
Chapter 224: A Really Excellent ADC

The Japanese exchange student team on the blue side is indeed preparing for the big dragon to force the group.

Now the opponent purple side's middle and lower outer towers have been completely broken, and there is only one second tower on the top road left. Once the second tower on the opposite top road is removed, the blue side actually wants to go further to the high ground , on the contrary, it is a little troublesome.

After all, the purple side has an angel, a Lulu, and an ADC policewoman. The ability to clear troops and defend the tower is still very strong. If you really want to go to the high ground or force the team, it may cause accidents.

So at this time, for the blue team, the best choice is the big dragon to force the team.

This choice is also an order made by Jingu Sakura.

The reason is very simple, you can only give up all the outer towers, dragons and most of the wild resources, but do you dare to give up the big dragon?

If the big dragon is not used, then everything is fine, and the two sides can barely continue the stalemate for a while, but if even the big dragon is released, the purple army will have no chance of winning this game.

Looking across the small map, the light in Jingu Sakura's eyes flickered slightly:


That is to say, relying on this wave can determine the outcome.

"This wave, we must fight."

In the voice channel of the purple team, Deng Zhe, who is an auxiliary robot, took a deep breath and spoke in a deep voice.

Both Lu Ze and Sun Ming also showed a faint bitter look on their faces. Yes, this wave of opponents is finally about to start the big dragon to force the team. Even if they have no chance of winning the frontal team battle, this big dragon cannot easily let to the opponent.

Can only fight.

But can it win?

This question lingered in the minds of several members of the e-sports team, and no one had confidence.


"Can win."

Lin Feng's voice suddenly sounded, and his tone seemed calm and calm:

"Next, just pay attention to my command."


The game time is 27 minutes and 40 seconds. On the top road, the top lane barbarian king of the blue square Miyamoto Sugito also quickly retreated towards the river Dalongfjord after leading two waves of troops.

The next wave of team battles is very critical, and he can't take risks easily. If he is really blocked by the opponent's bread and directly killed and taken away, the remaining blue army on his side will fight the opponent in 4V5, but it will be left for the opponent. Here's the chance.

"The vision in Dalongfjord is ready."

In the voice channel of the blue team, Ito Sa, who is the team's assistant Anne, also inserted a real eye into the fjord, and then blocked a eye position for detecting accessories on the opposite side, and reported directly.

Sugito Miyamoto nodded:

"You can find an opportunity to ambush and try."

"Annie's flashing big moves are all there. If she can make the first move, she can fight directly by controlling the opponent's front row."

Hiroshi Aoki, who is a mid laner, also quickly answered:

"I'm still going to cut their policewoman."

"Now I have enough equipment, Ignite and Flash are also there, this time... that Caitlyn can't have a chance to output!"

His voice was full of confidence.

And such confidence is indeed not without reason. During this period of time, Hiroshi Aoki's mid-single shadow stream master equipment has indeed become more and more formed, and with all the dual summons in hand, cutting a crispy ADC female policewoman is definitely a must. No problem.

more importantly--

"The support belt on the opposite side is actually [ignite].


The corner of Sugito Miyamoto's mouth curled up slightly in mockery. In fact, this was all due to the blind selection mode used in this game. The opponent did not expect that the blue side would have this kind of lineup, otherwise if the opponent's robot With [Weakness], the protection of the policewoman can be much more secure.

But now...

It is estimated that the other side will also regret it to death.

The Japanese exchange students on the blue side seemed very relaxed. They believed that since there was only one ADC female policeman on the opposite side, they could play enough output, so their lineup would definitely be able to defeat their opponents during this period of time.

Only Jingu Sakura frowned slightly, thinking of someone's ADC female policeman's operation performance that was so stable that there was almost no mistake or omission, and reminded:

"Everyone, don't be careless."

"Still... be more careful."

Of course, even though she reminded her like this, Jingu Sakura herself didn't think there were many chances for a comeback in this wave of team battles.

After all, her own ADC, Vayne, is now fully developed.

In terms of team battle output, her output environment is definitely much stronger than that of the opposite female policeman, and she is destined to be able to play more harvesting operations.


The game time is 27 minutes and 55 seconds.

At this time, several members of the Zi Fang e-sports team have already controlled their heroes and rushed towards the river Dalong Fjord.

Lu Ze's top laner, Kyle, quickly brought his pawn line back to the mouth of the river on the top road, while Dou Zi controlled his jungler blind monk and also circled down from above to the river, ready to look for opportunities to cut into the opposite side from the flank or rear The formation starts the group first.

Deng Zhe, who is the team's assistant, controls the assistant robot to line up the triangular grass at the entrance of the river on the road, and the angel Kyle who quickly followed Lu Ze also walked towards the river.

As for Lin Feng's ADC female policewoman, after collecting the red buff she had just refreshed, Sun Ming's mid laner Lulu was next to her to protect her. The two walked into the river from the F4 wild area.

