
Chapter 493 More than enough

The rest of the ending did not deviate from what Shi Ming and Lu Zhong expected.

Even if someone's top captain on the purple side had been killed and was still waiting to be revived in the spring water of his own base, the other four members of the remaining Netbull and Internet Cafe team did not hesitate at this time.

big dragon?

It doesn't matter at all.

A wave of four people rushed forward in the middle of an emergency group. The line of troops quickly demolished the second tower of the opponent's blue army in twos and twos, and then directly pressed on to the high ground without even waiting for the soldiers to arrive. Zeng Rui's assistance The Japanese girl took the lead in taking the damage and let her teammates start to output point towers.

In another six or seven seconds, the tower on the high ground in the middle of the blue square broke.

Immediately, the summoning crystal in the middle was also quickly demolished.

Immediately following the line of soldiers has also been pushed up to the high ground, but the four heroes of the purple side who broke the road on the opposite side have no intention of retreating at all.

It was only at this time that the Internet cafe guests and audience in the audience reacted belatedly, and suddenly there was an unbelievable exclamation in the crowd:

This is……

Push it straight to the end! ?

Soon some Internet cafe guests and audience members silently counted the time in their hearts, and their faces suddenly showed shock:



At this time, there are still ten seconds before the resurrection time of the fastest resurrected policewoman on the blue side.

But even if the policewoman was resurrected alone, she couldn't stop the four heroes from the purple side from demolishing the tower at all.

So the first incisor tower was quickly demolished.

Immediately following the second incisor tower was also reduced to ruins amidst a roar.

At this time, Lan Fangquanshui, ADC's policewoman, mid laner Syndra, and jungler Widow all resurrected one after another, rushing out desperately to make the final struggle and resistance.

However, the four members of the Zifang Wangniu Internet Cafe team didn't care about their opponents at all. Even if they faced the opponent's damage, they still forcibly removed the crystal with the same goal.

One, two, three, four!


Finally, as ADC Verus under the control of Tang Bingyao shot a flat A arrow, the last small blood volume of the crystal blood bar of the blue team was emptied and taken away.


The entire noisy and chaotic battlefield suddenly became silent, only the light emitted by the blue square base crystal twisted and changed a little bit, and finally exploded suddenly with a loud bang!

It's all settled.

On the LCD monitor screen on the stage, a huge and eye-catching purple square "victory" emblem slowly emerged in the center of the screen.

On the stage, on the side of the Wangniu Internet Cafe team, Dou Zi was the first to be the first to slap the mouse hard and shout excitedly:


Frustrated for the entire game, and finally completed a shocking comeback within one minute!

Completely elated!

Zeng Rui, Tang Bingyao, and Jingu Ying couldn't help showing joyful smiles on their faces. This round was really difficult. Until the last wave of decisive key team battles, they even thought it was difficult. Turned over.

But in the end...

Still a miracle.

Thinking in this way, the gazes of several people subconsciously looked at someone next to them—speaking of which, the biggest contributor to the miracle was actually this one.

Sensing the gazes cast by several partners and teammates, Lin Feng habitually scratched his hair:



"I told you earlier, my captain is very strong."

It's another wave of self-promotion with a calm face and a heartbeat, typical of someone's style.

Normally, this kind of self-promotion would only result in speechless and even blank stares from a few partners and teammates, but at this moment, Dou Zi, Tang Bingyao, and even Jingu Ying and Zeng Rui couldn't help but show sincere approval on their faces.


This round...

Someone's top laner captain, indeed, carried the entire game almost on his own.

Even if he is called a god-level captain, it seems——

No exaggeration.

Offstage, the Internet cafe audience fell into silence.

It seems that everyone has not been able to recover from such an unexpected game ending, and they still feel illusory and unreal like a dream.

But finally, there was a solitary applause from the crowd. I don't know who started to applaud, but then it became several scattered applause, and then the applause became louder and louder. Finally, almost everyone in the Internet cafe hall applauded. The guests and the audience began to applaud vigorously, and there were even screams and cheers mixed in.

So warm and boiling applause echoed throughout the Internet cafe hall like a tide.

At this moment, all the Internet cafe guests and audience applauded and looked towards the purple square Internet cow Internet cafe team on the stage with sincere admiration and admiration. Their applause and cheers were completely sincere at this time, without any Adulteration.

Really great!

Putting aside their supportive attitude towards the professional masters of their own Qiye team, but to be reasonable, the purple team's Internet Bull Internet Cafe team played really wonderfully in this game!

Ups and downs!

Looking for opportunities to comeback bit by bit from the disadvantaged situation, the various online battles in the early stage, and the amazing team battle cooperation in the subsequent few times, they have really achieved a level comparable to the LSPL professional lineup!


In the end, a shocking reversal was completed in a wave of big dragon team battles!

Jedi comeback!

The other team members have already performed amazingly enough, but the most powerful one is the top laner captain!

In the early stage, it was close to super god.

The last wave of Q flashes three consecutive barrels, blowing up the audience!

Really amazing!

"God-level captain!!"

"Captain Niubi, what the hell!!"

"You can still kill solo against Yagami! This must be a proper professional level!"

"Little brother is awesome! Enough to hang!!"

Such loud yells and praises continued to be heard from the audience in the audience. After recovering, all the Internet cafe guests and audience members remembered the operation performance of the single captain in this round, and couldn't help being excited. The level of applause has been raised again!

Professional gods are rare.

But the passer-by master who can turn professional masters head-on...

But even rarer!


Amidst the warm cheers, whistles and applause, the atmosphere on the stage of the blue Fang Qiye team seemed a bit heavy.

Several members of the Qiye team showed dejected expressions on their faces.

The audience applauded enthusiastically.

But this time...

All the cheers and applause did not belong to them.

Lu Zhong, who is the main support member of Team Qiye, could not help shaking his head when he heard the cheers from the audience, with a somewhat self-deprecating look on his face:

"I didn't expect—"

"It's the first time to do this kind of offline activity in Internet cafes, and I fell into the gutter."

It stands to reason that, as the main player of the Qiye team, he should be able to easily win the cheers and admiration of all fans when he comes to participate in the offline activities of this peak Internet cafe. Appeared on the stage, but was defeated by an ordinary Internet cafe team.

However, Lu Zhong's expression at this time also seemed calm, without much resentment.

As a professional player, he still has a certain temperament.

after all……

The strength of the opponent was really strong enough to even exceed his expectations.


Looking towards the direction of the Wangniu Internet Cafe team not far away, Lu Zhong sighed:

"That captain, the operational level is absolutely necessary."

"I feel that coming directly to LSPL to play professionally is definitely more than enough, what do you think, Ah Ming?"

Shi Ming on the side nodded absently:

"Ah, yes."

In fact, it is more than enough to play LSPL?

He has personally seen God M's domineering figure sweeping the world's top players at the pinnacle of the world finals of the S1 season, okay?

But at the moment, Shi Ming is not in the mood to continue to communicate and discuss with his teammates. At this moment, he can't sit still, and his mood is almost impatient——

can't wait...

I want to rush to the opposite side to have a good chat with God M whom I haven't seen in years!

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