
Chapter 466

For Tang Bingyao, although she has been in contact with the game of League of Legends for two years, and even relying on her personal solo queue to be able to beat Master Fan and even the king of Dianyi, these achievements are purely due to her. personal ability to operate. Teana Novel ⒉

As Lin Feng has commented many times before, Tangtang's level has steadily reached the professional level in terms of reaction speed, manipulator, or laning ability alone, even if it is compared with the real top players in the world. The adc strong fights against, if you are serious and desperate, you still have a few chances.

But when it comes to other aspects, the quality of girls is a bit weak.

Normal professional players or those top passers-by masters have the consciousness and judgment cultivated by actual combat experience in ranking or competition. They can analyze the situation and various factors on the field, so as to make orderly Come up with various responses.

But Tang Bingyao couldn't do it.

She's very bad at these.

Therefore, girls rely more on their own "magical" intuition in addition to their teammates when they rank or play against each other on weekdays.

Battle instinct.

Or a sense of crisis.

This kind of thing is very mysterious to say, there is no way to explain it through theory, but in the world professional e-sports circle, the so-called "intuition" is not too rare, many professional players will have it, nothing more than sometimes Yes and sometimes not.

Tang Bingyao's intuition is particularly keen and accurate, even to the point that several partners and teammates around her often can't help but be dumbfounded.

For example, the wave of 3V3 battles just off the road.

Obviously, the widow jungler of the blue team Qiye is in a state of stealth, and even keeps an absolute safe distance from the target opponent's hero. The moment before the attack, Tang Bingyao was the first to "judge" the position of the widow.

And close to being perfectly accurate.

"Battle intuition...is a very precious ability."

"If Tangtang can really continue to exercise this intuition, one day she will grow into an opponent that will make all the world's top experts feel terrifying."

The last time I had dinner with seniors No. 1, No. 5, and Chu Fangnan, No. 1 at the dinner table commented on Tang Bingyao in this way.

Don't hesitate to praise.

But having said that, what the number one mentioned at the time was only "if" and "someday", but right now, for Tang Bingyaolai, such intuition is actually a thing that doesn't work at all times, which is quite a bit of luck Element.

So that's why——

When she saw Thresh and the female policewoman in the blue square on the opposite side canceling their return to the city as if preparing to push another wave of pawn lines, although the unexplainable uneasiness would subconsciously arise in her heart, the girl still hesitated for a moment, still Choose to agree with Zeng Rui's analysis and judgment:

The policewoman on the opposite side should...

It's just that they are short of money, and want to be greedy to push another wave of soldiers.

Seeing that the pawn line not far away has been pushed down by the opponent's adc policewoman and auxiliary Thresh quickly towards her defense tower, although Tang Bingyao comforted herself so much in her heart, the vague sense of uneasiness seemed to become more intense.

As if aware of the strangeness of the girl beside him, Zeng Rui subconsciously turned his head to look:

"What's wrong?"

Tang Bingyao pursed her lips and shook her head:


"It just doesn't feel right."

"After collecting this wave of soldiers, let's go back."

Zeng Rui was slightly taken aback.

If this word came from someone else, maybe he wouldn't take it too seriously, but if the word "feels wrong" came from Tangtang's mouth, he couldn't help but care a little bit. Immediately Zeng Rui nodded without hesitation:

"Okay, after receiving this wave, return directly."


Compared to Tang Bingyao who played games purely relying on her keen intuition different from ordinary people,

Lin Feng was different.

Of course, in terms of combat intuition and sense of danger, a certain person is no less inferior than any top powerhouse, but at this moment Lin Feng also sensed something wrong, but he did not rely on a simple sixth sense.

The top order captain who controlled himself left the base crystal and rushed towards the road. The perspective screen quickly switched to the line and glanced at it. Lin Feng raised his eyebrows slightly——

Kenan on the opposite side...

It must have been revived a few seconds ago.

Just before he returned to the city, he pushed a wave of soldiers under the opponent's tower, and the summoner skill of Xiaoba in this round is [Teleportation]. According to common sense, Kenan should be the first to directly attack at this time. Teleport back to lane to avoid loss of minion economy and experience.

But right now, Kenan's figure has not appeared on the route for a long time.

Reluctant to 【Send】?

No, there is no such reason at all.

But any professional-level top laner, or even an ordinary passer-by, should be very clear about what it means to lose one or two waves of pawns after being forcibly killed by the tower in the early stage, and the top laner with [Teleport] is originally the main use At this time, it is naturally impossible for Xiao Ba not to have such judgment.


Something is wrong.

Lin Feng's eyes narrowed instantly, and his gaze quickly swept across the middle and bottom lanes of the minimap.


Almost without thinking, he pressed the V key on the keyboard quickly.

Ding ding ding! ! ! ——

The eye-catching signal warning to retreat suddenly lights up on the bottom road!

Accompanied by a rapid system beep.

In the voice channel of the team, Lin Feng's voice also came quickly:

"Be careful on the way down!"

"Let go of the soldiers line, go now!"

In fact, there was no need for Lin Feng's reminder. Zeng Rui and Tang Bingyao, who were off the road at this moment, had already noticed something was wrong.

Because the two heroes, the female policewoman and Thresh on the blue side of the opponent, did not choose to retreat after pushing the new wave of soldiers, and even the auxiliary soul lock warden had followed the wave of soldiers directly towards the enemy. Seeing the targets under the tower, Verus and the Japanese woman pressed forward aggressively.

Zeng Rui's eyelids twitched suddenly:

"Tangtang be careful!"


Tang Bingyao also controlled his adc Verus to retreat immediately when Zeng Rui's warning came.

But it was too late.

Just at this very moment——

In the triangular grass behind the outer tower on Zifangxia Road, a mass of bright lightning flashed out quickly, and shot towards the two purple heroes under the tower!


There was a burst of boiling and sensational cheers from the crowd of Internet cafe audiences below the stage, and the screams ignited the hot atmosphere in the entire Internet cafe hall:

Yagami's top laner Kenan!

When the opponent was completely unexpected, he directly chose to turn on [Teleport] to go around and go down the road at the first moment of resurrection from the spring water! !

This wave...

Perfect outflank! !

In the same instant, Zeng Rui's line of sight suddenly caught the level number above the opponent's head on the blue side——


This glance completely made Zeng Rui's heart sink to the bottom of the cold valley.

Kenan sixth grade.

It's over.

On the road less than half a minute ago, although Lin Feng's top laner captain was the first to reach level six and took away the opponent's top laner Kenan with a strong solo kill, but coincidentally, he was also taken away by the captain's tower. In a second, Kenan got the experience of the last minion and was just promoted to level six.

And this first wave of battles after reaching level 6 was decisively chosen by Shi Ming, the "Eight Wine Cup" of the Seven Leafs team, to use it in the bottom lane!

next second.

Without giving the opponent purple team any time to react, Shi Ming in front of the computer screen has already pressed the R key on the keyboard with lightning strikes.

Big move, open.

"Secret Meaning Ten Thousand Thunder Heaven Prison Citation"!

boom! ! ! ——

In an instant, with Kenan's body as the center, a circle of terrifying lightning storm completely enveloped the area with a radius of hundreds of yards!


It also pulled the targets Verus and Japanese girl, who had only residual blood, into the killing range!

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The update is here. I am too tired today. If I take a leave, I will do two more updates. I will continue with the third update tomorrow.

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