
Chapter 676 Cherish Time

Unexpectedly, the matter has come to this point, and it is almost the end, but Team Leader Liu of the Alpine Club still made such remarks again, and the guests in the lobby of the Mountain Cafe finally couldn't help but frown one by one.

If it is said that their attitude was relatively positive or even slightly inclined to support the Alpine Club in the past, then after the twists and turns just now, even they are actually less and less fond of the Alpine Club.

To be fair, it's over.

You lost in the game of gambling in front of the Alpine Club.

Then, if you say that Li Shishi is a member of your club, then the little brother Lin Feng, the captain of the Niuba team, also directly took out the letter of employment and took Li Shishi away with a deposit of 200,000 yuan in advance. And sincerity completely overwhelmed your alpine club.

It means that no matter in which aspect, your alpine club has lost, and you really have nothing to say tonight and you can only admit it.

But at this moment, your team leader Liu still wants to do something?

Still not giving up?

In fact, this kind of mentality and the cafe guests present can also understand it. Yes, it is true that it is definitely uncomfortable to be slapped in the face like this, but it is counterproductive to try to save one's face through forceful threats over and over again.

Anyway, for the guests in the cafe, tonight they really feel that the Alpine Club is a bit lousy.

No face.

The strength is not as good as others, and the sincerity is not as good as others. All that is left is to force bb by relying on the lip of the mouth.

But some things do.

After all, it is the professional team club of LSPL, even if everything else has been given away, but the brand of this domestic second-tier official professional team is still there. Still just a passerby team.


This decision is indeed quite difficult to make, right?

To put it more bluntly, Li Shiyi made a decision at this time. In fact, the choice was not a simple question of whether to stay or stay, but a choice between the status and title of a professional e-sports player.

Do you still want to play professional e-sports?

If you still think about it, then staying in the Alpine Club should indeed be a safer choice. After all, no matter how strong the Niuka team is, it is just a passerby. It's just that there are still only a few dozen teams in the LSPL First Division professional league.

The bar is still high.

Once you leave, it is not easy to come back easily.

So at this moment, the gazes of the coffee guests fell on Li Shiyi again, with some guesswork, wondering what choice this Alpine Club substitute will make in the end.


Countless eyes fell on him, but Li Shiyi seemed to be slightly silent at this moment.

As if hesitating?

Or just remembering something.

After a while, he shook his head, with a self-deprecating look on his face, then raised his head to look at Team Leader Liu of the Alpine Club not far away, and said:

"Of course I want to continue playing professionally."

As soon as this sentence was spoken, Team Leader Liu was overjoyed when he heard it. He was about to take the opportunity to say something more, but his expression froze again following Li Shishi's next sentence:


"Absolutely, I will never consider staying in Gaoshan again."

Such calm words, in fact, have been lingering in my heart for several years and finally made up my mind tonight. After saying it, Li Shiyi seemed to feel a sense of relief. His expression became more relaxed, and his eyes were straight. Looking carefully at the former secretary in front of him, he calmly said again:

"I stayed in Gaoshan for five full years."

"From the s2 season to the s6 season, he played the main force and was a member of the second team until he was a substitute for the past two years."

"No matter how the club has treated me in recent years, but at least as far as I am concerned,

In the past few years, no matter where I am, I have always tried my best and never slacked off, so I have a clear conscience for the club. "

Export in one sentence.

It echoed clearly in the lobby of the Mountain Cafe.

The tone was calm and indifferent, just stating the facts, but it made Leader Liu's face become more ugly with every sentence.

Speaking of this, Li Shixi paused, and shook his head again:

"In fact, some decisions should have been made very early, but I have never been able to really make up my mind."


"I really like e-sports."

"Really, I really want to play professionally all the time."

Li Shishi's tone was a little sincerely emotional, and what was revealed in his words was the passion for professional e-sports that others could clearly and effortlessly perceive. As he spoke, he paused slightly again, seriously Looking not far away, Team Leader Liu of the Alpine Club and other alpine team members, whose faces were extremely gloomy and ugly:

"So, that's why—"

"Until now I have clearly realized that if I really like professional e-sports, I still want to continue on this path."


"It is absolutely impossible to stay in the mountains any longer."


The last sentence, the tone is not decisive.

Obviously there was no deliberate ridicule, but it was as if a slap was slapped on the faces of everyone in the Alpine Club.

The crowd was in an uproar.

The coffee guests looked at the members of the Alpine Club with strange eyes. These words are really ruthless. The little brother Lin Feng in front is actually even more ruthless. Pushed to the extreme.

a professional player.

He said that if he still wants to play professionally, he must not stay in the Alpine Club.

What does this mean...

It is clear that the Alpine Club is a muddy pit, the kind that has no hope for the future!

In particular, these words were spoken from a veteran player with the deepest qualifications who had been in the Alpine Club for five full years. The face was completely cleaned.

Team Leader Liu of the Alpine Club's face suddenly turned green and red alternately.

Almost ashamed and angry to the extreme.

It was also extremely embarrassing and embarrassing.

He didn't expect that even an old trash like Li Shishi, who used to be bullied and humiliated by them in the club and didn't dare to speak back, would say something so tough at this moment , So sharp to the point.

Leader Liu was choked so hard that he couldn't speak, but the other members of the Alpine Club behind him couldn't help being reprimanded:

"What nonsense!"


"Li Shishi, figure out your position!"

"Even if you left the club, you also went out from our high mountains. At this time, you want to discredit the club. Do you want to show your face!?"

This time, there is no need for Li Shiyi to speak again. Lin Feng next to him has already stepped forward a little bit, his eyes slightly narrowed to look at these players of the Alpine Club, and the imperceptible momentum turned out to be the ones who were so shocked that they just spoke out. The Gaoshan team subconsciously took a step back, opened their mouths but dared not say anything, and even flinched a bit.

Lin Feng didn't seem to care about the reaction of the members of the Gaoshan team. Lin Feng just smiled:

"Alpine Club, do you still need others to discredit it?"

"It's already dirty enough."

An understatement is another ruthless conclusion, and even so, someone seems to have no intention of closing his mouth, and finally took a look at everyone in the Alpine Club headed by Team Leader Liu:

"This year...you just succeeded in relegation, right?"

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