
Chapter 440 No Chance


Hearing Lin Feng's words, Zeng Rui, Dou Zi, Tang Bingyao, and Jingu Ying couldn't help being taken aback. Teana Novel ⒉

Then the gazes of several people also subconsciously followed the direction of someone's gaze, and the most eye-catching ones in the field of vision were naturally those members of Team Seven Leaf.

"Fengfeng, are you talking about those members of the Qiye team?"

Dou Zi was a little surprised:

"Can you still meet acquaintances here?"

The doubts in Jingu Ying's heart were even heavier, and she looked Lin Feng up and down:

"Do Lin Jun and LspL professional players also have an intersection?"

Among the members of the team, she was the only one who didn't know Lin Feng's status as a professional player back then, but even apart from her, the other three also had no idea——

After all, when someone was a professional player, it was still in the s1 season. Not to mention that the status of "map1e" back then was not comparable to that of a mere second-tier LspL professional player today. It is estimated that there are very few people who are playing professionally.

Lin Feng himself was a little uncertain at the moment, scratching his head:


"It just feels a little familiar."

"If it's really that guy, it's been several years since I saw him."


Several people were chatting and discussing in the back row of the crowd, while on the other side, after finding out the name of Shi Ming's game ID, Xu Jian, the head office manager of the Peak Internet Cafe, was really excited:

"Oh, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry! My eyesight is clumsy!"

"I didn't recognize it just now!"

"I didn't expect even Yagami to come today! Great, great, Yagami, you don't know, but I am also your loyal fan!!"

These words are really not polite.

Although he is already in his thirties, and when playing a game like League of Legends, it is impossible to compare all kinds of operations and reactions with young people, but Xu Jian usually likes to watch those national service professional leagues online. In addition, their Peak Internet Cafe signed a business cooperation agreement with Team Seven Leaf, so when watching the professional league, he will pay more attention to Team Seven Leaf's matches.

Reasonably speaking, in the competition area of ​​the national service LspL League A, the strength of the Qiye team can only be ranked in the middle. that batch.

But after all, as a domestic second-tier professional team, they will still have some trump cards of their own.

The trump card of the Qiye team is their top laner——

Eight wine glasses!

If we want to make a statistical ranking of the strength of top laners in the LspL division, then among the 16 professional teams in the First Division, the Qiye team's top laner "Eight Wine Cup" is sure to be able to rank firmly in the top three list.

This is not a blowout result.

Just making a detailed list of his various kda data, mVp times, head count, and total output in each season in the past few years, the comprehensive data results of the Eight Wine Cups can definitely be compared with countless professions in the LspL division. The players are ranked in the first echelon.

At the same time, Bajiubei, the ace top laner of the Qiye team, is also one of the few professional players in the LspL division that can be rated as a B+ level.

It is even said that after the end of this year's s6 season, based on his performance in this season, he will be re-adjusted for ratings, and it is very likely that he will cross the B+ rating threshold and enter the A- level.

Don't think this is just a small rank improvement.

But you must know that there are only three or four professional players in the entire LspL division who can be rated as a-level.

It can be said that passing the threshold of a-level scoring is equivalent to having a qualification certificate that symbolizes the first-line LPL professional players.

At this moment, the second team member of the Qiye team next to him interrupted with a smile:

"Our brother Ming's strength is absolutely worth mentioning.


"It just so happens that the club is on holiday today, and there are no training tasks, so Brother Ming has time to visit here."

"Old Xu, you have to seize the opportunity. Today, there are two real gods, Brother Ming and Brother Lu, who are helping to suppress the place, but this is another opportunity for publicity for you Peak Internet Cafe."

Xu Jian nodded happily again and again:


"It's so luxuriant and radiant!"

Just when it was only the second team and the substitute players of the Qiye team who came to town for activities, the weekend popularity of their peak Internet cafes was already extremely hot, and the effect of the activities was also very good.

This time, there are two main players of the first team, and there is even a star-level player in the LspL division like Bajiubei. Even if the exhibition game has not started yet, Xu Jian can already expect the Internet cafe later. The scene in the hall was full of excitement.

Shi Ming waved his hands after hearing this:

"All right, all right, don't blow it up for me."

"I'll be ashamed to boast any more."

"Today, I just happen to be free, and I was thinking of coming over to participate in this kind of offline event of the Internet cafe to experience it. Anyway, Boss Xu, just tell me what the specific rules of your event are, and we will definitely cooperate."

Xu Jian was elated when he heard it.


Look at what people "Iori" said!

This pose is level!

That's called an approachable person. He doesn't have the airs of a professional god at all. He is so easy to talk to. A professional player like this is simply the ideal and favorite partner for their Internet cafe activities!

Immediately, Xu Jian didn't say anything at all, and explained the activities of his own Internet cafe very straightforwardly:

"Actually, there is no trouble, the process is quite simple."

"Anyway, according to the usual practice, let's invite some of our masters to sit in the ring area, and first conduct two live broadcasts of high-end rounds of exhibition games, so that the guests of our Internet cafes can also see what the real high-end rounds of the national server are like. horizontal."

"After the exhibition game is over, there will be almost nothing to do."

"At that time, there may be customers from our Internet cafe who want to challenge a few of you to the ring, 5V5 or so1o competition—"

As he spoke, Xu Jian paused, and quickly added:

"But the number of people will definitely not be too many."

"Our internet cafes have thought about this problem a long time ago, and we have made special preparations. Those who want to challenge a few guests must first pay a certain amount of deposit for the registration fee. Unless they win, they can get the bonus together with it. Walk."

Shi Ming showed a clear expression when he heard it, and nodded:

"In this case, the number of people who sign up for the challenge will indeed be controlled."

The "Xian Wangyue" Lu Zhong, who is also the main force of the Qiye first team, smiled and said:

"But if you want to do it like this, with A Ming here today, anyone who wants to challenge him to the top laner so1o will probably lose everything."

The registration fee for a so1o game also needs three to five hundred yuan, which is definitely not a small amount for the guests who come to the Internet cafe to play games.

Shi Ming shook his head:

"Then it is unlikely that anyone will be willing to challenge me."

"It only takes a few minutes to make a call, and you have to pay for it before you can experience anything."

It's not because of his conceited personality, it's just from a practical point of view. Considering that he is a top-notch top laner in LspL, it is necessary to find guests and friends in the current peak Internet cafes who can learn a few tricks with him. , it is really unlikely.

Xu Jian smiled and said:

"That's not necessarily the case. With your reputation as 'Iori', there are definitely fans in our Internet cafes who are willing to spend a few hundred dollars to get a chance to have close contact with idols."

Lu Zhong joked to Shi Ming from the side:

"Boss Xu is right, and speaking of it, fans may not be the only ones who are really willing to pay. Maybe they really think they are strong enough to face you, Ming, and if they happen to win, they can pick up a little for nothing. The bonus of one or two thousand is gone."

Although it was a joke, Lu Zhong himself didn't take it to heart.

After all, there is still a big difference in strength between passers-by and professional players.

As an Internet cafe customer, you may have the strength of Platinum and Diamond, and you can already be regarded as a master among passers-by, but if you really meet Shi Ming, a professional player who can be called the top in LspL, then you really have no chance.

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The update is here, the next chapter should be after eleven o'clock, so get out and work.

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