
Chapter 122 Entering the main competition!

To put it bluntly, in a League of Legends battle, no matter what lineup you use, as long as you have a big advantage in the downwind game, it will be a good lineup.

During the S2 and S3 seasons, various lineups and lineups appeared in endlessly in the national server ranking game——

For example, those who use big moves in one wave, or those who steal towers like crazy.

It sounds weird, but as long as you really have a huge advantage, you can play however you want, and it will be your opponent's turn to suffer anyway.

Take the weird tower-stealing lineup of the year as an example. The heroes on your side are all super awesome and crush one or two of the opponent's big equipment. As a result, you just don't engage in serious team battles and lead the lane with weapons. , the sword master in the bottom lane steals the tower, and then finds a clown to sneak around and help him take down the tower if there is an opportunity...

Then the other side really wants to be tortured into a mental illness by you.

And even if we don’t talk about such weird lineup routines, just look at the current match between the Thirteen High School E-Sports Club and the Shibei Middle School team. So far, the purple side’s Thirteen High School Team has also entered the stage of easily relying on it. With the advantage of the lineup, it can be enough to make a living.

Bomberman first pokes remotely.

It doesn't matter if you're not happy with the poke. It doesn't matter who is Rambo or the Prince. The former throws his ultimate move to start the group and the latter rushes in with EQ to start the attack. Anyway, just force the attack.

The auxiliary Zyra followed up with the last move "Strangling Vine" to continue the team control, leaving her E skill to protect her ADC teammates.

The ADC Mouse standing in the last row of the formation used his ultimate move. He just had to deal hard damage wherever there were people.

Then the team fight can be easily won.

Yes, it's that simple, because when your team's economy, level, and equipment have a clear lead, many detailed problems can be easily made up for by relying on the big advantage.

When the mouse uses his ultimate move, it has no brain output and the damage is just scary. What can you do?

Who told you to let the mice develop so smoothly in the early stage?

Therefore, for the Shibei Middle School team on the blue side, they can only continue to deal with and resist in a panic, and then watch the opponent's purple side team methodically increase the advantage snowball bit by bit.

And at this time,

Zeng Rui, who was standing behind the Shibei Middle School team and watching the match, had recovered from the previous shock and his expression was calm again.

Looking at the current game on the field, he no longer has much interest.

After reaching this stage, the rest is just garbage time.

For the Thirteen High Team on the purple side, as long as they don't make any serious mistakes, they can easily win this game without any technical content.

In a game with a big advantage and this kind of team battle lineup, just push it all the way through.

And at this moment, Zeng Rui has basically seen the overall strength of Team Thirteen High, which can be summed up in one word -


Giving this evaluation in his heart with an indifferent expression, Zeng Rui glanced at the members of the Thirteenth High Team sitting opposite, with a somewhat mocking look on his face.

He has already understood that in this 13th-level team, the strength of the top, middle and junglers is quite average, and the jungler is particularly weak. He didn't have much rhythm in the early stage, but he started to win in the mid-term anyway.

Top laner and mid laner... I guess they are just diamond goalkeepers if they can survive.

The reason why Team Thirteen High School was able to have such an advantage in this game and even be about to win was simply because the bottom lane drove the rhythm well enough. At the same time, the opponent's Shibei Middle School team was too weak.

More importantly, Zeng Rui saw that Team Thirteen High had no bright spots in terms of teamwork.

That is to say, the cooperation and tacit understanding are not enough.

Even the team commander's tactical command arrangements were simple and crude. Many details were completely carelessly skipped, and there was no rigorous organization at all.

Zeng Rui just heard the guy in the auxiliary seat of the Thirteenth High Team across from him yelling about "up, up, up," and "let's do it, let's do it"...

It's just a hot-blooded person forcing things to happen without any reason.

Brainless man - Zeng Rui commented coldly in his heart.

Similarly, it is precisely because he has clearly seen the true strength of the Thirteenth High School team that Zeng Rui no longer takes this dark horse team that defeated Tongji High School too seriously.

Whether a team is strong or weak cannot be measured purely by the individual strength of its members.

The focus is on the captain's commanding ability and the tacit understanding of the team.

