
Chapter 314

There was applause and cheers from the audience, and the best-of-three match between the second group of the top sixteen match against Shangdian finally started.

The cheers and cheers from SISU are obviously more enthusiastic and eye-catching. Compared with the momentum from Shanghai Electric Power Institute, the momentum is much weaker. After all, the BO3 match of this group is different from that of the first group. Tongji He Huazheng is an opponent of equal strength, but SISU's strength is obviously stronger than that of Shangdian.

"This group is estimated to be able to steadily advance to the finals."

For everyone in Shangcai E-sports club, Deng Zhe gave his evaluation objectively.

The others, Lu Ze and Sun Ming, also subconsciously nodded in agreement.

Only Dou Zi, the president, was full of displeasure at this moment, squinting at the members of the Shangwai team on the stage, muttering and complaining:

"Fortunately, they picked a soft persimmon."

"Let those guys meet us, shit, they won't kill them!"

When these words came out, the other members of the e-sports team couldn't help but look at each other in dismay:

If it is placed before, even at this time last year, the strength of the Shangwai team is definitely ranked among the top ten and top eight in the e-sports circle of Shanghai University, and it is definitely not a strong team like Shangcai. Team.

Of course, now that the lineup of our own team has been changed, it can indeed be said that they have a great chance of winning if they meet Shangwai, so their own Dou team is indeed very confident in saying this.

But the problem is...

How did people go abroad to offend them?

Where did their president come from so much resentment and dissatisfaction?


On the big screen watching the battle, the blue and purple teams have already completed the ban selection alternately, and the last pick on the fifth floor of the purple side's foreign team is reserved for their core ace mid laner——

When the icon of a hero's avatar of the witch LeBlanc lit up in the hero marquee on the fifth floor of the purple square, there was a low commotion and exclamation from the audience.

Especially on the side of the SISU e-sports club, there was a burst of enthusiastic cheers and whistles and screams:

"The enchantress, the enchantress!"

"The enchantress of Zou Society!"

"Hahaha this one is already stable!"

"Explosion in the middle!"

On the side of the foreign team on the stage, Zou Siyuan, who manipulated the mouse to confirm that he had locked on his mid laner hero LeBlanc, also had a reserved and complacent smile on his face. Hearing the exclamation and screams caused by the commotion in the audience.

"To be reasonable, that mid-laner enchantress surnamed Zou is indeed very slippery."

On the side of the Shangcai e-sports club team, Sun Ming, who is the mid laner of the team, said enviously:

"That guy seems to have won seven consecutive victories in the Dianyi Masters group with one-handed enchantress before, and rushed to become the king."

He is also a mid laner, but in the high school e-sports circle in Shanghai, Zou Siyuan's level of strength is indeed directly catching up with Fudan's captain Qiu Yijie. It can be said that he is tied for the top two mid laners in Shanghai's colleges and universities.

But at this moment, Dou Zi just rolled her eyes when she heard it, and she didn't speak, but the expression on her face was enough to express her contempt and contempt.

Lin Feng touched his nose with a calm expression.

Tang Bingyao, who was next to her, looked at the middle lane demon girl on the fifth floor of the purple square on the big screen watching the battle, and also curled her lips disapprovingly.

Good at enchantress?

Fengzi's bewitching girl is the most powerful!


Number 1 and Number 5 on the commentary stage also heard the movement from the audience,

So it was inevitable that he would take a second look at the cunning enchantress on the fifth floor of the purple square.

"Demon girl..."

Number one touched his chin:

"It's a hero who can see how to operate."

No. 5 next to him smiled and nodded: "Yes, most of the players who love to play enchantresses are also those who are confident enough in their own operations. Let's wait and see."

The corner of No. 1's mouth hooked up: "The wavers can also die in waves, and it's good to be able to carry - but I heard that the enchantress will be revised and reworked soon, and then there will be no such a complete set of combos. operation."

The audience in the audience were a little taken aback.



Most people are dubious, if this kind of thing is true, there is no reason for it, there is no news on the Internet, but people are explaining it anyway, is there any inside information?

"Fart, what kind of inside information can there be with such a small commentary?"

On the other side of the SISU E-sports club, Zhou Xiaoyao stuck out her tongue in contempt:

"If there is an inside story, it must be a high-end commentator to know it. This kind of person is nothing more than just hearing some leftover news and making it up. Anyway, no one can refute it. I think it is a show. presence."

Many other members of the SISU E-sports club next to him also nodded in agreement.

Only a very few people, such as the veteran jungler of the Tongji team, and Qiu Yijie of the Fudan team, their eyelids twitched slightly, and immediately kept the news in their hearts calmly.

They all now know the true identities of the two beings on the stage, and the news revealed from the mouths of these two legendary beings...

