a relationship with the club's shareholders and owners, you will easily speak out, if you have a problem, you will be reprimanded face to face, and you will not consider who you want to give face to.

As for the enthusiasm and even ingratiating attitude like now...

It is simply unprecedented!

Almost never seen it!

Wait a moment--

Suddenly, the Hayami players came to their senses, because this kind of attitude was not completely unheard of by their team Sun and Coach Fu. Also recently, this kind of attitude was also seen by the two big bosses of their club. Use it on a few people...

And before these Hayami players could fully react, another voice sounded in the conversation downstairs.

It was the calm, casual laughter of a man.

"You two are polite."

"Some credits don't belong to me, No. 3 Xiaowu and the others. It's because these little guys in your club are working hard enough, otherwise, even the best coaches can't afford to lead a team without fighting spirit."

"As for... the treat."

Having said that, the man seemed to have paused, and said euphemistically with a smile:

"It's free for tonight, next time."

"I still have a few juniors here, we agreed to meet at night."

At this time, Shi Hang and Li Shishi, who followed Lin Feng and San down the stairs first, finally heard the man's voice at the end of the conversation clearly, and also heard the specific content of the man's words.

And in this way, Li Shiyi and Shi Hang naturally had no suspense about the identity of the man.

Suddenly raised their heads and looked at each other, both of them saw the excitement and joy in each other's eyes:

That senior...

finally come! !


"That's it..."

When he walked into the lobby on the first floor of his own club, he was politely rejected by the man beside him. Leader Sun of the Hayami club showed a bit of regret on his face, but then he suddenly became curious:

"You just said that there are a few juniors who are also insiders in our e-sports circle, playing professionally?"

The man smiled and did not answer, but another beautiful woman who was walking beside him smiled and helped explain:

"That's right."

"However, you may not have heard of their name, Leader Sun."

Leader Sun was slightly taken aback.

Have not heard?

Does that mean that although he is playing professionally, maybe his strength is not strong enough so his reputation is not obvious?

But soon Leader Sun felt that such a guess was unreasonable. After all, he knew the identities of the two in front of him very well. He could make both of them like him and even refuse his invitation to be a host for the sake of the other party at night. It may be the casual and general generation.


Perhaps, a newcomer?

Such a light flashed in his mind, Team Leader Sun's eyes suddenly lit up, and then he exchanged glances with the head coach Fu Ming beside him, and also saw some sparkling light in his old partner's eyes.

The two of them wanted to go together.

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