
Chapter 373 Another Method

More than can be imagined.

Regarding what Chu Fangnan said, Lin Feng could not only understand, but more importantly, he was also very clear. In fact, in this regard...

He may also bear more or less certain responsibilities.

For a professional team, from zero to stronger step by step, in fact, each process and stage is very clearly distinguished. First of all, you need to recruit a group of team members, and the players in each position have their own skills. You need to hone and improve your personal operational strength.

Then, start to cultivate tacit understanding through continuous actual combat training.

Only when the level of personal strength operation is passed and the tacit understanding is sufficient, can we start to formulate tactics in a targeted manner, practice various policy systems, and bring these theoretical systems into actual combat for further practice.

If even the first two conditions have not been met, let alone the last one.

And even if only at the first stage...

Regarding the improvement of the personal strength of the team members, the major teams and clubs in the professional e-sports circle of the national server have entered into a difficult situation many times.

There have been two [player generation] in the national server e-sports circle.

For the first time, at the end of the S1 season, the team recognized as the strongest team in the national server, including Lin Feng and several former partners and teammates, disbanded and fell apart, and it also attracted many other top domestic players at the time to follow suit. retired.

the second time. It was at the end of the s3 season.

At that time, the national server e-sports business was ushering in a new leap forward. New industries such as commentary videos and live broadcasts began to rise. The lucrative benefits tempted many professional players at that time to choose to abandon the team contracts with extremely low salaries. , Try to engage in the industry field of video commentary and game anchor.

It also forced the major teams and clubs in the professional circle at that time to start a new round of blood changes.

It is precisely because of these two generations that the professional e-sports circle of the national service has shown a vigorous upward trend in the past few years, but in fact, in terms of the development of teams and clubs, its progress has always been underestimated. Delayed.

You started from the s4 season, and finally the bosses and high-level executives of various teams and clubs really paid attention to the issue of the compensation of professional players.

Only by giving a truly reasonable price contract can the team members under his command be able to train without distraction.

Then improve your own strength.

Then cultivate the team's tacit understanding with each other.


It is too late.

If it is said that all of this has already started from the s3 or even s2 season, then the development and maturity of each team club is definitely much faster. By the current s6 season, it should have already had its own set of independent And a mature operating system.

Things like coaches and analysts are departments that should have been established a few years ago.

Where is the use of regretting and being helpless now?

Lin Feng's expression was a little gloomy.

Just imagine, if at the end of the s1 season that year, he hadn't acted impulsively, hadn't caused the separation of several partners and teammates of his own team, and had also caused many other professional players in the national server to retire with cold hearts at that time, maybe everything would have changed. no the same.

Their national server professional e-sports circle could have started to flourish in the s2 season, and it would not be behind South Korea, Europe, and North America at all.

but now--

It seems too late to say any of this.


As if seeing the self-blame and sadness in Lin Feng's heart, Chu Fangnan shook his head, reached out and touched Lin Feng's shoulder, and smiled:

"It has nothing to do with you."

"Actually, it's just a problem that our national server has always had."

"At that time, even if you won the world championship, even if you didn't retire, in fact, judging from the development of the national service e-sports circle at that time, there would still be various problems. Later, the video commentary and the anchor The rise of the industry is also a good thing from a certain point of view, and it has promoted the prosperity and development of the e-sports industry—"

"At least, more people have started to gain enthusiasm and motivation to join the professional e-sports circle, right?"

"It is also with such a clear understanding of the interests that the current team clubs will really start to pay attention to the pricing of the salary contracts of the players."

"If it's as high as a few million, if it's as low as the minimum guarantee, you can still have a fixed monthly salary of 81 million."

"The game bonus is also calculated separately."

"Maybe there are still various small cases where the price is unreasonable, but at least the system has become more and more mature."

"It's a good thing."

Chu Fangnan's eyes were shining brightly:

"Professional players who rely purely on their dreams cannot survive."

"With enough guarantees, we can continue to carry our dreams and work hard. This is the same truth."


"The problem still exists. Compared with South Korea, Europe and the United States, the structure of the team and club is still too backward and imperfect, so we encounter this kind of embarrassment."

"But... there is already hope and hope."

