
Chapter 214 Who Can Go First?

"A-turret-has-been-destroyed (a defensive tower was demolished)."

The game time is 9 minutes and 55 seconds.

Summoner's Canyon goes down the road, and the blue side's defensive outer tower is broken.

While the upper and middle lanes were successively killed by opponents or single kills or ganks, Dou Zi's jungler blind monk on the purple side chose to wander to the bottom lane, but the opposite blue side's assistant Ito Sa also The vision of the bottom lane is excellent, and the consciousness of the two people, including Jingu Sakura, is very keen. After sensing the movement of the blind monk, they decisively chose to abandon the tower and retreat.

This made Dou Zi's wave of roaming return in vain.

To be exact, it's not completely useless.

About ten minutes into the game, this was the first defensive tower to be removed, and the economic benefits brought by Lin Feng and Deng Zhe, who went down the road for the purple side, were also substantial enough.

Especially for Lin Feng, with this wave of defensive towers flattened and a wave of troops cleared, his ADC female police early equipment is about to take shape——


"The wave of endless speed-accelerating shoes can come out."

After scanning his economic column, Lin Feng nodded slightly.

Ten minutes of endlessly building attack speed boots, this speed is almost jaw-droppingly fast.

But just looking at someone's current record data, such a build efficiency is not surprising at all-4/1/0 KDA data, plus a full 103 CS.

Perfect to impeccable.

Even Jingu Sakura, who is the blue ADC Vayne, pressed the Tab key to open the battle information panel, and watched the female policewoman Lin Feng's last hits, couldn't help but bit her lips hard, and a trace of resignation flashed in her eyes look.

She is also an ADC. In contrast, her Vayne only has 57 CS in 10 minutes.

Ten minutes was nearly doubled.

Not to mention that the female policewoman on the opposite side is a complete set of shoes that will soon increase attack speed, but her own Vayne is only scattered small items such as 875 pickaxe, attack speed dagger, straw sandals and a vampire scepter. .

In terms of damage output ability, it is almost completely blown up at this stage.

"Miss, it's all right—"

Carefully observe the words and expressions, and noticed the unwilling expression on Jingu Sakura's face, Itosa, who is the assistant of the blue team, also comforted:

"On the opposite side is the policewoman who has developed well."

"Our lineup here includes Miyamoto-kun's barbarian king, Ueda-kun's prince, and Aoki-kun's robbery. They are definitely the heroes in the back row opposite Tianke. The female policeman will be stronger in the lane now, and when it comes to team battles Absolutely no chance of doing much damage."

Jingu Sakura took a deep breath, and her eyes returned to calm again:


"I know."


"That's why I said, don't be careless—"

When updating the equipment in the spring water of the base, Lin Feng sighed with some regret.

In this wave of returning to the city, his policewoman has indeed made both endless and attack speed shoes. The development of the ADC position is definitely not going well, but apart from one of his ADCs, the other positions, especially the upper Single and mid laners, but there are already some small collapses.

He had reminded Sun Ming and Lu Ze on his side before, to be careful of gank or even solo kills if the opponent catches the opportunity,

But the result is still the same.

Now the number of heads of the blue and purple sides on the field is basically the same, but the situation is for their purple team...

But not optimistic.

"Things are getting more and more extreme now."

In the front row of the audience, Feng Tao's expression on the side of dormitory 504 became a little serious:

"Now the blue team on the opposite side is fat in the top laner and mid laner. The ability to cut the back row is absolutely exaggerated. It's too easy to look for an ADC in seconds."

Qiu Le on the side also put away the yelling in front of him, and answered with a solemn face:

"But now on the purple side, only Fengzi's ADC female policewoman is the best developed."

"If you start fighting in groups from this time period, it is estimated that most of the purple team's output will fall on the female police."

This is exactly the same situation as when the two teams first drafted the lineup.

The purple side is here to guarantee four and one.

The blue side has identified the lineup routine of cutting the back row.

But in this way, all the problems and heavy burdens fell on Lin Feng alone. If the policewoman can survive the team battle and find a suitable output environment to deal enough damage output, then the team battle will definitely win , but once the policewoman is seconded, even if there are blind monks or angels in the purple team's lineup, the output ability is not enough at all.

"Or... delay it a little longer?"

Shen Zhuang expressed his opinion cautiously:

"If you let Lulu and Angel develop for a while, you should be able to increase the output a bit, right?"

Feng Tao shook his head:

"That's too late."

As he spoke, his eyes fell on the game screen on the computer screen in front of him:

"Soon, the first wave is about to start."



A signal marker was clicked by Lin Feng on the small map of the river Xiaolongfjord, and at the same time he spoke in the voice channel of the team:

"Little dragons make vision."

