
Chapter 473 All kinds of anti-squatting

This time, what Lin Feng said was definitely not a lie. Teana Novel 『⒉

If we talk about the moment before, when the opponent's blue side's adc policewoman and auxiliary Thresh just switched to the top lane to target and suppress him, his captain, regardless of level or equipment, was not enough to form a 1V2 complete crush——

Well now.

The situation is completely different.

The wave of double kills on the road more than half a minute ago, coupled with the economy brought by taking out the opponent's outer tower on the road alone, made Lin Feng's top laner captain directly equip the first large item [Three-phase Power] after returning to the city in a wave. 】To do it.

In 12 minutes, the captain with the three phases in hand is basically a boss-level existence.

1V2 on the road?

Not to mention that the opponent is just an adc policewoman and an auxiliary Thresh. At this moment, even if it is the jungler widow from the blue side on the opposite side, Lin Feng is more than 90% sure that he will replace at least two heads on the opposite side in 1V3.

And given that his dual summons have been cooled down at this moment...

If the operation is perfect, a wave of three kills that is so strong that there is no solution is not completely impossible.

After all, the captain of the three phases and the captain before the three phases are two completely different heroes.


It is precisely because of this that they are also aware of this, so when they saw the opposite captain re-entering the field of vision, and immediately caught a piece of [Three-Phase Power] lying quietly in Planck's equipment bar, Team Seven Leaf Whether it's the assistant Lu Zhong or the ADC member of the second team who is a policewoman, the eyelids can't help but twitch wildly.


The two Qiye team members really couldn't help cursing their mothers right now.

12 minutes three-phase captain.

What the hell? How can you make a fake so fast! ?

"Brother Lu... This, it's not good to just face it right?"

Not to mention him, even Lu Zhong, who is the main support of the first team of the team and has seen many big scenes and big battles in LspL, feels a little bit numb at the moment, and reluctantly nodded:


"Don't fight with that guy, let's try to hold on to the road as much as possible, you take care of yourself—"

The scene is still beautiful.

But the real state of mind of the two of them at this moment is exactly the same, who the hell wants to face a captain who has the power of three phases at this time, they want to live a little longer, okay?

Moreover, anyway, as long as they are able to stop the opposing captain from taking kills, as long as the middle and bottom lanes can find opportunities to open up the situation, they can still pull the rhythm of the game into their blue team's control. among.

Thinking of this in his heart, Lu Zhong glanced at the small map——

At this moment, their wild widow has already moved towards the middle lane again.

The jungler on the opposite side...

Maybe backsquatting too?

Lu Zhong raised his eyebrows, but when his eyes glanced at a certain place on the small map, the corners of his mouth could not help but curl up slightly:

Even if the blind man is really squatting back, it doesn't matter.


And maybe a better free perk?


The game time came to 12 minutes and 35 seconds.

On the route in Summoner’s Canyon, the mid-lane heroes on both sides are still facing the line. Although the Bomber was killed by a gank once, it was a bit injured, but now that the level of the blasting ghost has risen, the Qing soldiers push the line. The ability has also been significantly enhanced, and the pressure from the opponent Syndra is no longer as great as before. Occasionally, you can even find a chance to throw a Q skill bouncing bomb in the past to counter the consumption.


This kind of routine exchange of blood is always more disadvantageous for Bomberman.

At least for now, Dou Zi controls his Bomberman to continue to line up with Syndra, the blue mid laner on the opposite side. Seeing that his health has been drained to less than two-thirds, he starts to fight. I couldn't help but jump up in shock:

"Hey, Jingu-senpai,

If you keep procrastinating like this, something will happen—"

"Why do I feel like I'm about to enter Syndra's killing line?"

Jingu Sakura, who controlled the blind monk to stand behind the second tower on the middle road, gave a very objective response:

"not yet."

"Senior Dou Zi, as long as you move carefully and don't be controlled by Syndra's set of eQ two consecutive dizziness, the current state of blood volume is still safe."

The corner of Dou Zi's mouth was already twitching:

"But it's dangerous—"

"If the widow on the other side comes here at this time, with Syndra's set of damage, you don't need to control it and you can kill me in seconds, right?"

Jingu Sakura smiled:

"At this time, I need to see how you respond to the operation, senior—"

"And, don't worry."

"I will be ready to rescue at any time."

This kind of dialogue itself does not have much substantive meaning, even if it is comforted, it will not have much effect, but at this moment, Dou Zi can only bite the bullet and continue to work hard with Syndra on the opposite side. Focusing on laning and maneuvering, at the same time, the vigilance in my heart has been raised to the highest level.

The widow opposite...

No matter how it feels, it should be coming soon.


The game time is 12 minutes and 45 seconds.

One of them avoided Syndra's Q skill "Dark Ball" in a very thrilling way, and Dou Zi was so startled that he almost broke out in a cold sweat.


If he is caught by Q now, Syndra's direct ult will probably be able to kill him in seconds.

so close!

And Jingu Sakura, who was still squatting patiently behind her, also saw her eyes slightly bright, and praised:

"The senior is in a good position."

"Cough, it's okay..." Dou Zizheng subconsciously wanted to wipe off the cold sweat after saying this in his mouth, but what he saw from the corner of his eyes made goosebumps all over his body. All exploded in an instant!

It was a puff of purple smoke.

I don't know when, the opponent's blue team's wild widow had already quietly entered the middle lane. At this moment, it almost seized the moment when Dou Zi's mind was relaxed, and suddenly gank!

With the skill turned on, the widow maker moves almost as fast as a ghost.

in a blink.

Evelyn, who was wrapped in a cold killing intent, has already swept hundreds of yards and rushed to the target bomber!

Q skill "Hate Stinger" shot!

A dark purple energy thorn thorn suddenly protruded from the ground and penetrated the bomberman's body!

Then tie a!


A set of combos, under the hands of the wild widow of the Seven Leaves team, was almost done in one go, so fast that people had no time to react, and they could only see that the blood bar on the head of the bomber Ziggs had suddenly increased. It plummeted down a whole section!

The terrifying explosive damage of the AP assassin hero Evelyn is vividly displayed at this moment!

Bomber suddenly fell into life crisis!


Jingu Sakura, who was squatting back, shouted anxiously, and at the same time, his jungler blind monk under his control also quickly came to support him from behind his second defense tower.

That is, at this very moment—

Dou Zi, who had raised his vigilance to the highest level from the very beginning, finally reacted the fastest!

The Summoner skill key on the keyboard was struck and pressed like lightning without thinking!


A golden glow lit up.

The body of the bomber disappeared in the same place almost at the moment when the opponent hit the wild widow's face and fled back to the tower. "The dynamite pack was thrown towards the target widow!

The explosive package fell to the ground.

Suddenly detonated and exploded!

The impact blasted the widow maker's body uncontrollably and staggered forward into the range of the outer tower in the middle of the purple square.

At the top of the tower, the light lit up, and a purple energy light bullet flew towards the widow quickly.

";Sakura Jingu's eyes lighted up, and the jungler blind monk under his control finally arrived in time for support at this moment!

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The update is here, the third update is around eleven o'clock, go away and continue to code.

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