
Chapter 179 Who is this guy!

The barrage in the live broadcast room was lively and noisy, but it seemed to have a very good atmosphere. This is why many big anchors in other live broadcast rooms are extremely envious of Su Xue——

After all, the more popular the live broadcast room, the easier it is for all kinds of low-quality troll trolls to appear, who can make a random rhythm and make the anchor and the water friends unhappy.

But that's not the case in Su Xue's live broadcast room.

Everyone used the bullet screen to chat and complain about all kinds of joy, even if they were directly and boldly joking with the anchor, the atmosphere was still harmonious and harmonious, there would be no problems at all, and the relationship with each other was also very close. The anchor or the house manager made a move, but was immediately suppressed by other water friends with countless barrages.

And looking at the lively barrage in the live broadcast room, Su Xue's mood suddenly became better:

"Hey, the big guy came very quickly—"

"Are you free at night?"

"Tsk tsk, you can tell at a glance that they are also single dogs, and there is no nightlife at all."

For Su Xue, she can make such jokes casually, without worrying about any repercussions at all. The relationship between her and these old fans and water friends in the live broadcast room is already too close, almost like friends and family.

And the more she is busy with LSPL's commentary work these days, the more she will think about the live broadcast room when she is busy.

It can even be said that although the current anchor work has gradually given way to the LSPL commentary work, from the beginning to the end, in Su Xue's heart, this "Suhang Yexue" live broadcast room on the Douyu TV live broadcast platform has always been It is a haven for her soul. When she is tired, she will come back to rest for a while, and she will be able to regain her spirits and start again immediately.

"Damn, does a dead woman need to stab a knife as soon as the broadcast starts!"


"My heart is so cold, I feel that I have suffered a huge mental injury."


"Report if you don't apologize!"

Regarding Su Xue's joke, a group of fans in the live broadcast room were also laughing and swiping the barrage, pretending to be outraged and playing together. In fact, everyone was in a good mood. After all, Su Xue's last live broadcast It has been two days, and now that the live broadcast room is open again, everyone is excited.


Soon, some viewers noticed that the scene in the camera lens of today's live broadcast room was different from usual, and their eyes widened:

"Hey Xuexue, where are you?"

"Not at home?"

"Am I relying on this to be at a hot pot restaurant?"

"Outdoor live broadcast! It's been a long time since we've done outdoor live broadcasting!"

Immediately, the entire live broadcast room became excited again. You must know that although the main content of Su Xue's live broadcast should be the League of Legends game, for the vast majority of fans in the live broadcast room, they usually watch too many games. On the contrary, this kind of daily live broadcast content makes them more interested——

Just like the one on New Year's Eve this year...

The popularity effect of the live broadcast is simply not too good!

Su Xue looked at the barrage on the screen in the live broadcast room, with a smiley expression on her face: "Yes, I'm eating hot pot tonight, just thinking that the broadcast hasn't started in the past two days, I'll give you a small broadcast tonight, come on , look who's at the table—"

While speaking, Su Xue moved the camera of the phone to the side.

The first person to enter the camera screen was Lin Feng.

Someone waved at the camera:


"Everyone, long time no see."

Seeing Lin Feng's figure, the fans of Shuiyou became restless and boiled again: "Fucking Fengfeng!" "Damn it, did Xuexue come out to eat hot pot with Fengfeng? Fengfeng, you haven't shown your face in the live broadcast room for a long time!" "Before you promised to come back twice a week for live broadcast!" "Liar! We are sad!"

However, such barrage remarks did not last long. Suddenly, some water friends in the live broadcast room noticed a familiar figure sitting next to Lin Feng in the corner of the camera screen, and they were immediately excited:

"Fuck, who is sitting next to Fengfeng!?"

"Is it Tangtang!!?"

"Fengfeng get out of the way! Let Tangtang girl be on camera!"

"I rely on Tangtang, I miss you so much!!"

In such an instant, the wind in the live broadcast room turned sharply, and someone who had just been welcomed as the focus of attention was suddenly left out in the cold, and all the fans and water friends couldn't wait to urge them to swipe the barrage and shout Tang Bingyao's name.

So the next moment, Su Xue's phone camera moved to Tang Bingyao.

The girl's pure and beautiful face appeared in the center of the camera screen in the live broadcast room.

The next moment——

The live broadcast room was completely boiling and sensational.

Sugar! !

My dear brother, you are really Tangtang! !

Immediately, the bullet screen was completely rioted, and there were a lot of bullet screen information such as "Tangtang long time no see", "I'm so moved to tears", "Tangtang party finally ushered in a beautiful spring again", "Tangtang, we miss you". Almost the entire screen of the live broadcast was maxed out.

Tang Bingyao also watched happily, and waved at the camera: "Hi everyone."

A large group of Tangtang fans were about to pass out from happiness again, followed by a burst of tears from being moved, damn, how long has it been since Tangtang came to the live broadcast room last time, these diehard fans really waited forever Thank you, finally looking forward to it again.

At this moment, Dou Zi was also on the live broadcast room with her mobile phone on, and seeing such a barrage of bullet screens passing by, she couldn't help feeling a sigh of relief:

"Hey, it's really..."

"Tangtang, you haven't come for a long time, everyone in the studio misses you so much."

A large number of fans and water friends in the live broadcast room nodded repeatedly:

"That's right, that's right!"

"This is telling the truth!"

"That's it!"

But then everyone suddenly reacted, hey, that's not right, wait a minute, who is this guy who just spoke, and there is another person, it seems to be a man?

Just at this time, Su Xue also moved the camera angle of view to Dou Zi's body. Facing the camera, Dou Zi subconsciously felt a little nervous. She barely moved her stiff facial muscles and showed a smile that she thought was natural and sincere:

"Hi, hello guys in the studio~"

However, such warm and sincere smiles and greetings, it seems that no one is willing to buy it:

"Who is this guy?"

"never seen it!"

"It's definitely not a good thing to have a sullen face!"

"Want to strike up a conversation with us? Dreaming!"

A series of righteous and blunt accusations made Dou Zi want to cry while watching the barrage, and Su Xue who was next to her almost burst out laughing, but she kindly came out to help out:

"Okay, okay, this guy is also an old water friend in our live broadcast room."

"Those who have been in the live broadcast room for a long time should have heard of his ID—"

"Douzi, do you have any impression?"

As soon as Su Xue's explanation came out, the water friends in the live broadcast room finally became quiet, and many people began to wake up:

"Oh, beans!"

"Aren't we a group of brothers?"

"Based on how he looks, it's no wonder he looks almost familiar with us."

"He's really an acquaintance."

Dou Zi heaved a sigh of relief, just about to show a smiling face and chat with these old brothers in the live broadcast room casually, but the bullet screen in the live broadcast room rioted again in the next moment:

"***Douzi! It's fine to hook up with Fengfeng, but the goddamn one actually met real Xuexue!!"

"We haven't seen it yet! It was actually preempted by you!!"

"Still eating hot pot! How shameless!!"

"The organization can't tolerate a traitor like you, and a group of fans decided to fire you!!"

Even Su Xue was dumbfounded.

Dou Zi almost didn't faint——

Depend on……

These old brothers of my own really don't give me any face.

***************************************************** *******************************

The update is here, the third update is a bit late. . . But it was finally given.

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