
Chapter 300 It's getting more and more interesting

Being dragged all the way by Tang Bingyao, Zeng Rui felt a little baffled at first, but with his mind recalling the situation just now, he immediately guessed the whole story in general.


"I came just in time."

Zeng Rui's eyes fell on Tang Bingyao, and he couldn't help laughing.

It was also pulling Zeng Rui out of the distance from everyone in the SISU E-sports club. At this time, Tang Bingyao let go of Zeng Rui's hand. Hearing the playful joke from her partner, the girl blushed a little:

"Yes, I'm sorry."

"But I just had no other choice."

Zeng Rui shook his head helplessly: "So as soon as you see me, you quickly use me as a shield, right?"

Tang Bingyao was a little cautious: "Yes..."

"Is there a suitor who likes you in the group of people in the SISU e-sports club just now?" Zeng Rui remembered that when Tang Bingyao stopped him just now, there was a tall and handsome boy among the SISU crowd whose face suddenly changed. Ugly: "That tall, handsome boy?"

Tang Bingyao hesitated, but finally made up her mind to tell Zeng Rui the truth:


"That's the president of our school's e-sports club, very annoying."

Zeng Rui raised his eyebrows: "President? His name is Zou Siyuan, he is one of the top 100 single kings in Dianyi, and his strength is not bad."

Zeng Rui basically knows about the core players of the major college teams in Shanghai. For example, Zou Siyuan, the mid laner captain of the foreign team, naturally also recorded a lot of information in his notebook. .

Tang Bingyao stuck out her tongue, with a look of disgust:

"I've said I don't like him, but he's still pestering me. It's super annoying."

"Also, what happened to the King of Electricity, so am I."

Speaking of which, the girl did not forget to wave her fist to show that she is also strong. Such a cute and charming demeanor can only be shown when facing a few close partners and friends whom she has known since high school.

Zeng Rui smiled: "Yes, anyway, it's even more incomparable with Fengzi, right?"

"Yeah!" Tang Bingyao nodded vigorously, suddenly remembered something, put her hands together, and pleaded pitifully to Zeng Rui: "A Zeng, please don't tell Fengzi about this, please...he doesn't know about it."

"Even if he knew, I guess he wouldn't take it seriously—" he casually complained, but Zeng Rui still nodded and agreed: "Don't worry, I won't say anything."

The two chatted while walking, and soon returned to Shangcai e-sports club.

Seeing Zeng Rui bring Tang Bingyao back, Lin Feng asked:

"Found it?"

Then he glanced at Tang Bingyao, a little puzzled:

"Why is it taking so long to go to the bathroom?"

Tang Bingyao bowed her head with a guilty conscience and said nothing, while Zeng Rui next to her explained in a casual tone: "Tangtang went to SISU to find a classmate just now, so it took a little longer for me to chat."

Naturally, he brought the details of what happened just now to one sentence.

Tang Bingyao gave Zeng Rui a grateful look, and then nodded sharply to indicate that this was the case.

"All right."

Lin Feng nodded, and looked towards the front desk of the venue: "But there is no hurry, the first group of matches has not started yet, it seems that the organizer has not resolved the issue of commenting guests..."

Hearing this, Zeng Rui couldn't help frowning slightly:

"It's done,

The organizers must be too unreliable. "

"The four groups of BO3 will have to fight for a long time, and people from sixteen colleges and universities are waiting here, just for a guest commentator?"

"The family's ostentation is really big."

Tang Bingyao nodded in agreement: "Even if there is no guest commentator, it shouldn't affect the game."

Lin Feng touched his chin subconsciously, thoughtfully:

"It's kind of weird."

"However, if there must be a reasonable explanation for this kind of thing, then unless the commentator who came over today..."

"Is it really heavy?"


For the members of the SISU E-sports club, their team was placed in the second group match, and now they don’t even know when the first group will start, and the members of the e-sports club will inevitably complain and complain:

"What are you doing..."

"It was agreed to start at two o'clock, and now it's almost a quarter past two."

"It's just a top 16 match. Why do you have to wait for some guest commentator? It's fine if you just play."

"That's right, and what big-name commentators can we invite for a game of this size?"

"It's fine if it's such a big name as a domestic first-line popular commentator..."

This kind of delay in the game time will also affect the state of the participating teams. Not only the ordinary members of the Shanghai Foreign E-sports club feel uncomfortable, but several members of the team are also waiting a little impatiently.

Zou Siyuan, who is the captain of the Shangwai team, is also very restless at the moment.

