
Chapter 323 Tangtang's Anger

If it weren't for the fact that the second group of BO3 matches in the top sixteen of the Jin Ge Cup had ended at this time, and the Shangcai team, which was playing in the third group, was already preparing to play on stage, Zhou Xiaoyao would probably be very angry Can continue to quarrel directly with Lin Feng.

But even if the "quarreling partner" had already stepped away leisurely, Zhou Xiaoyao was still itchy with anger:

"Fuck! What are you pulling!"

"Just a small member of the Shangcai team, do you really think of yourself as a great god?"

As she said that, she turned her head to look at Tang Bingyao again, and taught her with a hatred of iron and steel: "Tangtang, why do you like such a guy? It's obvious that he only speaks big words. This kind of person is far worse than Zou Siyuan. , how can I be worthy of you!"

However, at this time, Tang Bingyao felt relieved because the things she had originally concealed had been uncovered. Hearing such bitter complaints from her roommate, she showed a smiling face:


"Fengzi didn't talk big."

The tone was still so natural.

But the more this happened, the more it made Zhou Xiaoyao feel uncomfortable. The more he thought about it, the more aggrieved and unhappy he became, and he was so angry that he almost jumped his feet:


"Anyway, I just don't see what's so good about that guy!"

Chen Mo next to him smiled and persuaded Zhou Xiaoyao: "Okay, okay, the emperor is really not in a hurry for the eunuchs, as long as Tangtang likes this kind of thing, why are you worrying about it? And I think This Lin Feng is actually pretty good, not as bad as you said."

This statement is more objective, Tang Bingyao nodded deeply after hearing it——

Of course, for a girl, as long as it is a good word to praise Fengzi, she likes to hear it.

Zhang Jing frowned:

"Other things are fine, but in fact, Xiaoyao and I have similar opinions on one point. This boy's words are still a little too exaggerated."

"Zou Siyuan is the president of our Shangwai e-sports club after all. The level of strength of the e-sports champion is a certainty. The performance of the two games just now is also there. This Lin Feng still looks like he is better than others. Feeling A little bit conceited."

Zhou Xiaoyao, who got the approval of her roommate, suddenly regained her spirits:

"Yes, yes, yes! You see, Ah Jing also agrees with my point of view!"

"Then why if Lin Feng can be stronger than Zou Siyuan, he can't be a professional player?"

"Tsk tsk tsk, if that guy really has that level, he is capable of winning the Jin Ge Cup this year!"

Speaking of excitement, Zhou Xiaoyao waved her hands wildly to strengthen her words, it was obvious that she was really aggrieved.

But Tang Bingyao still shook her head and corrected seriously:

"Fengzi is really strong."

"This Jin Ge Cup champion must be won by them."

These words made Chen Mo and Zhang Jing look at each other a little bit, and shook their heads in their hearts, thinking that Tangtang might not understand the strength of the various teams in the e-sports circle of Shanghai High School, so he said such a matter of course .

Among other things, this year's Jin Ge Cup has Tongji and Fudan teams at the level, and if you count them abroad, the championship is estimated to be only possible among a few of their universities, especially Fudan. The chance of winning the championship is biggest.

As for Shangcai...

Not famous at all,

Last year, it should be the kind that couldn't even make it to the quarterfinals of the Jin Ge Cup.

With such strength, even today's 16th and 8th may not have much chance of winning, let alone winning the championship?

Zhou Xiaoyao pouted directly:

"It's still the championship. In today's round of 16, their opponent in Shangcai's group seems to be the Shanghai Institute of Finance, right?"

"Just now I heard from people in our e-sports club that the strength of the Shanghai University of Finance team is very strong, and it is not much worse than our Shangwai team. For a team like Shangcai, today's round of 16 If I enter eight, I will see nothing!"

The voice was a little louder, and most of the students standing next to him were students from the Shangcai e-sports club. Naturally, they were not happy to hear it. Cheng Qingqing, who was not far away, just heard it, and looked over here with unfriendly eyes:

"Hey, little sister, you can eat indiscriminately, don't talk nonsense!"

"Who said we will lose this round of Shangcai?"

Unconvinced, Zhou Xiaoyao raised her chest:

"I said!"

"Anyway, I don't believe that you guys can win by getting rich, what's the matter!"

Cheng Qingqing raised her brows: "Hey, you little girl is quite imposing, which school is she from? If you don't honestly stay with your own people, why don't you come here to sing bad news?"

Seeing that the two girls were about to quarrel like this, fortunately, Song Jia and Chen Mo hurriedly pulled their girlfriends and roommates back:

"Okay, okay."

"Let's not say a few words."

Cheng Qingqing was still angry, and looked at Tang Bingyao: "Tangtang, who are these people, your friend? Why do they make me so uncomfortable when they speak—"

Tang Bingyao hurriedly apologized with guilt on her face: "Sister Qingqing, I'm sorry...they are my roommates, so don't take it to heart if they talk nonsense."

