
Chapter 434

How to measure the value of a professional player. Teana "Novel" ⒉

Although money is not the most comprehensive and appropriate measure, from a certain point of view, it is also the most intuitive reflection of a professional player's worth.

For example, in today's professional e-sports circle in the world, the seven kings and four kings standing at the top of the pyramid, the lowest-valued guaranteed contracts in their own team clubs all start with an annual salary of one million yuan, and even if anyone among the eleven has the intention If you want to transfer to other clubs, then there will definitely be other club owners with deep pockets who are willing to spend a lot of money to offer a higher price contract.

For example, in the LPL division of the national server, currently recognized as the No. 1 mid laner of the national server, "Star King" Li Xiaochen Xing, currently playing for the God-Hand of God team has a contract with an annual salary of over 10 million.

Another example is Nian Shisan, the captain of Taiwan's Assassin team. As one of the world's two wild kings, his worth is more than 8 million. It is said that the new season of S7 will renew the contract with the Assassin team club, and the contract price will go up rise.

The worth of the Seven Kings is already like this, and the value of the Four Emperors is even more exaggerated.

Autumn, the world's number one support for the North American season team, is worth 15 million.

The "Phoenix" phoenix of the European Legend team is worth 14 million.

The two four emperors here in South Korea——

The "Moon Emperor" moon contract was signed for three years, and the amount reached 30 million.

The most exaggerated is naturally the F-Han Shihao of the Four Emperors of the ssk team, who also signed a club contract starting from three years, but the price is almost double that of Moon.

50 million.

Such a terrifying number is enough to make anyone dizzy for a while, and the string of zeros behind cannot be counted.

But when you think about it, it's not surprising.

You know, like those first-line popular movie stars, the salary they can get for just one movie can easily start with millions, and now the e-sports business is getting more and more prosperous, and the professional players are getting closer to the stars. .

Then, as the strongest mid laner recognized in the world today, and even the number one player in LoL e-sports, it is completely reasonable for Han Shihao to have such an amazing net worth.

And if we don't discuss these out-of-reach world's top professional powerhouses, but just talk about it——

For example, Lin Feng, who was one of the two strongest mid laners tied with Han Shihao in the s1 season, if he had not chosen to retire back then but had been working hard in the e-sports circle until now...

His worth will definitely not be inferior to any one of the Four Emperors.

Even Han Shihao's sky-high price contract, he might not be able to get an equal or even more astonishing price figure.


Of course, there are those who stand at the top of the pyramid, and there will be more people who can only be ordinary as the cornerstone at the bottom of the pyramid.

Regardless of South Korea, Europe, North America, or China, the polarization in the e-sports circle is equally serious.

What Su Xue said before was not wrong.

In today's national service professional e-sports circle, professional players are divided into five grades based on comprehensive evaluation of strength and record——

The highest s level.

Then from high to low continue to be A level, B level, netbsp; and the lowest n level.

LpL's first-tier professional players are basically rated at B-level or even B+ level, not to mention the social status, but at least the basic income and salary are not low; and most of the second-tier and third-tier professional players in the LspL League One are net-level.

For example, the last two professional players in the strength rating grades have extremely low monthly salaries.

It is a euphemism to say that he can barely make ends meet.

In fact, if these professional players hadn't been able to solve the problem of free board and lodging in the team club, they really wouldn't be able to live in a big city like Shanghai——

Just like today's Eleven.

But just like Lin Feng's answer to Su Xue, even if his former partner and teammate's strength rating in the national server e-sports circle is only the lowest n level,

But in his mind, it was different.

One hundred thousand deposit?

Perhaps it is more than enough to give a professional player with a rating of c+ to b-.

But in Lin Feng's view, this number is far from enough.

Far too little.

If it weren't for some objective factors and time issues, he would have hoped that the "deposit" could be as high as possible. The most ideal amount he currently thinks should be——

"one million."

When facing several new teammates and teammates, Lin Feng gave his ideal price figure succinctly and concisely.

one million.

These three words are like a first-class blockbuster, which directly blows Jingu Sakura dizzy first.

"one million!!?"

The beautiful girl from Japan was really dumbfounded. She couldn't even care about maintaining her usual elegant and quiet temperament, so she couldn't help but raise her voice:

"Is this just a deposit?"

"Then according to Mr. Lin, wouldn't a real full price contract start at least five million!?"

Lin Feng stroked his chin and thought for a while, then nodded happily:


"Yeah, five million is barely the same."

It was completely unexpected that someone would actually admit it so straightforwardly. Jingu Sakura almost choked herself to death, but she still couldn't help coughing violently for a long time, and finally even said in a panic:

"It's too messy!"

"How could such a high price be offered!"

"Lin Jun, you should have a limit when you are joking. If you really plan to make a serious team, you should of course pay salaries to hire other professional players to join the team, but the amount of this salary must also be strict. Reasonable--"

"According to Lin Jun, you want to offer a five million contract to the player you plan to invite, but do you know what this price means?"

"That means the worth of a top first-line professional player!"

"It's even possible to invite a [Seven Kings]!"

No wonder Sakura Jingu was so annoyed.

Although it is said that for such a thing as asking a high price to buy players, given her own honorable status and the business she has come into contact with in the family club in the past, this number will not make her too moved.

What really made her feel aggrieved and annoyed was someone's thoughts and mentality at the moment.

When she first agreed to Lin Feng's invitation to join this team, Jingu Ying only had the idea of ​​wanting to get to know Lin Feng and the others more closely, but after such a period of time, she slowly and unconsciously I have a sense of identity and belonging to this team.

That's why when she heard Lin Feng uttering such unrealistic thoughts, she subconsciously considered this issue from the perspective of a team member——

Then the conclusion drawn is naturally that someone as the captain has this kind of mentality, which is definitely very bad.

It is not conducive to the long-term development of the team at all!

Annoyed in her beautiful eyes, Jingu Ying stared at Lin Feng with an aggressive tone:

"Could it be that--"

"In Lin Jun's eyes, does the target player you want to hire have the same level of strength as the world's top first-line professional players, or even the Seven Kings?"

When the question came out, Jingu Sakura continued to look directly at Lin Feng, with a challenge in her eyes.

In her opinion, there is no suspense in this question at all.

But unfortunately-

For Lin Feng, he also thought so.

So someone scratched his head habitually, and then nodded quite bluntly in response:


Clam! ?

Jingu Sakura was dumbfounded again.

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The update is here, the third update should be before eleven o'clock, go away and continue to code.

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