
Chapter 355


A signal marker was placed on the defensive outer tower in the middle of the blue square.

At the same time, in the voice channel of the purple team, Lin Feng calmly gave instructions:


Just started with a wave of shady routines, combined with his own poke lineup, a set of explosive damage output directly hit the opponent's top laner and support two heroes in seconds, and his Bomberman's big move ended up killing the remaining opponents Several heroes also exploded into residual blood, so this wave of pushing down the opponent's outer tower in the middle is already safe.

In comparison, on the side of the Shangjin team who is also aware of the current situation, the mid laner captain Luo Yu looked at the heroes of the purple side who were pushing over with a wave of soldiers, and gritted his teeth:


I can only reluctantly abandon the tower.

Now this wave of situation has become a three-on-five, even if you defend under the tower, you can't defend, otherwise you will be consumed by the poke lineup on the opposite side, and the remaining three people on their blue side will not even think about it. gone.

Taking a deep breath, Luo Yu still felt the veins on his forehead throbbing uncontrollably:

all of these……

The culprit is completely the damn bomber of Lin Feng on the opposite side.

And it was exactly the same one-handed w explosive pack.

God knows how Bomberman, the seemingly most ordinary skill, can be turned into a magic skill in the hands of that guy.


It should be said that the hero Bomberman has been in the hands of that guy, and he has transformed into an all-round op hero who can play poke and even start a group first. If all Bomberman players in the national server can do this...

It is estimated that the fist company should have put the matter of "weakening the bomber" on the agenda early, okay?

"The hero Bomberman is actually an e-sports cancer—"

On the other side of the Shanghai Foreign E-sports Club, Chen Mo in dormitory 312 adjusted his black-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose, and looked at the OB picture on the big screen watching the game with complicated eyes. Gus moved away.

Zhou Xiaoyao next to him gritted his teeth:

"More than that!"

"The cancer of e-sports is in the hands of that guy, it has evolved into the number one cancer in the super super universe!"

But Zhang Jing laughed: "It is also a skill to be able to play the big cancer hero so well—"

As she said that, she paused, her eyes swept towards the not far away intentionally or unintentionally:


"The selection of Bomberman by the Shangcai team is no longer a 'failure' at all."

Not far away, in the front row of the audience and classmates of the SISU E-sports Club, Zou Siyuan's face turned blue and red, and he clenched his fists tightly, unable to speak, but felt a burning pain on his face.

He made the "failure" comment just now.

But now...

Someone he regarded as a "failure" manipulated the bomber to slap him in the face with the facts.


At this moment, the "No. 1 Super Tumor in the Universe" is controlling his Tumor Hero to happily walk back to his wild area, ready to take away his own blue buff.

The rhythm is very smooth.

The lineup of their Shangcai team in this round, although at first glance it may seem unbelievable and unreasonable,

But in fact it is very rigorous——

At the beginning, the configuration of the mid laner of the plane and the adc of the Bomberman played the regular laning, but after the time has reached this stage, the heroes of the double C positions have actually been replaced again.

Bomberman naturally takes on the task of mid laner AP.

It is also a completely reasonable adjustment configuration for the aircraft to return to the adc position.

At the same time, there will be no conflicts in terms of resources in the wild area. The blue buff goes to the bomber, and the plane goes to get the red buff.

Everything is back to normal.

If the spectators started watching the game halfway through, seeing the lineup configuration of the purple side at this moment, they would not even have any doubts at all, and would naturally recognize that the lineup of the purple side is the most conventional and reliable The Bomberman mid-single plus aircraft adc.

"So this lineup routine is indeed very useful."

No. 5 in the commentary seat commented with appreciation:

"Although it doesn't seem rigorous enough, if you think about it carefully, such a lineup configuration is actually very flexible and changeable. The position replacement and adjustment time of the bomber and the aircraft can be adjusted and changed according to the rhythm of the battle."

"If you put it in a professional game..."

"Playing such a change in the middle of the game also has the opportunity to play a surprise effect."

One laughs:

"That's right."

"However, in terms of this round alone, after the Shangcai team completes the formation change, the overall comprehensive combat effectiveness will obviously rise to a higher level."

The tone seemed relaxed and casual, and most of the audience and students in the audience naturally couldn't understand the deep meaning hidden in No. 1's words.