Tang Bingyao was finally looking forward to it, but before he was pleasantly surprised, he had no chance to have more communication with Bingyao's schoolgirl, and the latter was taken away by a boy who suddenly appeared .

Just thinking of the scene where Tang Bingyao took the initiative to hold the boy's hand just now is enough to make Zou Siyuan feel angry at this moment.


No matter how you look at it, that boy is nothing more than ordinary, what qualifications does he have to behave so intimately with Bingyao junior?

In what way is Zou Siyuan inferior to others?

But so many times of his courteous gestures and proactive invitations, all he got in return was repeated rebuffs.

Why! ?

If it wasn't because he was in public and he was leading the team to prepare for the game later, he just wanted to rush over to Tang Bingyao and ask all of this clearly, who is that man! ?

Noticing the extremely gloomy and ugly face of the president, the auxiliary members of the foreign team next to him came up and whispered:

"President, that man just now seems to be from Fudan."

"Huh?" Zou Siyuan raised his eyebrows slightly when he heard this, and a glint of skepticism flashed in his eyes: "Continue talking."

The assistant continued to explain in a low voice:

"If I remember correctly, that guy should be the new assistant of the Fudan team this year. I heard that he is very strong. He is the most important seed they cultivated at Fudan University this year. He was directly selected as a regular player as soon as he entered the freshman year. gone."

"The name seems to be... Zeng or something, yes, it should be Zeng Rui."

Listening to the whispered reports from his team members, the expression on Zou Siyuan's face became slightly uncertain:

Zeng Rui?

The new assistant selected by the Fudan team?

It sounds like there is still a bit of background.

Immediately, the coldness in Zou Siyuan's eyes became even worse, but so what if he is a powerful new assistant of Fudan University, just because of this status, he wants to grab a woman with him?

That kid... is not worthy!

At the same time, several roommates of Tang Bingyao in dormitory 312 had also gathered together, chatting quietly and privately, as if listening to what Chen Mo whispered, both Zhou Xiaoyao and Zhang Jing were surprised. Can't help but slightly dilated:

"Momo, what do you mean..."

"The 'Maple' mentioned by Tangtang before is also here!?"

Zhou Xiaoyao's eyes lit up immediately, who was afraid that the world would not be chaotic:


"Things seem to be getting more and more interesting!!"

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Being dragged all the way by Tang Bingyao, Zeng Rui felt a little baffled at first, but with his mind recalling the situation just now, he immediately guessed the whole story in general.


"I came just in time."

Zeng Rui's eyes fell on Tang Bingyao, and he couldn't help laughing.

It was also pulling Zeng Rui out of the distance from everyone in the SISU E-sports club. At this time, Tang Bingyao let go of Zeng Rui's hand. Hearing the playful joke from her partner, the girl blushed a little:

"Yes, I'm sorry."

"But I just had no other choice."

Zeng Rui shook his head helplessly: "So as soon as you see me, you quickly use me as a shield, right?"

Tang Bingyao was a little cautious: "Yes..."

"Is there a suitor who likes you in the group of people in the SISU e-sports club just now?" Zeng Rui remembered that when Tang Bingyao stopped him just now, there was a tall and handsome boy among the SISU crowd whose face suddenly changed. Ugly: "That tall, handsome boy?"

Tang Bingyao hesitated, but finally made up her mind to tell Zeng Rui the truth:


"That's the president of our school's e-sports club, very annoying."

Zeng Rui raised his eyebrows: "President? His name is Zou Siyuan, he is one of the top 100 single kings in Dianyi, and his strength is not bad."

Zeng Rui basically knows about the core players of the major college teams in Shanghai. For example, Zou Siyuan, the mid laner captain of the foreign team, naturally also recorded a lot of information in his notebook. .

Tang Bingyao stuck out her tongue, with a look of disgust:

"I've said I don't like him, but he's still pestering me. It's super annoying."

"Also, what happened to the King of Electricity, so am I."

Speaking of which, the girl did not forget to wave her fist to show that she is also strong. Such a cute and charming demeanor can only be shown when facing a few close partners and friends whom she has known since high school.

Zeng Rui smiled: "Yes, anyway, it's even more incomparable with Fengzi, right?"

"Yeah!" Tang Bingyao nodded vigorously, suddenly remembered something, put her hands together, and pleaded pitifully to Zeng Rui: "A Zeng, please don't tell Fengzi about this, please...he doesn't know about it."

"Even if he knew, I guess he wouldn't take it seriously—" he casually complained, but Zeng Rui still nodded and agreed: "Don't worry, I won't say anything."

