
Chapter 468: Choice

There are gains and losses. Teana Novel 『⒉

Shi Ming couldn't be more clear about this truth.

It's as if he knew what it meant to use [Teleport] on the bottom lane after abandoning the two-wave pawn line that he gave up on the top lane. When he killed the opposing adc Verus and the auxiliary Japanese girl, he didn't feel much joy in his heart.

In this wave of the bottom lane, he teleported around and came to outflank, absolutely killing him.

There is no suspense at this point.

But the problem is that he gave up the top lane, which also means that he completely gave up all the opportunities and hopes to continue the regular lineup with the m God's top lane captain.

Can't beat it.

Even if he just teleported back to the top lane, Shi Ming is sure that his laning rhythm in the next few minutes will be extremely difficult, not to mention that now, he doesn't even have the slightest doubt that if he returns to the top lane again, the captain of the opposite M God Can find a chance within a minute to solo kill himself again.

Therefore, such a choice is a kind of severing of a strong man's wrist.

Directly and completely give up the possibility of laning on the road.

Avoid the enemy's sharp edge and respond in a roundabout way.

It is precisely because of this that Shi Ming directly marked the opponent's purple side's bottom outer tower without hesitation:


At this time, on the side of the purple side defending the outer tower in the bottom lane, adc Verus and the auxiliary Japanese girl have been taken away by the double kill and are still waiting for resurrection in the spring. The three heroes of the purple team's Qiye team can quickly kill This one-blood tower was pulled out.

Soon the female voice of the system sounded again, and with it, the tower outside the purple Fangxia Road was also reduced to ruins.

The economy of Yiblood Tower was divided equally between the policewoman and Kenan.

Lu Zhong frowned a little.

Originally, in his opinion, it was best to give all the economy of this one-blood tower to Shi Ming's Kenan, so as to make up for part of the loss after the former gave up the road line, but Shi Ming shook his head and vetoed it:

"Need not."

"Let the policewoman earn more money."

"Next, switch lanes. You two-player lanes will go on the road to suppress the captain. Try to get as much money as possible at this time."

This is from the heart.

Between him and his teammates, Shi Ming naturally wouldn't be polite.

Because he was worried from the bottom of his heart for his two teammates in the bottom lane. Even if he switched to the top lane in the next duo lane, theoretically speaking, he would be able to suppress the captain, but after all...

Opposite is God m.

Facing that legendary opponent back then, Shi Ming felt that no matter how careful he was, it would not be an exaggeration.


In the oB screen of the LCD spectator screen on the stage, after the three heroes of the blue side pushed down the outer tower of the purple side's army, the policewoman and Thresh quickly chose to return to the city. After supplying and updating the equipment in the store, they immediately rushed to the road.

The Internet cafe guests and audience under the stage also understood at this time:

This is to...

Change the line!

Some guests suddenly realized:

"It makes sense!"

"All the outer towers on the bottom lane have been pushed down, just so that the policewoman and Thresh can be liberated."

"If you continue to let Yagami Kenan go to line up with the captain, you shouldn't be able to take advantage of it for a while, but if the two-player line goes on the road, it can perfectly suppress the captain's Yuki!"

"Fuck, is this a tactic only used in professional games?"

"Even using this kind of tactic, it seems that the masters of our Qiye team are serious, tsk tsk, the other side is basically useless."

Immediately, the audience was full of praises for Team Seven Leaf.

At the same time, on the stage, the purple Fang Wangniu Internet Café team glanced over the small map and saw the figure of the blue top laner Kenan leading the line in the bottom lane, and then looked back to look not far away. On the way to the blue Fang ADC female policewoman and auxiliary Thresh who came out from the outer tower, Lin Feng nodded:


"Change the line—"

A reasonable choice.

In his opinion,

At this time, Xiaoba on the opposite side should also choose to switch lanes. This is the most sensible decision Kenan can make in terms of the current situation. The captain suppressed.


Someone raised an eyebrow:

Can the two-player line be able to suppress him when they hit the road?

If he really had this kind of thinking, Xiaoba, that guy, still thinks about the problem too easily.


The game time came to the eighth minute.

On the court, the number of kills between the blue and purple sides became 2 to 1. After Shi Ming's top laner Kenan sent a wave of bot lane and got a double kill, the blue team's Qiye team pulled back the head count. And one head ahead of the opponent purple army.

Coupled with a bot lane one-blood tower, from the perspective of team economy, it seems that the blue team has a slight advantage.

However, it's not particularly obvious.

The Internet cafe guests and audience in the audience suddenly discovered something, and they were a little puzzled:

"its not right--"

"Two heads, plus a one-blood tower, the female policeman's last hit is 100% ahead of the opposite Verus, how come the two sides are still almost equal economically?"

"That's right, there is no difference in the number of last hits between Syndra and Bomberman in the middle."

"Who is the economic power of the purple side?"

Questions were quickly answered.

Finally, someone noticed the last hits of the single captain on the purple side——

eight minutes.

69 CS.

Compared with Kenan, the blue top laner with only 48 last hits at this time, here is directly ahead of nearly one-third of the last hit economy, which is almost equivalent to one and a half head bounties.

"What the hell... the captain has almost never missed a make-up attack?"

Immediately, some Internet cafe guests and audience gasped:

"There is still a first blood, the rhythm of the early stage is too smooth, 10 minutes to make up the knife and rush to break a hundred!?"

There are also other guests who have played the captain and the audience chimed in to add:

"And the captain's Q skill has additional economic bonuses for collecting minions. One or two barrels combined with one Q to blow up a wave of soldiers, the additional economy is equivalent to one or two more minions to make up the knife, accumulated The words are impressive.”


This is one of the characteristics of the hero Planck, the disaster of the ocean.

Relying on the passiveness of the Q skill, the speed of supplementing the economy of the captain can be ahead of the opponent even in a balanced game. One minute or two minutes can't see anything, but five minutes and 10 minutes...

When the opponent was just trying to save money and try to collect a few small pieces, the captain had already made a large piece of equipment one step ahead.

So in many cases, even if it is a disadvantageous game, the captain who can't get a kill, as long as he can use the Q skill to stabilize the last attack, the breeding speed will not be half a point slower than the opponent, and the mid-term team battle can also be violent.

And those who said it was just a balance of power or a disadvantage.

As for now—

Someone's purple Fang Shangdan captain had a super smooth start. He was the first in the game in making ups and had a bloody head in his hand. It couldn't be more ideal.

Although it is said that for the comparison of the top laners of the two sides, the audience of the Internet cafes in the audience will choose to support their "Iori" of the Qiye team without hesitation, but just looking at the opponent's captain seems to be able to go on leisurely and smoothly. , I still can't help but worry.

However, fortunately, their Qiye team changed lanes in time.

The female policewoman and Thresh on the two-person lane went to the top lane to suppress the captain. After all, it should make the rhythm of the guy on the opposite side more uncomfortable.

On the same stage Internet Café team, Zeng Rui, Dou Zi, and Jingu Ying also had some concerns:

"Fengzi, do you need help on the road?"

"Or let's change lanes, let your captain continue to face Kenan, it should be much easier to fight."

"I can also go to the top of the road to find opportunities to help Lin Jun catch a wave after I finish clearing the jungle here."

However, someone waved his hand indifferently to the kind proposals of several fellow teammates:

"Need not."

Immediately, his eyes fell on the ADC female policewoman and auxiliary Thresh in the blue side not far from the opposite side, and announced vigorously:

"The two guys on the other side—"

"already dead!"

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The update is here, and the third update will be later in the morning. I suggest friends to watch it tomorrow morning.

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