As he said that, the vice president of the Shanghai Electronics Association, who has always been calm, became excited again:

"In this year's s6 season, we can already see that the state of each team is getting better and better in our national service lpl professional league. Compared with previous seasons, they have more high-spirited fighting spirit and fighting spirit—"

"This is the most vibrant and hopeful year for our national uniform from the s2 season to now."

"We have players with strong enough personal strength, and a team that cooperates with each other very tacitly. We just lack the backup coach and analyst."

"Cultivate slowly and slowly, naturally cannot be lacking and cannot be ignored, but now if you have the opportunity to sharpen your gun..."

"We must do our best to seize this opportunity!"


You, South Korea, Europe and the United States have the most complete and mature club structure system, and you have the world's top-notch coaches and analysts, which is incomparable to our national server.

But China's professional e-sports circle has been on the rise for many years.

Similarly, we also have our own accumulation!

We have a truly dazzling legend of the top king who streaked across the sky like the brightest comet in the last generation.

Just this time.

Even if it's just a plea for help this time, begging those few people to help.

Well, at least this time, on the stage of the s6 world finals, with the escort of those legends from the previous generation, their national server lpl team will never lag behind anyone in the world in terms of tactical system. A top team!

In other words, for the first time after the s1 season, they were able to regain the same starting platform as the world's top players, and they could truly feel at ease and boldly compete with the major teams in South Korea, Europe and the United States...

Give it a go!

Chu Fangnan's mood was agitated, and he couldn't help but patted Lin Feng's shoulder again:

"So, this time, I have to thank you instead."

"If it wasn't for you, Yihao and Xiaowu might not return home easily at this time."

"Then our national server may have to miss such a most precious hope and opportunity."

Lin Feng paused for a moment.

Then he also shook his head, his eyes flickered and danced slightly complicatedly.

Thank you...?


Perhaps the return of senior No. 1 and Miss Xiaowu really has a lot to do with me, and I can be regarded as having a part of the credit.


From the bottom of his heart, for him, what he hopes is to use another way to truly earn glory for the national uniform by relying on his own ability.

***************************************************** *******************************

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More than can be imagined.

Regarding what Chu Fangnan said, Lin Feng could not only understand, but more importantly, he was also very clear. In fact, in this regard...

He may also bear more or less certain responsibilities.

For a professional team, from zero to stronger step by step, in fact, each process and stage is very clearly distinguished. First of all, you need to recruit a group of team members, and the players in each position have their own skills. You need to hone and improve your personal operational strength.

Then, start to cultivate tacit understanding through continuous actual combat training.

Only when the level of personal strength operation is passed and the tacit understanding is sufficient, can we start to formulate tactics in a targeted manner, practice various policy systems, and bring these theoretical systems into actual combat for further practice.

If even the first two conditions have not been met, let alone the last one.

And even if only at the first stage...

Regarding the improvement of the personal strength of the team members, the major teams and clubs in the professional e-sports circle of the national server have entered into a difficult situation many times.

There have been two [player generation] in the national server e-sports circle.

For the first time, at the end of the S1 season, the team recognized as the strongest team in the national server, including Lin Feng and several former partners and teammates, disbanded and fell apart, and it also attracted many other top domestic players at the time to follow suit. retired.

the second time. It was at the end of the s3 season.

At that time, the national server e-sports business was ushering in a new leap forward. New industries such as commentary videos and live broadcasts began to rise. The lucrative benefits tempted many professional players at that time to choose to abandon the team contracts with extremely low salaries. , Try to engage in the industry field of video commentary and game anchor.

It also forced the major teams and clubs in the professional circle at that time to start a new round of blood changes.

It is precisely because of these two generations that the professional e-sports circle of the national service has shown a vigorous upward trend in the past few years, but in fact, in terms of the development of teams and clubs, its progress has always been underestimated. Delayed.

You started from the s4 season, and finally the bosses and high-level executives of various teams and clubs really paid attention to the issue of the compensation of professional players.

Only by giving a truly reasonable price contract can the team members under his command be able to train without distraction.

Then improve your own strength.

Then cultivate the team's tacit understanding with each other.


It is too late.