But it does not prevent a very small number of people from understanding and awakening at once.

In the audience, the eyelids of the veteran jungler of the Tongji team twitched. He didn't need to spend much brain power, he was able to remember the core soul position that someone in the Shanghai Electronics Association team was really good at last year.

On the side of the Fudan team, Qiu Yijie's expression was slightly shaken, and then his face suddenly became more solemn:

"The one on the stage is right."

"For the Shangcai team, after completing this transformation... it is really called full firepower."

Zeng Rui subconsciously rubbed his forehead and temples, nodded, and looked at the blue army on the big screen watching the battle on the stage with a rare pity in his eyes:


After such a transformation is completed, the Shanghai Finance University team wants to make a comeback, but there is no hope at all, because...

Shangcai e-sports club, a group of members and classmates, their eyes are firmly on the purple square bomber in the OB screen, Tang Bingyao's eyes are shining:

"Fengzi is best at—"

"It was originally his mid laner!"


Lin Feng is in a very good mood now.

It's not just because the rhythm of this hand is very smooth, the feel is very smooth, or the routine of Bomberman's bot lane has been successfully confirmed and other reasons.

It's just because he finally transferred from the adc position to the mid laner position very naturally under the execution of the lineup tactics in this round.

Perfect and smooth transitions.

Speaking of...

During this period of time, he was busy with the training and competition of the Jin Ge Cup. He played too many bot lane adc positions, and he hadn't played mid laner on the field for a while.

Palms are hot.

Feeling slightly hot.

This means that his state and feel are at the most comfortable and perfect level, and the cells all over his body seem to be trembling and boiling, and he can't wait to let out cheers of war.

Mid laner!

Mid laner! !

Mid laner! ! !

This is the position he immediately recognized when he first entered the professional e-sports circle, and it is his most natal affiliation!

The fighting spirit in Lin Feng's eyes suddenly boiled:

In front of Senior No. 1 and Miss Xiao Wu at the commentary booth, from this moment on...

It was really time for him to start handing in the answer sheet!

***************************************************** ***************************

The update will be sent, and it will be done at three o'clock, and I will leave relatives tomorrow. . It hurts. . .

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A signal marker was placed on the defensive outer tower in the middle of the blue square.

At the same time, in the voice channel of the purple team, Lin Feng calmly gave instructions:


Just started with a wave of shady routines, combined with his own poke lineup, a set of explosive damage output directly hit the opponent's top laner and support two heroes in seconds, and his Bomberman's big move ended up killing the remaining opponents Several heroes also exploded into residual blood, so this wave of pushing down the opponent's outer tower in the middle is already safe.

In comparison, on the side of the Shangjin team who is also aware of the current situation, the mid laner captain Luo Yu looked at the heroes of the purple side who were pushing over with a wave of soldiers, and gritted his teeth:


I can only reluctantly abandon the tower.

Now this wave of situation has become a three-on-five, even if you defend under the tower, you can't defend, otherwise you will be consumed by the poke lineup on the opposite side, and the remaining three people on their blue side will not even think about it. gone.

Taking a deep breath, Luo Yu still felt the veins on his forehead throbbing uncontrollably:

all of these……

The culprit is completely the damn bomber of Lin Feng on the opposite side.

And it was exactly the same one-handed w explosive pack.

God knows how Bomberman, the seemingly most ordinary skill, can be turned into a magic skill in the hands of that guy.


It should be said that the hero Bomberman has been in the hands of that guy, and he has transformed into an all-round op hero who can play poke and even start a group first. If all Bomberman players in the national server can do this...

It is estimated that the fist company should have put the matter of "weakening the bomber" on the agenda early, okay?

"The hero Bomberman is actually an e-sports cancer—"

On the other side of the Shanghai Foreign E-sports Club, Chen Mo in dormitory 312 adjusted his black-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose, and looked at the OB picture on the big screen watching the game with complicated eyes. Gus moved away.

Zhou Xiaoyao next to him gritted his teeth:

"More than that!"

"The cancer of e-sports is in the hands of that guy, it has evolved into the number one cancer in the super super universe!"

But Zhang Jing laughed: "It is also a skill to be able to play the big cancer hero so well—"

As she said that, she paused, her eyes swept towards the not far away intentionally or unintentionally:


"The selection of Bomberman by the Shangcai team is no longer a 'failure' at all."

