
Chapter 679 Fixed Salary

Just now, because the topic was diverted by Lin Feng, and Li Shiyi was also affected by the memory of the year, the two chatted happily for a long time. The words of Zi and Tang Bingyao reminded Li Shishi to wake up and remember the business.

"I can't take the two hundred thousand in front."

When he said this, Li Shishi looked at Lin Feng with a serious face, and his tone was serious and firm.

The other members of the Niuba team at the table were stunned when they heard this, and all of a sudden they looked at Li Shiyi, and their faces couldn't help showing a look of astonishment and surprise.

two hundred thousand...



Lin Feng was the first to respond and asked a question directly, with a puzzled face, he added another sentence as he spoke:

"This was originally a deposit for you."

"You don't want...then who is it for?"

However, in response to Lin Feng's rhetorical question, Li Shishi just shook his head:

"How to deal with it is your business. I don't care, but I definitely can't accept the money."

His tone remained firm.

Lin Feng couldn't help frowning: "Eleven!"

But before the partner in front of him had a chance to persuade him again, Li Shishi looked at Lin Feng's face seriously, and said in a slow tone: "Fengzi, don't try to persuade me, I am serious, you and everyone are doing it for me tonight. All I have done is enough to make me grateful, if I still insist on accepting the 200,000 yuan, then I really don’t know how to deal with myself.”

"What's so important to know about this?" Lin Feng raised his eyebrows with a dissatisfied expression on his face: "Originally, we spent the money from every cafe to save your employment fee. If you don't take it, who else can take it, let's talk about it It is only natural for a team club to hire players and pay hiring fees, so what do you want so much for?"

Dou Zi next to him also persuaded:

"Yes, yes, you can accept the money from Eleven Great Gods."

"This is what we've been working so hard for. If you don't accept it, then our work will be in vain?"

Li Shishi was still shaking his head, but his tone became more sincere:

"I'm so grateful for what everyone has done for me."

"But the more this is the case, the more I can't take the money. In fact, tonight, with the help of Fengzi and you, I can re-recognize what I really want and make a decision to leave the Alpine Club. harvested."

"If it wasn't for you—"

"Maybe I really want to continue to dawdle in Team Gaoshan. That's the scariest thing."


Speaking of this, Li Shiyi seemed to be emotionally affected again, and his tone could not help but sigh with emotion.


For a professional player, the terrible thing is not just the lack of salary and treatment, but the loss of a heart to continue to work hard for his e-sports dream. In the past few years at the Alpine Club, he chose to compromise with reality for his sister and life , although it is said that there is always such persistence and belief in the bottom of my heart, but in fact, as time goes by, my fighting spirit and fighting spirit are gradually dimmed.

If it wasn't for tonight, when Lin Feng and the others appeared in front of him, maybe after a while, he would be completely assimilated by the atmosphere of the Gaoshan team club, and completely reduced to a depressed and numb gangster. A member of the club waiting to die.

That's the real scariest thing about being a professional esports player.

After sighing, Li Shiyi looked at Lin Feng again and said seriously:

"So, Fengzi, you have helped me enough."

"I am already very grateful for letting me, a current lspl substitute player who has completely lost my previous strength, join your new team, but now I really don't deserve that kind of worth. If you insist on me What happens next will make me feel uneasy.”

The words have been said very thoroughly here.

And it does make sense.

After all, in terms of strength, it is far from possible for Li Shiyi to be as good as he was at his peak back then.

If it is said that the level of LSPL is quite reluctant, it is impossible to give such a high price.

On the other hand, in terms of contribution to the team, he has just become a member of someone's new team, so he shouldn't have easily accepted the huge sum of two hundred thousand by himself.

But even so, it makes sense, Lin Feng still frowned and was quite dissatisfied:

"That can't be without a penny."

"Now that you have left the Alpine Club, you have no source of income. Joining our new team can't let you do it for nothing, right?"

"Being an ordinary professional player doesn't mean you don't need anything to join a team club."

At this time, Zeng Rui who was on the side suddenly said:

"What Fengzi and Eleven Great Gods said makes sense."

"As for Eleven Great Gods, if you really come here to get 200,000 yuan, you might feel sorry for it, right?"

"But Fengzi is also right. No matter from the source of income or the recruitment of regular professional team clubs, it is impossible for players to work for nothing."


After saying that, Zeng Rui paused, looked at Li Shiyi and Lin Feng who were looking at him, smiled, and said his solution calmly:

"We might as well make a discount."

"Cancel the so-called 200,000 advance deposit, and re-determine a fixed salary standard for the Eleven Great Gods. Now count the first month, and then pay a fixed salary every month. If you don't perform well, you will naturally deduct money. , If you contribute more, you can get a raise, how about it?"

As soon as this remark came out, the eyes of Tang Bingyao and Dou Zi who were next to her suddenly lit up, and the girl nodded her head to express her strong agreement, and Dou Zi even slapped her thigh:

"Hey, I think this method can work!"

Zeng Rui looked at Lin Feng and Li Shishi with a smile:

"What do you two think?"

Li Shishi was also a little moved by hearing this. Indeed, for him, after leaving the Alpine Club, he cut off his original source of income. Although taking the 200,000 advance deposit directly from Fengzi would make him feel uneasy and unacceptable. But if it is the current proposal, if the distribution is arranged according to the monthly fixed salary...

He also has a new source of income.

Nor will it be rewarded for nothing.

Whether it is from the perspective of subjective feelings or objective reality, the problem can be perfectly solved.

After thinking for a moment, Li Shishi looked at Lin Feng again:


This is asking for opinions. As for myself, I have naturally agreed to this method by default.

"Well, that's it..." Lin Feng rubbed his chin and thought about it for a while, as if he was thinking about something to study, and then he suddenly smiled: "Okay! That's it! Oh, it's really good that you have an idea, Zeng!"

The problem seems to be finally solved.

The dispute and conflict just now finally had a win-win result.

Zeng Rui also smiled when he heard it:


"The rest is to consider the specific amount of the fixed salary of the Eleven Great Gods."

Lin Feng opened his eyes wide: "Is there any need to think about it?"

Zeng Rui was slightly startled: "Have you thought about it?"

Several other people, including Li Shiyi, also looked at someone, and wanted to know what the exact amount of salary that was finally considered by someone was.

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