
Chapter 318: Zero Points

In the commentary seat, the evaluation from No. 1 was still concise and not polite at all.

But at this time, everyone in the Shangwai E-sports club in the audience has no intention to care about the words of this "male commentator", because at this moment, the situation on the scene seems to be reversed, and it suddenly makes the original opponent They were extremely optimistic about the game, and they couldn't help feeling nervous and worried.

what's up!

Well, just now it was a favorable rhythm with a big tailwind, and the situation was beaten back by the opponent's power-up team all of a sudden?

Just a moment ago, their president Zou Siyuan's mid-laner enchantress showed off a wave of stunning counter-kills in front of the opponent's second tower in the middle lane. As a result, in the past one minute, it was the opponent's adc mouse from the blue side. became the main character.

The enchantress was terminated, and a large part of the murder book was lost.

The fire dragon was also lost, and the purple army of their foreign team was almost wiped out by the opponent, and the mouse still got so many heads and a bumper harvest.

"It was the enchantress who lost it by herself."

Dou Zi seemed particularly gloating at the moment.

Several other college teams around, especially Qiu Yijie from Fudan University and the veteran jungler from Tongji University, couldn't help but shake their heads slightly, thinking that this series of big rhythms was all because of Zou Siyuan of the Shanghai Foreign Team. of.


Zeng Rui shook his head:

"Generally speaking, the purple side still has an advantage now."

"If the blue side really wants to make a comeback, it may not be so easy."

This is an objective truth. It is true that although the blue side's power-up team played such a beautiful counterattack rhythm and recovered a lot of the original disadvantages, in terms of economy as a whole, apart from an ADC Except for the mouse, the development of the heroes in several other positions is still not as good as that of the opponents on the purple side.

And judging from the overall strength of the team, the level of several members of Shangwai is still stronger than that of Shangdian.

This was also proved in the following game time.

Although the Shangwai team was a little dazed after being hit by a wave of big rhythms from their opponents, they became cautious again after being relieved. The two small-scale team battles still won and played some advantages. Adc's Jin Ke Si and the captain of the top order both completed the kill and got the head.

The only discordant factor...

But it fell on the team's mid laner, the Deceitful Fairy.

Zou Siyuan's mid lane demon girl.

It seems that after the previous wave of being killed by the mouse, Yao Ji had a lot of problems in her performance in the future, as if she wanted to find an opportunity to single-handedly catch the opponent's adc mouse several times. The blue Fang wild area visited several waves, but never found a chance, and instead wasted a lot of time.

There was even one time when the enchantress was lying in ambush in the wild and tried to squat on the opposite mouse to collect the red buff, but she didn't expect her whereabouts to be detected by the opponent's eyes long ago——

So the mouse didn't wait, but waited for the top single sword girl and the jungle mantis on the opposite side.

The card is then turned on to teleport and go around directly.

The siege of the three was double-teaming, and the enchantress who was caught off guard was really called stealing chickens without losing money. Fortunately, Zou Siyuan's reaction speed was fast enough, and he panicked and desperately handed over the second big move The two-stage displacement was even forced out of [Flash] at the end, and then escaped in embarrassment with the remaining blood.

But just like that, the blue side's power-up team took the opportunity to rush to Xiaolongfjord,

Another fire dragon that had just been refreshed was also forcibly taken down.

The Shangwai team wanted to start a wave of dragon grabbing, but they were afraid of the terrifying output of the opposing mouse. It was difficult to forcefully cut the c position of the opposing mouse without the enchantress on their side, so they struggled and hesitated in the end. He had no choice but to choose to give up this fire dragon again.

"the-blue-team-have--the-dragon (the blue team killed the purgatory dragon)."

The system's female voice announced.

There was a round of applause from the audience, only the people from the SISU E-sports club were a little quiet.

The blue team has taken two fire dragons.

The tempo was pulled back a bit.

And this time, the fire dragon was thrown very wrongly. The biggest problem for the purple army was actually Zou Siyuan, the captain of the team.

I am also aware of this point. In the competition room of the foreign teams on the stage, sitting in front of the computer screen, Zou Siyuan's face changed from blue to white, constantly changing, and his expression was particularly embarrassing and ugly.

On the side of the Fudan team, Qiu Yijie was still shaking his head, while the corners of Zeng Rui's mouth twitched slightly with sarcasm.

On the side of the Shangcai e-sports club, Lin Feng still looked calm.

It's just that his gaze has been withdrawn from the body of the single enchantress in the purple square.

To be more precise...

If he had been able to keep his eyes on the mid laner captain of the foreign team for a while before, then now, a player like this wouldn't be of any value to him at all.


In the middle and late stages of the game in the early 30 minutes, the situation on the court was still dominated by the purple team's foreign team.

