
Chapter 357

After being blown up by the opponent's bomber with a q skill that directly blew up one-third of the blood volume, Wang Zhun, an ADC player on the blue side, hastened to control his Verus towards the second tower in the middle lane Back here.

He knew that with Bomberman's damage now, as long as he hit himself twice, his crispy ADC Verus would be dead.

But even so...

Even though he had raised the danger factor of the single bomber in the purple side to the highest level, Wang Zhun still underestimated his opponent.

It's not just underestimating the damage of Bomberman.

more importantly--

Underestimating someone's true style of play when returning to the mid laner position.

When Wang Zhun hurriedly urged his support teammate Huang Yang to come over to protect his development in the voice channel of the team, and at the same time controlled his adc Verus to continue to retreat towards his second tower...

He just raised his head subconsciously.

A shattered golden light suddenly exploded in the screen in front of him, stinging his eyes severely!

At the same moment—

The purple Fangshangcai team on the stage is in the competition room.

Lin Feng in front of the computer screen tapped the summoner skill key on the keyboard like lightning!

Directly [flash] rush forward!

A shocking exclamation sounded like a frying pan under the stage:

Blink! ?

Damn you are a poke bomberman! Wouldn't it be good to use the q skill to consume the poke opponent's blood volume, but this tm actually flashed directly into the tower and wanted to punch his face?

There is no need to be so cruel! ? ?

Under the stage, on the side of the Fudan University team, even Qiu Yijie couldn't help but shrink his pupils, his scalp was so numb that it was about to explode, and at the same time, a thought subconsciously came to his mind:

This wave...

Is it necessary? Is it too risky?

If a Bomberman flashes like this and rushes to the tower, other heroes from the opposite blue side may come to support him at any time. Even if an opponent's adc Verus directly backhands under the tower to control your Bomberman, it is extremely likely to be killed. It was forcibly replaced!

The same idea also arises in the minds of countless audience students in the competition venue.

On the other side of the SISU E-sports club, Zhou Xiaoyao was so shocked that her eyes were about to pop out, she covered her mouth and exclaimed:

"This guy……"

"are you crazy!?"


Of course Lin Feng wasn't crazy.

Of course, as a well-developed Bomberman, he can choose a more secure and foolproof way in this wave of mid-lane matchups with the opponent's adc Verus. It is also a way to suppress the opponent's development if Si consumes residual blood and forces the opponent to return to the city.

But he didn't want to.


It may be because he hasn't played his best mid laner in a regular arena for too long, or it may be because the two senior teachers he admires and respects most are sitting in the commentary seat at this moment, so he is allowed to play in the middle lane. At this moment, the blood all over his body seemed to be getting hotter and hotter, and all the cells were trembling, and it was difficult to control the emotion that was surging to the point of boiling.



Even from the s1 season onwards, this has never been his style of play——

The corners of the mouth curled up slightly,

Immediately, the arc seemed to become larger and more unrestrained, and under the fluffy bangs on the forehead, the flames in the depths of Lin Feng's eyes suddenly boiled!

Whenever there is a chance...

Just do it! !

The movement and percussion of the mouse and keyboard played a cold and fiery killing movement in an instant.

At the same moment that the flash landed, Ziggs, the bomber under Lin Feng's control, threw out the explosive package of the w skill "fixed-point blasting" like lightning.

The explosive package fell to the ground.

Instant detonation!

And at the same moment when he pressed the W button again, Lin Feng controlled his mid-lane bomber and suddenly walked obliquely to the left and moved away a step. In the next second, he could only see the blue square adc Weru not far away. Si's backhand big move "Chain of Corruption" has been raised and fired with a bang.

But it's this step--

Let Bomberman's miniature body pass by Verus's big move lightly and calmly.

At the same time, without even waiting for the crowd in the audience to let out a cry of shock due to the extreme reaction of this step, the second key of qe on the keyboard has been tapped and pressed by Lin Feng quickly!

"Bouncing Bomb"!

"Hex blasts minefields"!