"The formation is a bit scattered——"

There was commotion among the audience, and many members and students of the e-sports club couldn't help but feel nervous for the purple people on the field:

"This kind of position looks like double-teaming..."

"But if the opponent directly takes the initiative, it will be difficult for the purple lineup that is cut into two halves to keep up with the support in the first place, right?"

But as soon as such a statement came out, someone immediately refuted it:


"In the narrow terrain of the river, you really squeeze all five people together. Don't you give the opposite Annie a chance to charge five with a flashing big move for free. If you are really charged, it will be called bombing, okay?"

"That's right, the Prince's EQ Erlian can easily pick up and fly several of them in one go."

"It's better to spread out, better to spread out!"

Each has its own reasons.

But at the same time, no matter whether it is on or off the field, everyone knows very well that in fact, no matter what kind of formation and booth the purple team is here, if this wave of team battles is to win, the most important thing to rely on is Lin Feng's ADC female policewoman this person.

As long as the policewoman has enough output time and space.

As long as the policewoman doesn't die.

So even if there is such a big passive disadvantage ahead, even if the headcount and economy have been opened up by the opponent's blue army, the purple army still has the power to fight in this wave of team battles!

"This wave must protect the policewoman."

"Be careful--"

"If you lose this wave, you will lose all!"

In the voice channel of the team, Dou Zi gave an order in a deep voice:

"Pay attention to Fengfeng's instructions for all arrangements, and don't make any arrangements by yourself!"

At this moment, the rest of the e-sports club team did not dare to be negligent, and nodded solemnly in response, while Deng Zhe's auxiliary robot had already made a big circle and returned to Lin Feng's policewoman for personal protection. .

One mid laner Lulu is not enough.

In this wave, the e-sports club team is also determined to save Lin Feng to death, but even with such a firm determination, few people dare not say that they have full confidence.

Lin Feng also knows very well that even if his teammates save himself in this wave of groups, he may not be able to save himself.

But it doesn't matter to him.

As if subconsciously recalling something, Lin Feng narrowed his eyes slightly for a moment. He remembered that his somewhat taciturn partner in the ADC position once said a very rare sentence:

A qualified ADC must know how to cooperate with teammates to fight.

But a truly top-notch ADC must not put all his hopes on his teammates.

Even in the worst and most dangerous battle situation, you have to believe that you will be able to destroy everything...

Harvest the audience!

***************************************************** *******************************

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The Japanese exchange student team on the blue side is indeed preparing for the big dragon to force the group.

Now the opponent purple side's middle and lower outer towers have been completely destroyed, and there is only one second tower on the top road left. Once the second tower on the opposite top road is removed, the blue side actually wants to go further to the high ground , on the contrary, it is a little troublesome.

After all, the purple side has an angel, a Lulu, and an ADC female policewoman. The ability to clear troops and defend the tower is still very strong. If you really want to go to the high ground or force the team directly, accidents may happen instead.

So at this time, for the blue team, the best choice is the big dragon to force the team.

This choice is also an order made by Jingu Sakura.

The reason is very simple, you can only give up all the outer towers, dragons and most of the wild resources, but do you dare to give up the big dragon?

If the big dragon is not used, then everything is fine, and the two sides can barely continue the stalemate for a while, but if even the big dragon is released, the purple army will have no chance of winning this game.

Looking across the small map, the light in Jingu Sakura's eyes flickered slightly:


That is, this wave can determine the outcome.

"This wave, we must fight."

In the voice channel of the purple team, Deng Zhe, who is an auxiliary robot, took a deep breath and spoke in a deep voice.

Both Lu Ze and Sun Ming also showed a faint bitter look on their faces. Yes, this wave of opponents is finally about to start the big dragon to force the team. Even if they have no chance of winning the frontal team battle, this big dragon cannot easily let to the opponent.

Can only fight.

But can it win?

This question lingered in the minds of several members of the e-sports team, and no one had confidence.


"Can win."

Lin Feng's voice suddenly sounded, and his tone seemed calm and calm:

"Next, just pay attention to my command."


The game time is 27 minutes and 40 seconds. On the top road, the top lane barbarian king of the blue square Miyamoto Sugito also quickly retreated towards the river Dalongfjord after leading two waves of troops.

The next wave of team battles is very critical, and he can't take risks easily. If he is really blocked by the opponent's bread and directly killed and taken away, the remaining blue army on his side will fight the opponent in 4V5, but it will be left for the opponent. Here's the chance.

"The vision in Dalongfjord is ready."

In the voice channel of the blue team, Ito Sa, who is the team's assistant Anne, also inserted a real eye into the fjord, and then blocked a eye position for detecting accessories on the opposite side, and reported directly.

Sugito Miyamoto nodded:

"You can find an opportunity to ambush and try."

"Annie's flashing big moves are all there. If she can make the first move, she can fight directly by controlling the opponent's front row."