Not far away, in the front row of the audience and classmates of the SISU E-sports Club, Zou Siyuan's face turned blue and red, and he clenched his fists tightly, unable to speak, but felt a burning pain on his face.

He made the "failure" comment just now.

But now...

Someone he regarded as a "failure" manipulated the bomber to slap him in the face with the facts.


At this moment, the "No. 1 Super Tumor in the Universe" is controlling his Tumor Hero to happily walk back to his wild area, ready to take away his own blue buff.

The rhythm is very smooth.

The lineup of their Shangcai team in this round, although it may seem unreasonable and unreasonable at first glance, is actually very rigorous——

At the beginning, the configuration of the mid laner of the plane and the adc of the Bomberman played the regular laning, but after the time has reached this stage, the heroes of the double C positions have actually been replaced again.

Bomberman naturally takes on the task of mid laner AP.

It is also a completely reasonable adjustment configuration for the aircraft to return to the adc position.

At the same time, there will be no conflicts in terms of resources in the wild area. The blue buff goes to the bomber, and the plane goes to get the red buff.

Everything is back to normal.

If the spectators started watching the game halfway through, seeing the lineup configuration of the purple side at this moment, they would not even have any doubts at all, and would naturally recognize that the lineup of the purple side is the most conventional and reliable The Bomberman mid-single plus aircraft adc.

"So this lineup routine is indeed very useful."

No. 5 in the commentary seat commented with appreciation:

"Although it doesn't seem rigorous enough, if you think about it carefully, such a lineup configuration is actually very flexible and changeable. The position replacement and adjustment time of the bomber and the aircraft can be adjusted and changed according to the rhythm of the battle."

"If you put it in a professional game..."

"Playing such a change in the middle of the game also has the opportunity to play a surprise effect."

One laughs:

"That's right."

"However, in terms of this round alone, after the Shangcai team completes the formation change, the overall comprehensive combat effectiveness will obviously rise to a higher level."

The tone seemed relaxed and casual, and most of the audience and students in the audience naturally couldn't understand the deep meaning hidden in No. 1's words.

But it does not prevent a very small number of people from understanding and awakening at once.

In the audience, the eyelids of the veteran jungler of the Tongji team twitched. He didn't need to spend much brain power, he was able to remember the core soul position that someone in the Shanghai Electronics Association team was really good at last year.

On the side of the Fudan team, Qiu Yijie's expression was slightly shaken, and then his face suddenly became more solemn:

"The one on the stage is right."

"For the Shangcai team, after completing this transformation... it is really called full firepower."

Zeng Rui subconsciously rubbed his forehead and temples, nodded, and looked at the blue army on the big screen watching the battle on the stage with a rare pity in his eyes:


After such a transformation is completed, the Shanghai Finance University team wants to make a comeback, but there is no hope at all, because...

Shangcai e-sports club, a group of members and classmates, their eyes are firmly on the purple square bomber in the OB screen, Tang Bingyao's eyes are shining:

"Fengzi is best at—"

"It was originally his mid laner!"


Lin Feng is in a very good mood now.

It's not just because the rhythm of this hand is very smooth, the feel is very smooth, or the routine of Bomberman's bot lane has been successfully confirmed and other reasons.

It's just because he finally transferred from the adc position to the mid laner position very naturally under the execution of the lineup tactics in this round.

Perfect and smooth transitions.

Speaking of...

During this period of time, he was busy with the training and competition of the Jin Ge Cup. He played too many bot lane adc positions, and he hadn't played mid laner on the field for a while.

Palms are hot.

Feeling slightly hot.

This means that his state and feel are at the most comfortable and perfect level, and the cells all over his body seem to be trembling and boiling, and he can't wait to let out cheers of war.

Mid laner!

Mid laner! !

Mid laner! ! !

This is the position he immediately recognized when he first entered the professional e-sports circle, and it is his most natal affiliation!

The fighting spirit in Lin Feng's eyes suddenly boiled:

In front of Senior No. 1 and Miss Xiao Wu at the commentary booth, from this moment on...

It was really time for him to start handing in the answer sheet!

***************************************************** ***************************

The update will be sent, and it will be done at three o'clock, and I will leave relatives tomorrow. . It hurts. . .

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