"This wave of opponents is probably coming to fight."

The other members of the Zi Fang E-sports Club team also nodded subconsciously. Lu Ze glanced across the road and quickly reported:

"The barbarians have returned to the city."

"It is estimated that he will also join the group in this wave."

Dou Zi nodded, and while controlling his jungler blind monk to rush towards Xiaolongfjord, he gave instructions: "Ah Ze, you angel, don't go on the road and lead the line, just get ready to come here."

Although Lu Ze's top laner Kyle has [Teleportation] in hand, given the current situation, it is absolutely unwise for Angel to lead the line on the top lane and wait until the team battle breaks out before teleporting into the field. The damage output of is not enough to complete the harvest after the second player enters the field.

Most of the output tasks fell on Lin Feng.

Protecting the ADC is the core task of their purple army in this wave of team battles.

Lu Ze nodded vigorously:


This wave of small dragons, in fact, the purple army is not suitable to fight head-on with the opponent, because Lulu and Angel have not developed yet; but in fact, to put it more bluntly, it is already a wave that has to be opened Team fight.

After all, their purple team's late-stage lineup is not stronger than their opponents.

On the contrary, it is now a period of time when Lin Feng's ADC female policeman is very strong. In the later stage, the ability of the barbarian king and the second-row man in the back row will only be stronger and more incomprehensible, and the output environment of the female policeman will be more restricted and threatened.

in addition……

"This one is a fire dragon—"

Deng Zhe took a deep breath with a solemn tone.

The first little dragon is the Purgatory Dragon, which is extremely important for both the blue and purple armies. Letting the blue team have an AD hero lineup with a strong ability to cut the back row will only make it even more powerful, but if they can let the purple team Obtaining the fire dragon is definitely the key to sending charcoal in the snow.

The game time is 10 minutes and 25 seconds.

Almost all the ten heroes of the blue and purple legions have gathered in front of the small dragon fjord in the river.

The e-sports club team on the purple side moved a step faster. Deng Zhe's auxiliary robot and Dou Zi's jungler blind monk set up the eye position vision near the river in advance, but at this time, they did not dare to take it easy Hastily opened the dragon.

"But you can't procrastinate like this—"

Some students in the audience murmured:

"The lineups on both sides...basically don't have too much poke ability."

"It depends on who can make the first move."

***************************************************** *******************************

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"A-turret-has-been-destroyed (a defensive tower was demolished)."

The game time is 9 minutes and 55 seconds.

Summoner's Canyon goes down the road, and the blue side's defensive outer tower is broken.

While the upper and middle lanes were successively killed by opponents or single kills or ganks, Dou Zi's jungler blind monk on the purple side chose to wander to the bottom lane, but the opposite blue side's assistant Ito Sa also The vision of the bottom lane is excellent, and the consciousness of the two people, including Jingu Sakura, is very keen. After sensing the movement of the blind monk, they decisively chose to abandon the tower and retreat.

This made Dou Zi's wave of roaming return in vain.

To be exact, it's not completely useless.

About ten minutes into the game, this was the first defensive tower to be removed, and the economic benefits brought by Lin Feng and Deng Zhe, who went down the road for the purple side, were also substantial enough.

Especially for Lin Feng, with this wave of defensive towers flattened and a wave of troops cleared, his ADC female police early equipment is about to take shape——


"The wave of endless speed-accelerating shoes can come out."

After scanning his economic column, Lin Feng nodded slightly.

Ten minutes of endlessly building attack speed boots, this speed is almost jaw-droppingly fast.

But just looking at someone's current record data, such a build efficiency is not surprising at all-4/1/0 KDA data, plus a full 103 CS.

Perfect to impeccable.

Even Jingu Sakura, who is the blue ADC Vayne, pressed the Tab key to open the battle information panel, and watched the female policewoman Lin Feng's last hits, couldn't help but bit her lips hard, and a trace of resignation flashed in her eyes look.

She is also an ADC. In contrast, her Vayne only has 57 CS in 10 minutes.

Ten minutes was nearly doubled.

Not to mention that the female policewoman on the opposite side is a complete set of shoes that will soon increase attack speed, but her own Vayne is only scattered small items such as 875 pickaxe, attack speed dagger, straw sandals and a vampire scepter. .

In terms of damage output ability, it is almost completely blown up at this stage.

"Miss, it's all right—"

Carefully observe the words and expressions, and noticed the unwilling expression on Jingu Sakura's face, Itosa, who is the assistant of the blue team, also comforted:

"On the opposite side is the policewoman who has developed well."