Zhou Xiaoyao still wanted to be persistent, but Chen Mo and Zhang Jing had already forcibly dragged her aside, and one of them complained unhappily: "Hey, what are you pulling me for, what I'm telling is the truth ! With such a small team like Shangcai, I don’t believe they can go to the sky!”

Seeing Tang Bingyao come back after apologizing, Zhou Xiaoyao opened her mouth to say, "Tangtang, why are you apologizing to others? I'm not wrong—"


Suddenly Tang Bingyao got angry, Zhou Xiaoyao was a little stunned by one sentence, and Zhang Jing and Chen Mo who were next to her were also startled. They are all good-natured and easy-going, but Tangtang can get angry like this sometimes.

But at this moment, Tang Bingyao was really angry. She took a deep breath before regaining control and adjusting her emotions, and then looked at Zhou Xiaoyao very seriously and even seriously:

"Xiao Yao, if you do this again, I will really be angry."

"Fengzi... is a very, very important person to me. In my eyes, he is better than anyone else."

"That Zou Siyuan can't compare with Fengzi at all. It's the same in terms of game skills. Fengzi is much better than him, I know best."

After speaking, Tang Bingyao paused, and finished speaking in a very solemn tone:

"So, if you still regard me as a friend, don't say what you just said."

Having said that, the three girls in dormitory 312, including Zhou Xiaoyao, were all stupefied, and they all stared blankly at Tang Bingyao. They never expected to hear such an almost "shocking" from Tang Bingyao's mouth. common remarks.

The atmosphere was quiet for a while.

After a while, it was Chen Mo who came back to his senses first, and smoothed things over with a smile:

"Hey Tangtang is right."

"Who she likes is of course her own business. We shouldn't get involved too much. Anyway, I believe that Tangtang's eyes will not go wrong. As sisters, we just need to bless us."

Zhang Jing also looked at Tang Bingyao fixedly, and finally couldn't help but sigh with emotion:

"I didn't expect our Bingshan school belle to be conquered..."

"I feel like I can hear the heartbroken voices of a large number of boys in our school now."

Only Zhou Xiaoyao was still a little reluctant, muttering in a low voice: "Okay, okay, but anyway, I think that guy is just bragging, bragging without drafting... no matter how you look at it, it is impossible to be stronger than Zou Siyuan. "

At this time, Tang Bingyao was no longer angry. Hearing Zhou Xiaoyao's whisper, she just smiled confidently:

"Then, Xiaoyao, if you don't believe me, you'll find out by watching carefully later."

"Today's Fengzi..."

"It will definitely amaze the audience!"

***************************************************** *****************************

The update is here, the third one looks like around twelve o'clock.

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If it weren't for the fact that the second group of BO3 matches in the top sixteen of the Jin Ge Cup had ended at this time, and the Shangcai team, which was playing in the third group, was already preparing to play on stage, Zhou Xiaoyao would probably be very angry Can continue to quarrel directly with Lin Feng.

But even if the "quarreling partner" had already stepped away leisurely, Zhou Xiaoyao was still itchy with anger:

"Fuck! What are you pulling!"

"Just a small member of the Shangcai team, do you really think of yourself as a great god?"

As she said that, she turned her head to look at Tang Bingyao again, and taught her with a hatred of iron and steel: "Tangtang, why do you like such a guy? It's obvious that he only speaks big words. This kind of person is far worse than Zou Siyuan. , how can I be worthy of you!"

However, at this time, Tang Bingyao felt relieved because the things she had originally concealed had been uncovered. Hearing such bitter complaints from her roommate, she showed a smiling face:


"Fengzi didn't talk big."

The tone was still so natural.

But the more this happened, the more it made Zhou Xiaoyao feel uncomfortable. The more he thought about it, the more aggrieved and unhappy he became, and he was so angry that he almost jumped his feet:


"Anyway, I just don't see what's so good about that guy!"

Chen Mo next to him smiled and persuaded Zhou Xiaoyao: "Okay, okay, the emperor is really not in a hurry for the eunuchs, as long as Tangtang likes this kind of thing, why are you worrying about it? And I think This Lin Feng is actually pretty good, not as bad as you said."

This statement is more objective, Tang Bingyao nodded deeply after hearing it——

Of course, for a girl, as long as it is a good word to praise Fengzi, she likes to hear it.

Zhang Jing frowned:

"Other things are fine, but in fact, Xiaoyao and I have similar opinions on one point. This boy's words are still a little too exaggerated."

"Zou Siyuan is the president of our Shangwai e-sports club after all. The level of strength of the e-sports champion is a certainty. The performance of the two games just now is also there. This Lin Feng still looks like he is better than others. Feeling A little bit conceited."

Zhou Xiaoyao, who got the approval of her roommate, suddenly regained her spirits:

"Yes, yes, yes! You see, Ah Jing also agrees with my point of view!"

"Then why if Lin Feng can be stronger than Zou Siyuan, he can't be a professional player?"

"Tsk tsk tsk, if that guy really has that level, he is capable of winning the Jin Ge Cup this year!"

Speaking of excitement, Zhou Xiaoyao waved her hands wildly to strengthen her words, it was obvious that she was really aggrieved.

