
Chapter 426 No doubt

Although the Internet cafe guests and audience in the audience were cheering and applauding for Han Lin's perfect response to Snake Girl, this was mainly because they were Han Lin's loyal fans. Teana Novel ⒉

In all fairness, this wave of battles between the heroes of the two sides, judging from the results, it is still the master of the shadow stream on the blue side who is more advantageous.

A 【Ignite】replaced the Snake Girl's double call.

Then, for Snake Girl, losing the two summoner skills [Weakness] and [Flash] means that Cassiopeia, who has no displacement skills, can easily not be able to face the Shadow Stream Lord. Another slight mistake.

Otherwise, it would be a wave of being killed and taken away.

At the same time, for the master of the shadow stream on the blue side, Zed who has surrendered [Ignite] still has a [Flash] in his hand, whether it is to force open first or to register defensively, he still has enough capital.

Moreover, even from an operational point of view——

"Snake Girl's response is indeed perfect."

"But Jie's first move is actually the most amazing."

Zeng Rui was not stingy about admiring Lin Feng's operation just now, and Dou Zi, Jingong Ying and Tang Bingyao on the side also nodded in agreement.


Just a few seconds ago, the blue Fang Yingliu master on the line was pressed under the tower by the opponent Snake Girl, and he was also at a disadvantage in terms of blood volume. The rhythm had already been controlled by Han Lin's Snake Girl, but relying on Grabbing a wave of opportunities, Jie under Lin Feng's control jumped up in an instant and grabbed the upper hand and forced to open, a wave of perfect textbook-level operations instantly exploded, and [Ignite] was also extremely decisive and straightforward.

In this series of operations, even if there is a slight mistake in any link in the middle, such as missing the Q skill, or a slight hesitation in any step of the operation, the opponent's Snake Girl can retreat more calmly.

It was far more than being forced to double-call and fully hand-in.


Zeng Rui and Tang Bingyao could see this.

Then Han Lin, the former professional mid laner of LspL, is very clear about it.

Sweat oozes slightly from the forehead, and the throbbing and fear of someone in his heart has almost reached an unbearable level, but at this time Han Lin still dare not be distracted and slack, even if the snake girl Cassiope who controls him Ya retreated under the tower to return to the city, and he kept staring at the Lord of the Shadow Stream not far away who also chose to return to the city with his eyes wide open, not daring to relax at all.


too strong.

The ability to seize opportunities is too ruthless and accurate.

As long as he is a little negligent, it is impossible for him to be caught by the opponent in an instant and fatally hit by a single blow.

For example, because of a little slack in the wave just now, he had already paid the price of double summoning.

For the first time, the price was already so painful.

So what about next time?

Couldn't help trembling slightly, but soon Han Lin packed up and adjusted his mind again, his eyes became extremely solemn and quiet again, stimulated by the previous losing streak, and perhaps a little bit of luck, made him extremely Fortunately, at this time, he finally regained the state he played in the professional league. Even if he faced an opponent of the same level as the opposite person, he still had the confidence to fight against him.

No more double summons.

At present, the two sides on the court are just returning to the balance of power.


His snake girl still has a chance!


When the game time came to about 7 minutes, the Shadow Stream Master and Snake Girl of the blue and purple sides had reached level 6.

Level 6.

Whether it is Jie or Snake Girl, after learning the big move in this period of time, each already has a set of objective burst damage.

Enough burst damage in seconds.

Therefore, although the line-up between the two players on the line became more cautious and cautious because they each had the ability to kill, there was also a stronger smell of gunpowder between the constant trials, which began to permeate the line with fear. spread.

At this time, no one can easily make the slightest mistake.

Because the double call has not yet finished cooling down, the snake girl's situation is more dangerous. Han Lin's last wave of returning to the city directly bought a piece of cloth armor for an extra 300 yuan, in order to prevent Jie's set from exploding too much. amazing.

At the same time, the Master of Shadow Stream under Lin Feng's control also began to pay more attention to his position.

Facing a hero like Snake Girl, you can't easily be hit by the opponent's Q skill or skill, otherwise Snake Girl relies on the "Twin Fangs" of E skill to come up and directly transform into a mobile turret to frantically throw e output, even he dare not have the slightest support big.

Compared with the so1o rounds that were easily won in the first four rounds, this round of so1o is obviously more stalemate and exhausting.


The corner of someone's mouth raised slightly:

That's what he wants to see, isn't it.

The next moment, the mind converged, and the Lord of Shadow Stream under Lin Feng's control once again entered the game confrontation with his opponent, Snake Girl.


After 7 minutes of the game time, the heroes of both sides not only reached the sixth level and learned the big move, but also raised the level of several other common skills. The damage values ​​​​are also enough to make people's eyes jump.

So even though the players on both sides were cautious and restrained enough, the blood volume of the blood bars on the heads of Zed and Snake continued to decline during the trial and error.

They are getting closer to each other's killing line little by little.

Before this so1o game, Han Lin in this situation might still be restrained because of the psychological pressure he bears, and he would not dare to rush forward easily.

But now he has completely shaken off all his burdens, and he has calmed down to give it a go. Therefore, the more intense and tense the situation on the scene, the more aggressive the Snake's Embrace under his control.

The first skill "Toxic Fog" is thrown out.

Reduce and retain the target shadow stream master.

Cassiopeia, the snake girl controlled by Han Lin, quickly pursued and followed up without hesitation!

E skill "Twin Fangs" throws a shot!

Answer Q!


Ping a again!

A series of skills combos were thrown out in one go in a dizzying manner, and the Snake Girl kept chasing forward and approaching like a rainbow, forcibly beating the opponent's Shadow Stream Master to the point where she was forced to hand over her skills at the first time, and retreated after the second stage to escape , but still nearly half of his health was knocked out by the snake girl's set of damage, and he retreated to the back of the line and ate a blood bottle before slowly recovering his state.

";" Han Shen 6! "

"That's right, that's how you want to beat me! Be fierce!"

"Damn him!!"

The Internet cafe guests and audience in the audience were also in high spirits. Seeing someone's shadow stream master being beaten by their Goddess Snake like this, it seemed that they also saw the hope of winning this round. Naturally, there were endless cheers and screams of excitement.

Even on Lin Feng's side, Zeng Rui, Dou Zi and Jingong Ying who were standing behind watching the battle couldn't help feeling a little awe-

The hero Snake Girl is indeed too strong in pursuit and killing.

Very ignorant...

Being poisoned is just a bunch of "twin fangs" with e skills flinging around. Face-to-face fights are just right but you can only retreat, but this will consume your blood in vain. Jie's current supplies have also been eaten, so he will be killed by the snake again. If a woman catches a chance, it may be really dangerous.

After all, it's a so1o game, and such a thing as mindless snowballing, once the opponent is really rolled, then even top existences like the Seven Kings and Four Emperors will feel headaches.


"Fengzi will definitely win."

Suddenly, Tang Bingyao said this with confidence.

Still not the slightest worry.

Zeng Rui, Dou Zi and Jingong Ying looked at each other, and then nodded slightly.


Regardless of the situation, none of them ever doubted that someone could win.

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The update will be delivered, and it will be done in the third shift. Good night, my friends.

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