In the last Shanghai Shanghai Sixteen Schools League, the Shanghai Middle School led by Zeng Rui was able to defeat the Shanghai Foreign Language School Affiliated High School. It was not because they had one more champion than the opponent, or because the average rank of the team members was higher than the opponent.

It is definitely the stupidest behavior to hastily measure the strength of a team based on its average rank.

The Shanghai Middle School team was able to win at that time because of Zeng Rui's rigorous and precise command ability, coupled with the strict execution and perfect cooperation of several other players.

In Zeng Rui's view, even if their average rank dropped by more than half a grade, they could still win against the then Shanghai Foreign Language Middle School.

And if it's against the current Thirteenth High Team...

Zeng Rui had a mocking look on his face:

There's no need to put any effort into fighting a team like this that has no tactics at all.

The only thing Zeng Rui paid a little attention to was the ADC girl from the Thirteen High Team and the support guy——

Mainly the guy in the support position.

He remembered the game when Tongji Affiliated High School lost to the 13th High School Team. It was this guy who used top laner Riwen to carry the rhythm of the game, and he had enough advantages in the early and mid-term to quickly win the victory.

This kind of tactical idea that relies solely on oneself to force the rhythm is something that Zeng Rui, who pursues the "team first" code, looks down upon.

But with his character, even if he doesn't like him, he won't look down on him casually.

Next, there will be a second game between the Shisan Gao team and the Shibei Middle School team. There should be a chance to see if this guy can play as a top or mid laner again...

Zeng Rui thought so in his heart.

He soon discovered that he had been wrong.

Because a certain guy from Team Thirteen High who he regarded as a "brainless fool" didn't even play in the second game after winning the first victory!

"Old Wei, the rest is up to you!"

Lin Feng stood up from his seat, patted Wei Dong's shoulder hard and laughed:

"I've made a good start, you have to work harder!"

Zeng Rui, who was not far away from the opposite side, was in a daze for a while, and then he rubbed his temples with some force and speechlessness:

This guy……

Are you so confident that you can win the second game without having to play?

Is this guy completely deviating from common sense?

Perhaps it was because the first win in the first game allowed several members of the Thirteen High E-Sports Club to get into shape and feel better. In addition, Ouyang, who was the team’s substitute jungler, also found confidence and fighting spirit. In the second game, Lin Feng replaced The game ended, but the performance of the Thirteen High Team, which was switched to the blue side, was still brilliant.

In 10 minutes, the head count of the blue and purple sides was 6 to 3.

In 15 minutes, the head count gap widened to 10 to 5.

Wei Dong, who came on the field, seemed to cooperate well with Tang Bingyao's ADC support in the bottom lane, and the hard work in training a while ago really showed results.

Then in this round of the game, Yang Fan's mid laner card was quite powerful, and several roaming supports had a very good effect, which also brought up the rhythm of both the upper and lower lanes.

The Shibei Middle School team on the purple side is increasingly at a disadvantage.

About 20 minutes later, when Tang Bingyao's ADC cannon also developed and began to show its astonishing power, the Shibei Middle School team became even more unable to withstand it.

"Is this... a bit of a mental breakdown?"

Standing behind the Shanghai Middle School team watching the game, the jungler commented like this.

Zeng Rui was completely too lazy to continue watching the battle, so he turned around and left. Before leaving, he coldly dropped four words:

"Rookies peck each other."

Several other Shanghai Middle School team members looked at each other, then shrugged:

From their captain's perspective, a game of this level would really look down upon them.

But no matter what, for everyone in the Thirteen High E-Sports Club, when the game went into the 31st minute and the blue side's "Victory" emblem appeared on the computer screen, everyone couldn't help but be excited. Cheers and celebration.

Elders from the e-sports club such as Ouyang, Yang Fan, Ren Rou, Shen Ze and Wei Dong were all beaming with joy and excitement.


Their Thirteen High School E-Sports Club team finally made it to the main round of the Shanghai Sixteen Schools League!

Lin Feng announced energetically from the side:

"Next, the goal is to become the champion of the sixteen schools!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Ouyang quickly covered his mouth again: "Damn it, Fengzi, don't say that in front of so many people!"

Yang Fan on the side adjusted his glasses and couldn't help laughing:

"However, now I think that the champion of the 16th school or something--"

"It might be really promising."

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