The eye-catching crimson bomb bounced off the ground and drew an arc trajectory. In the blink of an eye, it came to the target Verus who was frozen for a moment by the timed explosive package, and detonated and exploded.

A field of trap mines landed at Verus' feet, and only after one was triggered and exploded, at the same time, a dark purple thunder and lightning fell from the void on the body of the Arrow of Retribution.

Trigger the talent thunder effect!

In the blink of an eye, the blood bar on Verus' head suddenly bottomed out and returned to zero!

The female voice of the system suddenly sounded the announcement, and the game screen on the computer screen in front of Wang Zhun turned into a black and white TV!


"Grass, beautiful!!!"

An adc member of a certain college team was so excited when he saw it, he couldn't help but roared excitedly.

Finally, at this moment, exclamations from the audience erupted, and the entire competition venue seemed to be shaken——

Fuck! ! !

A flash-forcing instant kill! ! !

Bomberman's style of play is simply too fierce! No, there is also the move just now to avoid Verus' big move. How did the bomber react? No, it should be a prediction. This prediction is so detailed!

Wait a moment!

And the damage should not be enough just now, what happened to the last lightning bolt?

A talented Thunder Lord?

Damn, this single bomber has the talent of thunder! ?

For a while, the audience was in a state of chaos, and all kinds of uproarious and intense discussions sounded from all over the venue. All the students and audience felt that their minds were in a mess and even a little blank.

At the same time, Huang Yang, the assistant of the blue team Shanghai University of Finance team, hastily controlled his assistant Qinnu to arrive late, and what he saw was the corpse of his ADC teammate, while the opponent purple Fang's mid-lane bomber had already fled into the jungle, unable to catch up.

"Grass, this is the second!?"

Huang Yang was almost heartbroken:

"Damn you, be a bit more obscene, what are you thinking, let's talk about it when I come!"

Wang Zhun, who was already waiting for his resurrection in the spring, was also aggrieved: "I'm so wretched! Who the hell knew that that guy would come up and kill me even if he flashed, and he didn't even use his big move, so he just A set of wqe directly killed me, and I can be dodged with a backhanded face-to-face ult, what else can I do?"

Although he was still complaining fiercely in such a tone, Wang Zhun couldn't help but start to feel chills in his heart.

He recalled the scene just now in his mind.

Thinking that the opponent's Bomberman was able to make precise and calm predictions about his position and dodge his own ult when he flashed his face and opened his face, the adc player of the Shanghai University of Finance team subconsciously felt a burst of emotion shudder.

that guy...

How did it work! ?

"Hey Bomberman's damage is really abnormal, grass—"

Cursing and cursing, Huang Yang manipulated his assistant Qin Nu to walk to the front of the tower. His ADC teammate was killed, so he could only make up a wave of soldiers in the middle.

But it was at this time.

When the auxiliary Qin Nu under the control of Huang Yang just walked out of the second tower and walked towards the pawn line not far away.

Behind the wall of the wild area on the right, a crimson bomb suddenly bounced over.


skill hit.

Huang Yang was stunned for a moment, and his brain hadn't even turned the corner, but suddenly behind the wall of the wild area in the blind spot of his vision, the opponent's purple bomber had already circled out quickly again, a flat A pair that triggered the effect of the passive skill With the former Qinnu playing.

At the same time, a terrifying and oppressive huge shadow had enveloped the land around Qin Nu for hundreds of yards at some point, and a giant explosive bomb crashed down in the next second.

boom! ! ! ! !

A fiery red mushroom cloud rose up.

The blood bar on the head of the crispy Qin girl who was full of blood suddenly plummeted all the way to zero!

Not long after, the system's female voice kill announcement sounded again:

"Double kill!——"

this moment.

The game venue, which was originally full of fierce commotion and endless discussions, suddenly fell into a dead silence like the sound of a needle falling.

On the stage, Huang Yang was stunned in front of the black and white TV-like game screen.

The bomber man who was controlling him finally turned around and left, Lin Feng looked nonchalant:


That's the end of it.

***************************************************** *******************************

The update is here, there are only two chapters today, look at it tomorrow and try to continue with the third update.

