
Chapter 501 Clean up

Enter the door, find someone, smash the field, and do it. ?

After two or three days like this, the members of the Internet Bull Internet Cafe Team have long been very familiar with the entire process of this Internet Cafe's door-to-door challenge, so there will be no other unnecessary steps to waste and procrastinate. Changing a house is simply neat, simple and fast.

"Lei Zhen team."

"Last year the LSPL ranked seventh in Division One points."

"Eighth this year."

"The strength ranks in the middle of the second-tier professional teams in the national server."

"The lineup at Supreme Internet Cafe tonight should be mostly members of the second team, but the mid laner is the core force of their first team—"

"'Yuanfang Poetry', career rating b+, is also a strong professional mid laner in the LSPL division. Dianyi's highest solo queue has been ranked in the top 30 of the king group. He is best at breeding heroes like Tiao and Bomberman. , The ability to join the team in the middle and late stages is very strong, and the style of laning play is extremely stable, and it is an opponent that many professional mid laners feel headaches."

Zeng Rui's calm and objective intelligence analysis and evaluation came from his ears.

Sitting on the seat in front of the computer screen, Lin Feng nodded:


"In this round, the lineup is changed, Douzi goes up, and I hit it."

It was finally at this time, after a calm reminder from his teammates beside him, someone remembered the adjustment of the lineup position again.

But someone's tone was still flat and casual when the exit made arrangements.

It seems that he didn't take the main mid laner of the Lei Zhen team on the opposite side of his heart.

A poem from afar?

It seems that I have heard of it, or maybe I have occasionally encountered a hand-to-hand match when passing passers-by in the first high-end bureau of Guofudian.

But these are not within the scope of someone's consideration right now. Since the opponent's strongest point is in the mid laner position, it is quite pleasant to see, strong against strong, king against king, if it is a mid laner ...

Lin Feng's eyelids drooped slightly.

Then this game should end sooner.


And it is true.

Amidst the thunderous cheers and drum noise of the guests and audience of the Supreme Internet Cafe Club in the audience, a 5v5 challenge match involving a huge bounty of 8,800 yuan kicked off.

In the middle, the main mid laner "Yuanfang Shi" of the first team of the blue Fang Leizhen team played in a row.

On the purple side, the hero selection box on the mid laner position lighted up slightly, and was quickly locked on to confirm the hero——

Frost Witch Lissandra.

The article is against the ice girl.

Without any suspense, there was a commotion among the Internet cafe audience. Naturally, no one cared about the purple side's mid laner ice girl. Everyone was chatting excitedly about their distant master in this round. Taking out a natal bar will wipe out the opponent in a few minutes, and a big move will explode netbsp; just like Yuan Fangshi himself has a reserved and confident smile on his face.

And such a smile——

When the game officially entered the 4th minute.


"firb1ood (first blood)!"

The kill announcement by the female voice of the system rang coldly and mercilessly in my ears, and the game screen on the computer screen in front of me suddenly turned into a bleak black and white tone, just like Yuan Fangshi's expression that suddenly became dull.

Unsurprisingly, the clamor and clamor of the audience suddenly fell silent.

Then, the frying pan suddenly boiled again, which had long been accustomed to by the Netbull and Internet Cafe team.

Single kill.

In 4 minutes, Ice Girl got a solo kill on the line.

The ultimate solo kill.

Just a moment ago, the blood volume of the single hero above the heads of the blue and purple sides was only a fifth, almost all of them entered the opponent's killing line, and the atmosphere of the online game was also extremely frozen , but neither side dared to make a move easily.

The pawn line was pushed under the defense tower of the blue side. At this moment, although the mid laner Ice Maiden, who seemed to be the purple side, could take the initiative a little bit more, but if she wanted to jump over the tower and kill, she would also bear a huge risk.

Moreover, with Yuan Fangshi's reaction, if the Ice Maiden only relies on the displacement of the e skill to advance, the former will definitely be able to react and even hit the position where the Ice Maiden's e skill lands and directly fight back with a set of Q 2nd Company to cooperate with the defensive tower Instant anti-kill.

But at that moment—

The Frost Witch under someone's control still made a move.

Almost beyond everyone's expectations.

Ice Girl Lissandra moved forward and pressed forward, and at the same time, the "Glacier Path" of the e skill was shot backwards, and an ice-blue magic claw exuding a chill was smoothly drawn towards Lissandra's back A straight track.

the same instant.

A golden awn exploded brightly.

The figure of the ice girl suddenly flashed forward almost as fast as lightning, rushing forward, brazenly rushing to the tower!

Protruding face!

The ice ring of the skill opens in seconds, suddenly imprisoning and freezing the target Orianna!


Ping a to q!

As the single monster in the blue square, Yuan Fangshi's scalp was so numb that it almost exploded in an instant, and the monster under his control was about to throw backhand Q Erlian like lightning. This step could at least help him forcefully replace it. The head of the opponent ice girl.

But still at this moment——

The moment the q skill was released, the e key on the keyboard was suddenly pressed by someone again!

Second stage e!

Like lightning, the ice girl Lissandra's figure suddenly disappeared in place the moment she was about to be hit in the face by Tiaoq Erlian, and teleported to thousands of yards away!

Extreme evasion skills!

Everything from start to finish happened in less than 0.5 seconds!


Even the blue side's mid-lane defensive outer tower had no time to transfer the firepower of hatred to the target ice girl!

Someone's ultimate manipulator exploded at this moment, allowing Lissandra under the control to retreat completely.

And the blood bar above the demon spirit's head was burned away by [ignite] little by little.

A blood.

Single kill.

All Internet cafe guests and audience, including the network administrator and the boss, were stunned.

Even Yuanfang Shi herself was shocked by the extreme solo kill operation of the opponent Ice Girl, so that she couldn't help trembling.

Surprises and praises from several partners and teammates rang out in the team voice channel next to my ears. Lin Feng's expression in front of the computer screen was still calm, but there was a bit of uncontrollable restlessness in the depths of his quiet eyes, as if he had begun to Boil a little.

Originally, this was nothing at all.

As if uncontrollably recalling the last few words of the conversation with Xiaoba in the Zenith Internet Cafe in his mind.

I remembered the news that Xiao Ba hesitated to tell him at the end of the conversation.

Lin Feng's right hand holding the mouse tightened involuntarily.

The restlessness in the depths of the eyes flashed away again.


Even he, when he heard the news, his mood was inevitably shocked and affected.

The unstoppable restlessness has begun to stir like a hot pot.



Because of that news, it almost disrupted all the plans he had originally made. He should have been going step by step, and at least there were still a few days before he could raise and earn the target amount of 100,000 yuan, but now— —

Things are different.

Completely, differently.

If it wasn't for Xiaoba's vague but nervous and worried advice before leaving, if it wasn't for his efforts to control his emotions and reason, at this moment he would have wished to omit and cut off all the cumbersome steps now. Make another, more direct choice.

But even if you have tried hard to control your emotions.

But the irritability and confusion are unavoidable.

too slow.

Too late.

Even though they already knew the news and a more important piece of information about that former partner and teammate, they still just procrastinated and wasted time here, how could they bear it?


Hurry up!

The restlessness in the depths of his eyes had been replaced by another emotion at some point, and a blazing killing intent that was finally uncontrollable suddenly lit up in Lin Feng's eyes——

Those obstacles in front of me...

Everything needs to be cleaned up.

***************************************************** *******************************

Here, the next chapter looks like around eleven o'clock.

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