
Chapter 491 Verus, harvest!

In the game League of Legends, almost every hero can use his skills to form a variety of combos.

The skill combos of each hero can be divided into low and high stages according to the difficulty of operation and casting.

For example, Riven, the three-stage Q requires three keystrokes, and the slightly more formal one is the QA combo. Only players with fast enough hands and high proficiency in the hero Riven can play the so-called speed of light QA .

Another example is the most well-known blind monk R flash, the QRQ that adapts to the current situation, and the prince's EQ flash and so on.

For the hero Captain, in the eyes of the majority of ordinary players, the most common is nothing more than a two-barrel combo, but basically most League of Legends players think that a three-barrel combo is a more advanced combo operation.

After all, it's much more difficult for a captain's three-barrel to work successfully than a two-barrel, so that's true.

But if you want to think that three consecutive barrels must be stronger than two consecutive barrels, it would be a bit biased.

Because the number of powder kegs is not the more the better.

It also depends on the situation.

In many cases, the captain's double barrel is more flexible and convenient in laning or team battles, so there is no need to waste more powder barrels and skill CD time, and this is also the previous 20 minutes. The reason why Lin Feng never used three consecutive barrels during the game time.

Naturally, it's not that he doesn't know how to do combos like that.

It's because it's not necessary.

Unless the opportunity is really seized, or the situation of the battle really requires such a wave of three consecutive barrels to forcefully break the situation, such combos will be taken into consideration by him.


at the moment.


In the eyes of everyone, the blind monk Jingu Sakura of the purple square Wangniu Internet cafe team seems to be brainless and initiates a suicidal forceful attack, and several heroes of the opponent's blue square Qiye team also subconsciously go. When pressing forward and preparing to focus on the second person——

The top order captain under someone's control finally moved.

Two barrels.

Answer Q.

Instantly receive [Flash] and three consecutive E skills to replenish the barrel.

Even more than the regular captain's three-barreled operation, the ultimate hand speed is required. In order to truly achieve the desired effect and let this wave of first-hand forcefully destroy all hopes of the opponent's blue army, Lin Feng almost at this moment. It's the hand speed that broke out at its peak state——

Q flashes.

Ultimate three in a row!

boom! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

The violent roaring and bombing sound suddenly detonated in the very center of the formation of the entire blue army!

At this moment of lightning, almost all the Internet cafe guests and audience in the audience were unable to react to what happened on the field, but the most intuitive scene has already come into view in advance.

The critical strike damage values ​​of large areas floated up.

Tons of AOE burst output.

A shot of three consecutive barrels.

The five heroes of the blue team's Qiye team almost all fell from full blood at the same time to a full half of their blood bars at this moment! !

Even the most fragile ADC female policewoman and mid laner Syndra's blood bar was almost directly blown off by nearly two-thirds! !

Instantly all the residual blood!


It was instantly blown to the endangered bloodline! !

The changes are happening too fast. At this moment, even if they have seen such a horrifying scene, all the Internet cafe guests and audience, including the store manager Xu Jian in the front row of the crowd, are still in the minds of everyone. It seemed that there was only a blank space left, and the busy tone was generally inaudible.


Only one thought remains—

Good, high damage! ! ! !


"Back back!!"

"Grass, distance yourself!!"

On the stage of the blue Fang Qiye team, Lu Zhong's voice, which was so frightened and even anxious, suddenly burst out in the team's voice channel at this moment.

This wave really happened!

The eyes and attention of several members of the Qiye team were completely attracted by the blind monk jungler who was the first opponent to rush up from the opposite side.

No one was able to prevent the opponent's top lane captain's hand Q flashing three consecutive barrels.

no, exactly...

It is simply impossible to prevent it!

The situation on the scene suddenly turned around almost at this moment!

The drastic change caused the emotions of several members of the Qiye team to be in chaos, but there is one thing that they are all very clear——

Gotta kill this captain!

