
Chapter 696 Presumptuous?

Number three just spoke casually in a normal tone. .

The audience was stunned.

All the members of the Hayami team looked at No. 3 stupidly, their minds were a little out of turn, and they couldn't understand the meaning of the phrase "coming".

It doesn't matter if you don't understand.

But the important point is the familiar and natural meaning revealed by the sentence "coming".

It should be that only when friends with a familiar enough relationship, or when the elders treat the younger generation, will they have such an attitude.

Suddenly, an unbelievable thought couldn't stop rising from the minds of the Hayami team members. Could it be possible that Senior No. 3 knew these two friends brought by Shi Hang?

But as soon as this idea popped up, it made people's brains completely confused——

Wait, wait a minute.

How can it be!

On one side is the No. 3 senior whose identity is so mysterious that even the big boss of their club has to treat him with respect, and even the president of the Hai E-sports Association personally invites him; The strangers should not be people in the professional e-sports circle.

Such people on both sides...

How is it possible to know each other?

And how could the relationship be so familiar! ?

At this time, Chen Ze's face also changed a little bit. The courteous and ingratiating smile he had just shown to No. 3 had already froze at this moment, and an ominous premonition subconsciously appeared in his heart, and the alarm bells in his brain seemed to start to ring. , Even the back began to feel slightly chilly.

Something is wrong.

this rhythm...

It was completely different from what he had expected.

But even at this time, Chen Ze still didn't give up hope, and still didn't want to believe the truth of the answer that Xin Yin had already presented, impossible, impossible, how could it be such a coincidence, how could it be such a coincidence, and how could he be just right So bad luck, no!


in the next moment.

Facing No. 3's casual question, Lin Feng, who was under the focus of the crowd's eyes, also scratched his head:

"Oh yes."

"It's been a while."

This sentence alone may not have enough power and effect.

But someone's next sentence completely caused the brains of everyone present to suddenly go blank and freeze.

Someone complained to No. 3 like this:

"Who knew that you, Senior No. 3, are still dawdling in the training room on the second floor. Eleven and I have been waiting downstairs for a long time."


If the words of No. 3 above just made everyone present imagine and speculate secretly.

Then someone's words are completely like a deep-sea torpedo bomb, and the boiling waves caused by the detonation almost shocked all the members of the Hayamizu team present.

Even the main members of Team Hayami's first team couldn't believe their ears at this moment, they stared at Lin Feng in astonishment——

This little brother...

say what! ?

How dare you complain to Senior No. 3 in person?

complain! ?

This really makes people almost gasp in shock, who gave this little brother the courage? Normally, whoever meets senior No. 3 in their club doesn't even dare to take a breath for fear that he might say something wrong or not. Do a good job to dissatisfy the seniors, but this little brother has already disturbed senior No. 3's coaching and training mood tonight, so he dares to turn it around like this?

This, this, this is just courting death and courting death, okay!

This must be so hard to imagine! ?

Chen Ze was also dumbfounded, but when he realized it the next second, he was overjoyed. This kid wanted to kill himself. It was a waste of a chance for him. Before No. 3 could say anything, he sternly shouted at Lin Feng:


"Do you know who this is!"

"What can't wait, coach No. 3 is giving special training to the players of our Hayami Club, and it's your turn to point fingers here and make rude remarks? How dare you say such things when you think of yourself as a big shot?

Apologize to coach number three! "

The words were said in a sharp voice, but there was a bit of high-spiritedness that couldn't be concealed.

It's completely a fake tiger's power.

The other Hayami players beside him couldn't see this clearly, but they couldn't point out any faults, because they also couldn't understand and accept that such a student-like kid was so rude to Senior No. 3 .

Old Shi, where on earth did he bring such a friend?


At this time, everyone had already decided that someone's words would definitely anger No. 3, and even began to sympathize with Li Shiyi and Shi Hang next to them, thinking that these two would be completely implicated together.

But no one noticed that at this time, neither Li Shishi nor Shi Hang's expression changed at all when they heard someone's complaints.

as if……

No worries at all.

Also at this moment, No. 3's expression did not change when he heard Lin Feng's complaints.

But it was like the oppressive calm before the storm.

Under the worried and nervous eyes of almost all the Hayami players, and under the eager anticipation of the vice-leader Chen Ze of the Hayami club, No. 3 raised his eyebrows slightly and said:

"Has it been a while?"

"Then why don't you come and say hello to me earlier?"

"Tell me earlier, I don't need to waste time in the training room. Didn't I come downstairs earlier? You didn't think it through yourself, so you have the nerve to complain?"

The tone was a little bit of unpleasant accusation.

Such a situation...

It did seem that he was slightly offended by someone's whining.

The words that could be exported made everyone present, including Chen Ze, stunned once again.


This is completely different from what they had expected from Senior Miyoshi's anger!

Even if there is displeasure, it is not the kind of being irritated at all. Instead, it is the senior's dissatisfaction with his juniors, and listening to the content of the words, the meaning of the third senior seems to be blaming someone who should have told him earlier. What happened?

Compared with doing one-on-one actual combat special training for their main players in the training room, it seems even more important to go downstairs to meet Shi Hang and the others! ?

A member of the second team of Hayami subconsciously reached out and pinched his arm, with a dull expression:

"Three, what did Senior Three say?"

"Did I hear you right?"

The other Hayami players next to them only felt that their minds were in a mess, muddled and in a trance, and it was all true.

For that little brother whining whine...

It seems that Senior No. 3 is really not angry?

Instead, he took the initiative to explain! ?

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