But Tang Bingyao still shook her head and corrected seriously:

"Fengzi is really strong."

"This Jin Ge Cup champion must be won by them."

These words made Chen Mo and Zhang Jing look at each other a little bit, and shook their heads in their hearts, thinking that Tangtang might not understand the strength of the various teams in the e-sports circle of Shanghai High School, so he said such a matter of course .

Among other things, there are Tongji and Fudan teams in this year's Golden Ge Cup, and if you count them outside the school, the championship is estimated to be only possible among a few of their universities, especially Fudan, the probability of winning the championship is biggest.

As for Shangcai...

He has no reputation at all. Last year, he should have been the one who couldn't even make it to the quarterfinals of the Jin Ge Cup.

With such strength, even today's 16th and 8th may not have much chance of winning, let alone winning the championship?

Zhou Xiaoyao pouted directly:

"It's still the championship. In today's round of 16, their opponent in Shangcai's group seems to be the Shanghai Institute of Finance, right?"

"Just now I heard from people in our e-sports club that the Shanghai Finance University team is very strong, and it is not much worse than our Shangwai team. For a team like Shangcai, today's round of 16 If I get into eight, I won’t be able to see it!”

The voice was a little louder, and most of the students standing next to him were students from the Shangcai e-sports club. Naturally, they were not happy when they heard it. Cheng Qingqing, who was not far away, just heard it, and looked at him unkindly:

"Hey, little sister, you can eat indiscriminately, don't talk nonsense!"

"Who said we will lose this round of Shangcai?"

Unconvinced, Zhou Xiaoyao raised her chest:

"I said!"

"Anyway, I don't believe that you guys can win by getting rich, what's the matter!"

Cheng Qingqing raised her brows: "Hey, you little girl is quite imposing, which school is she from? If you don't honestly stay with your own people, why don't you come here to sing bad news?"

Seeing that the two girls were about to quarrel like this, fortunately, Song Jia and Chen Mo hurriedly pulled their girlfriends and roommates back:

"Okay, okay."

"Let's not say a few words."

Cheng Qingqing was still angry, and looked at Tang Bingyao: "Tangtang, who are these people, your friend? Why do they make me so uncomfortable when they speak—"

Tang Bingyao hurriedly apologized with guilt on her face: "Sister Qingqing, I'm sorry...they are my roommates, so don't take it to heart if they talk nonsense."

Zhou Xiaoyao still wanted to be persistent, but Chen Mo and Zhang Jing had forcibly dragged her aside, and one of them complained unhappily: "Hey, what are you pulling me for, what I'm telling is the truth ! With such a small team like Shangcai, I don’t believe they can go to the sky!”

Seeing Tang Bingyao come back after apologizing, Zhou Xiaoyao opened her mouth to say, "Tangtang, why are you apologizing to others? I'm not wrong—"


Suddenly Tang Bingyao got angry, Zhou Xiaoyao was a little stunned by one sentence, and Zhang Jing and Chen Mo who were next to her were also startled. They are all good-natured and easy-going, but Tangtang can get angry like this sometimes.

But at this moment, Tang Bingyao was really angry. She took a deep breath before regaining control and adjusting her emotions, and then looked at Zhou Xiaoyao very seriously and even seriously:

"Xiao Yao, if you do this again, I will really be angry."

"Fengzi... is a very, very important person to me. In my eyes, he is better than anyone else."

"That Zou Siyuan can't compare with Fengzi at all. It's the same in terms of game skills. Fengzi is much better than him, I know best."

After speaking, Tang Bingyao paused, and finished speaking in a very solemn tone:

"So, if you still regard me as a friend, don't say what you just said."

Having said that, the three girls in dormitory 312, including Zhou Xiaoyao, were all stupefied, and they all stared blankly at Tang Bingyao. They never expected to hear such an almost "shocking" from Tang Bingyao's mouth. common remarks.

The atmosphere was quiet for a while.

After a while, it was Chen Mo who came back to his senses first, and smoothed things over with a smile:

"Hey Tangtang is right."

"Who she likes is of course her own business. We shouldn't get involved too much. Anyway, I believe that Tangtang's eyes will not go wrong. As sisters, we just need to bless us."

Zhang Jing also looked at Tang Bingyao fixedly, and finally couldn't help but sigh with emotion:

"I didn't expect our Bingshan school belle to be conquered..."

"I feel like I can hear the heartbroken voices of a large number of boys in our school now."

Only Zhou Xiaoyao was still a little reluctant, muttering in a low voice: "Okay, okay, but anyway, I think that guy is just bragging, bragging without drafting... no matter how you look at it, it is impossible to be stronger than Zou Siyuan. "

At this time, Tang Bingyao was no longer angry. Hearing Zhou Xiaoyao's whisper, she just smiled confidently:

"Then, Xiaoyao, if you don't believe me, you'll find out by watching carefully later."

"Today's Fengzi..."

"It will definitely surprise the audience!"

***************************************************** *****************************

The update is here, the third one looks like around twelve o'clock.

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