
Chapter 460: 0 to 0

Five minutes of game time have passed. Tian Lai "Novel" ⒉

On the field, the number of heads between the blue and purple sides is still an 0 to 0 situation.

The wind and the waves can't stand, and the waves are calm.

The three routes include the wild area. Except for the encounter between the junglers of the two sides in the wild area that almost wiped out the guns and the head-to-head battle, so far it is still calm.

neither warm nor hot.


Also too lukewarm.

The Internet cafe guests and audience in the audience felt that the pace of the game was so slow. It was too boring. After five minutes of playing, I didn't even get my first blood. How could the pace be so slow?

The opponent is nothing more than an ordinary small team of internet cafes, and there are two girls as players, no matter how strong they are, how strong can they be? Ah, no matter how you look at it, it should be a crushing game with absolutely unequal strength, but how come now...

Haven't seen the professional gods of their Qiye team play an advantage yet?

Don't say anything else, just go on the road.

"Why hasn't Yagami Kenan got the first blood yet..."

This sentence has been complained several times by many Internet cafe guests and audiences in the audience, and even some guests have begun to murmur that their Summoner skills and starting outfits in this round of Yagami are problematic.

Well [ignite] if you don't bring it, what kind of teleportation do you bring.

When you go out to pretend to be doing something, you should choose a crystal bottle. Isn't it better to bring the Dolan sword directly to suppress the opponent's captain?

If they hadn't been too cautious in this game...

Should have gotten first blood a long time ago?


At this moment, on the side of the blue square Qiye team on the stage, Shi Ming in front of the computer screen is wearing a game headset with excellent sound insulation effect on his head, so the complaints and discussions from the Internet cafe guests and audience are naturally inaudible.

Even if he heard it, he could only smile wryly, and there was no way to give more explanations.

And in fact...

At this moment, he didn't have time to care about the opinions and attitudes of the Internet cafe guests and fans in the audience, because just dealing with the purple captain on the opposite side at this moment had almost exhausted all his energy. and effort.

Where no one else could notice, his forehead was soaked with sweat, and even the back of his T-shirt was drenched with sweat.

Even in the toughest match in the previous LspL professional league...

He may have never felt such a huge pressure.

five minutes?

No, it should have only been three minutes since the top lane actually entered the laning phase.

But even if it was just three short minutes, to Shi Ming, it seemed like three hours had passed.

In these three minutes, from the beginning to the end, the captain on the opposite side brought him an indescribable suffocating sense of oppression, and every step of the operation confrontation required him to exert 120,000 points of energy. To deal with it, my mind never stopped working and was running desperately thinking and speculating about the opponent's next move and intentions, while making the most comprehensive and prudent precautions.

Don't look at it now that it seems that the top lane is just a tepid balance of power.

In terms of the number of last hits, his Kenan is even slightly ahead of the opposing captain by two swords.

It seems that from the looks of it, the m god back then has not shown that unparalleled domineering strength.

But if you really think so...

That would be absolutely wrong.

At this moment, Shi Ming can bet his entire worth to be sure. From the beginning to the present, if his own Kenan made a slight mistake during the period, he would definitely be seized by the captain on the opposite side in an instant, and he would immediately seize the opportunity and directly lead him to a solo kill. Walk.


No exaggeration.

There have been two times just now, when he manipulated his own Kenan to press forward a little bit to make up for the long-range minions on the opposite side, he has been very keenly aware that the captain of the purple side on the opposite side seems to be one step ahead of time. His voice also moved forward and approached him.

Looking back now, Shi Ming couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat.


If he hadn't noticed the slight movement of the captain on the opposite side in the first place, and had given up on the one or two small soldiers to make up the knife and retreated in time, it was very likely that he would show his flaws and be forced to open by the captain when he caught the opportunity.

Maybe many Internet cafe guests and audiences in the audience didn't see it at all, and even if they saw it, they wouldn't take it seriously, but Shi Ming himself is very clear about how terrifying the set of burst damage that the hero Captain possesses at this level is.

The powder keg of e skill.

[Ignite] damage.

as well as……

The passive skill "Fire Trial".

His eyes swept across the purple Fangshangdan captain who was not far away, especially seeing the slightly flickering orange-red light on the dagger in the captain's hand, Shi Ming couldn't help feeling a little apprehensive.

Many people actually underestimate or ignore the captain's passive skill effect.

Then, it is natural to underestimate the true specific damage of the captain's set explosion in the early stage.

That's real damage.

Being caught by the captain's passive skill a in the early stage is almost equivalent to being hung up with more than half of the [Ignite] effect, and the really experienced old captain is even more capable of calculating a set of combo to play the passive skill twice in a burst , which is equivalent to another [ignite].

Shi Ming didn't have any doubts about how well the "God M" on the opposite side had mastered the hero of the captain.

After all, back then——

God m is famous in the professional e-sports circles all over the world for his bottomless hero pool.


Be careful.

Be more careful.

No matter how cautious you are, there is no exaggeration!


The game time has reached 5 minutes and 40 seconds.

The number of heads on the field is still 0 to 0.

The commotion among the Internet cafe audience in the audience became more and more noisy. More guests and audience began to complain and express their dissatisfaction. Getting a little restless——

The rhythm is wrong.

It was expected that the professional gods of their Qiye team would kill the Quartet?

How about crushing the opponent's crushing momentum online every minute?

Why are they more cautious than each other now, and they are all just staying at the stage of a pawn making up and testing each other?

I was a little anxious, but for Xu Jian at this moment, he was far more than thinking that the purple team's Internet Bull Internet Cafe team really had the strength to compete with the professional players of the Qiye team. .

It's just that the players on the Qiye team were too cautious.

But as for winning—

Of course it's only a matter of time.

And at the same moment when such thoughts appeared in Xu Jian's mind, there was a commotion in the audience, and at the same time, Xu Jian subconsciously looked at the oB screen of the LCD spectator screen on the stage.


When the game time was approaching the sixth minute, the Summoner Canyon on the field finally seemed to usher in the first wave of real head-to-head battles!

On the small map, the jungle blind monk on the purple side quickly walked towards the bottom lane.

And coincidentally——

On the blue side of the Qiye team, Lu Zhong, the assistant in the bottom lane, issued a signal for help, and the jungler of the second team of the Qiye team controlled his jungler widow to also rush towards the bottom lane!

It's time to do it!

The Internet cafe guests and the audience couldn't help but feel refreshed:


This wave, there is a chance to go down the road! !

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The update is here, the next chapter is around eleven o'clock!

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