
Chapter 395 The Violent Combination of Two Girls

At the same time that the first damage of the q skill "Time Curler" hit the target Lacus, the blue mid laner Ike under Lin Feng's control had already moved forward quickly and pressed in.

At the same time, press the w skill key on the keyboard.

"Time intersects"!

A huge arc-shaped time field slowly emerged on the ground hundreds of yards behind Lux ​​indistinctly.

Three second delay.

The pre-judgment blocked the opponent's retreat.

At the same moment, the purple team's mid laner Lux realized the danger, and decisively backhanded the Q skill "Bound of Light" towards Lin Feng's mid laner Ike.

Lin Feng controls Ike to shoot with an e skill, and "Phase Dive" directly moves to the side obliquely for a while, avoiding Lux's q skill, and at the same time further approaching the target Lacus!

The single Lux in the purple square with excellent consciousness immediately flashed and retreated violently, and was about to cross the coverage area of ​​Ike's w skill time field, and at the same moment——

The summoner skill key on the keyboard was pressed by Lin Feng's lightning strike!


A pile of finely chopped golden awns is fried!

Ike followed up with flashes and chases at the same time, and rushed to the target Lacus in the blink of an eye with the second-stage displacement of the e skill "Phase Dive". The phantom blue lightsaber in his hand had penetrated the body of the brilliant girl. The second-stage damage of the q skill shot back by the second rewind.

Play the passive three rings!

The blood bar on the top of Lacus' head suddenly slipped down quickly!

Still at this moment, the three-second delay of Ike's w skill time field landed.

The blood bar on the head of the time assassin who entered the time field was suddenly propped up by a shield of blood, and the purple square mid laner Lux who had no time to escape was instantly imprisoned in place!

Ping a again!

After triggering the passive three-ring effect, the Time Assassin got the bonus of increased movement speed, easily chasing behind Lacus and slashing and leveling a continuously under Lin Feng's control.

one time.

Last shot!

The blood bar above Lux's head bottomed out to zero, and then the female voice of the system sounded the kill announcement:

"First blood!——"

Lightly and delicately.

The head is solo killed.

From the beginning to the end, Ike's killing operation seemed to last only three or four seconds, but every step of the movement and skill casting seemed to be done in one go, as if the opponent's every step of the response operation was counted as dead. Block all hope of retreat for the opponent.

Such a wave of kills, even if a top-level professional mid laner comes to judge, they can only give one evaluation——


Even though Ike doesn't use it many times, he still cooperates with his own reaction, operation speed and timing insight ability, and plays a textbook-like standard killing operation.

Similarly, this is indeed the strength that Lin Feng possesses now.

Even if he hasn't recovered to the peak, but facing the ordinary passer-by masters of Dianyi Diamond Division, they are not at the same level at all, and they can crush and defeat their opponents online in an understatement.


Controlling his own jungle excavator, Zeng Rui couldn't help but let out a drink when he saw the scene in the middle of the road.

Lin Feng controlled his mid laner Ike and continued to quickly push the pawn line under the opponent's tower, preparing to return to the city, and then responded with a laugh:



"I told you that Ike is strong——"

However, before the words fell, two consecutive female system kill prompts came from the bottom lane:


The same alert rang twice.

In the bottom lane, just after Lin Feng's solo kill in the middle lane, the adc auxiliary combination of Tang Bingyao and Jingu Ying also killed the purple team's duo directly and took away incomparably quickly and neatly.

A level 2 battle begins.

The two girls cooperated with their partners and played a perfect record of 0 for 2.

Tang Bingyao's adc policewoman took away the head of Zifang's auxiliary Qin girl, while the head of her opponent's adc Obama fell into the pocket of Jingu Sakura's auxiliary Jiela.

Zeng Rui and Dou Zi were quite surprised and delighted that the bot lane played so beautifully. You must know that the bot lane is not only a test of the player's personal strength, 2v2 is more about the cooperation between the adc and the support. The first bot lane partner of the two women has this effect, which is definitely quite good.