So in the next second, while rushing back and desperately opening the distance, the skill firepower of several heroes on the blue side almost turned around in the blink of an eye. Thresh's Q skill hook and all other skills are overwhelmingly smashing towards the target captain!

Still at this moment.

The light in Lin Feng's eyes was calm but sharp enough to be threatening.

The moment Q Flash hit the ground with three barrels in a row, the operation in his hands still did not hesitate at all, almost counting the situation where the opponent's concentrated fire was strong, but at the moment before being taken away by the opponent's instant kill, his last set The operation combo has been executed in one go and instantly!

Flat A.



The blood bar on the captain Planck's head plummeted to the bottom in an instant, but the moment before he was killed, Planck's last set of damage had already hit the target policewoman in front of him.

"You-have--an-enemy (you killed an enemy hero)."

The system's female voice announced.

It's almost a wave of one-on-one kills against the policewoman!

The audience exploded!

The faces of all Internet cafe guests and audience members changed drastically!

But in the next second, the blood bar above the captain's head also emptied and returned to zero, and the game screen in front of the computer screen instantly turned into a black and white TV:


No more than two seconds from start to finish.

Almost as soon as he entered the field, the captain was taken away by a wave of focused fire from the opponent's blue army.

As a result, the mood of the Internet cafe guests and audience was almost like a roller coaster, and they couldn't help but burst into cheers:


The captain is dead! !

It's just seconds away, this wave is okay! !

But at this moment, the corners of Lin Feng's mouth in front of the computer screen raised a slight arc, and the expression on his face was still calm and calm——

That's enough.

The core key point of this round of the game fell on his captain from the very beginning. It seems that the key to the victory of the team battle is closely related to the life and death of his captain, so everyone subconsciously believes that the captain needs to save his life and not die.

But actually...

The key to breaking the current wave of team battles is precisely the sacrifice of his captain.

Even Jingu Sakura's jungler blind monk was the first to charge forward, it was just a cover, it was all just to cover his captain's Q flash three times, and hit such a wave of explosive AOE damage before dying , his mission is all over.

As for the rest—

Just hand it over to your teammates.

Because at this moment, at the same time when Lin Feng's top laner captain was taken away by the spike, the heroes under the control of Tang Bingyao, Zeng Rui, and Dou Zi on the Zi Fang Wang Niu Internet Cafe team also had the fastest speed. Fast reaction speed, directly into the battlefield!

"Big move!!"

"Stop and keep people!!"

He shouted anxiously, and at the same time Zeng Rui's auxiliary Japanese girl with an R skill "Sun Flare" swung his sword and shot, and the golden yellow energy spot suddenly appeared on the central ground of the blue square formation not far away. blast!

Even just at this time, Jingu Sakura's jungler blind monk got rid of the state of dizziness control, and swept out Thresh with a big move, and suddenly kicked the soul lock warden backwards After that, he knocked the other two blue heroes into mid-air one after another!

Then they were controlled by the Japanese girl's big move together!

Perfect connection bo!

The Bomber man under the control of Dou Zi threw the hell cannon and covered the ground with a radius of nearly a thousand yards centered on the blue square formation. As for Tang Bingyao, who is an ADC——

The ADC Verus under the control of the girl suddenly moved forward in a golden glow!

Lift the crossbow.

The big move "Chain of Corruption" is shot out!

Continue to join the group control!

Quickly press the Q button to charge, the flames in the girl's eyes boiled at this moment, and the "piercing arrow" pulled out a trail of energy in midair and shot forward.

Continuously penetrated the bodies of the two remaining blood heroes, Syndra and the Widow!

The blood bars above the heads of the two heroes bottomed out at the same time!


"Double Kill (double kill)!!——"

Kill two birds with one stone!

A wave of harvesting and killing belonging to Verus blatantly set off!

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The update is sent, things get late at night. . . But it's still the third change, get out and go to sleep!

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