If it is said that all of this has already started from the s3 or even s2 season, then the development and maturity of each team club is definitely much faster. By the current s6 season, it should have already had its own set of independent And a mature operating system.

Things like coaches and analysts are departments that should have been established a few years ago.

Where is the use of regretting and being helpless now?

Lin Feng's expression was a little gloomy.

Just imagine, if at the end of the s1 season that year, he hadn't acted impulsively, hadn't caused the separation of several partners and teammates of his own team, and had also caused many other professional players in the national server to retire with cold hearts at that time, maybe everything would have changed. no the same.

Their national server professional e-sports circle could have started to flourish in the s2 season, and it would not be behind South Korea, Europe, and North America at all.

but now--

It seems too late to say any of this.


As if seeing the self-blame and sadness in Lin Feng's heart, Chu Fangnan shook his head, reached out and touched Lin Feng's shoulder, and smiled:

"It has nothing to do with you."

"Actually, it's just a problem that our national server has always had."

"At that time, even if you won the world championship, even if you didn't retire, in fact, judging from the development of the national service e-sports circle at that time, there would still be various problems. Later, the video commentary and the anchor The rise of the industry is also a good thing from a certain point of view, and it has promoted the prosperity and development of the e-sports industry—”

"At least, more people have started to gain enthusiasm and motivation to join the professional e-sports circle, right?"

"It is also with such a clear understanding of the interests that the current team clubs will really start to pay attention to the pricing of the salary contracts of the players."

"If it's as high as a few million, if it's as low as the minimum guarantee, you can still have a fixed monthly salary of 81 million."

"The game bonus is also calculated separately."

"Maybe there are still various small cases where the price is unreasonable, but at least the system has become more and more mature."

"It's a good thing."

Chu Fangnan's eyes were shining brightly:

"Professional players who rely purely on their dreams cannot survive."

"With enough guarantees, we can continue to carry our dreams and work hard. This is the same truth."


"The problem still exists. Compared with South Korea, Europe and the United States, the structure of the team and club is still too backward and imperfect, so we encounter this kind of embarrassment."

"But... there is already hope and hope."

As he said that, the vice president of the Shanghai Electronics Association, who has always been calm, became excited again:

"In this year's s6 season, we can already see that the state of each team is getting better and better in our national service lpl professional league. Compared with previous seasons, they have more high-spirited fighting spirit and fighting spirit—"

"This is the most vibrant and hopeful year for our national uniform from the s2 season to now."

"We have players with strong enough personal strength, and a team that cooperates with each other very tacitly. We just lack the backup coach and analyst."

"Cultivating slowly through thick accumulation is naturally indispensable and cannot be ignored, but now if you have the opportunity to sharpen your gun..."

"We must do our best to seize this opportunity!"


You Korea, Europe and the United States have the most complete and mature club structure system, and you have the world's top-notch coaches and analysts, which is incomparable to our national server.

But China's professional e-sports circle has been on the rise for many years.

Similarly, we also have our own accumulation!

We have a truly dazzling legend of the top king who streaked across the sky like the brightest comet in the last generation.

Just this time.

Even if it's just this time, begging for help from those few people.

Well, at least this time, on the stage of the s6 world finals, with the escort of those legends from the previous generation, their national server lpl team will never lag behind anyone in the world in terms of tactical system. A top team!

In other words, for the first time after the s1 season, they were able to regain the same starting platform as the world's top players, and they could truly feel at ease and boldly compete with the big teams in South Korea, Europe and the United States...

Give it a go!

Chu Fangnan's mood was agitated, and he couldn't help but patted Lin Feng's shoulder again:

"So, this time, I have to thank you instead."

"If it wasn't for you, Yihao and Xiaowu might not easily return home at this time."

"Then our national server may have to miss such a most precious hope and opportunity."

Lin Feng paused for a moment.

Then he also shook his head, his eyes flickered and danced slightly complicatedly.

Thank you...?


Perhaps the return of senior No. 1 and Miss Xiaowu really has a lot to do with me, and I can be regarded as having a part of the credit.


From the bottom of his heart, for him, what he hopes is to use another way to truly earn glory for the national uniform by relying on his own ability.

***************************************************** *******************************

The update is here, the time for the next chapter will be a little later, maybe around 9:30 to 10:00.

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