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After being blown up by the opponent's bomber with a q skill that directly blew up one-third of the blood volume, Wang Zhun, an ADC player on the blue side, hastened to control his Verus towards the second tower in the middle lane Back here.

He knew that with Bomberman's damage now, as long as he hit himself twice, his crispy ADC Verus would be dead.

But even so...

Even though he had raised the danger factor of the single bomber in the purple side to the highest level, Wang Zhun still underestimated his opponent.

It's not just underestimating the damage of Bomberman.

more importantly--

Underestimating someone's true style of play when returning to the mid laner position.

When Wang Zhun hurriedly urged his support teammate Huang Yang to come over to protect his development in the voice channel of the team, and at the same time controlled his adc Verus to continue to retreat towards his second tower...

He just raised his head subconsciously.

A shattered golden light suddenly exploded in the screen in front of him, stinging his eyes severely!

At the same moment—

The purple Fangshangcai team on the stage is in the competition room.

Lin Feng in front of the computer screen tapped the summoner skill key on the keyboard like lightning!

Directly [flash] rush forward!

A shocking exclamation sounded like a frying pan under the stage:

Blink! ?

Damn you are a poke bomberman! Wouldn't it be good to use the q skill to consume the poke opponent's blood volume, but this tm actually flashed directly into the tower and wanted to punch his face?

There is no need to be so cruel! ? ?

Under the stage, on the side of the Fudan University team, even Qiu Yijie couldn't help but shrink his pupils, his scalp was so numb that it was about to explode, and at the same time, a thought subconsciously came to his mind:

This wave...

Is it necessary? Is it too risky?

If a Bomberman flashes like this and rushes to the tower, other heroes from the opposite blue side may come to support him at any time. Even if an opponent's adc Verus directly backhands under the tower to control your Bomberman, it is extremely likely to be killed. It was forcibly replaced!

The same idea also arises in the minds of countless audience students in the competition venue.

On the other side of the SISU E-sports club, Zhou Xiaoyao was so shocked that her eyes were about to pop out, she covered her mouth and exclaimed:

"This guy……"

"are you crazy!?"


Of course Lin Feng wasn't crazy.

Of course, as a well-developed Bomberman, he can choose a more secure and foolproof way in this wave of mid-lane matchups with the opponent's adc Verus. It is also a way to suppress the opponent's development if Si consumes residual blood and forces the opponent to return to the city.

But he didn't want to.


It may be because he hasn't played his best mid laner in a regular arena for too long, or it may be because the two senior teachers he admires and respects most are sitting in the commentary seat at this moment, so he is allowed to play in the middle lane. At this moment, the blood all over his body seemed to be getting hotter and hotter, and all the cells were trembling, and it was difficult to control the emotion that was surging to the point of boiling.



Even from the s1 season onwards, this has never been his style of play——

The corners of the mouth curled up slightly, and then the curve seemed to become larger and more flamboyant irresistibly. Under the fluffy bangs on the forehead, the flames deep in the pupils of Lin Feng's eyes suddenly boiled!

Whenever there is a chance...

Just do it! !

The movement and percussion of the mouse and keyboard played a cold and fiery killing movement in an instant.

At the same moment that the flash landed, Ziggs, the bomber under Lin Feng's control, threw out the explosive package of the w skill "fixed-point blasting" like lightning.

The explosive package fell to the ground.

Instant detonation!

And at the same moment when he pressed the W button again, Lin Feng controlled his mid-lane bomber and suddenly walked obliquely to the left and moved away a step. In the next second, he could only see the blue square adc Weru not far away. Si's backhand big move "Chain of Corruption" has been raised and fired with a bang.

But it's this step--

Let Bomberman's miniature body pass by Verus's big move lightly and calmly.

At the same time, without even waiting for the crowd in the audience to let out a cry of shock due to the extreme reaction of this step, the second key of qe on the keyboard has been tapped and pressed by Lin Feng quickly!

"Bouncing Bomb"!

"Hex blasts minefields"!