But before the words of praise could be uttered, the two girls on the side of the lower road actually started arguing first:

"Why are you taking my head!"

Tang Bingyao looked at Jingu Ying with an unhappy face:

"I was going to double kill!"

Jingu Sakura looked innocent:

"No, I'm afraid you won't be able to come out at the last moment."

Tang Bingyao: "Who said that! The last time my policewoman made Ping A's hand, she even came out, and you still flashed up to grab the head!"

Jingu Sakura blinked: "Is there?"

Tang Bingyao said angrily, "Obviously there is!"

Seeing that the two women were about to quarrel, Lin Feng quickly smoothed things over: "Ah, it's okay, anyway, I got a double kill in the next lane, it's already very good!"

But such reassurance had no effect.

Tang Bingyao began to complain to Lin Feng with some grievances:


"She just robbed me of making up the knife!"

Jingu Ying said with a straight face: "You can't make up for the two long-distance soldiers. If you go up, they will be easily consumed by Qin Nu. Of course, it's better to let me take them away."

Tang Bingyao turned her head and looked at Jingu Ying angrily:

"would not!"

"I can collect it with q!"

Jingu Sakura curled her lips: "If you used the Q skill to withdraw troops just now, the damage would not be enough to kill people."

The two girls continued to quarrel like this again, directly leaving someone aside, Lin Feng could only touch his nose, gave up the plan to continue to persuade the fight, let them quarrel, anyway, it seems that this is the way to go Noisy, in terms of cooperation is still very good.


Lin Feng's opinion was not wrong at all.

On the bottom lane, although the opponent's bottom lane combination seems to be the two most powerful players among the opposing five-man black, both of them are drilling 2 tiers, but Jingu Ying and Tang Bingyao's AC support partner is still on the line. Cope with ease.

The words of being able to do a job with ease may already be a little euphemistic and modest.

A policewoman, a Zyra, and the two girls are clearly partners for the first time, and they even disagree with each other and never stop arguing and bickering, but there is a jaw-dropping tacit understanding when they cooperate.

5 minutes of game time.

get off the road.

Controlling her assistant Zyra to step forward, Jingu Sakura's voice sounded:

"You can play the piano girl."

"Be careful and keep up."

Tang Bingyao replied stiffly with a small face:


next moment.

Seizing the opportunity of the opponent Qin Nu to step forward to poke, Zyra, the assistant under the control of Jingu Sakura, directly [flashed] to rush forward!

Take the E skill and tie the root of the entanglement to the face to tie the target Sona!

The q skill is synchronized to keep up!

The catalyzed poisonous thorn flower blooms suddenly!

At the same moment, Tang Bingyao's adc policewoman has also quickly followed up, raised the gun and fired the "Peace Messenger" anchor bullet with the q skill to penetrate the target Qin girl's body, and a w skill metal clip was put behind Qin girl to seal it Take the position and keep up with Ping a.

Then level a, trigger headshot passive.

The e skill "90 caliber hunting rope net" raises the gun and shoots.

The policewoman flew backwards.


Swing the gun, another headshot!

When the purple side's remaining blood assistant Qin Nu stepped on the metal clip on the ground behind her in a panic, Caitlin, a policewoman under Tang Bingyao's control, fired the last headshot bullet.


In the blink of an eye, the blood strip on the head of Fairy Qin Se, who was almost full of blood, was cut all the way to the bottom.

It suddenly returned to zero!

Perfect fit, clean spike!

Dou Zi, who controls her top laner Swordsman, is still on the road and continues to face Rambo, can't help but see her eyelids twitching for a while——

This is so...

The two girls in their team are more fierce than the other.

Such a well-matched bot lane combination, combined with fierceness and viciousness, will completely become a dangerous powder keg that will explode at any time, okay?

***************************************************** *****************************

The update will be delivered, and the third watch will be done. Tomorrow is Valentine's Day. I wish all lovers in the world are brothers and sisters. . . .

