
Chapter 669 Is it amazing?

For this sake, Team Leader Liu of the Alpine Club has completely discarded his so-called demeanor. The words he said were clearly provocative, mocking and threatening, but his tone became more rampant and unscrupulous.

To be clear is to tell you——


I'm fucking threatening.

It's just fucking talking about your status as a club substitute for Li Shiyi.

what can you do

If you have the ability to really go, then have you considered your future livelihood in Shanghai and your own sister's academic life?

After leaving my Alpine Club, you, Li Shiyi, are a damn good-for-nothing with no other special skills. You can't even imagine living in a place like Shanghai, let alone living with a troublesome younger sister.

And you, a kid named Lin Feng, are old friends with Li Shiyi, right? You want to help him get ahead, okay, you are really awesome, tonight you have smashed the Mountain Internet Cafe and the Mountain Club. ,so what?

It looks like he let out a sigh of relief and helped your friend earn face.


My Alpine Club has nothing to do with your little bastards like the Internet Bull and Internet Cafe Team, but can't it handle Li Shiyi as a substitute player in the club?

You have added a lot of trouble to our Alpine Club before, but now I am sorry that all of these have to be recovered from your old friend!

Seeing Li Shiyi not far away in front of him with a slumped expression and lowered his head, as if he had finally made a decision and made a difficult step in his direction, Team Leader Liu couldn't help showing a happier smile on his face.

The mood also swelled to the peak of joy at this moment.

A bunch of brats.

I really don't know how high the sky is and the earth is thick, and I want to face up to their Alpine Club?

This fucking is teaching you a lesson!

Many Internet cafe customers around have turned their heads and couldn't bear to watch it anymore. After all, what the Alpine Club did really made them feel disgraceful. They felt worthless for the substitute player named Li Shiyi, but they all watched Now that the situation has come out, there is no other way to restore and solve it——

After all, although your little classmate Lin Feng's game skills are awesome, it's a game and it's reality right now.

You can rely on Katerina's superb maneuvers to turn the tables at the most dangerous and critical moments of the game, but in such a cruel reality, the word "miracle" will not appear so easily.

One is e-sports games that focus on pure strength.

One is a real life.

The two cannot be compared.

Even the top professional powerhouses at the level of the Four Emperors and Seven Kings cannot solve such a realistic problem.


Just at this very moment.

When everyone was full of pity and sympathy, and decided that the picture of this scene would not turn around again, and when Li Shiyi gave up and chose to accept his fate, and was struggling to walk towards the direction of everyone in the Alpine Club.


Li Shishi's arm was grabbed from behind.

It doesn't grab very hard.

But the strength is steady and persistent, without any trembling.

At the same moment, a voice sounded calmly and firmly from behind him:

"Don't go there."


Li Shiyi's body froze slightly again, and then slowly turned his head to see Lin Feng's extremely serious and solemn face. The latter's eyes fell on him, and he repeated aloud again:

"Don't go there."

The tone is still calm, but anyone can easily hear the seriousness in it.

The corner of his mouth couldn't help but twitched, and Li Shiyi forced a forced smile with great difficulty:

"Fengzi, forget it..."

The voice even seemed a little pale and weak at this moment.

never mind.

What's the matter?

In fact, just before tonight, for Li Shishi, the moment he saw Lin Feng appearing and the moment he fought side by side with Fengzi on the stage, he had uncontrollably developed a little hopes and expectations,

Because of the reunion with his former partners and teammates, he couldn't help having such beautiful fantasies again.

Imagine, maybe you can go back to the past.

Back to the best time for him at the beginning.

But at this point...

When Team Leader Liu of the Alpine Club made such a sinister and blatant threat reminder, he was cruelly pulled back from the previous fantasies to reality.


In fact, there is no going back to the past.

He knew this a long time ago, and now he is just the most inconspicuous substitute player in the bottom team club of LSPL. He has to work extremely hard and endure all kinds of cold treatment. In a big city like Shanghai, he was struggling hard for his own and his sister's livelihood.


The stage of the World Finals that season.

Those exciting battles.

Such high spirits.

They can only stay in the past time, and then gradually be dusted.

That is the only precious memory that he can occasionally carefully pick up when he is struggling to live, but it is also the past that he cannot hope to regain. Today, he only has such a humble identity and bleak strength, and What qualifications to expect more.

Really, there is no going back.

There was a bit of bitterness in the corner of his mouth, and the light in his eyes became even dimmer. Li Shiyi lowered his head and wanted to gently break away from his partner's hand holding his arm, but after struggling...

It didn't work out.

Because the hand that held his arm was still gripping tightly.



Never let go.

Dazedly raising his head again, Li Shishi once again met someone's gaze.

Lin Feng still looked directly into the eyes of his former partners and teammates seriously, and repeated aloud for the third time:

"Don't go there."

At this time, Team Leader Liu at the Alpine Club not far away couldn't help but sneered again:

"Why, just now who said that he was coercing and threatening people? Lin Feng, I see that Li Shiyi has already made his own decision. If you refuse to let me go, who is unreasonable?"

"Oh, but it's understandable."

"After all, you are just an ordinary student. You don't have so much pressure in life. You just play League of Legends for entertainment. Do you know that the professional e-sports industry is not as simple and easy as you think?"

"Li Shiyi worked hard and was lucky to be a member of our Alpine Club. If you really think about your old friend, what's the point of not letting him come over now?"

"Hey Li Shishi, if you ask me, your old friend doesn't seem to be really good for you, hahahaha——"

The laughter seemed extremely harsh and unscrupulous.

The next moment, Team Leader Liu's laughter stopped suddenly, and his expression suddenly turned cold, looked at Li Shishi and shouted again:

"Come here!"

With this shout, it suddenly became more and more severe.

Li Shishi couldn't help trembling, and finally he was about to walk forward uncontrollably, but at the same time, the sudden increased grip on his arm made him unable to step forward no matter what. step.

Leader Liu turned his gaze to Lin Feng who was beside Li Shishi, and the sarcasm in his eyes was even more undisguised:


"It's just started?"

"I said, you brat, it seems that you really don't care about your old friends, you just want to save your own face, you must let people choose between our Alpine Club and you, and Li Shiyi will definitely choose you? This confidence is a bit unreasonable, right?"

At this moment, Team Leader Liu became more and more confident. He only felt that the situation in the audience was finally under his control alone, and his words became more and more aggressive.

But at this moment.

Facing Team Leader Liu's condescending accusation again, as if he had a chance to win, Lin Feng suddenly laughed.

There was no reason to laugh.

It's confusing.

It also made Team Leader Liu suddenly feel alert, and his thoughts turned sharply, but he couldn't guess what the kid on the other side meant and what he had planned.

But Lin Feng is still smiling, but there is no real smile in the smile, and the eyes in the eyes have turned cold little by little:

"Oh, it doesn't make sense..."

"I don't think so."

"It's easy to choose between the two."

As he spoke, he paused, and then suddenly showed a seemingly bright but heart-chilling smile to Leader Liu and all the other teammates of the Gaoshan team:

"Alpine Team Club, what is it?"

"Is it amazing?"

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The update is here, the next chapter is before ten o'clock, have dinner and continue to code!

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