The eye-catching crimson bomb bounced off the ground and drew an arc trajectory. In the blink of an eye, it came to the target Verus who was frozen for a moment by the timed explosive package, and detonated and exploded.

A field of trap mines landed at Verus' feet, and only after one was triggered and exploded, at the same time, a dark purple thunder and lightning fell from the void on the body of the Arrow of Retribution.

Trigger the talent thunder effect!

In the blink of an eye, the blood bar on Verus' head suddenly bottomed out and returned to zero!

The female voice of the system suddenly sounded the announcement, and the game screen on the computer screen in front of Wang Zhun turned into a black and white TV!


"Grass, beautiful!!!"

An adc member of a certain college team was so excited when he saw it, he couldn't help but roared excitedly.

Finally, at this moment, exclamations from the audience erupted, and the entire competition venue seemed to be shaken——

Fuck! ! !

A flash-forcing instant kill! ! !

Bomberman's style of play is simply too fierce! No, there is also the move just now to avoid Verus' big move. How did the bomber react? No, it should be a prediction. This prediction is so detailed!

Wait a moment!

And the damage should not be enough just now, what happened to the last lightning bolt?

A talented Thunder Lord?

Damn, this single bomber has the talent of thunder! ?

For a while, the audience was in a state of chaos, and all kinds of uproarious and intense discussions sounded from all over the venue. All the students and audience felt that their minds were in a mess and even a little blank.

At the same time, Huang Yang, the assistant of the blue team Shanghai University of Finance team, hastily controlled his assistant Qinnu to arrive late, and what he saw was the corpse of his ADC teammate, while the opponent purple Fang's mid-lane bomber had already fled into the jungle, unable to catch up.

"Grass, this is the second!?"

Huang Yang was almost heartbroken:

"Damn you, be a bit more obscene, what are you thinking, let's talk about it when I come!"

Wang Zhun, who was already waiting for his resurrection in the spring, was also aggrieved: "I'm so wretched! Who the hell knew that that guy would come up and kill me even if he flashed, and he didn't even use his big move, so he just A set of wqe directly killed me, and I can be dodged with a backhanded face-to-face ult, what else can I do?"

Although he was still complaining fiercely in such a tone, Wang Zhun couldn't help but start to feel chills in his heart.

He recalled the scene just now in his mind.

Thinking that the opponent's Bomberman was able to make precise and calm predictions about his position and dodge his own ult when he flashed his face and opened his face, the adc player of the Shanghai University of Finance team subconsciously felt a burst of emotion shudder.

that guy...

How did it work! ?

"Hey Bomberman's damage is really abnormal, grass—"

Cursing and cursing, Huang Yang manipulated his assistant Qin Nu to walk to the front of the tower. His ADC teammate was killed, so he could only make up a wave of soldiers in the middle.

But it was at this time.

When the auxiliary Qin Nu under the control of Huang Yang just walked out of the second tower and walked towards the pawn line not far away.

Behind the wall of the wild area on the right, a crimson bomb suddenly bounced over.


skill hit.

Huang Yang was stunned for a moment, and his brain hadn't even turned the corner, but suddenly behind the wall of the wild area in the blind spot of his vision, the opponent's purple bomber had already circled out quickly again, a flat A pair that triggered the effect of the passive skill With the former Qinnu playing.

At the same time, a terrifying and oppressive huge shadow had enveloped the land around Qin Nu for hundreds of yards at some point, and a giant explosive bomb crashed down in the next second.

boom! ! ! ! !

A fiery red mushroom cloud rose up.

The blood bar on the head of the crispy Qin girl who was full of blood suddenly plummeted all the way to zero!

Not long after, the system's female voice kill announcement sounded again:

"Double kill!——"

this moment.

The game venue, which was originally full of fierce commotion and endless discussions, suddenly fell into a dead silence like the sound of a needle falling.

On the stage, Huang Yang was stunned in front of the black and white TV-like game screen.

The bomber man who was controlling him finally turned around and left, Lin Feng looked nonchalant:


That's the end of it.

***************************************************** *******************************

The update is here, there are only two chapters today, look at it tomorrow and try to continue with the third update.

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