
Chapter 444 Get rich!

No matter which circle you are in, you can distinguish between those who are good and those who are not. Teana Novel ⒉

For example, in the LpL division of the national server, among all the first-line LpL professional players, those who can stand at the top of the pyramid are naturally the first mid laner and the first top laner like Li Xiaochenxing and Tian Tian. Compared with them, the other Although some ordinary LPL players who are barely playing the main force in the first team are also respected, they are far from being comparable to the first two in terms of the number of fans they have or their social status.

For the same reason, there is also such a distinction among the second-tier and third-tier professional players in the LspL League One.

And LspL star-level professional players like Shi Ming whose ID is "Eight Wine Cup" are definitely not comparable to ordinary LspL players.

The ID of "Eight Wine Cups" is well-known in the entire national service professional e-sports circle.

Even, maybe even more famous than some ordinary LPL players.

So it is precisely because of this——

When a person suddenly says "this guy is my fan", it is definitely enough to make everyone's jaw drop and wonder if there is something wrong with their hearing.


Eight wine glasses?


Iori is a fan of you, an ordinary passer-by player! ?

Get it upside down! ?

If it is not Lin Feng who said this at this moment but anyone else, such as Zeng Rui and Dou Zi, they will absolutely treat each other as crazy. Woolen cloth?

Oh no, why don't you say that Shan Yuanshen, the number one player in the national server, is also a fan of yours, okay? !

But the person who said this happened to be Lin Feng.


Strictly speaking, Tian Tian, ​​the first top laner in the national service LPL competition area, the newly promoted top seven king-level powerhouse "Yuan Shen" seems to be someone's "fan" from a certain point of view .

This made both Dou Zi and Zeng Rui wake up quickly after being subconsciously stunned.

The two looked at each other——

Former fan?

The word "before" is very interesting.

how long ago?

Speaking of it, the ace top laner "Eight Wine Cup" of the Qiye team seems to be a hardcore veteran player who has been exposed to the League of Legends game since S1, and when it comes to the S1 season, it happens to be When someone's "name" resounded throughout the professional e-sports circle.

Time can match.

Moreover, in that era, with someone's strength and identity, as well as the brilliant record achieved by leading the team, it is definitely enough to make any player in the national server willingly become his fan, even if it was the "Eight Wine Cup" back then. It's just an ordinary player, it makes sense to be conquered by someone's strength.

So the logic is right.

In other words, what someone said just now is very likely not bragging——

Even so, Zeng Rui and Dou Zi, who had figured out the key points, still couldn't help their eyelids twitching. Although they have accepted and gradually got used to someone's identity and background like that back then, they still have a relationship with someone on weekdays. Getting along with a certain person doesn't have the posture that a top legendary god should have at all, and they often subconsciously ignore and forget this fact.

until such time,

When they realized that the star player of LspL who was shining brightly on the stage and caused all the guests and fans in the Internet cafe to scream was actually a fan of the guy next to them, this sense of contrast and impact...

It's really like drinking two catties of Erguotou, and it's hard to slow down for a long time.


In comparison, among the few people, probably only Jingu Sakura is completely ignorant of the situation.

So for someone's answer like this, the girl was still at a loss and couldn't figure it out. Just as she was about to question it, she caught the awakened look on the faces of Dou Zi and Zeng Rui.

He stopped abruptly and did not speak.

But this made it even more uncomfortable.

just like……

She is the only one in the team who is still kept in the dark and doesn't know that she is really similar.

Can't help but look at Tang Bingyao beside her. The girl's face has a look that doesn't feel weird at all, and Jingu Ying comes closer and asks in a low voice:

"So Mr. Lin is really not joking?"

"That 'Eight Wine Cup' is his fan?"

There is still an incomprehensible taste in the tone.

But when she tried to find out from Tang Bingyao, she miscalculated and was doomed to be disappointed, because the girl just glanced at her, then pouted:

"I won't tell you!"

Refuse to call it a flat.

Think about it too.

For Tang Bingyao, she was already very wary of Shen Gongying's repeated attempts to get close to Lin Feng. Now that the matter is related to Fengzi's secret identity, how could she easily tell the other party casually?

Never even think about it!

Shen Gongying, who had run into a wall at Tang Bingyao's place, was discouraged for a while, and turned to Zeng Rui and Dou Zi unwillingly to look for another chance to ask, but they both pretended not to see it and looked away.

In such a situation, Jingu Sakura had no choice but to grit her teeth and forcefully suppress this doubt temporarily. At the same time, she made up her mind to find a way to find a way to reveal all these little secrets about someone.


At this time, Xu Jian on the stage had already introduced all the five members of the Qiye team. Naturally, without further delay, he continued to speak with a smile on his face while holding the microphone:


"Then next, let the five professional masters of our Qiye team bring us a real high-end live broadcast match of the national server!"

"When this high-end group arrangement is over, everyone can start preparing—"

"Because the next link is our Internet cafe's important reserved item."

"Ring Challenge!"

There was another round of cheers and applause from the audience, and at the same time, many Internet cafe guests were commotioning and discussing. Seeing the scene in the audience, the smile on Xu Jian's face became a little stronger, and he continued to laugh:

"Old guests should know the rules of the group arena."

"As long as the challenge is successful, at least one so1o round will win a prize of 1,000 yuan. For the 5V5 group match, our Internet cafe has prepared a prize of 10,000 yuan."

"But what—"

Speaking of this, Xu Jian suddenly paused, showing a mysterious expression as if he was trying to tell a secret, and announced loudly after arousing the curiosity of the crowd again:

"Today, our internet café is honored to welcome two real masters like 'Xian Wangyue' and 'Eight Wine Cup', so..."

"I'm here to be the master, tonight's challenge bonus is temporarily increased!"

"The top order so1o game, who can win a game from our Yagami, can get a bonus of 2,000 yuan!"

"If it's a 5V5 team battle."

"The winner..."

"You can get a super prize of 15,000 yuan!!"

As soon as this remark came out, the entire Internet cafe erupted in an uproar and exclamation in an instant. All the Internet cafe customers were shocked by the heroic handwriting of the store manager Xu Jian, and then there was a burst of thunderous screams and cheers. applause:


"Fucking old Xu is mighty and domineering!!"

"What a rich man!!"

"Peak Internet Cafe is awesome! Awesome!!"

At the same time, Lin Feng and the others in the back row of the audience were also startled by such an unexpected change.

The 15,000-level grand prize?

"The bonus amount has been directly increased by 50%."

Dou Zi couldn't help but gasp: "This handwriting is big enough."

Zeng Rui nodded: "They have two main players from the Qiye team and the first team, so they really have the confidence to say so."

Dou Zi showed a look of agreement: "That's right, although the amount of bonuses has increased, the difficulty of winning a game from the five players on the stage is almost doubled, which means that things like bonuses are still flowers in the mirror." The moon in the water."

They all commented so objectively in their mouths, but the eyes of the two couldn't help but glance towards the side.


Someone who was still surprised at recognizing a familiar face just a second ago, has completely forgotten about a certain "Xiaoba" at this moment, and his eyes are full of golden little money symbols floating around:

"Fifteen thousand!?"

"This wave is going to make money!!"

***************************************************** *******************************

The update was sent, I got stuck for a while, and just coded it, so my friends have been waiting for a long time.

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