
Chapter 458 A Little Good Start

When almost the vast majority of Internet cafe audiences in the audience focused their attention on the road, no one thought that the first fierce battle that broke out in this game would take place in the jungle. Teana Novel

But through the oB screen from the perspective of God, everyone also saw the cause of this wave of fierce battles in the wild.


The jungler blind monk of the purple Fangwangniu Internet cafe team started with a blue open hand.

After brushing his own blue buff monsters, the blind monk Li Qing followed through the middle lane to the upper half of his wild area and took down a wave of F6 wild monsters.

follow again.

Instead of directly collecting red buffs as usual, the purple jungler blind monk chose to cross the river and drive straight into the upper half of the blue army's wild area. The partition wall was inserted in the opponent's blue buff wild area A jewelry eye position, and began to squat patiently in the grass across the wall.

Then came the wild widow of the blue team Qiye.

And then……

When the wild widow of the Seven Leaf team relaxed and knocked down the blood volume of the blue buff wild monster to less than one-third, the purple jungler blind monk quietly came out of the grass and slowly moved towards the target. Enter.

at last--

There was such a wave of encounters in the wild that were completely unprepared for the widow.

As a result, the widow lost her own blue buff, and at the same time was forced to use the summoner skill [Flash] by the remaining blood, and fled in embarrassment.



The Internet cafe guests under the stage couldn't help but gasped in unison, their eyes fell on the screen of the spectator screen, and they stared at the purple jungler blind monk figure, each with shock in their eyes and incredible emotions.

How can it be!

None of them expected that the first wave of fierce battles in this game would appear like this.

And even more unexpected...

It was the jungler blind monk of the Netbull and Internet Cafe team who chose to invade the opponent's jungle so boldly and decisively, and directly attacked the jungler to catch people, almost killing all the professional junglers of the Qiye team's second team. cornered!

That's the professional jungler of the Qiye team!

And the blind man on the opposite side is just an ordinary member of the small Internet cafe team, and even a beautiful woman with an incomparably attractive appearance and temperament!

In the end, it turned out that the former was tricked by the latter! ?


Zeng Rui couldn't help but give a pleasant surprise praise to the Purple Fangwangniu Internet Cafe Team on the stage.

Dou Zi, who controls Bomberman in the middle lane, is also beaming with joy: "Sister Jingong played 6 in this move! Now the widow on the opposite side will feel uncomfortable!"

What he is best at is the jungle position. Seeing Jingu Sakura's beautiful invasion of the jungle and catching people just now, he can almost immediately feel admiration and praise. This kind of jungle tactics is by no means It can be easily mastered by random cameo junglers, not to mention that Jingu Sakura's operation performance just now is completely incomparably skillful, not at all unfamiliar, she is definitely a veteran!

Regarding the compliments from her teammates, Sakura Jingu had a reserved face and just smiled slightly:

"I won the prize."

"However, it's a pity—"

"If the widow's reaction speed was a bit slower, she could actually have just had a direct blood."

Saying that, Jingu Sakura also had a bit of regret in her tone.

In fact, the widow on the opposite side should have underestimated her enemy, so she got hit without defense, but after all, the opponent is an active professional jungler, and her reaction speed and response are extremely timely and decisive. She flashed and then walked away She dodged her blind Q skill "Tianyinbo", which can be said to have minimized the loss as much as possible.


It is also very profitable.

The widow on the other side lost the blue buff and handed over a flash in this wave. The state of residual blood also made it impossible to continue to clear the jungle and had to choose to return to the city first. It means that after this wave of wild invasions and arrests, the opponent hit the wild widow The early wild rhythm has been completely messed up.

The effect is very ideal.

Jingu Sakura smiled. Sure enough, for her, it was the most comfortable and smooth fight after returning to her best jungler position.


For the members of the Zifang Wangniu Internet Cafe team, after the good news came from the wild area, it was followed by bad news.

The game time is just over 4 minutes.

In the middle lane, Syndra, the mid laner of the blue team Seven Leafs, was the first to advance to level 3. She seized an opportunity to directly hit the target bomber with the Q skill first, and then quickly used the e skill "Fall the Weak". The dark magic ball pushed towards the bomberman.

Directly force the Bomberman to flash.

"Damn, this wave of mine—"

Dou Zi, who is the single bomber in the purple team, feels like crying:

"I didn't dodge, Jingong Xuemei, come to the middle lane and help me squat later, otherwise the widow on the opposite side will catch another wave and I will probably die."

In this wave just now, if Dou Zi hadn't handed over the flash in time, with his blood volume being continuously consumed and suppressed by his opponent Syndra in the early stage, it is indeed very likely that he will be taken away by Syndra in a single wave.

After all, the opponent is a professional player, even if it is only a substitute player of the Qiye team, but the first mid laner Syndra's attainments are still very strong, and it is really difficult for Dou Zi to deal with it now.

And not just in the middle——

On the bottom lane of Summoner's Canyon, the adc support combination of the two sides was also extremely stalemate.

Verus plus Japanese female Vs policewoman plus Thresh.

Judging from the number of last hits, at this time, Verus' last hits have been slightly opened up by the female police by four or five, which is not much, but in terms of blood volume, the former will be consumed even more. The only blood bottle on his body has also been eaten.

Tang Bingyao, who was sitting in front of the computer screen at this moment, pursed her lips, her eyes were fixed on the battle screen on the computer screen, and Verus, who was controlling herself, tried her best to avoid being consumed by the opponent's female policeman while making up the knife. The operation was extremely calm, But at the same time, the girl's eyes could not help flashing a little restlessness.

The opponent's strength is not particularly strong.

At least before, Tang Bingyao had encountered someone who was stronger and more oppressive than the adc player of the second team of the Qiye team; but the key problem was the support on the opposite side.

That auxiliary Thresh.


Very annoying.

The girl frowned tightly, that Thresh, what is it called "Xian Wangyue", is it the main support of the Qiye team, who has been looking for opportunities to face her Verus since the beginning of the match Carrying out flat a consumption, holding a Q skill hook in her hand but delaying using it, she had to remain vigilant all the time, not daring to catch up and fight back.

She was the one who couldn't hold back just now, and after being hit by Thresh a once, she chased up and responded with two basic attacks. When she was about to retreat, she was directly hooked by Thresh's backhanded Q skill "Death Judgment" with a tricky angle. up.

If it wasn't for A Zeng's assistant, the Japanese girl, who immediately went to the opposite policewoman's face to pick up the Q skill control and handed over [Weakness], her mistake just now would most likely be added by the opponent's combo. [Ignite] Taken away by killing.

As if seeing Tang Bingyao's irritability, Zeng Rui calmly reminded:

"Tangtang, calm down."

"If you didn't come to the jungle in the early stage, don't fight with them."

"Wait for level 6."

Saying this in his mouth, Zeng Rui's gaze also fell on the auxiliary Thresh who was not far away, and a trace of fear flashed in his eyes.

The active main support of the LspL professional team...

An opponent of this level can only truly feel the strength of the opponent only by confronting it in person.

It is indeed strong.

At least, every step of the operation is extremely stable and watertight, and it is easy to make mistakes and leave them with a chance to kill.

Indeed, this may be what a real professional-level confrontation should look like, and it is definitely not at the same level as ordinary passerby rounds where people are killed and killed randomly.

So, for 2V2——

At present, it seems that they can only maintain a stable balance for the time being, and then gradually figure it out.

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The update will be delivered, it will be done in the middle of the night, go to sleep, super sleepy. . .

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