
Chapter 177: Three People

A group platoon was easily won in 15 minutes, followed by Lin Feng and the other five quickly started the next round.

The position of the lineup remains unchanged.

Then it was still another crushing and slinging that started from the three-lane matchup in the early stage.

As a jungler, Dou Zi is completely convinced. Tian Tian on the top lane is indeed the strongest professional top laner in the world today. It turned out that Kenan did the same and suppressed Rambo on the opposite side so that he had no power to fight back.

When I watched the live broadcast of the LPL professional league before, I might not feel anything...

But now he has personally experienced how powerful "Yuan Shen" is as a teammate.

Completely like a steady mountain, you never need to worry about whether there will be any problems on the road. It is a reliable top lane teammate who can make people completely rest assured and leave their backs to the opponent.

Even Dou Zi can't help but think wildly, thinking that KG has a top laner like Yuanshen sitting in charge, and now it's a game version where the top laner dominates, and any other opponent team in the national server can't find a single point that will lose the game The reason--

"Oh, Fatty is in good shape recently."

Lin Feng also gave a compliment in this way.

Tian Tian was a little embarrassed by the praise: "Recently I have been playing training games, and I feel that the touch is okay... But it is still not enough. When I meet the strong teams from South Korea, North America and Europe in the finals, I still can't do it. Guaranteed to be able to carry on the road."

Su Xue couldn't help but interjected:

"Fatty, you have too high demands on yourself, don't you?"

"In the world's professional e-sports circle, how many people can guarantee that they will meet so many world-class top players in a place like the S-League, and they can guarantee a carry?"

"Even the Four Emperors may not be able to do it, right?"

Tian Tian shook his head:

"That's different."

"Our KG's overall strength is not as good as the strongest teams, such as Fate in Korea, Legend in Europe, and Season in North America. Even if there is no core carry point, the team's tactical execution ability is still five The tacit cooperation and sense of rhythm of the players are still as strong as they are, and they still have the ability to win.


"KG just can't do that."

"If I don't have an advantage as a core top laner, we KG will have no chance of winning with other abilities."

After speaking, Tian Tian's tone became a little lower, and suddenly the atmosphere of the topic seemed a little heavy.

Su Xue was dumbfounded.

Because now, as the official commentator of the national server LSPL League One, she also has a deep understanding of the situation of the national server team:

Players of various first-tier and second-tier professional teams in the national service will not be much weaker than professional players in other competition areas in terms of personal ability, and may even be stronger; The tacit understanding will be widened by teams from other divisions.

In the league of their own national server, all the teams are in this state anyway, so there won't be a big problem.

But once in the S-League...

Facing the world-class top teams with near-perfect personal strengths and overall strengths, the deficiencies in the overall abilities of the top-line teams in the national server were immediately exposed.

Tian Tian's "All China Class" KG team had this very typical problem.

Because the core of KG's tactics revolves around Tian Tian alone, if Tian Tian's top laner can stand up, KG has a great chance of winning, but if Tian Tian is targeted so that he can't play the rhythm early, the team's overall chance of winning is also low. To be reduced to a precarious extent.

Success or failure, all fell on Tian Tian alone.

"But... this tactical arrangement is very unhealthy."

Dou Zi couldn't hold back and said:

"Winning a game should rely on the concerted efforts of the five members of the team. Now KG pins all his hope chips on Yuanshen alone, which is too unreasonable."

In the words, he couldn't help but feel a little aggrieved for Tian Tian.

On the other hand, Lin Feng said leisurely:

"It doesn't make sense and there is no way."

"The overall situation of KG's current team is like this. If you have to rely on tactics and teamwork to compete against the strong teams in Europe, America and South Korea, you just can't compete."

"Fighting operations will only make yourself more and more broken."

"If you want to win, you can only rely on Fatty's top lane to achieve results."


After a pause, Lin Feng seemed to speak casually and said another sentence:

"A professional player who is good enough, even if it is an unreasonable task, has to rely on his own strength to make sense."

Dou Zi was stunned.

Then subconsciously, there was an inexplicable shivering feeling with goosebumps all over his body.

This sentence……

Although it is an understatement, but somehow it has a domineering and infectious power that makes people's blood boil.

Tang Bingyao looked at Lin Feng even more, her eyes sparkled even more, full of undisguised admiration.

Tian Tian nodded, and said in a serious tone:

"Fengzi is right."

"So it's just that I'm not strong enough."

"And in fact, back then... there was more than one person who could do this by relying on strength."

Relying on his own strength, he was able to carry the entire game, even in the S-series World Finals. No matter how he was targeted, and no matter how harsh the environmental conditions were, he could still ensure that he was invincible all the way. , can be said to be invincible forever——

In today's world of professional e-sports circles, even the "Moon Emperor" Moon, "Phoenix" Phoenix, and "Autumn Emperor" Autumn among the Four Emperors dare not say that they can achieve this level.

Only F-Han Shihao, the head of the Four Emperors, really proved this mythical and legendary feat with his six-year record.

And in fact...

Apart from Han Shihao, there were two other people in the e-sports circle who were qualified to receive this evaluation.

One is undoubtedly Maple Lin Feng who was known as the "Maple Emperor" back then.


It was also a partner of someone in the team that year.

Even, strictly speaking——

The teammate of Lin Feng and Tian Tian is even more qualified than Lin Feng to receive this top honor evaluation.


Originally, it was almost time for dinner, but in just one or two hours, Lin Feng and the five were so efficient in scoring in the Dian-Ionia group that they finished the game in one go. A full four rounds of ranking.

And it all ends within half an hour.

Four in a row.

Su Xue looked satisfied: "Yes, yes, this is a good pace!"

If she can continue to play at this pace and efficiency, she can even look forward to her account reaching the master division before the end of this season.

Lin Feng rubbed his belly:

"Hey, I'm a little hungry."

"Your boy is thinking about eating all day long..." Su Xue rolled her eyes, but she looked down at the time and nodded her head: "But it seems that it's almost time for dinner, why don't you come here first and have dinner Say it again."

So a few people got up, and Dou Zi, who was the most diligent, was ready to go to the front desk to check out. Tang Bingyao and Su Xue also followed from the box after turning off the computer. Only Lin Feng moved slower, and was going to talk to the voice before turning off YY. Tian Tian at the other end of the channel said hello:

"Fatty, I'll get off first."

"I'll find you later when I'm free."

As he spoke, as if thinking of something, he added a question:

"Oh right."

"What do you think of Douzi's jungler? It's not bad, right?"

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I'm guilty. . . Originally scheduled to get up at 12 o'clock to update, but overslept. . . The next chapter is around 6 o'clock.

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