
Chapter 451 It's a very formal mess

If you really want to talk about it, in fact, compared with Zhou Kang, the owner of Zhongsheng Internet Cafe, Xu Jian, the head store of the Peak Internet Cafe, received much better treatment from Lin Feng. 』』

After all, when a certain person took a few teammates from the team to the Zhongsheng Internet Cafe to smash the scene, in the exhibition game of the Zhongsheng Internet Cafe members in the audience, they made all kinds of complaints from the beginning to the end. The Peak Internet Cafe watched the team's exhibition match, but it was very rare to give praise.


Although the treatment is different, the final ending is almost the same.

It can even be said that for Xu Jian, the sense of contrast and bewilderment is even stronger after hearing someone's last supplementary explanation that suddenly dawned on him.

Just a second ago, he thought these students were fans of the Seven Leafs team, and he wasted his feelings on treating someone as a rare thing to hear.

As a result, in the next second, you suddenly said that you are here to ruin the situation?

Does flipping need to go so fast! ?

So Xu Jian at this moment was really stunned for a moment after listening to it, and didn't react for a long time.

However, someone's next supplementary explanation continued to drop a first-level blockbuster, which once again blew up the manager of the Peak Internet Cafe's main store into a dizzy state:

"Oh forgot to introduce—"

"We are from Wangniu Internet Cafe."

Net Cattle Internet Cafe.

Which Internet Bull Internet Cafe?

The first time Xu Jian heard these words, he didn't even react, but when he suddenly realized how familiar these words were, his eyes widened suddenly, and even more so. To suspect that there is something wrong with your ears:

"Internet Bull Internet Cafe!?"


Isn't this the team he just casually brought up as a topic of chat with the professional players of the Seven Leafs team! ?

Suddenly Xu Jian couldn't help taking a breath:


It was really hit by his unintentional words, this fucking team that just caused a storm in the Internet cafe circle in Shanghai, really took the initiative to find trouble with their top Internet cafes! ?

Although the shock in my heart couldn't be added, Xu Jian calmed down quickly as the manager of the Peak Internet Cafe, one of the top Internet cafes in Shanghai, and his eyes quickly swept across Lin Feng and the others:

"So... are you guys going to challenge me later?"

"Then, please wait a moment, I'll go and communicate with the great gods of the Qiye team for a while."

When he spoke again this time, Xu Jian's tone became a little blunt and distant.

The visitor is not good.

As a store manager, he certainly couldn't have a good attitude towards this kind of person who was obviously here to make trouble.


A cold light flashed in Xu Jian's eyes:

Just these little brats, they really hit the iron plate today.

Among the few members of the Qiye team that came here today, there are Yagami and Xian Mochizuki who are sitting here, which is equivalent to half of the main lineup of the Qiye team. No matter who you come, you will definitely let you come and go. !

Looking at the back of Jian turning away, Dou Zi smacked his lips:

"Tsk, when it is said that we are here to challenge, people's attitude changes really fast enough."

Zeng Rui nodded:

"Naturally, after all, no one likes their Internet cafe to be disturbed by others."

Lin Feng protested: "We are not making trouble, we are just here to make trouble."

"What's the difference between that and making trouble?" Zeng Rui couldn't help but rolled Lin Feng's eyes, and Tang Bingyao at the side also suddenly spoke out at this moment, and added earnestly: "Just now, the attitude of the boss before he left seemed very contemptuous."

Jingu Sakura smiled: "It's normal. After all, in the eyes of the other party, we are just a small team of third-rate Internet cafes. When we meet a regular LspL professional-level lineup like the Qiye team, there is no suspense about the outcome. "

Lin Feng seemed indifferent:

"It's okay."

"Whatever other people think,

Anyway, play hard later, the bonus is 15,000—"

Tang Bingyao smugly clenched her small fist and waved vigorously:

"Blow them up!"

Speaking of which, it's probably only girls and someone who don't pay attention to a regular LspL professional team at all.

Whoever you are.

Anyway, they are all ATMs, the difference is just the difference between withdrawing more and withdrawing less.


At this time, Xu Jian passed through the audience and walked to the front of the stage. It happened that in the screen of the LCD viewing screen on the stage, the blue team had already chosen to surrender, and the base crystal exploded, and then the purple team "victory" The emblem pattern is extremely eye-catching and brightly raised.

The Internet cafe guests and audience in the audience cheered and cheered, extremely excited:

Win again!

The opponent's average strength rank is above tier 2, and even the jungler and top laner on the opposite side are both Master Fan, but in front of their Qiye team, they are completely vulnerable!

At the end of the two exhibition games, the players and guests of the Internet cafe were still unsatisfied, shouting at the top of their voices:

"One more game!"

"Continue to do it!!"

"Iori will show off again! Let's play the game!"

"I want to place an order!!"

Even those who shouted "Galen top order" came out. Anyway, in the eyes of the Internet cafe guests at the moment, their "Iori" is so powerful that they can do anything. What's wrong with Galen, even if Galen goes out with blue crystals , their Yagami will still be able to blow up the opponent!

The atmosphere is extremely warm and lively.

And Xu Jian walked onto the stage in such a hot and noisy atmosphere, and came in front of several members of the Qiye team. The second team ADC player of the team raised his head and walked over, smiling:

"Why, Old Xu, do you want us to start another game?"

The substitute mid laner of the Qiye team next to him also laughed and answered:

"It can be started. The atmosphere is very good today. The time is just enough. The average of the two rounds is less than 20 minutes. There are two great masters, Brother Lu and Brother Ming. The fight should not be too easy and cruel."

For the second team and substitute players of Team Qiye, although they often come to the peak Internet cafe on weekdays, the treatment they enjoy is definitely not as enthusiastic as the audience today, so they are naturally willing to open again One round.

Lu Zhong looked at Ming and asked with a smile:

"How should I say, Ah Ming, let's play another game or two?"

Shi Ming smiled and nodded:

"I'm fine, just listen to Boss Xu's arrangement."

However, at this time, Xu Jian coughed and said, "Everyone, we can put this matter of continuing the live broadcast of the high-end exhibition game for a while... Now suddenly there is another small situation, the flow of the evening's activities Needs to be adjusted."

Minor situation?

Several members of the Qiye team were a little surprised, and the ADC members of the second team who were more familiar with Xu Jian had already asked out of curiosity:

"Old Xu, don't be tricky, what's the matter?"

"What happened?"

Both Shi Ming and Lu Zhong's gazes also fell on Xu Jian with inquiries.

Xu Jian quickly waved his hand:

"It's not a big deal, don't worry."


"It's our ring challenge event, and it may have to come up a little earlier."

"Challenge in the arena?" The ADC members of Team Qiye's second team were stunned, and then they suddenly realized: "What's the matter, someone signed up?"

The Qiye's substitute mid laner next to him showed disapproval:

"For the so game, you can let it go later."

"Which one of the following guests came up on the spur of the moment and was willing to pay the registration fee to come up and challenge?"

"If there are only one or two challengers, there is no need to be so anxious."

Xu Jian shook his head:

"Not one or two."

"It's five."

Then, under the slightly astonished eyes of several members of the Qiye team, Xu Jian coughed and said:

"They are a whole team."

"Come to challenge the 5V5 team battle project."

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The update is here. The next chapter is around 9:30. Today, I am very tired from work, so there are only two updates. Tomorrow, I will continue with the third update. Great ass plump and charming body! WeChat public: (Long press for three seconds to copy) You know me too!

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