But in fact, this game can be played like this, which has greatly exceeded the expectations of most college team players and spectators present, because everyone knows that the strength of the Shangdian team is almost a level worse than that of Shangwai. It stands to reason that at this point in a game, SISU should have had a smooth ride and won a crushing victory.

But now...

When you power on, you can still fight with SISU so that you can come and go with me.

This really made the members of SISU E-sports club a little speechless.

Fortunately, when the game time came to 33 minutes, the blue and purple armies detonated a wave of team battles in front of Dalong Fjord. The ADC mouse of the blue team's Shangdian team accidentally moved and was beaten by the Shangwai team. In Wild Blindman q, the two-stage q rushes forward and then r flash kicks and flies back. Zou Siyuan's mid-laner Yaoji directly follows up with a set of explosive instant mouse Tuqi, helping his team destroy the opponent with 1 for 5 groups and win the big dragon .

This is finally the finale of this match.

35 minutes.

The power-up team's two-way high ground was broken, and a vote was called to surrender. The blue team's base crystal exploded with a roar.

Purple side wins.

Applause rang out from the auditorium, especially the SISU e-sports club members who had just been suppressed and silent for a long time burst into enthusiastic cheers, extremely excited and joyful:

I won!

Finally won! !

Before this game, they never imagined that they would be so stalemate and difficult against an opponent like Power Up, and they could be so excited to win against a team whose strength level was one level lower than theirs.

"It's ugly to win."

Zeng Rui shook his head and made an evaluation.

Qiu Yijie on the side nodded to express his agreement with Zeng Rui's opinion, and sighed:

"To be fair, even though they lost this match, they played really tenaciously, which is really good."

At the commentary booth at this time, No. 5 was also smiling and making a conclusion analysis for the end of the game:

"The winner is still in the big dragon team battle just now."

"Blind r dodges meritorious service. Cooperating with Yaoji's damage and killing the opponent's mouse in seconds, the purple army can easily wipe out the opponent and take down the big dragon."

No. 1 nodded in disbelief:


"However, apart from the final positioning error, if there is an overall mvp in this game, it should be the ADC mouse on the blue side."

As he spoke, he paused, and casually glanced at the direction of the foreign team:

"The enchantress on the purple side is okay in the early stage."

"Middle to late stage..."

"Performance is 0 points."

A one-sentence evaluation is enough for everyone in the entire competition venue to hear clearly through the microphone.

So the whole place was quiet for a while.

***************************************************** *******************************

The update is here. I have something to do when I go out at night, so the second update will be later.

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In the commentary seat, the evaluation from No. 1 was still concise and not polite at all.

But at this time, everyone in the Shangwai E-sports club in the audience has no intention to care about the words of this "male commentator", because at this moment, the situation on the scene seems to be reversed, and it suddenly makes the original opponent They were extremely optimistic about the game, and they couldn't help feeling nervous and worried.

what's up!

Well, just now it was a favorable rhythm with a big tailwind, and the situation was beaten back by the opponent's power-up team all of a sudden?

Just a moment ago, their president Zou Siyuan's mid-laner enchantress showed off a wave of stunning counter-kills in front of the opponent's second tower in the middle lane. As a result, in the past one minute, it was the opponent's adc mouse from the blue side. became the main character.

The enchantress was terminated, and a large part of the murder book was lost.

The fire dragon was also lost, and the purple army of their foreign team was almost wiped out by the opponent, and the mouse still got so many heads and a bumper harvest.

"It was the enchantress who lost it by herself."

Dou Zi seemed particularly gloating at the moment.

Several other college teams around, especially Qiu Yijie from Fudan University and the veteran jungler from Tongji University, couldn't help but shake their heads slightly, thinking that this series of big rhythms was all because of Zou Siyuan of the Shanghai Foreign Team. of.


Zeng Rui shook his head:

"Generally speaking, the purple side still has an advantage now."

"If the blue side really wants to make a comeback, it may not be so easy."

This is an objective truth. It is true that although the blue side's power-up team played such a beautiful counterattack rhythm and recovered a lot of the original disadvantages, in terms of economy as a whole, apart from an ADC Except for the mouse, the development of the heroes in several other positions is still not as good as that of the opponents on the purple side.

And judging from the overall strength of the team, the level of several members of Shangwai is still stronger than that of Shangdian.

This was also proved in the following game time.

Although the Shangwai team was a little dazed after being hit by a wave of big rhythms from their opponents, they became cautious again after being relieved. The two small-scale team battles still won and played some advantages. Adc's Jin Ke Si and the captain of the top order both completed the kill and got the head.

The only discordant factor...

But it fell on the team's mid laner, the Deceitful Fairy.

Zou Siyuan's mid lane demon girl.

It seems that after the previous wave of being killed by the mouse, Yao Ji had a lot of problems in her performance in the future, as if she wanted to find an opportunity to single-handedly catch the opponent's adc mouse several times. The blue Fang wild area visited several waves, but never found a chance, and instead wasted a lot of time.