Nature definitely has the authority and authenticity comparable to the official.

That is to say, there are nine out of ten times that Enchantress really needs to change the version!

At the same time, on the side of the Shangcai e-sports club, Dou Zi turned his head directly and looked at Lin Feng inquiringly, while someone just shook his head:

"I have no idea."

"However, the news about Senior and Miss Xiao Wu may have been obtained directly from the World E-Sports Association or the Riot Games official."

The tone is still very casual and natural.

But it was enough to make Dou Zi's eyelids twitch and jump when he heard:

World Electronics Association?

Riot official?

Damn, if any news source is taken out, it is so high-end to the top level!


The first BO3 match between the Shangwai team and the Shangdian team began soon, and most of the audience's eyes were naturally focused on the middle route.

The mid-lane card of the blue side is against the mid-lane enchantress of the purple side.

"President Zou, come on!"

On the other side of the e-sports club audience, Zhou Xiaoyao, who was the most bold and outgoing, raised his voice and shouted, which immediately attracted the support and cheers of other members of the e-sports club:

"President, come on!"

"Solo kill in the middle!"

"Carry the audience, carry the audience!!"

The atmosphere seemed extremely noisy and lively for a while.

On the other side of the audience, on the side of the Shangcai e-sports club, Lin Feng glanced in the direction of Shangwai, saw the most striking and beautiful girl, and commented:

"The group of relatives and friends is full of momentum."

Then he turned to look at Tang Bingyao: "Do you know that girl Tangtang?"

Naturally, Tang Bingyao, who recognized her roommate at a glance, shrank her head a little guilty, afraid of being seen by the other party, was taken aback when she heard Lin Feng's question, and then replied in a panic:

"Ah... still, okay."


Lin Feng heard a question mark on his face, what is the answer?

But soon, there was a burst of enthusiastic applause and applause from the crowd in the audience. Lin Feng and Tang Bingyao subconsciously looked at the large LCD screen watching the battle on the stage. On the OB screen of the screen, the purple Fang Yao in the middle lane Ji had already completed a wave of beautiful solo kills in the early three minutes.

first blood.

A blood.

On the commentary stage, No. 1 raised his eyebrows slightly, with a bit of interest on his face:


"This enchantress can finally see it."

***************************************************** *******************************

The update is here, there will be two updates tonight, and I haven't had much rest for a day.

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There was applause and cheers from the audience, and the best-of-three match between the second group of the top sixteen match against Shangdian finally started.

The cheers and cheers from SISU are obviously more enthusiastic and eye-catching. Compared with the momentum from Shanghai Electric Power Institute, the momentum is much weaker. After all, the BO3 match of this group is different from that of the first group. Tongji He Huazheng is an opponent of equal strength, but SISU's strength is obviously stronger than that of Shangdian.

"This group is estimated to be able to steadily advance to the finals."

For everyone in Shangcai E-sports club, Deng Zhe gave his evaluation objectively.

The others, Lu Ze and Sun Ming, also subconsciously nodded in agreement.

Only Dou Zi, the president, was full of displeasure at this moment, squinting at the members of the Shangwai team on the stage, muttering and complaining:

"Fortunately, they picked a soft persimmon."

"Let those guys meet us, shit, they won't kill them!"

When these words came out, the other members of the e-sports team couldn't help but look at each other in dismay:

If it is placed before, even at this time last year, the strength of the Shangwai team is definitely ranked among the top ten and top eight in the e-sports circle of Shanghai University, and it is definitely not a strong team like Shangcai. Team.

Of course, now that the lineup of our own team has been changed, it can indeed be said that they have a great chance of winning if they meet Shangwai, so their own Dou team is indeed very confident in saying this.

But the problem is...

How did people go abroad to offend them?

Where did their president come from so much resentment and dissatisfaction?


On the big screen watching the battle, the blue and purple teams have already completed the ban selection alternately, and the last pick on the fifth floor of the purple side's foreign team is reserved for their core ace mid laner——

When the icon of a hero's avatar of the witch LeBlanc lit up in the hero marquee on the fifth floor of the purple square, there was a low commotion and exclamation from the audience.

Especially on the side of the SISU e-sports club, there was a burst of enthusiastic cheers and whistles and screams:

"The enchantress, the enchantress!"

"The enchantress of Zou Society!"

"Hahaha this one is already stable!"

"Explosion in the middle!"

On the side of the foreign team on the stage, Zou Siyuan, who manipulated the mouse to confirm that he had locked on his mid laner hero LeBlanc, also had a reserved and complacent smile on his face. Hearing the exclamation and screams caused by the commotion in the audience.

"To be reasonable, that mid-laner enchantress surnamed Zou is indeed very slippery."

