
Chapter 507: Determined

After finishing a long talk to Lin Feng in one breath, Su Xue didn't feel a little thirsty until now. She sat on the edge of the bed and looked around for a while, then picked up an unopened bottle of mineral spring from someone's desk The water is ready to be unscrewed—

cough cough.

Can't unscrew.

The pretty face turned a little red from holding back her hands, and then Su Da explained that she decided to give up immediately, handed the mineral water bottle to someone, and ordered bluntly:

"Help me open it!"

"Oh—" Someone subconsciously took the mineral water bottle and helped to unscrew it, then handed it back honestly, while he was still trying to recollect Su Xue's lesson in a daze.

Putting her mouth to the mouth of the mineral water bottle, she took a big gulp, and after quenching her thirst, Su Xue nodded with satisfaction, and then looked at Lin Feng again:

"So, get it?"

Lin Feng nodded subconsciously:


"Almost, I understand a little bit."

"Just a little bit!?" Su Xue's willow eyebrows immediately stood up slightly, a little resentful that iron could not be made into steel: "What kind of ignorance are you, your sister and I have already made the words so clear!"

Then she frowned and thought about it, her eyes lit up and she clapped her hands:


"Speaking of which, think about it for yourself in the S1 season, how did you trick him into joining the team on eleven?"

"It's okay to do the old routine again!"

At first...

s1 season?

Lin Feng was slightly stunned when he heard that, his thoughts were a little dazed by Su Xue's words at this moment, as if he had returned to a few years ago.

His first real conversation with Eleven.

Solicitation invitation issued.


It's not even a real person meeting offline.


It seemed to be a top passer-by segment with a rank of 2,300 in the national server. He and Eleven met six or seven times in a row by coincidence that night. After the last match, they lost In that passerby game, he was still enthusiastic and directly added Shiyi's friends.

Then immediately sent a private chat message:

"Hi! Your jungler is 6!"

"Ah...thank you, your top order just now was also very strong."

"Yeah, I think so too—but actually my mid laner is stronger!"

"……Oh fine."

"It's a pity just now. If my jungler is more reliable, I will be able to gain an advantage earlier on the road, and I will definitely win!"

"Well, your junglers are a little watery, and your awareness is too poor."

"So it would be much more convenient if we can play black together with a jungler like you. Our mid-jungle combination must be very strong!"

"Ha, it should be."

"Oh, by the way, there will be an official online competition a while ago. I'm looking for someone to form a team here. I already have people for top laner and adc, and it's easy to find support. I still need a jungler. Can you come?"


"Hey, don't worry, I promise I won't cheat you!!"


"Oh, come on, come on!"

"……All right."

"Oh really? That's great! We'll be teammates from now on hahahaha——"

Later, with the addition of Aqiu who has a support position, their team's five-man lineup was formally formed.

And without any suspense, in that official online competition, the team of five of them also crushed all the opponents with an almost destructive momentum, and finally reached the top and won the online championship. trophy.

The award ceremony is offline.

In the awards venue of the Imperial Capital that year, the five people actually met together for the first time in the backstage of the venue.

There was a tacit high-five.

All smiles.

At that time, he hugged Eleven's shoulder affectionately:

"Oh! Eleven, so you really look like this! You can't tell that you are such a tricky jungler!"

Eleven was helplessly held by his shoulders, while protesting: "Does this have anything to do with appearance?"

"Of course!" A certain person vowed,

Turning to ask the opinions of several other partners and teammates: "Right!"

The other three partners and teammates also jokingly jokingly responded.

"In short, I won the championship!"

"It means that our team combination is really super awesome!"

Someone let go of Eleven's shoulders, clenched his fist hard, his eyes sparkled:


"Would you like to formally form an offline team together and play professionally?"

Aqiu, whose personality is almost as exuberant as someone else’s, was the first to applaud and agree. After thinking for a while, Amo solemnly nodded in agreement. The fat man who didn’t have much opinion looked at his partners uneasily and said timidly. He said "I, I listen to everyone".

Finally, someone's eyes fell on Eleven, and he asked excitedly:

"Eleven, how about it!"

Eleven was a little dumbfounded and didn't realize it: "Ah... what, what?"

Someone waved his fist: "Create a team with us and attack the world championship! That's it!"

The topic changed too quickly and caught people off guard. The dazed Eleven looked at someone with high fighting spirit in front of him, and after realizing it, he hurriedly said:

"Hey, wait a minute—I, I haven't even agreed yet!"

"Speaking of..."

"Why do you drag me to do this kind of thing?"


Someone looked at Eleven in bewilderment:

"Do you still need a reason?"

Immediately, he stretched out his hand and patted the shoulder of the companion who was just meeting him for the first time in front of him, and laughed proudly:

"Because that's the world championship!!——"


The memories I look back always carry the purest arrogance and dreamy pride, and the tacit and happy laughter can still bring warmth to people's hearts even now.

It also makes people can't help but put a smile on their faces from the bottom of their hearts.

Seeing the gradual smile on Lin Feng's face, Su Xue also smiled with relief:

"How about it?"

"Now feel confident knowing what to do?"

Lin Feng came back to his senses, then took a deep breath and nodded vigorously:


"That's good!" Su Xue's face was beaming immediately, just at this time there was a "ding ding ding" doorbell outside the bedroom, which startled her and quickly reacted: "Damn, I almost forgot, It should be a takeaway!"

She hurriedly got up and was about to open the door for the delivery guy. When she was about to walk out of the bedroom door, Su Xue suddenly stopped and turned to look at Lin Feng:

"Hey, do you want to eat?"

Without even thinking about it, Lin Feng raised his hand decisively:


"I want big chicken chops!"

Su Xue rolled her eyes angrily: "I know... Don't worry, I already ordered an extra for you just now, come out!"

The problem was solved, and the supper time ended in a relaxed and cozy atmosphere.

After eating a full stomach and saying goodnight to Su Xue contentedly, and returning to his bedroom, Lin Feng, who was sitting by the bed, became calm again. He lowered his head for a while, picked up his mobile phone, and dialed a number.

beep - beep - beep -

The phone connects.

Lin Feng, who was holding the mobile phone, spoke to the microphone:

"Old money?"

"In the second list of top Internet cafes you compiled before, are there any missing ones?"

Seemingly getting an affirmative answer from there, Lin Feng nodded:


"Then please check it for me again."

As he spoke, he paused again, and spoke again in an extremely calm tone:

"Others don't matter."

"The main thing is to check for me, among the other top Internet cafes in Shanghai, is there any..."

"Team Gaoshan was invited to stay here."

While speaking, the flames in someone's eyes began to burn and dance faintly again.

this time.

No longer confused and confused.

Do not hesitate any longer.

In his heart, he already had a decision.

***************************************************** ***********************************

Send it, there are only two updates today, the company is too tired after a day of meetings. . . Need to roll away and sleep. . .

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