
Chapter 489: 2-lane disadvantaged pawn line

call out--

With a piercing roar, Verus's Q skill "Piercing Arrow" pulled out a faint purple tail arc flame in midair and shot towards the blue army formation in the distance, fully charged. The arrow came at an extremely fast speed, but it was still dodged by Thresh, the assistant in the front row of the blue side, who moved flexibly.

At the same time, the single Bomber on the purple side's Q skill "Bouncing Bomb" also bounced twice on the ground and quickly jumped forward, but this time the ADC policewoman on the opposite side only took a small step back, Let Bomberman's Q skill also fail.

A wave of poke, Bomberman and Verus' skills failed to hit.


This isn't the first time a skill has failed.

On the side of the purple Fangwangniu Internet cafe team on the stage, Jingu Sakura frowned slightly:

"It's...too far away."

Dou Zi was a little downcast:

"Yeah, it's really hard to reach people with Q at this distance."

Although it is said that a lineup like the purple side is playing a poke flow, but it is hoped that the ideal distance is within the range of your own skills and outside the opponent's attack range. Can not guarantee.

But the problem is-

At this moment, the few people on the Zifang Wangniu Internet Cafe team didn't dare to move forward any closer.

A little further forward, whether it is Thresh's Q or Syndra's QE second company, it is very likely to use a backhand to control it. Once controlled, it will be like Dou Zi's bomber before. fate.

In fact, at this time, the equipment of Bomberman and Verus has gradually improved. If the skill hits the target, the poke damage caused is also considerable.

However, in order to maintain their own safety, it is very difficult to poke at such a distance to consume the opponent's HP.

Instead, an embarrassing situation of "a clever woman can't cook without rice" appeared——

You have the ability to poke, but you have to be able to hit it accurately.

As for Lin Feng's top laner captain, not to mention, the distance between the two barrels is not even as far as the Q skill of Verus and Bomberman. The policewoman grabbed a flat A and ordered it out ahead of time.

And what made Zi Fang's Internet Cattle and Internet Cafe team fall into an embarrassing and passive situation...

It is the upper and lower lines of soldiers at this moment.

On the road, a wave of soldiers from the blue side has pressed in front of the highland tower on the purple side.

The second defensive tower in the bottom lane was also being set on fire by a large wave of minions on the opposite side. Although the speed of blood loss was not fast, it was still unbearable to watch.

Jingu Sakura gritted her teeth:

"It can't go on like this."


"Hurry up and make a decision!"

Since I came into contact with the game League of Legends, I have even played countless high-end battles in the passerby game of the king group on the European server, but it is rare for a girl to encounter such a tangled and uncomfortable situation like now.

Zeng Rui nodded slightly, and continued his analysis in a calm tone:

"The other side is not in a hurry."

"But we definitely can't continue to procrastinate like this. Either we give up the big dragon and go back to defend the wave of soldiers, or make a decision as soon as possible to find an opportunity to force a wave of troops. If we continue to procrastinate, we will definitely lose any benefits."

When it is broken, it will be disrupted.

This kind of reasoning is more useful in professional-level competitions, because the timing of the battle situation is changing rapidly, and every second of hesitation as a decision maker will have a huge impact or even loss on the team——

There was a world-class professional team before in the S series finals because a mid laner's murloc hesitated between pushing the high ground with a single belt and defending the dragon, wasting too much time and was finally caught by the opponent Taking the opportunity to launch a strong team in Dalong, it led to the defeat of that game.

And now.

Also as the captain and decision maker of the team, such a selection task fell on Lin Feng.

It is to give up the big dragon to return to the line and defend the tower.

Still grab a wave.

There is not much time left for Lin Feng to make a decision. It seems that there is already a wall clock ticking continuously, mechanically and ruthlessly counting down the time.

Lin Feng's eyes drooped down.

The expression on his face is still calm, but his mind is already analyzing, calculating and judging the current battle situation at an extremely fast speed.


Still grab the dragon.

The situation of the double call skill on the opposite side.

The cooldown CD of the double summon skill of your teammates.

Calculation of damage.

Deduction of various possible situations of the first move.

The next moment, Lin Feng's eyes narrowed slightly, and his eyes flashed calmly. At the same time, his voice sounded on the team's voice channel:



"Follow my command."


On the OB screen of the LCD spectator screen, in front of the Dalongfjord river, the ten heroes of the blue and purple legions are still in a stalemate.

The atmosphere seems to be depressing and solidified, but it remains unchanged.

But at the same time, if you put your eyes on the small map, you can see that the situation of the upper and lower lines of the Purple Fang Wangniu Internet Cafe team has become more and more serious and unfavorable——

The HP of the highland tower on the top road has been worn out by a quarter, and new blue square minions are still coming in a steady stream. At the same time, the second purple square tower on the bottom road is also under the attack of a whole wave of soldiers. The speed at which the weight falls is shocking.

Still want to delay?

At this moment, such thoughts popped up in the minds of the Internet cafe guests and audience in the audience.

"It's hard to choose—"

Some guests and the audience tsk-tsk like this:

"If you go back to guard the tower, you will lose the dragon."

"Continue to guard the dragon, and your own highland will be taken away by the soldiers."

"It's really hard to get off a tiger~"

At the same time, other guests and audience on the side also spoke up and commented in a decent way:

"Speaking of which, this should be a common problem of most passers-by experts. They are usually used to playing passers-by. They don't have any rules. Anyway, they rely on their own strength to carry. In the current situation where the problem is determined by tactics and the overall situation, immediately I'm out of luck."

"Tsk tsk, so this is the biggest difference between professional players and ordinary passers-by."

Such words, intentionally or unintentionally, were mocking the captain of the purple side on the field.

Your personal ability is strong.

But does it work?

At such a time, isn't there nothing to do?

On the front row of the crowd, Xu Jian, the store manager of the Peak Internet Cafe, couldn't stop showing a gloating smile on his face again——

It should have been expected.

The previous worries are unnecessary at all, they are just captains with good personal strength. After being slowly suppressed by the masters of their Qiye team relying on tactical routines and team cooperation, how can the captain stand up a little bit? Power?

Now, there is no threat!

However, everyone didn't know that it was also at the same moment, on the side of the purple Fangwangniu Internet cafe team on the stage, Lin Feng's voice was still sounding steadily and without fluctuations in the voice channel of the team:


"Follow what I said, and complete your own tasks."

"First move..."

"Leave it to me."

With that said, Lin Feng paused, then turned to look at his fellow jungler beside him:

"The other thing is, the shrine."

"If you go first, you need your cooperation."

Although this wave of blind monk Li Qing's summoner skill [Flash] has not yet finished cooling down, it is almost impossible to perform the extreme operation show like before on the road, forcefully cut the back row and kick a few people away, There was even some uncertainty and doubts about someone's arrangement just now, but when someone looked over, Jingu Sakura still nodded directly without any hesitation:


Lin Feng nodded slightly.

His eyes fell on the Dalongfjord not far away again, looking at the heroes of the blue team Qiye, the flames in his eyes were burning quietly and beating:

at last……

It's a wave.

Life and death, victory or defeat, it's all a fight.

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