Hiroshi Aoki, who is a mid laner, also quickly answered:

"I'm still going to cut their policewoman."

"Now I have enough equipment, Ignite and Flash are also there, this time... that Caitlyn can't have a chance to output!"

His voice was full of confidence.

And such confidence is indeed not without reason. During this period of time, Hiroshi Aoki's mid-single shadow stream master equipment has indeed become more and more formed, and with all the dual summons in hand, cutting a crispy ADC female policewoman is definitely a must. No problem.

more importantly--

"The support belt on the opposite side is actually [ignite]."

The corner of Sugito Miyamoto's mouth curled up slightly in mockery. In fact, this was all due to the blind selection mode used in this game. The opponent did not expect that the blue side would have this kind of lineup, otherwise if the opponent's robot With [Weakness], the protection of the policewoman can be much more secure.

But now...

It is estimated that the other side will also regret it to death.

The Japanese exchange students on the blue side seemed very relaxed. They decided that since there is only one ADC female policeman on the opposite side, they can play enough output, so their lineup is absolutely stable at this time.

Only Jingu Sakura frowned slightly, thinking of someone's ADC female policeman's operation performance that was so stable that there was almost no mistake or omission, and reminded:

"Everyone, don't be careless."

"Still... be more careful."

Of course, even though she reminded her like this, Jingu Sakura herself didn't think there were many chances for a comeback in this wave of team battles.

After all, her own ADC, Vayne, is now fully developed.

In terms of team battle output, her output environment is definitely much stronger than that of the opposite female policeman, and she is destined to be able to play more harvesting operations.


The game time is 27 minutes and 55 seconds.

At this time, several members of the Zi Fang e-sports team have already controlled their heroes and rushed towards the river Dalong Fjord.

Lu Ze's top laner, Kyle, quickly brought his pawn line back to the mouth of the river on the top road, while Dou Zi controlled his jungler blind monk and also circled down from above to the river, ready to look for opportunities to cut into the opposite side from the flank or rear The formation starts the group first.

Deng Zhe, who is the team's assistant, controls the assistant robot to line up the triangular grass at the entrance of the river on the road, and the angel Kyle who quickly followed Lu Ze also walked towards the river.

As for Lin Feng's ADC female policewoman, after collecting the red buff she had just refreshed, Sun Ming's mid laner Lulu was next to her to protect her. The two walked into the river from the F4 wild area.

"The formation is a bit scattered——"

There was commotion among the audience, and many members and students of the e-sports club couldn't help but feel nervous for the purple people on the field:

"This kind of position looks like double-teaming..."

"But if the opponent directly takes the initiative, it will be difficult for the purple lineup that is cut into two halves to keep up with the support in the first place, right?"

But as soon as such a statement came out, someone immediately refuted it:


"In the narrow terrain of the river, you really squeeze all five people together. Don't you give the opposite Annie a chance to charge five with a flashing big move for free. If you are really charged, it will be called bombing, okay?"

"That's right, the Prince's EQ Erlian can easily pick up and fly several of them in one breath."

"It's better to spread out, better to spread out!"

Each has its own reasons.

But at the same time, no matter whether it is on or off the field, everyone knows very well that in fact, no matter what kind of formation and booth the purple team is here, if this wave of team battles is to win, the most important thing to rely on is Lin Feng's ADC female policewoman this person.

As long as the policewoman has enough output time and space.

As long as the policewoman doesn't die.

So even if there is such a big passive disadvantage ahead, even if the headcount and economy have been opened up by the opponent's blue army, the purple army still has the power to fight in this wave of team battles!

"This wave must protect the policewoman."

"Be careful--"

"If you lose this wave, you will lose all!"

In the voice channel of the team, Dou Zi gave an order in a deep voice:

"Pay attention to Fengfeng's instructions for all arrangements, and don't make any arrangements by yourself!"

At this moment, the rest of the e-sports club team did not dare to be negligent, and nodded solemnly in response, while Deng Zhe's auxiliary robot had already made a big circle and returned to Lin Feng's policewoman for personal protection. .

One mid laner Lulu is not enough.

In this wave, the e-sports club team is also determined to save Lin Feng to death, but even with such a firm determination, few people dare not say that they have full confidence.

Lin Feng also knows very well that even if his teammates save himself in this wave of groups, he may not be able to save himself.

But it doesn't matter to him.

As if subconsciously recalling something, Lin Feng narrowed his eyes slightly for a moment. He remembered that his somewhat taciturn partner in the ADC position once said a very rare sentence:

A qualified ADC must know how to cooperate with teammates to fight.

But a truly top-notch ADC must not put all his hopes on his teammates.

Even in the worst and most dangerous battle situation, you have to believe that you will be able to destroy everything...

Harvest the audience!

***************************************************** *******************************

Update sent. . . I was late working overtime and just finished the update. . . . Finally, I can rest for half the morning today. . . .

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