On the side of the Shangcai e-sports club team, Sun Ming, who is the mid laner of the team, said enviously:

"That guy seems to have won seven consecutive victories in the Dianyi Masters group with one-handed enchantress before, and rushed to become the king."

He is also a mid laner, but in the high school e-sports circle in Shanghai, Zou Siyuan's level of strength is indeed directly catching up with Fudan's captain Qiu Yijie. It can be said that he is tied for the top two mid laners in Shanghai's colleges and universities.

But at this moment, Dou Zi just rolled her eyes when she heard it, and she didn't speak, but the expression on her face was enough to express her contempt and contempt.

Lin Feng touched his nose with a calm expression.

Tang Bingyao, who was next to her, looked at the middle lane demon girl on the fifth floor of the purple square on the big screen watching the battle, and also curled her lips disapprovingly.

Good at enchantress?

Fengzi's bewitching girl is the most powerful!


No. 1 and No. 5 on the commentary stage also heard the movement in the audience, so it was inevitable that they also took a second look at the cunning enchantress on the fifth floor of the purple square.

"Demon girl..."

Number one touched his chin:

"It's a hero who can see how to operate."

No. 5 next to him smiled and nodded: "Yes, most of the players who love to play enchantresses are also those who are confident enough in their own operations. Let's wait and see."

The corner of No. 1's mouth hooked up: "The wavers can also die in waves, and it's good to be able to carry - but I heard that the enchantress will be revised and reworked soon, and then there will be no such a complete set of combos. operation."

The audience in the audience were a little taken aback.



Most people are dubious, if this kind of thing is true, there is no reason for it, there is no news on the Internet, but people are explaining it anyway, is there any inside information?

"Fart, what kind of inside information can there be with such a small commentary?"

On the other side of the SISU E-sports club, Zhou Xiaoyao stuck out her tongue in contempt:

"If there is an inside story, it must be a high-end commentator to know it. This kind of person is nothing more than just hearing some leftover news and making it up. Anyway, no one can refute it. I think it is a show. presence."

Many other members of the SISU E-sports club next to him also nodded in agreement.

Only a very few people, such as the veteran jungler of the Tongji team, and Qiu Yijie of the Fudan team, their eyelids twitched slightly, and immediately kept the news in their hearts calmly.

They all now know the true identities of the two beings on the stage, and the news revealed from the mouths of these two legendary beings...

Nature definitely has the authority and authenticity comparable to the official.

That is to say, there are nine out of ten times that Enchantress really needs to change the version!

At the same time, on the side of the Shangcai e-sports club, Dou Zi turned his head directly and looked at Lin Feng inquiringly, while someone just shook his head:

"I have no idea."

"However, the news about Senior and Miss Xiao Wu may have been obtained directly from the World E-Sports Association or the Riot Games official."

The tone is still very casual and natural.

But it was enough to make Dou Zi's eyelids twitch and jump when he heard:

World Electronics Association?

Riot official?

Damn, if any news source is taken out, it is so high-end to the top level!


The first BO3 match between the Shangwai team and the Shangdian team began soon, and most of the audience's eyes were naturally focused on the middle route.

The mid-lane card of the blue side is against the mid-lane enchantress of the purple side.

"President Zou, come on!"

On the other side of the e-sports club audience, Zhou Xiaoyao, who was the most bold and outgoing, raised his voice and yelled, which immediately attracted the support and cheers of other members of the e-sports club:

"President, come on!"

"Solo kill in the middle!"

"Carry the audience, carry the audience!!"

The atmosphere seemed extremely noisy and lively for a while.

On the other side of the audience, on the side of the Shangcai e-sports club, Lin Feng glanced in the direction of Shangwai, saw the most striking and beautiful girl, and commented:

"The group of relatives and friends is full of momentum."

Then he turned to look at Tang Bingyao: "Do you know that girl Tangtang?"

Naturally, Tang Bingyao, who recognized her roommate at a glance, shrank her head a little guilty, afraid of being seen by the other party, was taken aback when she heard Lin Feng's question, and then replied in a panic:

"Ah... still, okay."


Lin Feng heard a question mark on his face, what is the answer?

But soon, there was a burst of enthusiastic applause and applause from the crowd in the audience. Lin Feng and Tang Bingyao subconsciously looked at the large LCD screen watching the battle on the stage. On the OB screen of the screen, the purple Fang Yao in the middle lane Ji had already completed a wave of beautiful solo kills in the early three minutes.

first blood.

A blood.

On the commentary stage, No. 1 raised his eyebrows slightly, with a bit of interest on his face:


"This enchantress can finally see it."

***************************************************** *******************************

The update is here, there will be two updates tonight, and I haven't had much rest for a day.

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