"Our lineup here includes Miyamoto-kun's barbarian king, Ueda-kun's prince, and Aoki-kun's robbery. They are definitely the heroes in the back row opposite Tianke. The female policeman will be stronger in the lane now, and when it comes to team battles Absolutely no chance of doing much damage."

Jingu Sakura took a deep breath, and her eyes returned to calm again:


"I know."


"That's why I said, don't be careless—"

When updating the equipment in the spring water of the base, Lin Feng sighed with some regret.

In this wave of returning to the city, his policewoman has indeed made both endless and attack speed shoes. The development of the ADC position is definitely not going well, but apart from one of his ADCs, the other positions, especially the upper Single and mid laners, but there are already some small collapses.

He had reminded Sun Ming and Lu Ze on his side before, to be careful of gank or even a solo kill if the opponent catches a chance, but the result is still the same.

Now the number of heads of the blue and purple sides on the field is basically the same, but the situation is for their purple team...

But not optimistic.

"Things are getting more and more extreme now."

In the front row of the audience, Feng Tao's expression on the side of dormitory 504 became a little serious:

"Now the blue team on the opposite side is fat in the top laner and mid laner. The ability to cut the back row is absolutely exaggerated. It's too easy to look for an ADC in seconds."

Qiu Le on the side also put away the yelling in front of him, and answered with a solemn face:

"But now on the purple side, only Fengzi's ADC female policewoman is the best developed."

"If you start fighting in groups from this time period, it is estimated that most of the purple team's output will fall on the female police."

This is exactly the same situation as when the two teams first drafted the lineup.

The purple side is here to guarantee four and one.

The blue side has identified the lineup routine of cutting the back row.

But in this way, all the problems and heavy burdens fell on Lin Feng alone. If the policewoman can survive the team battle and find a suitable output environment to deal enough damage output, then the team battle will definitely win , but once the policewoman is seconded, even if there are blind monks or angels in the purple team's lineup, the output ability is not enough at all.

"Or... delay it a little longer?"

Shen Zhuang expressed his opinion cautiously:

"If you let Lulu and Angel develop for a while, you should be able to increase the output a bit, right?"

Feng Tao shook his head:

"That's too late."

As he spoke, his eyes fell on the game screen on the computer screen in front of him:

"Soon, the first wave is about to start."



A signal marker was clicked by Lin Feng on the small map of the river Xiaolongfjord, and at the same time he spoke in the voice channel of the team:

"Little dragons make vision."

"This wave of opponents is probably coming to fight."

The other members of the Zi Fang E-sports Club team also nodded subconsciously. Lu Ze glanced across the road and quickly reported:

"The barbarians have returned to the city."

"It is estimated that he will also join the group in this wave."

Dou Zi nodded, and while controlling his wild blind monk to rush towards Xiaolongfjord, he gave instructions: "Ah Ze, you angel, don't go on the road and lead the line, and get ready to come here."

Although Lu Ze's top laner Kyle has [Teleportation] in hand, given the current situation, it is absolutely unwise for Angel to lead the line on the top lane and wait until the team battle breaks out before teleporting into the field. The damage output of is not enough to complete the harvest after the second player enters the field.

Most of the output tasks fell on Lin Feng.

Protecting the ADC is the core task of their purple army in this wave of team battles.

Lu Ze nodded vigorously:


This wave of small dragons, in fact, the purple army is not suitable to fight head-on with the opponent, because Lulu and Angel have not developed yet; but in fact, to put it more bluntly, it is already a wave that has to be opened Team fight.

After all, their purple team's late-stage lineup is not stronger than their opponents.

On the contrary, it is a period of time when Lin Feng's ADC female policeman is very strong. In the later stage, the ability of the barbarian king and the second man in the back row will only be stronger and more incomprehensible, and the output environment of the female policeman will be more restricted and threatened.

in addition……

"This one is a fire dragon—"

Deng Zhe took a deep breath with a solemn tone.

The first little dragon is the Purgatory Dragon, which is extremely important for both the blue and purple armies. Letting the blue team have an AD hero lineup with a strong ability to cut the back row will only make it even more powerful, but if they can let the purple team Obtaining the fire dragon is definitely the key to sending charcoal in the snow.

The game time is 10 minutes and 25 seconds.

Almost all the ten heroes of the blue and purple legions have gathered in front of the small dragon fjord in the river.

The e-sports club team on the purple side moved a step faster. Deng Zhe's auxiliary robot and Dou Zi's jungler blind monk set up the eye position vision near the river in advance, but at this time, they did not dare to take it easy Hastily opened the dragon.

"But you can't procrastinate like this—"

Some students in the audience murmured:

"The lineups on both sides...basically don't have too much poke ability."

"It depends on who can make the first move."

***************************************************** *******************************

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