
Chapter 510 Overwhelmed pride

Thinking back to the passerby qualifying match that just ended, Li Shiyi couldn't help feeling sad again.

He was indeed cheated.

Several passers-by teammates played well. At the beginning of the early stage, they had an advantage or at least a balanced situation, but it was because his jungler blind roamed and ganked a few times in the early stage to no avail, and even sent back a few opponents The head, let the opposite side develop.

Even in the mid-term, during several rounds of team battles, his passer-by teammates were constantly looking for opportunities to fight against the opponent. They were at a disadvantage but still fought back and forth, but his blind jungler was the main force to start the team. But it never worked as it should.

All the q skills failed several times.

Or be blocked by the hero in the front row.

For example, the so-called roundabout kick and r flash have never been successfully operated even once.

And his blind man couldn't open a group, so he was naturally snatched by the opponent. In front of him, the opponent jungler Excavator used a big move to go around, and directly cut the back row with a flash w to control the three of them in the back row. Leading to a wave of team battle crashes——

His jungler Blind was killed in that wave of team battles by the opponent's mid laner Huo Nan.

Really a live target.

Mobile cash machine.

In fact, at the end of this qualifying match, he himself almost lost confidence in himself, and if a blind jungler loses confidence in his own operations, how can he perform at the slightest level?


The corner of Li Shishi's mouth curled up with a bitter arc:

After a few years, things like "confidence" have long been a luxury for him.

Why is he confident.

Why can he still have enough confidence in his jungler.

All the way from the core ace of the Gaoshan team club, down to the ordinary main force, and then to the second team member, until now he has become a humble substitute that almost everyone in the club can underestimate and dictate.


Even the special computer equipment for training in the training room of the club's training base, a substitute player like him rarely has the opportunity to operate and use it on weekdays. He can only secretly use it when the first and second teams of other teams are away. Take the time to sneak in and play a few rounds, and you can't be discovered easily, otherwise there will be another burst of scolding or ridicule.


Suddenly there was a commotion outside, and the sound came from far to near.

Li Shiyi was slightly startled when he heard that, and then his heart tightened——

Someone is back?

The voices seemed to be members of the first and second teams of the team, but today is obviously only the weekend. At this time, they were supposed to be drinking and singing k outside. Why did they come back so early?

Just after such a panic thought in my mind, the members of the Gaoshan team outside the training room seemed to be walking into the living room, as if they found something and cried out in surprise:


"Why are the lights in the training room on?"

"Is anyone there?"

The expression on Li Shishi's face suddenly changed, and he realized that the situation was not good, but it was too late for him to take any action at this time. The door of the training room was pushed open from the outside. A young man in his early teens walked in with his head poking around, and he could easily recognize a few of them as members of the first and second teams of the Gaoshan team.

After entering the training room, several Gaoshan team members glanced around the room subconsciously, and soon saw Li Shishi who was sitting in a corner with some secrets, trying to lower his head as if trying to hide his figure. Immediately, he shouted in surprise:

"Hey! Who did I say, so it's Lao Li?"

"What are you doing here sneaking around here when everyone is away?"

"Sneaky, let's watch a movie?"

"Oh, it's true or not. If there are resources, don't share them? Let me see!"

While talking, several members of the Gaoshan team came to Li Shishi's side quickly while getting excited.

And Li Shiyi didn't react until this time, his face changed slightly and he shook his head in a hurry:

"No, no!"

At the same time, he hurriedly turned around and prepared to hold the mouse to close the game interface on the computer screen.

But at this time, several members of the Gaoshan team had already walked in front of him, and one of the mid laners of the second team grabbed the mouse first, and unceremoniously opened Li Shiyi's right hand that was also stretched towards the mouse, with great interest. Leaning vigorously to the screen to see:


And at first glance, the mid laner of the Alpine second team couldn't help but be disappointed:

"Damn, are you playing ranked?"

"I thought you were hiding something good."

Several other team members also stepped forward: "Playing ranked?" "Just finished?" "Let's see, how is Lao Li playing~"

Then what catches the eye is the 1/6/7 record data of the blue jungler blind monk on the record data statistics page, which is extremely eye-catching.

For a while, several members of the team burst into laughter:

"Grass, 1/6/7?"

"Tsk tsk, it turned out to be a loss. I said, why is Lao Li so nervous and doesn't want to show us? This paralyzing record is too much, right?"

"This is really blind!"

Another auxiliary member of the Gaoshan Second Team discovered a detail more keenly, and exclaimed like a fuss:

"Fuck, what segment is this?"

"Platinum to Diamond?"

"Old Li, why are you being fucked like a dog in this kind of segmented passerby game? The excavator on the opposite side is paralyzed!"

Such a discovery naturally made several members of the Gaoshan team even more interested. They looked down at Li Shiyi, who was getting paler and paler, and even mercilessly sarcastically said:

"Old Li, what rank are you now?"

"It's been so hard to play this kind of game, and I was blown out by a diamond passer-by in the jungle. Are you embarrassed?"

"Tsk tsk, this is still a substitute member of our Gaoshan team. If you say it, it will embarrass our team club."

"Haha, don't go too far, Mr. Li is also a senior veteran of our club, give me some face, give me some face—hey, if you can't beat the diamond team, Mr. Li, I still have a golden point here Shall I lend you Duan's trumpet to play with?"

As soon as this remark came out, several Gaoshan team members burst into laughter again.

Surrounded by such ridicule and ridicule, Li Shiyi's face had already become extremely pale and ugly, his lips were trembling but he was powerless to refute. Zhong struggled to walk towards the training room.

Behind him, the ridicule and ridicule still did not stop:

"This kind of old thing, I really don't know how it can still stay in our club, it's just trash."

"It's probably because of his seniority. After all, he has been in our club for so many years. Raising him as a substitute and giving him some food is considered a good deed."

"Tsk tsk, his strength is so shitty. You see, he was abused into a dog in a diamond passerby game. If our club doesn't kick him out, he can really stay here with the cheek?"

The ridicule and comments from several members of the Gaoshan team did not cover up the meaning at all, and they hit my ears one after another.

Every sentence hurt Li Shishi's little bit of pride and dignity.

He clenched his hands into fists, almost trembling.

if it is possible……

He wished he could just turn around and punch those bastards with extremely mean words in the face.

Or with the self-esteem in his heart, how could he accept such a humble and sad situation in the team club as if he was being pitied and handed out?


He can't do that.

For survival, for life, for his well-behaved and sensible younger sister who is still in middle school.

So no matter how trampled and trampled on his dignity, no matter how much he was ridiculed and sneered at with cold eyes, full of grievances and shame, he could only continue to grit his teeth and bear it.

The short distance from the training room to the door is only a dozen meters at most.

But Li Shiyi walked with great difficulty and slowness.

Every step is difficult and heavy.

Like that little rickety body.

And the dignity and pride that seemed to be crushed a little bit.

He is no longer the Eleven of the year.

Now he...

It's just Lao Li who can't even beat the diamond game.

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Send it, it will be done at three o'clock, good night friends!

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