
Chapter 640: Cold Bloom

From the beginning of this wave of team battles...

No, to be precise, from the moment when the jungle widow under Jingu Sakura's control flashed into the Xiaolong fjord to punish and take down the fire dragon, Lin Feng, who was the blue mid laner Katerina, completely let his whole body The state has calmed down.

Just like the "irresponsible" words he said to several partners and teammates on the team's voice channel before this wave of dragon competition, he will not do more command in this wave of teams.

When to make a move.

How to arrange tactics.

What kind of kill target should be completed first.

Everything is judged and decided by each member of his own team.

So at this moment, he also temporarily put aside his responsibilities as the captain, completely calmed down, and began to look at this wave of team battles as a pure mid laner.

What kind of performance can a team that temporarily loses its captain perform?

Many people will respond with a negative and pessimistic attitude.

But one thing is clear -

That is the comparison between being a captain and being a pure mid laner...

The latter is what someone is really good at.

Responsive to the situation, if you can go up, go up, while throwing such a sentence of irresponsibility to several partners and teammates, this is also the principle and logic that Lin Feng is following at the moment, so when Jingu Sakura's widow made a move to grab the dragon, he did not move.

He felt that the time had not come.

When Dou Zi's top laner Dashu opened his big move to attract firepower and take damage, he still didn't move.

He still didn't move even when Shandaomei and jungler Blind Monk on the opposite side cut towards Tang Bingyao's ADC Delevingne.

Because he was still waiting for a more suitable opportunity to make a move.

When he was the captain, Lin Feng had to worry about and consider too many issues, but at this moment he is only a mid laner of the team, so even if the other teammates are in a fierce battle, he still only needs to go to the next level. The calmest state considers only one thing——

How to make the most of your mid laner Katerina.

Because the things considered are single and pure.

So it is easier to see through the current chaotic and fierce team battle situation.

Time is actually less.

Lin Feng felt that if he could give him a few more seconds, he could still find a more perfect angle and shot timing, but the reality is that after all, it is not easy to write a well-arranged script, time waits for no one, and several partners and teammates did their best After that, we can only strive to achieve this kind of situation.

Still, it's almost enough.

Not the best chance.


It is also worthy enough for his Katarina to start shooting at this moment.


Ping! ——

The "Ejection Blade" of the Q skill was thrown out by Katerina Yang, and the scarlet sharp dagger quickly shot at the first target in the front. Max and the mid laner Viktor bounced back and forth, and finally flew high into the air before falling back to the ground.

The blood bars above the heads of the three purple heroes all dropped a little.

Katarina's Q skill does a lot of damage.

But just such a skill is not enough to pose too much threat.

However, at the same time that the scarlet dagger fell and plunged into the water with a hissing sound, the middle laner Xing Luo and the second team members of the Zifang Gaoshan team all had their scalps suddenly twitched at this moment. The numb alarm bell rang frantically.

Ding ding ding ding! ! ! ! !

The hasty warning signal to retreat, accompanied by Xing Luo's passionate shout on the team's voice channel, sounded at the same time:


"Carter is here!!"

However, someone's operation speed was even faster than this anxious warning.

Almost at the same moment when the short dagger with Q skill landed, Katerina under Lin Feng's control had already followed up with her E skill as quickly as lightning.


The figure of Ominous Blade suddenly disappeared in place.

In the next second, at the landing point of the scarlet dagger, an enchanting figure with long flying red hair landed on the ground.

Ping! ——

A sword dance around the body draws a scarlet icy edge.

The blood bar on the head of the purple side that is the nearest assistant, the Japanese girl, has a blood volume that plummets!

But Lin Feng's goal is not Japanese women at all.

The number "1" key on the keyboard was pressed heavily at the same moment as it rushed up, and the laser beam of the active skill of the technology gun suddenly shot towards the target Jinx not far ahead.

The blood bar above Jinx's head dropped suddenly!

Slow down and hold on!

On the stage, the face of the ADC member of the second Gaoshan team on the side of the purple army changed on the spot. He realized that he had become the first target to kill Katerina on the opposite side. Desperately place a trap grenade with E skill on the ground in front of you and put it down within the time limit, then turn around and run away at the first time.

But such trap grenades get in the way...

For Katerina, it was nothing.

The moment Katerina picked up the Q skill dagger, the cooldown CD of Katerina's E skill Shunbu has been refreshed and reset.

So there was almost no hesitation.

There is no pause.

The ominous blade that moved forward in the first stage moved almost instantly in the second stage.


In the blink of an eye, he charged directly in front of the target Jinx!

The pupils in Xing Luo's eyes shrank suddenly, and a cold chill rushed to his forehead almost instantly. He knew very well that Katerina was hurt now, and his own ADC Jinx was caught by Carter's sudden face almost doomed the end.

A trace of regret suddenly flashed in his heart.

Just now the Widow on the opposite side took the lead to grab the Baron too fast and suddenly, and the big tree also attracted their attention when the big tree came up. It took a moment of negligence to prevent the other party from taking advantage of it.

But even so...

You can't easily make that damn Katerina on the opposite side feel better! ——

The coldness in his eyes suddenly lit up. At this moment, the mid-lane mechanical pioneer under the control of Xingluo almost directly directed a "gravity field" of W skill towards his ADC Jinx teammate and target Katarina with the fastest operation speed. Throw it to the ground under your feet.

At the same time, press the R key on the keyboard suddenly!

Big move!

"Chaos Storm"!

Suddenly, a terrifying lightning cloud rose above Katerina's head, and a thick thunderbolt descended with a cold and deadly dangerous aura. Cooperating with the mechanical pioneer's E skill "death ray", the blue mid laner The blood bar above Carter's head also plummeted at this moment!

From the very beginning of the group, Xing Luo has always held the burst damage of the ultimate move in his hands.

Waiting is an opportunity.

You Katrina is going to enter the field and forcefully cut the back row?

Then you have to pay the same painful price yourself! !

A shocking damage value suddenly floated above the head, and the purple side's assistant Japanese woman not far away has turned around and chased after it. The ADC Jinx in front of him seemed to realize that he could not escape at this moment, and out of despair and anger, he brazenly chose to turn around and start to fight back. Fighting to output the last firepower is desperately trying to change this Carter's head.

on stage.

The blue side army here.

Forcibly cutting into the back row of the battlefield in 1V3 also brought him extremely urgent danger, but the person in front of the computer screen still looked calm and raised his eyebrows slightly.

Specially pinch a set of injuries in your hands to deal with yourself?


Viktor's current damage is high enough.


In comparison, his Katrina exploded faster.

next second.

The crisp sound of keystrokes on the keyboard.

Katerina's big move, "Death Lotus", bloomed in the cold at this moment.

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