The two chatted while walking, and soon returned to Shangcai e-sports club.

Seeing Zeng Rui bring Tang Bingyao back, Lin Feng asked:

"Found it?"

Then he glanced at Tang Bingyao, a little puzzled:

"Why is it taking so long to go to the bathroom?"

Tang Bingyao bowed her head with a guilty conscience and said nothing, while Zeng Rui next to her explained in a casual tone: "Tangtang went to SISU to find a classmate just now, so it took a little longer for me to chat."

Naturally, he brought the details of what happened just now to one sentence.

Tang Bingyao gave Zeng Rui a grateful look, and then nodded sharply to indicate that this was the case.

"All right."

Lin Feng nodded, and looked towards the front desk of the venue: "But there is no hurry, the first group of matches has not started yet, it seems that the organizer has not resolved the issue of commenting guests..."

Hearing this, Zeng Rui couldn't help frowning slightly:

"This thing happened, the organizer is too unreliable."

"The four groups of BO3 will have to fight for a long time, and people from sixteen colleges and universities are waiting here, just for a guest commentator?"

"The family's ostentation is really big."

Tang Bingyao nodded in agreement: "Even if there is no guest commentator, it shouldn't affect the game."

Lin Feng touched his chin subconsciously, thoughtfully:

"It's kind of weird."

"However, if there must be a reasonable explanation for this kind of thing, then unless the commentator who came over today..."

"Is it really heavy?"


For the members of the SISU E-sports club, their team was placed in the second group match, and now they don’t even know when the first group will start, and the members of the e-sports club will inevitably complain and complain:

"What are you doing..."

"It was agreed to start at two o'clock, and now it's almost a quarter past two."

"It's just a top 16 match. Why do you have to wait for some guest commentator? It's fine if you just play."

"That's right, and what big-name commentators can we invite for a game of this size?"

"It's fine if it's such a big name as a domestic first-line popular commentator..."

This kind of delay in the game time will also affect the state of the participating teams. Not only the ordinary members of the Shanghai Foreign E-sports club feel uncomfortable, but several members of the team are also waiting a little impatiently.

Zou Siyuan, who is the captain of the Shangwai team, is also very restless at the moment.

Tang Bingyao was finally looking forward to it, but before he was pleasantly surprised, he had no chance to have more communication with Bingyao's schoolgirl, and the latter was taken away by a boy who suddenly appeared .

Just thinking of the scene where Tang Bingyao took the initiative to hold the boy's hand just now is enough to make Zou Siyuan feel angry at this moment.


No matter how you look at it, that boy is nothing more than ordinary, what qualifications does he have to behave so intimately with Bingyao junior?

In what way is Zou Siyuan inferior to others?

But so many times of his courteous gestures and proactive invitations, all he got in return was repeated rebuffs.

Why! ?

If it wasn't because he was in public and he was leading the team to prepare for the game later, he just wanted to rush over to Tang Bingyao and ask all of this clearly, who is that man! ?

Noticing the extremely gloomy and ugly face of the president, the auxiliary members of the foreign team next to him came up and whispered:

"President, that man just now seems to be from Fudan."

"Huh?" Zou Siyuan raised his eyebrows slightly when he heard this, and a glint of skepticism flashed in his eyes: "Continue talking."

The assistant continued to explain in a low voice:

"If I remember correctly, that guy should be the new assistant of the Fudan team this year. I heard that he is very strong. He is the most important seed they cultivated at Fudan University this year. He was directly selected as a regular player as soon as he entered the freshman year. gone."

"The name seems to be... Zeng or something, yes, it should be Zeng Rui."

Listening to the whispered reports from his team members, the expression on Zou Siyuan's face became slightly uncertain:

Zeng Rui?

The new assistant selected by the Fudan team?

It sounds like there is still a bit of background.

Immediately, the coldness in Zou Siyuan's eyes became even worse, but so what if he is a powerful new assistant of Fudan University, just because of this status, he wants to grab a woman with him?

That kid... is not worthy!

At the same time, several roommates of Tang Bingyao in dormitory 312 had also gathered together, chatting quietly and privately, as if listening to what Chen Mo whispered, both Zhou Xiaoyao and Zhang Jing were surprised. Can't help but slightly dilated:

"Momo, what do you mean..."

"The 'Maple' mentioned by Tangtang before is also here!?"

Zhou Xiaoyao's eyes lit up immediately, who was afraid that the world would not be chaotic:


"Things seem to be getting more and more interesting!!"

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