There was even one time when the enchantress was lying in ambush in the wild and tried to squat on the opposite mouse to collect the red buff, but she didn't expect her whereabouts to be detected by the opponent's eyes long ago——

So the mouse didn't wait, but waited for the top single sword girl and the jungle mantis on the opposite side.

The card is then turned on to teleport and go around directly.

Surrounded by the three of them, the enchantress who was caught off guard by the counterattack is really called stealing chickens, but fortunately, Zou Siyuan's reaction speed is fast enough, and he hastily handed over the second big move with all his might The two-stage displacement was even forced out of [Flash] at the end, and then escaped in embarrassment with the remaining blood.

But just like that, the power-up team of the blue side took the opportunity to rush to Xiaolongfjord, and forcibly took down another fire dragon that had just been spawned.

The Shangwai team wanted to start a wave of dragon grabbing, but they were afraid of the terrifying output of the opposing mouse. It was difficult to forcefully cut the c position of the opposing mouse without the enchantress on their side, so they struggled and hesitated in the end. He had no choice but to choose to give up this fire dragon again.

"the-blue-team-have--the-dragon (the blue team killed the purgatory dragon)."

The system's female voice announced.

There was a round of applause from the audience, only the people from the SISU E-sports club were a little quiet.

The blue team has taken two fire dragons.

The tempo was pulled back a bit.

And this time, the fire dragon was thrown very wrongly. The biggest problem for the purple army was actually Zou Siyuan, the captain of the team.

I am also aware of this point. In the competition room of the foreign teams on the stage, sitting in front of the computer screen, Zou Siyuan's face changed from blue to white, constantly changing, and his expression was particularly embarrassing and ugly.

On the side of the Fudan team, Qiu Yijie was still shaking his head, while the corners of Zeng Rui's mouth twitched slightly with sarcasm.

On the side of the Shangcai e-sports club, Lin Feng still looked calm.

It's just that his gaze has been withdrawn from the body of the single enchantress in the purple square.

To be more precise...

If he had been able to keep his eyes on the mid laner captain of the foreign team for a while before, then now, a player like this wouldn't be of any value to him at all.


In the middle and late stages of the game in the early 30 minutes, the situation on the court was still dominated by the purple team's foreign team.

But in fact, this game can be played like this, which has greatly exceeded the expectations of most college team players and spectators present, because everyone knows that the strength of the Shangdian team is almost a level worse than that of Shangwai. It stands to reason that at this point in a game, SISU should have had a smooth ride and won a crushing victory.

But now...

When you power on, you can still fight with SISU so that you can come and go with me.

This really made the members of SISU E-sports club a little speechless.

Fortunately, when the game time came to 33 minutes, the blue and purple armies detonated a wave of team battles in front of Dalong Fjord. The ADC mouse of the blue team's Shangdian team accidentally moved and was beaten by the Shangwai team. In Wild Blindman q, the two-stage q rushes forward and then r flash kicks and flies back. Zou Siyuan's mid-laner Yaoji directly follows up with a set of explosive instant mouse Tuqi, helping his team destroy the opponent with 1 for 5 groups and win the big dragon .

This is finally the finale of this match.

35 minutes.

The power-up team's two-way high ground was broken, and a vote was called to surrender. The blue team's base crystal exploded with a roar.

Purple side wins.

Applause rang out from the auditorium, especially the SISU e-sports club members who had just been suppressed and silent for a long time burst into enthusiastic cheers, extremely excited and joyful:

I won!

Finally won! !

Before this game, they never imagined that they would be able to play so stalemate and difficult against an opponent like Power Up, and they were so excited to win against a team that was a level behind them in strength.

"It's ugly to win."

Zeng Rui shook his head and made an evaluation.

Qiu Yijie on the side nodded to express his agreement with Zeng Rui's opinion, and sighed:

"To be fair, even though they lost this match, they played really tenaciously, which is really good."

At the commentary booth at this time, No. 5 was also smiling and making a conclusion analysis for the end of the game:

"The winner is still in the big dragon team battle just now."

"Blind r dodges meritorious service. Cooperating with Yaoji's damage and killing the opponent's mouse in seconds, the purple army can easily wipe out the opponent and take down the big dragon."

No. 1 nodded in disbelief:


"However, apart from the final positioning error, if there is an overall mvp in this game, it should be the ADC mouse on the blue side."

As he spoke, he paused, and casually glanced at the direction of the foreign team:

"The enchantress on the purple side is okay in the early stage."

"Middle to late stage..."

"Performance is 0 points."

A one-sentence evaluation is enough for everyone in the entire competition venue to hear clearly through the microphone.

So the whole place was quiet for a while.

***************************************************** *******************************

The update is here. I have something to do when I go out at night, so the second update will be later.

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