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At the same time that the first damage of the q skill "Time Curler" hit the target Lacus, the blue mid laner Ike under Lin Feng's control had already moved forward quickly and pressed in.

At the same time, press the w skill key on the keyboard.

"Time intersects"!

A huge arc-shaped time field slowly emerged on the ground hundreds of yards behind Lux ​​indistinctly.

Three second delay.

The pre-judgment blocked the opponent's retreat.

At the same moment, the purple team's mid laner Lux realized the danger, and decisively backhanded the Q skill "Bound of Light" towards Lin Feng's mid laner Ike.

Lin Feng controls Ike to shoot with an e skill, and "Phase Dive" directly moves to the side obliquely for a while, avoiding Lux's q skill, and at the same time further approaching the target Lacus!

The single Lux in the purple square with excellent consciousness immediately flashed and retreated violently, and was about to cross the coverage area of ​​Ike's w skill time field, and at the same moment——

The summoner skill key on the keyboard was pressed by Lin Feng's lightning strike!


A pile of finely chopped golden awns is fried!

Ike followed up with flashes and chases at the same time, and rushed to the target Lacus in the blink of an eye with the second-stage displacement of the e skill "Phase Dive". The phantom blue lightsaber in his hand had penetrated the body of the brilliant girl. The second-stage damage of the q skill shot back by the second rewind.

Play the passive three rings!

The blood bar on the top of Lacus' head suddenly slipped down quickly!

Still at this moment, the three-second delay of Ike's w skill time field landed.

The blood bar on the head of the time assassin who entered the time field was suddenly propped up by a shield of blood, and the purple square mid laner Lux who had no time to escape was instantly imprisoned in place!

Ping a again!

After triggering the passive three-ring effect, the Time Assassin got the bonus of increased movement speed, easily chasing behind Lacus and slashing and leveling a continuously under Lin Feng's control.

one time.

Last shot!

The blood bar above Lux's head bottomed out to zero, and then the female voice of the system sounded the kill announcement:

"First blood!——"

Lightly and delicately.

The head is solo killed.

From the beginning to the end, Ike's killing operation seemed to last only three or four seconds, but every step of the movement and skill casting seemed to be done in one go, as if the opponent's every step of the response operation was counted as dead. Block all hope of retreat for the opponent.

Such a wave of kills, even if a top-level professional mid laner comes to judge, they can only give one evaluation——


Even though Ike doesn't use it many times, he still cooperates with his own reaction, operation speed and timing insight ability, and plays a textbook-like standard killing operation.

Similarly, this is indeed the strength that Lin Feng possesses now.

Even if he hasn't recovered to the peak, but facing the ordinary passer-by masters of Dianyi Diamond Division, they are not at the same level at all, and they can crush and defeat their opponents online in an understatement.


Controlling his own jungle excavator, Zeng Rui couldn't help but let out a drink when he saw the scene in the middle of the road.

Lin Feng controlled his mid laner Ike and continued to quickly push the pawn line under the opponent's tower, preparing to return to the city, and then responded with a laugh:


"I told you that Ike is strong——"

However, before the words fell, two consecutive female system kill prompts came from the bottom lane:


The same alert rang twice.

In the bottom lane, just after Lin Feng's solo kill in the middle lane, the adc auxiliary combination of Tang Bingyao and Jingu Ying also killed the purple team's duo directly and took away incomparably quickly and neatly.

A level 2 battle begins.

The two girls cooperated with their partners and played a perfect record of 0 for 2.

Tang Bingyao's adc policewoman took away the head of Zifang's auxiliary Qin girl, while the head of her opponent's adc Obama fell into the pocket of Jingu Sakura's auxiliary Jiela.

Zeng Rui and Dou Zi were quite surprised and delighted that the bot lane played so beautifully. You must know that the bot lane is not only a test of the player's personal strength, 2v2 is more about the cooperation between the adc and the support. The first bot lane partner of the two women has this effect, which is definitely quite good.

But before the words of praise could be uttered, the two girls on the side of the lower road actually started arguing first:

"Why are you taking my head!"

Tang Bingyao looked at Jingu Ying with an unhappy face:

"I was going to double kill!"

Jingu Sakura looked innocent:

"No, I'm afraid you won't be able to come out at the last moment."

Tang Bingyao: "Who said that! The last time my policewoman made Ping A's hand, she even came out, and you still flashed up to grab the head!"

Jingu Sakura blinked: "Is there?"

Tang Bingyao said angrily, "Obviously there is!"

Seeing that the two women were about to quarrel, Lin Feng quickly smoothed things over: "Ah, it's okay, anyway, I got a double kill in the next lane, it's already very good!"

But such reassurance had no effect.

Tang Bingyao began to complain to Lin Feng with some grievances:


"She just robbed me of making up the knife!"

Jingu Ying said with a straight face: "You can't make up for the two long-distance soldiers. If you go up, they will be easily consumed by Qin Nu. Of course, it's better to let me take them away."

Tang Bingyao turned her head and looked at Jingu Ying angrily:

"would not!"

"I can collect it with q!"

Jingu Sakura curled her lips: "If you used the Q skill to withdraw troops just now, the damage would not be enough to kill people."

The two girls continued to quarrel like this again, directly leaving someone aside, Lin Feng could only touch his nose, gave up the plan to continue to persuade the fight, let them quarrel, anyway, it seems that this is the way to go Noisy, in terms of cooperation is still very good.


Lin Feng's opinion was not wrong at all.

On the bottom lane, although the opponent's bottom lane combination seems to be the two most powerful players among the opposing five-player black, both of them are drilling 2 tiers, but Jingu Ying and Tang Bingyao's AC support partner is still on the line. Cope with ease.

The words of being able to do a job with ease may already be a little euphemistic and modest.

A policewoman, a Zyra, and the two girls are clearly partners for the first time, and they even disagree with each other and have never stopped arguing and bickering, but there is a jaw-dropping tacit understanding when they cooperate.

5 minutes of game time.

get off the road.

Controlling her assistant Zyra to step forward, Jingu Sakura's voice sounded:

"You can play the piano girl."

"Be careful and keep up."

Tang Bingyao replied stiffly with a small face:


next moment.

Seizing the opportunity of the opponent Qin Nu to step forward to poke, Zyra, the assistant under the control of Jingu Sakura, directly [flashed] to rush forward!

Take the E skill and tie the root of the entanglement to the face to tie the target Sona!

The q skill is synchronized to keep up!

The catalyzed poisonous thorn flower blooms suddenly!

At the same moment, Tang Bingyao's adc policewoman has also quickly followed up, raised the gun and fired the "Peace Messenger" anchor bullet with the q skill to penetrate the target Qin girl's body, and a w skill metal clip was put behind Qin girl to seal it Take the position and keep up with Ping a.

Then level a, trigger headshot passive.

The e skill "90 caliber hunting rope net" raises the gun and shoots.

The policewoman flew backwards.


Swing the gun, another headshot!

When the purple side's remaining blood assistant Qin Nu stepped on the metal clip on the ground behind her in a panic, Caitlin, a policewoman under Tang Bingyao's control, fired the last headshot bullet.


In the blink of an eye, the blood strip on the head of Fairy Qin Se, who was almost full of blood, was cut all the way to the bottom.

It suddenly returned to zero!

Perfect fit, clean spike!

Dou Zi, who controls her top laner Swordsman, is still on the road and continues to face Rambo, can't help but see her eyelids twitching for a while——

This is so...

The two girls in their team are more fierce than the other.

Such a well-matched bot lane combination, combined with fierceness and viciousness, will completely become a dangerous powder keg that will explode at any time, okay?

***************************************************** *****************************

The update will be delivered, and the third watch will be done. Tomorrow is Valentine's Day. I wish all lovers in the world are brothers and sisters. . . .

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